Young Knife God

Chapter 314 Dust

"I don't know how the Pink Empire feels after this failure. As one of the most powerful countries on the continent, it would be a good thing if this country could fall into our arms and fight against the orcs together."

Xiao Tie drank a glass of good white wine, closed his eyes leisurely, and said to Gate who had been standing behind him. He waved his hand, pointed to a chair next to him, and motioned Gate to sit down and talk.

Gate smiled and knew the emperor's approachability. He also smiled very tacitly. He sat opposite Xiao Tie. There was a chair made of black tiger skin opposite him, and he had rarely allowed others to sit. Since Gator cooperated with him to repel the orcs, he became more and more happy. Looking at Gate, this young man's mind is always as sharp as ever. He can often criticize his general second vision and work very well. Therefore, he has been one of his confidants for many years.

Gate glanced at a seat next to him and asked puzzledly, "Your Majesty, whose seat is this? Are there a lot of people coming to see you today?"

Xiao Tie smiled, his eyes were like water, and he glanced at Gate, secretly admired that Gate's observation was really deep.

"Yes, there is another beautiful girl who will come here later. I invited her. If she comes, our topic will be richer and the atmosphere will be more relaxed. I don't want to talk to my subordinates all day, which will greatly reduce the effect of the meeting, ha,"

"Oh, I think the person invited by His Majesty must be Ajia or Una. They have always been your best friends."

"Hey, yes, your brain is smart enough, but you didn't guess right today,"

"So who did Your Majesty invite, so mysterious?"

Gait was also excited when he saw Xiao Tie's mysterious expression.

In this way, this person must have come from afar,

Although he thought of Oran, he deliberately didn't say anything, smiled and said, "Hey, by the way, I think this person must be a powerful subordinate of His Majesty, or a beauty/"

Xiao Tie shook his head and said nothing, saying that he would come and see for himself, "

Sure enough, after a while, two beautiful women came from outside. The two seemed to have just dressed up in the house in the backyard, so after their appearance, they not only made Gate dumbfounded, but also beautiful, fairy,

It turns out that this person is Oran and the amethyst girl

"Oh, beauty, Miss Oran, I don't know what to call you. You are so beautiful today. If your Majesty hadn't told me that there would be an unexpected surprise today, I couldn't believe my eyes, haha,"

Gate was so excited that he didn't know what to say. Seeing such a beautiful beauty coming, his hands sweated for a while.

"Oh, Marshal Gate, you're flattered. How can I be as beautiful as you portrayed?" Oran smiled like peach blossoms, and his face was blushing, which was even more charming.

Xiao Tie stretched out his hand, took two steps, held Oran's arm, slowly walked to the chair and sat down.

Amethyst smiled and said, {"Your Majesty, you just paid attention to Oran, but you forgot about him. This doesn't seem to be good,"

Xiao Tie was stunned and laughed, "Haha, let's sit together, don't be surprised." He ordered someone to send a chair, which made Zijing sit down. Everyone chatted a few words, and Xiao Tie asked generously, "Since you came together, you must have handled the things on the island properly, right? "

Although the island has been a little forgotten, he still felt a little guilty when he thought of the two girls who were almost forgotten on the island.

"For good, although the island is rich in property, after all, it is a dangerous island. After living on it for a long time, it is still extremely uncomfortable, so I appointed a human official to manage it on my behalf, so I got back and came back to the mainland to have a look."

The amethyst girl smiled and said, "It seems that some new species have been found on the island these days. They are not only extremely poisonous and aggressive, but also secrete poison for detoxification, so this time I will bring a few." After saying that, she slowly opened one pocket in her hand and saw the pocket. At the opening, a red light flashed, and a gust of wind blew, and a thing suddenly rose from its pocket. It looked like a snake, but it was much longer than ordinary snakes, like a silver belt wrapped around the fingertips, hovering up, and two blue tongues in the mouth spit out, and there was a chill in the sky. In this way, several people's faces were One change,

"Blue Flame Snake"

Xiao Tie took a step back and his face changed greatly.

After all, I have only heard of the name of this blue flame snake, but I have never seen the real thing. At present, this thing is full of aura. It flashed back and forth on the ground and fell back to Oran's hand.

Wrapped in circles, like a plate, only revealing a head the size of a thumb, looking out,

Xiao Tie said happily on his face, "Girl, you refined this snake. It seems that you are already amazing." A trace of joy flashed on his face and smiled faintly: "This is a magic pet I have recently accepted. I have caught a total of three, but two of them are male snakes. They are violent and extremely difficult to control. That's this It took me nearly a month to control the female snake. It can be seen that these things are not easy to deal with."

After hearing Oran's words, Xiao Tie was slowly relieved. He thought that once such a poisonous snake bit someone, the venom on its body could easily kill a person. Thinking of this, he was still nervous.

So you must introduce this snake to the mainland?

Xiao Tie's words are somewhat suspicious. He can tolerate Oran, a crazy girl, to do something out of line, but at present, she has brought so many poisonous snakes, which is far beyond her expectations.

Xiao Tie's eyes swept over him. After being dim for a long time, he finally found something strange in a cage beside her.

A black beetle, a golden-headed bird, and a few strange-looking birds, each of which is the size of a palm, but there is a faint chill. The faint poisonous fog emitted from their bodies, which makes people afraid.

"Oh, don't be afraid, Your Majesty, I heard that we are fighting with the orcs, and the strong fighting power of the orcs is that we resist, so in order to help you defeat the orcs, I came up with this move, so that you can easily destroy the orcs,"

Hearing such an exciting topic, Gate opened his eyes for a moment, looked at Oran in disbelief, and suspected, "I have just discussed with His Majesty the emperor about collecting poisons, so this time we may use these terrible poisoners to deal with the orcs,"

He rubbed his hands excitedly, but Xiao Tie smiled faintly and patted Gator on the shoulder, signaling him to sit down.

Gate sat down slowly and glanced at Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie stood up and circled around the poisons. He said thoughtfully, "You know that our enemy is also planning a war against us in Montenegro at this moment. Maybe it won't be long before this place will become a battlefield again, but I Of course, it is necessary to let our people send out to cause some chaos to the enemy, but if such poison falls into the hands of the enemy, it may not be a good thing for us. After all, the orcs are far stronger than us in beast control. Once both sides are attacking each other with these poisons, then the human race will face A bigger test,"

After hearing Xiao Tie say the above words, Oran and Gate and others, who were still extremely excited, were silent for a moment. After all, the emperor's words are the imperial edict, and you have to listen if you don't listen to them. Think about it, if both sides attack each other with poisons, then it will be a terrible nightmare for both sides.


Outside the gate of Falk City, a carriage was rolling and slowly rushing towards the city. Several sergeants guarding the gate quickly found the car. One soldier gave the corner of his eyes to the other, and the two slowly leaned over.

Two people stopped in front of the car one left and one right, and the luxurious carriage finally stopped.

" got out of the car and checked. "With a roar, a young man came down from the carriage. Behind him was a girl of the same age. The girl was extremely beautiful and seemed to be a minor.

With a pair of beautiful big eyes, his watery eyes glanced around and said with a sweet smile, "Two uncles, we are coming to the city to find someone to do business. Just let us in, okay?"

" Humph, put you in, okay, come out and let us two check. If there is no problem, we will naturally let it go. Oh, "One of the soldiers waved the long gun in his hand and pointed to the beautiful girl standing outside the door and motioned her to flash back.

But the girl deliberately untied her clothes and exposed half of her plump breasts.

I wiped my sweat and said while fanning the wind: 'Two brothers, it's naive and hot'