Young Knife God

Chapter 311 Underworld

A series of victories made Xiao Tie seriously frustrated the spirit of the orc, but the Lion King has never been angry. At this moment, a meeting is being held in Montenegro, the orc base camp.

"The last time we suffered Xiao Tie's loss, this time we will take back everything we lost," an elderly white-haired lion stood up, patted his strong chest, and shouted

His name is Gibby, and he is the new orc commander here. Under his command, there is a beast cavalry of nearly 80,000 people, which is still extremely powerful. At this moment, if his beast horse attacks the hungry wolf empire again, such a strong and extreme force is still not to be despised.

"My people are ready. After a month of training, almost all the soldiers are equipped with new weapon armor. The flying crossbow that chilled the soldiers last time can no longer hurt our soldiers. After all, in addition to their armor, our soldiers are also equipped with protective shields, so Once attacked by the enemy, this shield can block almost all the arrows."

Before he finished his words, he heard a majestic voice in the corner sounding again.

So you are going to do an experiment with the flesh and blood of our soldiers? Last time, didn't you also say that after having the armor, the custody will not hurt the body, but the appearance of the Vulcan crossbow has caused a lot of casualties to our soldiers. At present, you will make such a promise. On the contrary, it can't reassure us. If it is heard, it can only be heard as a joke. "Bar, haha," the speaker is Roger, the bodyguard, who has always been known for his strong combat effectiveness, and has always been the most trusted person of the Lion King.

So although his words showed a faint taste of sarcasm, they still showed an embarrassing color on the faces of the visitors.

"Robby, there is no point in bickering here. Now I want to invite everyone to see if I'm farting or not. "His voice has obviously increased by a few degrees, and his dissatisfaction with Roger has sublimated to a whole new level.

What else does Roger want to say? But he waved his hand to the Lion King and blocked it.

The Lion King glanced at the crowd and said indifferently, "Since Marshal Gibby said, let's go outside to see the effect. If it still doesn't work, then we still have time to find someone to make some more, so everyone must be patient and don't be impatient, otherwise, the consequences It may be quite horrible. After all, we have suffered losses under the Fakuen City, so the next time we meet the human race on the battlefield, I don't want to see any accidents with our armor or shield. "

The eyes swept across everyone, and an invisible pressure surged through everyone's hearts, making an incredible expression appear on the faces of everyone here.

A group of people walked out of the hall and came to a martial arts arena full of flowers and green grass in front of them.

Dozens of riders have made preparations here in this martial arts arena.

A rider dismounted, put his shield on his chest, and looked straight ahead, as if he was still waiting for the offensive horn.

In a table less than five meters away from the Lion King, a crossbowman has prepared a huge crossbow, slowly opened it, and put a long crossbow about ten feet into the crossbow.

"When you are ready, let's start. "The Lion King looked at the crossbow soldiers on the field with an indifferent face. Gibby waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Let it go, and the more than ten-foot-long crossbow arrow broke out into the air and shot into the distance like lightning.

The crossbowman put the shield on his head with a solemn expression,

A big sound hit the shield in the hand of the cavalry's hand with a bang. The shield was shot out of fire. The shield was shot out of a small hole. The long arrow tip cut through the shield half a foot of the shield and cut the cavalry's arm. Blood slowly flowed down the arm and gradually soaked the iron armor.

"See, this attack is simply a failure. Even the shields of our left and right hands weighing 100 catties can't block this arrow. It can be imagined that the crossbows of the human race are more dangerous. After all, the materials of their arrows are better. Unlike us, they only make an ordinary iron arrow tip,

Such attack power is obviously not comparable to the enemy's. If we meet the enemy on the battlefield, it must be our side that suffers the loss. "After hearing this, Gibby's expression is extremely depressed. After all, the armor on the beast horse has not been completed, and the crossbow arrow I tested is even looking for The destructive power of ordinary iron arrows is so amazing that they completely subvert their own imagination. The end of such a tragic death, like a slap in the face, can only be known by yourself.

Seeing Gibby's speechless appearance made Roger, who had been silent, happy. After all, before the war, Gibby humiliated him, and now he wants to return everything he gave. Haha, this is really a happy thing,

"Well, let the cavalry fight with such a heavy iron shield and armor, which will soon cause physical fatigue, so I suggest that we develop several new weapons to let each cavalry try. If it is still not satisfactory, our plan for the Eastern Expedition will be ruined. Then Gibby, you Marshal, I'm going to change my seat."

Listening to the words of the Lion King, Gibby, who was still proud just now, suddenly fell to the bottom of the lake, and his expression became dull. He opened his mouth, but did not make a sound for a long time. He could only look at the Lion King in a daze.

'Hey, who the hell is doing this? If I find out, I must cut off his head first, "

Hearing Gibby's crazy roar, the cavalry turned pale and stood there at a loss, daring to move.

Gibi's face was pale, and he punched out and smashed a half-man-high stone around him into pieces.

Among the countless gravel, his expression became as fierce as a wolf.

"One day, I want you to taste the power of my armored cavalry, so that Roger can't even fart half. Come on, hum, let's see,"

He angrily stamped his foot into the basement on one side,

On this training ground, he also has a mysterious basement. You should know that the orcs regard this place as the foundation of their standing. They often do things in this area of Montenegro. First, they almost hollowed out the Montenegro and built a permanent bunker, and then took out many passages under the bunker again, secretly leading to the rich outside the mountain. Hua's residence, after decades of operation, is now built like an underground world. It not only stores a large amount of food, but also has a fairly developed network, which can escape at any time.

And at this entrance, Gibby built a mysterious basement. Although it is not connected with other underground cities, it is not an exaggeration to use it as an underground palace because it is large enough.