Young Knife God

Chapter 306 Murderer

The war is approaching. Under the Fuke City, there are tents and stone barriers set up by the beast army. In just a few days, hundreds of tents have been arranged around the Fuke City, with the intention of besieging the Fuke City. However, Xiao Tie has always only sent people and horses and crossbow camps on all sides for defense, and has not been seriously accurate. bei,

Even the hungry wolf soldiers on the city defense are listless, which makes the beasts gathered around for a burst of joy, thinking that the sergeants of the hungry wolf regiment have lost their confidence in resistance. Therefore, this battle is bound to win, but they can't fight a protracted battle. Otherwise, they will inevitably lead to a great defeat. Although the number of beasts is large, there is a shortage of food and fodder, so after a long time, the supply of food and fodder will inevitably have problems.

When the war came, even the beasts outside the city looked confident. The last defeat made them have a strong desire for revenge, so this time they besieged less than 30,000 people with nearly 100,000 people, so there is no need to doubt it at all.

Under such circumstances, the Lion King still found the marshal of the Pink Empire in time and asked him to send troops to support, so that he invisibly pulled the Pink Empire into the battle group. Out of the horror of the orcs, the Pink Empire had to agree and sent 10,000 old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers to cooperate with the orc army to attack the French, when However, this war is also extremely necessary,

Since the day from the place of departure, Weilong's heart has been in an extreme contradiction. After all, his fighting power is not enough for a thousand orcs. If he makes any mistake on the battlefield, he will inevitably be swallowed up by the orcs or hungry wolves. In that case, he may have thousands of horses. The danger of military destruction.

When Wick saw that the Lion King came to understand in person, his expression became highly nervous. Looking around, the Lion King was obviously very confident that he only brought a hundred people here to understand. It seemed that he was still very relieved about himself, but the assassination on the way quickly reached his ears. In this, this made Weilong's heart sad, and he was even worried that at this time, the Lion King would be angry and blame himself for this, so he not only had to endure the humiliation, but also that even this 10,000 vitality army could become a ghost under the knife.

"Marshal Weilong, haha, I haven't seen you for several years, but you are getting more and more energetic. How about it? Are you all the way?"

Hearing that the Lion King's expression was still amiable, Weilong's heart slowly put down the hanging heart. After all, at this time, the Lion King still needs to use him. Naturally, he will not do anything to him if necessary?

Thinking about it this way, his heart is much more relaxed.

"Forbid, Your Highness, our people have traveled all the way. Except for a few bandits, there is nothing else. It can be said that they have a safe journey, wo,

"Oh, that's good. My 100,000 orc army has surrounded the Fa Ke City, so this battle is bound to happen. So after our battle starts, I want you to meet us in the shortest time, so this time I want to communicate our plan with the marshal." II As he talked, he walked to the big tent of the Chinese army and sat down.

A sergeant sent tea for a long time ago. The Lion King took it in his hand and took a sip. He only felt that it was full of fragrance. It is really a rare good tea in the world. It is not only bright in color, but also green, but also has a faint sweet fragrance, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

After a night's rest, more than 10,000 pink sergeants have recovered some physical strength, but in the eyes of the Lion King, they are still a weak force. Such a force sent to support him is simply a kind of insult to him. If it weren't for the urgent need for people at the time, maybe he would have punished this heavily. Some soldiers of the human race suppressed their anger, and there seemed to be a sense of sarcasm in their eyes.

said, "Tea is good tea, but whether your sergeants are brave enough or not. I still have to test it. Come on, let's go to the camp and see how these sergeants are."

Hearing this, Weilong's head and two big, suddenly lost his temper and his face turned slightly pale. You should know that his sergeants are old, weak, sick and disabled. If compared with orc soldiers, then needless to say, even a gust of wind will have to blow down a lot, so such a battle situation is second only one in his eyes. After all kinds of torture, his heart was chilled, but he still said stubbornly, "Your Majesty, my sergeants have been working hard for a long journey. There seems to be something wrong with the test now."

"Well, is it possible that your person is an embroidered pillow? You don't even dare to compare it. It seems that you are not only brave, but also weak in fighting spirit."

Listening to the lion king's sarcastic words, Marshal Weilong's forehead sweated for a moment, and his face was as red as a monkey's buttocks.

