Young Knife God

Chapter 268 The Great War is Coming

The lion king's huge body hugged Jeddah tightly, and there was a horrible smile on his face, "Jida, I don't want you to leave. I need you,"

"But you promised me that as long as I stay with you for three years, you will release my father."

"Naturally, I will release your father, but you still have to stay with me. If you still insist on leaving, then your father may go to prison again. Have you thought about such a result?"

Hearing the lion king's shameless questioning, Jeddah's face showed a murderous atmosphere. She pushed away the lion king and held her hand tightly and said coldly, "If so, let me end everything between us." After saying this, she turned away from the once warm embrace, and her expression became extremely cold.

"Jida, come back. What should I do if you leave?"

The lion king's expression was somewhat helpless, and there was a trace of pleading between the corners of his eyes. The huge tiger claws hit the ground heavily and shook a piece of light.

But Jeddah has come out of his divine line and doesn't know where he is going?

He was shocked, turned over and sat up, and walked out of the house.

The cold moon poured on the ground like water, and the white light shone into his body, reflecting a bleak moonlight. Under a big tree 30 steps away, a slender woman was bowing her head and crying.

The Lion King couldn't bear it and quietly leaned over, but found that the girl's eyes were looking at him bitterly. He didn't allow him to approach, and a bloody knife stabbed into his arm.

The blood suddenly gushed out, as if he had no intention to dodge, just for the girl to have a happy diarrhea,

There are many kinds of happiness between heaven and earth that are based on each other's pain. Some people are extremely painful even if they are happy.

So all this seems to be to get the forgiveness and sympathy of the other party, but also to have fun for yourself,

So after the knife stabbed into his body, the girl was stunned, stepped back a few steps, and looked at him with a pale face, as if a desperate and regretful expression appeared on her face.

There was a soft moan at the corners of his mouth and said with concern, "Are you okay?"

God knows that if she goes down with a knife, she will be hurt so badly. Is there anything she can see? Oh, but she wants to ask it out so stupidly. In this way, it makes the Lion King a little laugh and cry.

"What a bold woman, a woman of a family dares to assassinate my Lion King. Come on, take down Jeddah for me," a dark shadow came through the space in the shadow. Once the breath that has been as quiet as water breaks out, the destructive power will be extremely powerful,

Jida was shocked. Just as Jida was in mid-air and was about to hit a stone behind him, a pair of strong and powerful hands caught her in time and said in a low voice, "Let her go. I said, I don't want to fight with the woman I like." The Lion King's face became gloomy, as if he was not affectionate with the nosy dark eagle in front of him.

"Yes, I don't know. I have offended the Lion King. Please forgive me." The shadow slowly retracted into the shadow. At this time, the lion king had already entered the room with the beauty in his arms. Seeing that Jeddah was sound, the Lion King's face flashed with a concerned smile.

"It's good that you're fine, oh, you know I love you the most, but it's unacceptable for you to leave like this. If you really want to leave, I won't stop you," a guilty expression flashed on Lion King's face.

Jida was surprised, and a trace of excitement inevitably flashed in his heart.

The two looked at each other silently and were speechless for a long time.

However, the atmosphere has quietly resolved the embarrassment of the swordsman meeting in the eyes of both sides.


In the forest of Warcraft, a fiery red flame foal ran like lightning. A magic pig ran slowly and shot an arrow at the horseman. Suddenly, he howled and turned around and jumped back at the archer with a fierce appearance.

This magic pig is the size of an ordinary cow and weighs more than 1,000 pounds, so its power is even more amazing when running.

With a sudden, he rushed from a distance. With a dexterous flash, the strong pig's head hit a hundred-year-old pine. With a blast, he actually broke the empty waist and thick centennial pine, turned his head to the ground, opened his blood basin again, and rushed to the archer fiercely.

"Brother Xiao, be careful," accompanied by a silver bell-like soft cry, a shadow flew out of the half thorn, and a punch hit the magic pig. The huge magic pig actually shook its body fifty steps away under this seemingly weak fist. He hummed and lay motionless like a dead pig, leaving only hum Humph,

At the moment it was bombarded, everyone clearly heard the sound of fractures in its body, like popcorn.

