Young Knife God

Chapter 319 Youlong

Wow, the two bodies turned into two lights and shadows, quickly disappearing into the endless clouds,

As soon as the two left, they heard the last old man stroke his beard gently on the top of the clouds in the distance, and his eyes showed a little approval. He roared, a wind leopard he stepped down and let out a light roar. Between the waves of air in the sky, people feel a reigning spirit and extraordinary in the world.

A middle-aged man with crane hair and childish face stands beside him. Although his face is simple, he actually emits a strong and domineering atmosphere.

"What do you think of this man?" The elderly man asked the middle-aged man, and a strange look flashed on the middle-aged man's face. He took a breath and said, "This man is bold and has extraordinary means. At a young age, he can actually take the beast monster in his palm and refine the elixir. It seems that there must be high advice."

"Well, this person will definitely be a big obstacle to our empty door in the future. If it is not removed as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will have a negative impact on our portal."

Hearing the old man sigh like this, the middle-aged man's face was also shocked. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Master, I don't know whether this person is an enemy or a friend. If we take action, it will inevitably attract the opposition of the human race. At that time, if the masters of the human race deal with us all together, then we There will be a big trouble,"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, the white-browed old man pondered for a moment and said, "Well, let's find out this person's way first. If he can buy it, let him go under our empty door. If not, it will be removed sooner or later, it will be a big disaster if he stays in the end."

Boom, a smoke stormed, and the future human body covered. When people waved their hands, the smoke dissipated and instantly turned into an airflow and flew over the sky.

The middle-aged man's eyes were stunned for a moment before sighing, "It's a pity that such a person is born in the human race. It seems that we really saw the wrong person,"

Middle-aged people listened, their bodies shook and went away in the wind.

However, he did not leave, but followed Xiao Tie all the way. After flying hundreds of miles, he followed Xiao Tie's door all the way.

Xiao Tie flew into a compound and stopped. His face was very happy. After all, he just subdued the two demons in one fell swoop. The two demons are currently being refined at high temperature in the alchemy furnace. It seems that the elixir has been used for a short time. "

Huhu, in a blink of an eye, the magic shadow refined a few pills and gently handed them to Xiao Tie's hand. At this moment, Xiao Tie realized that these demons refined pills were a kind of light cyan, and there was a human face on it that was slowly churning and flashing. Xiao Tie knew that those were demons that had not returned after refining. At present, he can't take care of so much. He took Danwan and swallowed it, but he heard someone in the Danwan laughing and said, "You dare to eat me. You know, my soul is not dead, but her body has been refined. Do you think I will be safe if you eat me?"

Hearing this gloomy and resentful voice made Xiao Tie's heart sour water and almost spit out the Dan pill.

"Hey, Elder Magic Shadow, haven't you refined them? Why are there still people talking in it? Are you hurting me if you let me take it like this?",

Xiao Tie has always trusted the magic shadow, so when he took the elixir, he swallowed it without thinking about it. But at this moment, when he heard an unexpected voice, he also looked at the magic shadow with a surprised face, but the laughter of the magic shadow was a little strange.

"Hee, she only has a soul that has not been refined. Now she is like me, a person who only has a soul but no body, so now the two of us come together to accompany you. I don't think you will feel lonely, right?"

Listening to this, Xiao Tie was really a little panicked,

"Hey, senior, didn't you hurt me? Such an ugly girl made me swallow and said that she would come to accompany me. How can I suffer this beauty? If you want to keep it and you keep it for a chat, I won't want it. "

"Hey, what are you talking about? Am I ugly?" In the depths of empty thinking, a strange voice came loudly, which shocked Xiao Tie. After all, this sounded too strange, but it came from the inside of his body, as if it was in the depths of his soul, which made people chilling and booming. A powerful shock came from the depths of his soul, as if it was dry. There is a devouring between the moving soul and his body soul,

At this moment, Xiao Tie is very painful to know that his mood at this moment is extremely complicated. The smooth integration that he was originally looking forward to has become an invisible confrontation. The escalation of such confrontation has led to violent fluctuations in his spiritual field. Because the powerful field brought by Yuqing is extremely difficult to be swallowed up for a while, this kind of confrontation It may take a long time to completely eliminate it,

Xiao Tie had a splitting headache, and there was a roar and hissing everywhere in his mind, which kept coming out, making his world chaotic. Although his combat effectiveness improved after devouring Danwan, the harassment of this spiritual world made him miserable and painful.

For good, under the appeasement of the shadow, he quickly settled down. Because the shadow exerted a strong repressive force and his own strength, it finally lasted for a few days before he completely suppressed the other party's spirit.

and slowly merge,

The process of fusion is extremely long. After all, there is still a magical power of an innate spider hidden in the soul of the other party, so if you have this magical ability, you must constantly swallow and merge before you can transform the ability of foreign objects.

A few months later, Xiao Tie sat alone in this mysterious courtyard without moving. He sat cross-legged and practiced with all his strength every day.

A few lights and shadows flash in the depths of the soul. You don't need to look at it, you know that the two souls that have not been completely merged are wandering helplessly in their spiritual field.

There seemed to be a little resentment in his faint eyes, but in the extreme trouble, he still persisted and decomposed the soul of the Lord one by one.

"Xiao Tie, now you have the other party's magical power, so now your realm has broken through to the realm of floating life. After swallowing the master of this dragon realm, your strength must increase greatly, so you must be careful to practice during this period. Don't get lost. I'll go out to pick some spiritual fruits. Come to replenish your physical strength, "After saying that, your body twisted and turned into a clear light, flying out of Xiao Tie's body and flying out of the sky,