Young Knife God

Chapter 332 Reinforcement

The war is coming, but what worries Xiao Tie most now is where did Marshal Gate's 50,000 army go? If it goes straight to Montenegro, I'm afraid Montenegro will have been ashamed of his driving style long ago.

Such a battle situation will definitely affect their plans,

If the battle fails, the magic city obtained by this bloody battle is bound to fall into the hands of the orcs,

Thinking of this, there was a burst of tension in his heart. After all, the Frenchman is his hometown. If he can't even keep a place, the orcs will take this opportunity to expand. At that time, he is afraid that half of the country he has worked hard to get will be buried in his hands. He stamped his feet, looked at the wind and said in a loud voice: " Send someone to pass the order quickly, and be sure to let Marshal Gate's army temporarily stop the attack, settle the camp, and wait for the opportunity."

The wind answered, knew the seriousness of the situation, and did not dare to be careless. He sent someone down and hurriedly sent the order.

On this side, Xiao Tie issued three consecutive instructions. First, he mobilized the elite wolf riding camp in the city, and then adjusted the garrison in the city, strengthened the control of the four gates above the city, and added some firearms to dig fortifications and bury deer firewood in key parts. This trick handed down by the ancestors must be useful. He believes that the orc army must be a magic knife at this moment and is ready to avenge the previous one.

This battle is an extremely dangerous test for the human race. After all, the elite masters of the orcs are dispatched. Together with this battle situation, it will inevitably affect his future layout.

Thinking that his strength was still too thin, he thought for a moment and called a messenger and ordered him to take a letter he wrote to the Emperor of the Pink Empire to urgently go to the Pink Empire for help. After all, the same human country still has something in common with the orcs. If the Pink Empire can be from the orcs If the rear of the base camp harasses them, it will inevitably contain a large number of orc strength, which is very beneficial for him to prepare for a war.

After sending out a few people, his heart calmed down a little. He always knew that Gate was careful and rarely did such a bold and thoughtless thing. If so, there must be a deep-seated reason.

Several troops swarmed out, densely arranged on some strategic points. A thousand wolves rode out of the city, quickly occupied a Qingfeng Mountain less than 500 miles away from the French, and hid in the forest.

In addition, a cavalry force of nearly 10,000 people he called, under his leadership, rushed to the city of Montenegro in time. He wanted to inject this last blood into Gate, so that the battle was destined to become a turning point in his life.

Wh, the war flag flutters,

Under the cloudy Faku City, there is a quiet atmosphere before the war. This atmosphere seems to be extremely depressing, making everyone's nerves extremely nervous, and even breathing becomes much more difficult. The war is coming, but before the end of the war,

This situation will continue and become a rest, mobilizing all the attention in the human body,

"Your Majesty, is it true that there will be another war?" On the carriage, Oran looked tired and looked at Xiao Railway,

Xiao Tie also frowned and looked dark. He originally wanted to avoid war against the orcs, but Gate intended to drive the orcs to the east of Montenegro, so that their territory would invisibly increase several times. In that case, he The country can really have the same strength as the Pink Empire,

50,000 troops attacked crazily, and with the supporters he sent, their strength was at least 80,000,

With 80,000 to 100,000, there is obviously a fight, but as for victory or defeat, Xiao Tie is still quite uncertain. Otherwise, he would not have asked Pink for help.

In the hall of the pink empire, an envoy of the hungry wolf empire who arrived earlier on a flying eagle took out a brocade book from his arms and handed it to the hand of a bodyguard. The bodyguard respectfully took the brocade book and handed it over to the hands of Emperor Murong Guang. The Murong family held the pink empire for thousands of years, in this nearly a thousand years. In history, they have been trying their best to maintain the rule of pink. In history, they have fought with the orcs, but most of them have been defeated. Therefore, when they heard the news of the war between the hungry wolf and the orcs, Murong Guang's face still flashed with a disdainful smile.

"Well, I heard that the Hungry Wolf Empire has recently developed very rapidly and has gained a large number of human cities. If it goes on like this, it can reach a level of beauty compared with our pink in less than a few years. However, it seems to be too risky to go to war with the orcs. After all, the strength of the orcs' Montenegro is as high as 100,000 If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the hungry wolf will lose."