Xiao Tie looked at the beautiful hero unexpectedly,

It turned out to be a young and beautiful girl, Olan. Since she followed her side, she has been constantly learning the secret skills of her family, the magic skills of split bones. This broken bone fist really came out, and the tiger became powerful. At the first try, she interrupted a magic pig weighing more than 1,000 catties. It seems that she The cultivation is really not covered,

Xiao Tie smiled and whistled. Dozens of guards who had been with him immediately raised the magic hunter who had lost his resistance and threw him into the carriage.

"Oh, Boss Xiao, this pig is the biggest prey I hit today. Oh, you see, the car is full. It seems that Brother Xiao's archery is good. Such a difficult thing has been hit. Oh, it is worthy of being a divine archer,"

A mercenary captain extended a thumb to Xiao Tie with a look of appreciation,

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Of course, there is also the credit of Oran today. If it hadn't been for Oran's broken bone palm, I'm afraid that this demon pig would have escaped a few hundred meters to fall."

The two said as they tied up the magic pig, got out of the car with a huge animal, and then returned with a small group of mercenaries. Xiao Tie was exhausted and waved to Oran. Oran came to his side, jumped lightly and threw himself into his arms.

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Olan, you are so beautiful today."

Olan listened to Xiao Tie's boasting voice, and a red cloud floated on his face, which made a beautiful pink face a little touching ** color,

Xiao Tie turned his head and shouted, "Ha, today's hunting is complete. Oh, these monsters will kill and mend their bodies. We must fight with the enemy after recovering our bodies and regaining our strength, hehe,"

"Brother Xiao, you don't play as much as me today. It seems that you are determined to lose. Do you remember what we said before?" In the face of Oran's question,

Xiao Tie pretended to be indifferent and shook his head, "Oh, it seems that we haven't said anything about this,"

"Ha, you still play tricks and don't keep your words. Ha, I don't want to play with you. I'm tired. I'm going to take a break and then argue with you." "Beautiful Oran got off the horse and reached out to touch the prey he just hit, and couldn't help but be surprised,,

"It's so fat and big."

Driving, Xiao Tie patted the horse's buttocks hard. The red flame horse, with a hisshrill, stood up, and his feet soared half a foot in the air, as if floating up. He gently stroked the ground half a foot from the ground, and a huge driving force pushed his body forward at a rocket-like speed.

It's strange that countless towering giant trees in the forest could not stop its flying pace. In a blink of an eye, it ran away for miles with Xiao Tie.

A grand party is being held on an empty grass,

The elegant music slowly sounded, and the beautiful men and women slowly danced, slowly dancing a song on this picturesque prairie, a touching melody,

On the other side of the party, some servants have set up huge torches and are making barbecue. Several of these huge monsters have been killed, cut off some pieces of meat with knives and skewered them into skewers. This is Xiao Tie's first creation on the planet. After his personal promotion, this kind of barbecue slowly It has become popular throughout the continent,

"Xiao Tie took Oran's hand and danced affectionately together in the intoxicating music,

On the other side of the jade chair, there are several beautiful ladies who are dressed. At this moment, they are looking intently at Xiao Tie and his dance partners.

There are bright eyes in his eyes,

"I heard that this proud general is Xiao Tie, the emperor of the whole hungry wolf empire? But I see that his age does not seem to be proportional to his age. Such a genius is really enviable."

A girl in a white skirt secretly looked at the beauty beside Xiao Tie,


said dissatisfiedly, "Yes, I've been here for a long time and ignored us. Oh, it seems that we are sitting on the bench here today, ah," a purple-haired girl laughed at herself.

She is younger than a girl. She was originally the daughter of a rich local businessman. Since the orcs occupied this area, their family's life has changed from rich to poor, and her father was also captured as a slave, so she defected to Xiao Tie's hungry wolf empire. It turned out that Xiao After a series of violent expansion, Tie not only expanded his territory hundreds of times, but also occupied the Warcraft forest. At this time, it aroused the dissatisfaction of several races nearby. However, under Xiao Tie's full attack and negotiation, he actually turned enemies into friends and armed more than a dozen tribes on the edge of the forest. This is equivalent to adding 20,000 new forces in vain. For this, Xiao Tie was busy for a few days. Under his sincere move, these tribes finally agreed to the request of merger.

Now Xiao Tie has changed the flag from the flag of a previous hungry wolf group to the flag of the hungry wolf empire,