Young Knife God

Chapter 284 Challenger

The moonlight water sprinkled on the ground, and Xiao Tie quietly walked back to his residence. Along the way, he was safe and did not encounter the harassment of the orcs

When he returned to the house, he was about to go in quietly, but he heard a smile in the room. Someone said indifferently, "Brother Xiao is so late that he is still hanging out. Is it really suspicious?"

I heard that the voice was an amethyst girl. Xiao Tie smiled and walked into the house, but saw the light burning in the room. Oran looked at him suspiciously.

It seems that he is still worried,

"Brother Xiao, why are you still going out so late? You should know that there are so many poisonous things in the World of Warcraft Forest. We were still worried about you just now. Unexpectedly, you came back safely, but let us two worry about you for nothing all night."

Olan's nose is slightly shrugged, and faint tears flashed in his eyes,

Xiao Tie knew that Olan had always been very concerned about himself. It was indeed a dangerous thing to take such a risk to go out in a different place where he was not familiar with him, so he was busy coaxing Olan and repeatedly promised that he would not do it again. Only then showed a long-lost smile on his face and came out with a smile. Xiao Tie saw the outside. Before dawn, the two women's clothes were thin, and they were also very happy for a moment. They hurriedly hugged the two beauties to **. They had to warm up again before they fell asleep. Although the two beautiful women were extremely shy, they made him a lot of pleasure, and they couldn't sleep all night. They only hated the short dream of the golden night.

At dawn, Xiao Tie woke up two well-dressed beauties.

After getting dressed, he followed Xiao Tie to the hall where he went yesterday to meet the old demon. After all, today is the first day, and the old demon is also in a very good mood. In the past few days, he has captured a large number of magic crystals of Warcraft, so except for some alchemy, the rest is given to the demon kings below. All the way, it's boiling up and down,

"Brother Xiao, hey, you came on time." Seeing Xiao Tie, an excited glow flashed on the face of the old demon,

Throw a few middle-level magic crystals at hand to Xiao Tie as a gift. "I gained a lot yesterday, so I rewarded the following points. Oh, there is not much left, so I will reward you these magic crystals."

Xiao Tie was inexplicably excited. Hey, it seems that the seven or eight large magic crystals in his hand seem to be the magic crystals of some large monsters. You know, he had already experienced the power of monsters in the battle with the snake demon last night. Unexpectedly, this old demon had slaughtered so many high-level and middle-level monsters overnight. It seems that his The ability must be far above the snake demon, but now I have to restrain my edge.

Boom, seeing that Xiao Tie received so many magic crystal rewards in the hands of the old demon before he could make an inch of meritorious service, a demon general stood up and pointed to Xiao Tie and asked, "Brother, this boy has just gone up the mountain and hasn't made an inch of merit. You must have treated him so much. Presumably have some extraordinary skills on your body," his eyes swept Xiao Tie, as if Full of hostility, Xiao Tie stayed quietly in place, with a straight waist and a little light in his eyes.

"The boy surnamed Xiao, I, General Feiyan, want to open my eyes today to see what ability you dare to despise me so much. Oh, today I'm going to compare with you. The person who lost has to drill through the other party's file and give the magic crystal in his hand to the other party. Do you dare to accept such a challenge?"

His hot eyes shot at Xiao Tie's body like an arrow, but at this moment, Xiao Tie snorted fearlessly and laughed, "Since General Feiyan looks up to us, let's accompany him. Oh, the two sides are fighting and have no eyes. If you die, don't blame him. Fang's hands are black?" Looking at Xiao Tie's arrogant look, General Feiyan's face became more and more blurred. A pair of strange eyes scanned Xiao Tie up and down, as if he wanted to see some abnormalities from Xiao Tie's body.

"Okay, then I will accept this condition,"

On a grass in front of the hall, in a large circle surrounded by everyone, two people looked at each other face to face, but no one did it first.

Boom, a light smoke rises,

In the palm of General Feiyan, a strong smoke rose up,

These smoke gathered into a grimace in front of him, roared, roared, and suddenly bit Xiao Tie.

This spiritual thing is called beast smoke, which is also one of the unique weapons of the orcs. It is said that it must take more than a thousand years of cultivation to become this spiritual product, but the flying smoke general in front of him is only a few decades old. How can he have such a cultivation? It seems that there must be something strangeness in it.

Although I am not afraid of him, this person is strong and strong, coupled with his innate spiritual cultivation, he must be very interesting in this battle.

