Young Knife God

Chapter 304 Assassination

"Will the Lion King come?" Behind the goatee, a young man in white with a strong fighting spirit flashed with a faint smile on his face.

Almost everything is so peaceful and peaceful under the silver-white night sky,

But in the eyes of the goatee, there is a deep crisis,

"There are 30,000 troops of French iron in Fake City. Although their flag is called hungry wolves, as far as I know, there are almost no warcrafts such as war beasts except for the hundreds of wolves of the forward troops. However, because they have fire crossbows in their hands, they can easily kill distant targets. These iron armored riders The soldiers became fragile and vulnerable in front of their Vulcan crossbow, so since the last collapse of the orc army, the orc army has been standing here and rarely took the initiative to attack. Although their number has reached a record 100,000, they are still in the face of 30,000 troops. After making the brothers of the orcs deeply ashamed and couldn't raise their heads, a while ago, Xiao Tiegang smashed several orc restaurants, so the orcs' weak advantage over the human race has become invisible."

"Is the human race really so powerful? Who is this Xiao Tie? Why do you look worried when you mention him? Is it possible that this person really has the ability to communicate with heaven? After saying that, his eyes flashed with deep confusion,

"You don't know anything about this. After all, the power of the human race is developing very fast, so in a short period of time, more than 100,000 troops have been gathered. This army will soon become an invincible and powerful force in the hands of a smart, shrewd and capable person, so Xiao Tie still can't be despised,"< /P>

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at the starry sky in the distance, as if he was worried.

The man beside him was secretly surprised, and the man behind him also took a cold breath. He seemed to have some understanding. He looked at the old man beside him in confusion. A gust of wind blew up the white hair on the old man's head. The silk was like silver and the Tao was like iron. Unexpectedly, in the strong wind, it was not chaotic at all, like a wire wrapped around it. The face is average and very beautiful,

The brilliance shines between the hair, making everyone's look of admiration,

The old man's name is Weilong, the grand marshal of the Pink Empire. As a powerful man, his prestige has always been unavoidable and cannot be doubted.

So the young man behind him also answered slightly and stopped talking,

Between the corners of the eyes, there is a light of Taoism, which seems to be quite afraid,

A cold light appeared from the corners of Weilong's eyes, and his eyes glanced at the darkness in the distance like electricity before he was relieved.

It turned out that when he lowered his head and meditated, he had already come out of his shell and patrolled the airspace like lightning. After it was determined to be safe, he gradually relaxed for a while.

His eyes looked at the intersection in the distance without blinking. It seemed that at this time, what he was most concerned about was the roaring vehicle in the distance. The vehicle seemed to be like a dream, coming from afar and not in a hurry.

There is the Lion King in the car. As one of the most powerful forces in the mainland, the lion king's orc army has always been a very influential force among major countries. Even the pink empire on the mainland has sent corresponding forces to supplement the orcs at his request.

"How many people did we bring this time?"

After a long silence, the Weilong suddenly asked the young man behind him again,

The young man bowed his hand and said respectfully, "General, we have brought a total of 10,000 troops. Although it is the main force, it is the old, weak soldiers who have retreated from various cities, so the combat effectiveness is not strong. At most, it is just a full appearance. It is not on the battlefield at all. The emperor's intention is just to prevaricate the orcs. For fear of angering the orcs, secondly, let's also check the combat power of the human race by the way. If the combat power of the human race is really as strong as the legend outside, our war against the human race will be postponed for a few more years, and vice versa.

"Okay, I understand. When you see the Lion King this time, you must do what I want, so as not to ruin my big event, "

Seeing Weilong's face, a trace of fear flashed on the young man's face, and his mood became nervous.

answered, retreated to one side, and then said nothing,

In the distance, under the mountain stone, a stone-like thing slowly stood up. Xiao Tie wore a camouflage, hid under the stone, held his breath, and actually heard the other party's conversation. However, because Lao Weilong has always been careful, even if he heard some, it was intermittent. Xiao When Tie heard the word Lion King, he felt a burst of joy in his heart and waved his gestures. The four people in black behind him flew to the top of the mountain in the distance.

