Young Knife God

Chapter 301 Electricity

Baicheng's face was heavy. He stood in a distant corner and looked at Xiao Tie quietly. At this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that the hatred in his heart was not born because of this person, but because he was too excellent.

Does God send such an excellent person to him for his unprovoked hostility and hatred? If that's not the case, then why did he turn his hands over? Question marks surged in the bottom of his heart, and the hatred in his heart seemed to disappear in an instant.

Tolerance, people must have a heart of tolerance in order to win the respect of more people,,

After his wild thoughts, he still walked out of the dark corner and walked to people.

Xiao Tie heard the footsteps behind him, but did not look back. He looked at a clear water beside the pool and whispered, "Have you ever brought your tomahawk?"

The man nodded slightly. Bai Cheng put the magic axe in his hand on the ground and stood side by side with Xiao Tie. At this moment, they shared their love for the landscape, but they had infinite thoughts in their hearts.

"I really want to see such a beautiful scenery for a while," Xiao Tie sighed infinitely. Over the years, he has been growing up in battle and seems to have a feeling of fatigue. He even thought that it would be a great thing to have a few drinks with a friend here.

"Well, the scenery is beautiful, but it is easy to be destroyed by the disaster of war. After all, the war between the human race and the orcs has come to an end, so it is meaningless to talk about these before that."

White City is a little sentimental. As a human race, although it is outstanding, it will never come out under the management of orcs. Orcs have always regarded the human race as adults, which has caused it that the human race can rarely be respected and get due rights in these places.

The cowardice of a race will lead to serious consequences,

Baicheng felt sad and suddenly lamented, "Since this is the case, let's compete, otherwise it will be a painful thing to meet such a good opponent and lose it."

After saying this, he turned around, left the pool and picked up the tomahawk that had just been placed on the ground.

With a few strange noises, he opened the box and assembled these weapons one by one. The assembled axe emitted an attractive luster and was tightly held by his arm. Suddenly, a nameless murderous atmosphere emanated from the axe, making everyone close to it flash up in their hearts. Chill,

Boom, a powerful breath burst out of the palm and integrated into the tomahawk,

Today, the gods of war gathered together, and there was a smell of decisive battle.

In the face of the tomahawk, Xiao Tie did not dare to hold it big, and also reached out to pull out the magic knife on his body.

Opening the sky axe against the magic knife is also a duel between the two major killers in the world,

Ziying escalated in a dark corner and stared at here in a daze. As the emperor of the hungry wolf empire, his safety has always been one of the focuses of attention. At this moment, the four heroes of wind, fire, thunder and lightning are not far away. Because they have not been ordered by Xiao Tie to let them approach, they can only watch from afar. After all, In order to ensure that it is a fair battle, Xiao Tie has told several of them to just take care of it and never ruin the atmosphere of the duel.

Boom, a war spirit broke out between the two war weapons, and a violent cyclone was formed in the field. The light black nature came from the dark murderous atmosphere from the tomahawk, and a darker war spirit came from the demon.

The man did not move, and the two fighting spirits first competed. Xiao Tie sneered: "Brother Bai, please make a move."

Baicheng smiled indifferently and said, "Okay," waved the tomahawk in his hand and took a few steps under his feet. A super energy condensed around his waist and burst out in an instant. A huge axe fell from the air. Hu, the axe light bloomed in the light. On the axe blade, several flames flew and disappeared at the fingertips.

Seeing this flame in Xiao Tie's eyes, he couldn't help shouting in his heart and said, "Okay,"

The body is pulled out by several feet, and a knife shines in the air.

Cut vertically and horizontally to break the endless axe flame,

The axe flame crossed a strange light, circled and flew again, collided with a knife in Xiao Tie's hand, making a earth-shocking explosion. The whole sky kept roaring, as if in the endless flames, the two people suddenly separated and slowly compounded.

Countless knife lights and axes rammed in a square battle array, roaring, and the light flashed constantly, as if it were thundering in the distance, and the sound kept spreading, so that several people in the distance had a feeling of dizziness.

"What a strong breath. The two really meet their opponents and will meet good talents," the fire that has never spoken flashed faintly in his eyes and said indifferently,

A cruel smile slowly appeared on Lei's face and said, "Even if the magic knife is good, it seems to exert less than 50% of its strength in the master's hand, so if you want to do your best, you must give them enough pressure."

After listening to Lei's words, the wind beside him couldn't help interrupting, "Are we just watching like this?" After all, the master is very dangerous now," his words attracted everyone's attention, but Lei shook his head and smiled and said, "This is not a danger, it's just a superficial danger. In fact, the two of them are in hand, leaving room for each other and not doing their best, so the danger you see is just superficial things. That's it. Maybe if you stay for a while, the two of them will definitely stop talking."

"Oh, how did you know?" The wind smiled sarcastically and glanced at the thunder indifferently,

A strange smile appeared on Lei's face and said quietly, "It's not a secret. I found this secret as early as the day before, but I didn't say anything,"

"What secret did you find? Why don't you say it?"

"Hey, other white cities are also a human race,"

"Haha, human race, we have seen it for a long time. Do you think this is testing our eyesight?" The wind is a little dissatisfied,

"He is a good human race, but his boss is a complete orc, so it can be seen from his expression that his life is not easy, so I judge that he just wants to compete with his master and deepen his friendship this time, and he will never do anything to his master."

His words seemed to make sense, but everyone couldn't help nodding, but there was one person who was a little abnormal. After all, this person had been silent and watching, but he had not expressed any opinions for a long time.

He is one of the four masters of electricity. As an electric master, he is one of the few electric masters who have reached the middle level or above.

His eyes are very special and he has been squinting, so he will only slowly open when he is killing people.

This seems to have become a good habit, and it seems to be unique in his countless battles before.