I saw this beast smoke bite my head. I knew it was strange. My hands bounced, and unexpectedly flew several rays in the palm of my hand. The light of purple flames sank into the dark beast smoke. Suddenly, it was like a river into the sea, and I was lost in an instant.

And the animal smoke only vibrated slightly and stopped,

General Feiyan's fingers moved, as if he could remotely control this flying smoke. Xiao Tie sneered, bounced up, and a fist shadow poured into the beast smoke. The newly condensed beast smoke disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Tie's figure crossed the barrier of the beast smoke, and with a punch on the top of General Feiyan's head, General Feiyan hummed, and his body flew down for several steps.

He vomited out with a mouthful of blood. At the moment of his punch, Xiao Tie's hand touched him and put several high-level magic crystals in his pocket.

The man fell to the ground, but slowly stood up with the help of others for a long time. At this moment, Xiao Tiewei stood in front of him, as gloomy and horrible as a killing god.

"Oh, this boy really has something abnormal. That is to say, this punch can disperse the famous smoke of the orc, which is really rare. It seems that our lord, like a torch, is quite discerning. "Several orcs are talking on one side, and they don't seem to sympathize with the injured fly at all. Smoke,

You should know that most of the orcs gain the respect of others by their strength, so this defeated guy has naturally become the object of everyone's contempt.

This made General Feiyan extremely painful. He slowly stood up,

He looked at the people around him with a confused face. Since the old demon is the king of monsters and a man of equal grace and prestige, he saw the defeat of General Feiyan. Although he also hated Feiyan in his heart, there was a sunny smile on his expression and said indifferently, "Feiyan, since you have been defeated, go down first. I won't blame you. In addition, I will make up a copy of everything you lost in the future."

It was even more uncomfortable than killing him. For a moment, his face was gray, he bit his lips, and his eyes were full of tears.

Senran said, "General, if you really want this, then let me make a sacrifice,"

The orcs have always respected the wind of the strong, so a defeated person will not only lose everything he has received before, but also be looked down on by people from various ministries. It is better to die than to live with such humiliation,

He shouted, pulled out the machete under his side, and cut it off his neck.

At the moment the blade was put on the neck, I heard a sound burst around me.

"Don't be silly, I don't want to kill you,"

Xiao Tie's hand was held tightly in his knife-holding hand, so that he not only could not commit suicide, but also lived well.

"Brother, don't do this for a moment of honor and disgrace. I don't want to hurt anyone. As a cunning person among the orcs, you must survive, so that you can leave a life and come to compete with me until you defeat me. At that time, these magic crystals I got will be given to you. How about that?"

In front of the old demon, Xiao Tie still has to pretend to be a benevolent prince. After all, the strength of this demon king is superior to the table. If he is strong enough to compete with it, even if he joins up with the snake demon, he may not be his opponent.

The smokey eyes slowly condensed in one place, and a faint gentle meaning rose between the eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness. I have made up my mind to defeat you within ten years, so you'd better not move my nine superior magic elixir." The two looked at each other and separated.

Xiao Tie defeated a member of the old demon's subordinates. Such an amazing performance really impressed everyone.

The old demon nodded and smiled, and his smile made a fat face wrinkleless.

The face is even more rosy and bloody,

"Xiao Tie, no wonder the orcs will be afraid of wolves and tigers when they hear your name. It turns out that you really have a good hand. Oh, I met by chance on the mainland that day, but it was also a kind of fate,"

He laughed loudly and slowly bounced a roll of cyan hanging scroll beside him. The hanging scroll slowly flew to Xiao Tie's hand like a light smoke. Xiao Tie knew that such an antique thing must be valuable. The old demon must have had a deep meaning to give him such a treasure before.

"Thank you, King of Beast," Xiao Tie still has to pretend to be frightened in front of people,

"Well, Xiao Tie, your performance today has exceeded my expectations. You should know that there is an unwritten rule within my orcs. The losers have no dignity. If they fail, their result is often suicide or being killed, but you let me see the gentleness of human nature, which is good, but this time you forgive me. After him, he will double revenge on you in the future, and such a result is not fair to you."

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently, looked up at the old demon and smiled, "I naturally believe this, but within ten years, he may not be able to catch up with my cultivation, so I don't worry about being surpassed at all. That's why I must fight with him and win or lose, but rarely take human life."

"Oh, it seems that you are indeed a benevolent and righteous person. Compared with our orcs, it is really different. In the past few years, the orcs have lost too many people in the war, but there are still internal fights. The Lion King insists on conquering the pink continent this time. It seems that it doesn't be necessary. After a long time, his people and horses will run all over the mainland and become the strongest in the mainland."