The top of the mountain was located at a corner above the road. At this time, it rushed over so quickly that the figure came too quickly and shook the ground slightly. However, under a gesture of Xiao Railway, the rest of the people hid their bodies, took the crossbows behind them in their hands, and slowly aimed at it. Vehicles coming from afar,

The figure of the Lion King slowly appeared. In the dark, he drove at full speed in a rapid carriage, and there were dozens of guards protecting his safety.

"Note that there is a sharp turn in front of us, and the terrain is high. If there is an ambush on it, we will be miserable." At this point, the lion king's expression suddenly became a little solemn. After all, at this time, he is a person who can't afford to lose, and he knows that the person he wants to see this time is not a fuel-efficient lamp. ,

If the enemy wants to deal with him, the danger he faces is far more dangerous than the war against the human race. After all, his opponent is a demon leader who has experienced many battles, so he can have devastating power under World War I.

"It's okay, Your Majesty, we have hundreds of guards. These are the most powerful warriors in our orcs. They can make sacrifices for you at any time and are relatively prepared for war." The leader of the wolf driving the car shook his powerful arms and drove the carriage hard to make these dragon horses variant. The running speed of the black dragon horse reached a surprising level. In a blink of an eye, it skipped a distance of thousands of kilometers. Thousands of kilometers away, it was the dangerous steep slope. On the steep slope, a teenager hid behind a tree, quietly grasped a poisonous crossbow, and aimed at the man in the carriage.

Behind him, four nightwalkers dressed in the same dress looked nervously at the speeding vehicle in front of him, as if there was an important goal in the vehicle.

" boss, what should we do?"

Xiao Tie's expression tightened and smiled and said, "Relax. After we put down a row of arrows, and then left a few pink empire clothes here. I think they will definitely send people here to check them after the incident, so when they checked these things, they naturally suspect the head of the pink empire. Hey, won't it be pleasant for us to let them bite the dog?

Listening to Xiao Tie's clever plan, admiration appeared in the eyes of those people in black. In the current situation where the human race is weak, if the two sides are allowed to join forces, it will be a devastating blow to themselves.

But if it can provoke a fight between the two sides, the human race can not only enjoy its success, but also concentrate its forces and fight with the enemy at any time. In that case, the initiative will be a wonderful ending.

Wh, before the vehicle approaches, a row of crossbows should be shot from a hidden place on the top of the mountain.

When the crossbow in the air made a dull strange roar, the lion king and others in the car suddenly changed their faces. A lion king rose up, and the long sword in his hand rolled in the air, and there was a jingling sound. The sword wind formed a huge black vortex in front of them, so in an instant This incoming crossbow is smashed,

Wh, the sword is shining, constantly flying in front of him. After the crossbow, it is calm,

"Search for me, even if it's a bird, don't let me go, or I will skin you."

After saying this, a row of iron armored guard arrows swept towards the mountain ahead. This very small mountain is very narrow. Since it is a Tibetan, they can't hide a few. Under their power, they must have escaped. So at this moment, when they go up, they must get nothing.

But they were wrong. As soon as dozens of guards came to the foot of the mountain, they were swallowed up by a more violent rain of arrows. The arrows rushed to dozens of sergeants in the front row and fell down one by one. Almost everyone's arrow was throat.

This is simply an asymmetrical killing,

And the opponent is very calm and sophisticated. In the face of such a fierce enemy, even the ferocity of the orcs will help.

Recede one after another and retreat to the side,

"Fuck, if anyone retreats, I will kill him first and attack me. Come on, catch the assassin. If I can't catch it, I will all be executed." The lion king, who was almost crazy, roared. Under such a strict order, the orc warriors gathered again and launched a crazy charge to the mountain.