Young Knife God

Chapter 290 Swordfish

Boom, a trace of murderousness flashed on the face of the cow head, and his eyes were hesitant, as if waiting for an order,

At this moment, a low voice came out from behind the crowd, "Let's all spread out. If the leader is dead, we will be free." He spoke to a man in black, not tall, but with an evil face.

He had a pair of horns on his head, which was very powerful and calm, but as soon as his words came out, it immediately aroused everyone's condemnation.

"Hey, no one has ever believed your boy's words. Ha, where do you come from, Lu Liwang, this is not your territory, so you can't make decisions."

The antler looked cold and said, "If you dare to say that this is not my territory, then I will prove to you whether this is my territory or not. My people have lived here for hundreds of years. As long as I give an order, thousands of people will stand up. If you don't believe it, I will testify. Ming, "After saying that, with a long roar, he heard a continuous sound of similar calls from several forests near and far away. Then the dust rose, and a large group of antler warriors gathered from all sides and soon surrounded the antler.

"Hey, believe it now. Have you all seen it? If I say a word, they will tear you to pieces without hesitation, so in this place, my words are the imperial edict." The face of the horn man has become extremely solemn,

Seeing such a scene, everyone here was immediately surprised. After all, it was not a good thing to kill a Cheng Yaojin at this time.

"The horns, we believe in you. It's up to you to decide whether to take people away or stay. At this time, when the boss is not here, you have the right to decide their life or death."

A calm voice in the crowd said indifferently, as if he didn't care so much about Xiao Tie's life and death,

What else is left in the collapsed Dan furnace in front of them?

Seeing the opportunity in front of him, Xiao Tie simply raised the golden elixir in his hand and shouted, "Yes, the leader is dead. We are each of our own masters. Everyone has anything to do with whom, but I still have 100 golden elixirs in Xiao Tie's hand. Let's give them to my brothers as a gift." After that, he waved the golden elixir in his hand to the air. A light and shadow fell, and hundreds of golden elixir scattered around, which triggered a burst of exclamation. The people surrounding the caged around were busy competing for the golden elixir, but automatically gave way, so Xiao Tie walked out of the encirclement safely and accompanied by Oran and the amethyst girl. Leaving this manor,

After leaving the manor, several people took a long breath and seemed to recover from the depressing atmosphere just now.

I suddenly talked and laughed,

Olan took a look at Xiao Tie and smiled, "Brother Xiao, I just saw you surrounded by so many orcs. You are so calm. I really admire you. I didn't expect that you just got out of danger and sighed. Why is this?" Xiao Tie said indifferently, "Hey, that's all, I'm just living a bad life. I'm sighing and being misunderstood. Is it really tiring to live?"

"Hee hee, I think Brother Xiao is not only tired to live, but also tired"

Amethyst covered her mouth and sneered as she said, and her pretty face turned red, which made Xiao Tie embarrassed for a moment and couldn't help laughing at herself.

The two of them talked and laughed and came to the seaside in a blink of an eye.

Facing the blue sea, Xiao Tie looked back and smiled indifferently at several beauties and said, "What a beautiful sea. In my memory, this sea may be the most beautiful scenery on the planet. I heard that if you are lucky, you can still meet a mermaid. Hehe, "After listening to Xiao Tie's words, Oran hummed. He said indifferently, "Well, I haven't seen a mermaid, but I've seen a few flying fish demons. These seemingly beautiful fish have bright skin colors and some touching appearances actually pose some new threats to us. Oh, so even if you encounter them, you must avoid them in time." Sneer,

The sea is blue that can't be seen at a glance. Through the blue sea, you can clearly see a group of flying fish flying on the sea in the distance. These red and yellow flying fish are not only fat, but also have long wings. After jumping out of the sea, they can also fly hundreds of meters away. Therefore, the scene of groups of flying fish of different colors flying on the sea is very spectacular, and it is very beautiful. A huge arrowfish flew over the sea, opened its huge mouth and bit Xiao Tie. His speed is not only as fast as lightning, but even the attack is extremely neat. He will often be hit by the enemy face to face. The length of this swordfish reaches an amazing 50 meters, and its attack power is strong. It is not only as fast as lightning, but also has a lightning-like tail. The gentle water skiing stimulates a huge water wave. The attack can be said to be rare.