Seeing Weilong's look, the lion king sneered and pushed the door and walked out of the tent. This Chinese army tent is the largest and most conspicuous one in the camp. It is not only much taller than those short tents around, but also decorated and luxurious. It is not only with large cowhide, but also hangs several huge warcraft crystals. Each of these magic crystals is the size of a football and shines on it. Since it is not lit, it can also be reflected in all four ways.

Magic crystals are good things, but they are taken from the body of Warcraft, so seeing these magic crystals still makes the lion king's face change slightly.

The Lion King looked at Weilong with a cold face and said sadly, "Are these magic crystals hunted by the people?"

Weilong tightened and whispered, "Yes, a large number of magic wolves were found near Wulong Lake a while ago. These magic wolves usually wantonly hurt the people nearby, so they sent people to hunt them. No, these magic crystals are all things in their bodies."

Weilong was talking about the rise, but he found that there was a murderous intention in the Lion King's eyes. The murderous air came out and the cold to the bone in an instant made his expression stagnate, and his heart was confused. Unexpectedly, he couldn't go on.

"Well, I'm good at killing beasts without my permission. This is a great insult to our orcs. Humph, come on, tie this old man for me."

With an order, countless tigers and wolves around him answered and tied Weilong. Weilong was shocked.

The guards around also rushed forward to recapture the marshal, but the orc sergeants rushed up, and several of the leaders actually issued knives in an instant. A few knives flashed, and dozens of nearby guards fell to the ground in an instant and their heads fell to the ground.

"Killing, Orc Killing," a frightening cry quickly triggered a riot, roaring, and a great chaos in the barracks. Hundreds of sergeants came from all sides and surrounded the hundreds of Orc sergeants, and for a moment, the two sides drew their swords.

A general came out and said angrily, "Won, why did the orcs dare to make such a mess? They dare to kill our soldiers and kidnap our marshal. You are really against it."

"Wang Qing, take people to retreat. It's okay. Oh, you must not embarrass the orcs. They are a powerful race and recover hundreds of times more than our human race, so we must obey their command, otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

After saying this, his tears couldn't help falling down and wet his clothes in an instant.

Wang Qing's face changed slightly and still refused to retreat. He said, "Well, I am a human race. No matter how humble I am, I can't allow you orcs to come around. Come and surround them for me. If you don't let the marshal, you don't want to leave alive," he choked and pulled out his knife and pulled his knife beside him. A group of sergeants also showed their knives one after another, and thousands of people surrounded hundreds of beast soldiers and showed their weapons one after another.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out,

At this moment, everyone has a desire to fight, but they have a hatred for the orcs.

"Well, why don't you retreat and treat the orcs like this? You should know that we orcs can easily flatten your human race. Haha, it is really rare for us orcs to have such blood and courage, but if we don't disperse, our orcs will be welcome,"

Thinking of being ambushed on the way, the evidence pointed to the Pink Empire, so the Lion King was furious and violent as a volcanic eruption.

hong, a huge force bombarded, and the divine power on the lion king's body, with the shaking of his shoulders, brought a violent shaking, and the hundreds of sergeants who were close to him fell back one after another, as if they were hit hard by others. The teeth of several soldiers in front of him were broken and their teeth and their noses were flattened, which was really unbearable. A pan-divine force bombarded these hundreds of sergeants, and even Zhang Qing was stunned by the shock power just now.

A cruel light shined from the lion king's eyes,,

Wave your palm gently and make a gesture of cutting. In a blink of an eye, a row of beast soldiers rushed forward and fell with knives. The heads of those sergeants fell to the ground one after another, and the blood stained the earth red.

"If you dare to resist, you just want to lose your head. You are not bad. You dare to lose your temper in front of me. It seems that you are still a little bold. I don't want to kill you today. I just want to torture you and test your will. I don't know how many days you can suffer?"

After saying this, the Lion King gave an order, and the beast soldiers tied Zhang Qing to a tree with seven hands and eight feet, sneered and said, "I tied you up for a few days. Don't eat and drink water. Let's see how many days you can live."

Zhang Qing was tied to a tree by a group of beast soldiers. As soon as he woke up, he kept scolding and scolding the beast soldiers for seven or eight generations.

The Lion King heard a burst of anger, waved a punch, and bombarded Zhang Qing. A force exploded, and Zhang Qing's body suddenly cracked as if it had exploded.