I scanned ten lines at a glance to understand the intention of the hungry wolf.

He snorted and said, "Please go to the hungry wolf messenger to rest first. Oh, it's easy to entertain, and I don't know how to neglect."

"Yes, Your Majesty," with a response, several gorgeously dressed human girls accompanied the messenger out of the hall. The messenger originally wanted to say a few more words, but before he could say anything, he had already grabbed the girl in the air. The eagle grabbed him like a chicken. The girl smiled slightly and said: "Lord the messenger of the upper country, please go with us to have a rest. We will wait until you feel comfortable, hee," the messenger was in pain and almost shouted. He saw the crowd looking at him. His face turned red and the struggle was ineffective. He had to follow the four girls to enjoy it. Hey, that's right. When it comes to our pink territory, we have to abide by our rules. No matter how powerful the hungry wolf is, it is just a human race, which is much worse than the orcs and the devil. If this battle fails, our pink empire will also be implicated. However, on the issue of sending troops, I also want to ask the princes that there are What's the opinion? Is it beneficial to send troops or not?"

His eyes swept to the civil and military officials of His Highness, who knew that he was moody and often abused and killed unpleasant officials. Presumably the same question was true,

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to answer,

" Humph, it's all rice buckets. It's time for you to come up with ideas, but you just play with silence. If you can't come up with any more ideas, don't blame me for being ruthless. "With a snap, Emperor Murong smashed a piece of red jade in his hand, and pieces of jade crumbs scattered everywhere, which shocked the audience. You should know that this is the audience. People know that under the emperor's anger, there must be someone else unlucky. If the next time he pinches not the jade, but the human head, then the result will be even more tragic.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea, but I don't know if it is feasible?"

At a critical juncture, General Chu Menglong stepped out of the ranks with a slightly happy face,

"Okay, since you have an idea, you might as well listen to it earlier, "

Your Majesty's tone is also a little relaxed. In this way, the hearts of the ministers are relaxed.

"Your Majesty, the strength of the hungry wolf is not weaker than ours. If they win this battle, they will definitely resent us for not sending troops to help us. In this way, they will inevitably send troops to attack us. In that case, it will cause us unnecessary trouble, and if we fight, we are afraid that we can't afford to offend the orcs. That's good. We pretended to send troops at their request, but only pushed 50,000 horses to station 500 miles away from Montenegro to see the situation before making the next decision. In this way, if the human race wins, we will send troops to attack the orcs to take advantage of this. If the human race is defeated, we will take the opportunity to seize Xiao Tie's It is also a great credit for the territory to completely drive the hungry wolves out of this area, thus expanding and opening up the territory for our country. "

Murongguang shook his head. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "This is a wonderful move. I think we have made countless achievements with such a move in those years. Ha, this time, according to what you said, hey, are 50,000 horses missing? I'll give you 100,000, haha, as long as we Hold the opportunity and believe that no matter who wins or loses, we will achieve a good record. Haha, at that time, I am not afraid of which of them will trouble me. Oh, after all, our pink empire has become huge in this long history of thousands of miles. Ha, a small hungry wolf can't deal with an elephant, haha, "

When they heard Murong Guang's loud laughter, the ministers breathed a cold breath and sighed. It was so close and dangerous. If Murong Guang had no idea to take them out, he would have to peel off their skins.

In a blink of an eye, an army of 100,000 people left the city under the leadership of Chu Menglong. At the same time, the messenger sent to the Pink Empire was also released. Before leaving, he was not only rewarded with a large amount of jewelry, but also a meal. In this way, the messenger was also full of joy after receiving the news of Pink's troops. If you want to do this for the emperor, you will have to get another reward. Hey, if you get these two rewards, at least there are more than 100,000 Zixin coins. Ha, at that time, those who buy houses and land will have settled down. In this way, it really makes him excited,

I took the Black Eagle early and went back home. Along the way, I saw the pink army out of the city more confirmed the news of the pink troops, which made his heart feel as good as honey.

I can't wait to go back to Xiao Tie immediately and report the good news to him.