Although Xiao Tie was defenseless this time, he was after all a knife god-level master, so under this blow, he pounced on him, dodged and held the swordfish in his hand. The arrowfish fell in his hand and struggled endlessly. It seemed that he would come out at any time to bite Xiao Tie, revealing his fierce appearance.

Xiao Tie sneered: "Not only are the orcs here extremely powerful, but also the fish people living in the sea are so aggressive. It seems that we must be careful when we pass by this sea."

Olan also took the lead and said, 'Yes, this sea seems to be extremely calm, but under the sea is a dangerous place, so we should not only be careful against the enemy, but also beware of the sudden abnormal weather near the sea. After all, this sea area has always been climatic, so we encounter such a dangerous situation. , we human beings can't escape. Maybe we should take the tools of flying beasts to leave, otherwise, if we fly with our three burning magic, we will absolutely fly to this vast sea. "

"Yes, Xiao Tie nodded

Turn your eyes to the depths of the sea,

In the depths of the sea is a dark blue area, with several figures haunting back and forth, which is extremely strange.

A huge vortex slowly formed on the sea, which made Xiao Tie slowly nervous. After all, he had always lived on land. For this strange sea, he was completely a layman, so when he saw this powerful vortex, he couldn't help but feel a burst of terror in his heart, and his body was also Uninforced to exit a few steps back,

"That's what happens when an underground cave absorbs seawater, so you must be careful when passing by, otherwise in case we fall into the vortex, it will be an extremely dangerous thing."

Amethyst was also a little surprised: 'In the past, there was no vortex in this sea. If so, it would be an abnormal situation.

His words still attracted the attention of Xiao Tie,

"Are you sure there is no such horrible vortex in this area?" There seems to be a little hesitation in the eyes,

"Yes, I grew up in this sea area and am very familiar with everything here, so when I first saw such a vortex, I couldn't help but be puzzled and even puzzled.

"There is a possibility. It is said that there is a creature in this sea that can cause such a big vortex, that is, the sea dragon. If I am right, there is a nest of the sea dragon on this coast, so we must be careful. After all, the sea dragon is different from those swordfish. The arrow rain only kills people by speed, and these The sea dragon is extremely large. Once it is provoked, it is bound to fight back with all its strength, so our situation is really terrible. "

After Xiao Tie said this, his body trembled violently.

In the sea less than 500 meters away from him, a huge thing suddenly swelled. The monster was 300 meters long and 100 meters high, like a giant turtle, hummed a huge green shell, rising rapidly and flying 100 meters from the bottom of the sea.

Boom, hundreds of tons of sea water that was about to spray out of his mouth suddenly sprayed thinly towards the coast, and instantly drenched several people like drowned chickens. Fortunately, Xiao Tie took action in time and issued a finger to resist, which did not knock this huge force to the ground.

In the huge shell, a snake's head stretched out, and its green eyes glanced around, spewing out a deadly flame at Xiao Tie, which instantly swallowed the world. Everything covered Xiao Tie's beach head under a terrible sea of fire.

Behind the sea dragon, a man strode out and said, "Xiao Tie, how dare you betray me? Today, I will let you taste what it feels like to be betrayed by me?"

Boom, a huge flame flew over Xiao Tie's head. Xiao Tie hurriedly held up a light protection to block the fierce blow.

His body seems to be full of blue electric foxes. These blue electric foxes slowly poured into the air mask and constantly strengthened the thickness of the air mask.

And the flame became stronger and stronger, bombarding one after another, which made Xiao Tiecuo unable to get up for a while.

Xiao Tie roared: "Escape," and fled back with the two women around him. At this moment, the sea dragon in the sky became more and more unscrupulous. It not only constantly dived and attacked, but also launched some fierce attacks on Xiao Me from time to time. The beast king's face was red, and it seemed that he must be up and down with Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie retreated into a cave. Although he was worried for a while, he found that the situation here was very critical. After all, there was a beast nest in it, which not only had a large number of young animals, but also some horrible creatures in it. , wandering from time to time, but at this moment, Xiao Tie is in a dilemma. After all, this evil dragon has blocked the road outside, and there are some cubs inside. Several people sighed and secretly said that their lives are suffering