Young Knife God

Chapter 340 Practice

"Such sects fought with each other, and some weak sects lost everything, and some large sects were lucky enough to exist. Our Feitian Sect is one of them. Oh, in the heyday of our Fei Tianzong, there were not only dozens of strong sword gods in the sect, but also among our young generation. It's also a genius, so it's been thousands of years of strong situation. Unfortunately,,," her face was gloomy, and suddenly she couldn't say any more. Between the corners of her eyes, she actually shed a line of tears. Seeing that this ice beauty would actually do the same, Xiao Tie's heart was really uncomfortable. After all, in hundreds of years, she declined. It has always been an inevitable theme, and Fei Tianzong has declined from generation to generation.

However, it's not a matter of a day or two to change this situation.

Dian suddenly interrupted; 'Since Feitianzong has declined, it is bound to become the food of the major powerful gangs, but if you want to try to change it, you can't do it in a day or two. After all, he is also a master in Feitianzong. Although the level is worse, if you use the formation to unite them together, Even a knife god can't get anything cheap in their array, "

"Oh, are you talking about the array? This is recorded in the library in my door, but it has been a long time, and we have been practicing. Oh, you remind the dreamer that it seems that we really need to practice a powerful array in our door. "

Feng interrupted: "Although the formation is important, it is necessary to select some outstanding masters for this position. Otherwise, even if there is a formation, it is easy for people to break it. Oh, "The beard of the wind is slightly picky, and his face shows a rare gentleness,

Difference from Fangcai's electricity, electricity is a cold-blooded teenager who has experienced countless wars, and there are many people who kill him. Only for these cold-blooded women will open up. He said that he will not kill women, but it does not mean that he does not fight women, so the only thing he can't avoid when he meets women,

Fire is a red-haired young man, with red hair floating in the air. There is no wind. When his hair is flying, there is a faint flame flying, which makes people have an illusion at a glance. He is a living flame and will never go out.

In contrast, Feng is a quiet scholar. He not only waved a folding fan, but also often made some sketches to do the best of mountains and rivers, but he cherishes women and BMWs, so he especially pays special attention when he sees cold and beautiful women.

So at this moment, his peach blossom eyes opened slightly and constantly scanned the seductive figure of the ice and storm. Although it was very hidden, it also made the ice and storm very unhappy. However, considering that he was also a worldly strong man, he was barely angry,

After enduring it, this forbearance was a morning, which was unprecedented in her previous experience. It seemed that she was like this in order to have a pleasant long talk with Xiao Tie, but this long talk touched too much concern.

So that every time Xiao Tie speaks, it will attract her great interest and attention.


A morning always flies,

In front of Qingyi Pavilion, a row of young disciples who have recently joined the sect are rehearsing the array,

Feng took himself as a master and personally trained these disciples. One afternoon, he was always breaking the changing array and running east and west. Some disciples couldn't stand such fatigue and fell to the ground frequently. All those who fell to the ground represented automatic withdrawal. Therefore, after an afternoon of screening, 50 brothers were selected. There is the Qingfang among the children,

In the crowd, the young youth also reacted quickly with the gesture of the wind. His reaction was very fast, coupled with his high understanding, and he had mastered all the secrets of skills after only a few times of teaching.

So he was soon appointed as a steward disciple of the new generation of disciples by Feng,

In charge of the more than 30 teenagers who entered the array below,

"The formation we are going to practice today is the array of the wind. The number of people is required to be 30, and the formation remains square,,,,,,,"

Qingfang's face was slightly red in the sun, which was very conspicuous. He kissed loudly with slightly excited words, and the people below also retreated one after another. In his continuous greeting, the formation changed. Each of them held a jade slip in his hand, and the jade slip was engraved with a wind seal. Therefore, as long as you can gather more than a few jade arrows through the change of orientation in wartime, and face the enemy, then the wind will summon the wind of heaven and earth and gather several wind forces together, which will produce invincible power.

Seeing that the people's skills are so high, it also puts great pressure on the disciples below.

"Hey, you have practiced for so long, whether it's useful or not, let me have a try." After saying that, he turned around and rushed to the array. With the sound of a change, the bodies of dozens of disciples kept changing like lightning. With the change of the formation, on the hundreds of jade slips, the seal of the wind continued to form, turning into a Taoist wind and rushing around. The wind in the center of the array also blew to the Daofeng. Dizzy, he didn't expect that this Qingfang was a talent. That day, when he saw him angry, he even wanted to help him. He has always been regarded as a useless waste, but at this moment, he has undoubtedly become a front-like figure.

The green light of Taoism rolled wildly everywhere, rose into the air, transformed into the shapes of various monsters and then kept attacking down, allowing the people in the center of the array to endure the shock brought by the attack. The light kept falling and rising again, turning into a Taoist wind blade cutting vertically and horizontally in the array, which was very sharp, even if it was as strong as strong. Feng, a rare master in the world, has also been in a hurry. Although the strength of these novices is still very weak, and one-on-one singles are by no means his opponent, these dozens of people have united, and their strength has increased by more than ten times.

The wind smiled reluctantly and got out of the array. His body was extremely fast. Under the attack of countless wind blades, he actually retreated, which also showed his cultivation as a superman.

"Oh, your flying skill is indeed a little famous, but I don't know how powerful the power in hand is. I want to compare with you. Let's take this blue stone under your feet as an example, "

Seeing that the wind is so strong, there is no harm in a few times in the array, and there is also a burst of surprise in my heart.

A yellow-shirted elder came out of the crowd. Most of the people in yellow-shirted were among the best masters in the sect, only under the patriarch, so when they saw the elders in yellow come forward to challenge, it was really a good play that people looked forward to.

Everyone held their breath and stretched their necks to look at the wind in the array. At this moment, the yellow-haired teenager got out of the array and was about to rest for a while, but he was called a call. For a moment, he was furious.

Looking at the elders in front of him, he saw that he was nearly ten feet tall and very male. The bones and flesh of his body turned into meatballs and hung on his body, which was very powerful. The color of the meat ball was different, but it was like substance. Through the surface of the skin, you can clearly see that there was some blood hidden in it. Liquid, but the blood volume is small and the color is strange. Obviously, the person is a slim person with extremely strong physical strength, and between the trembling of the meat ball, his body transforms into an energy flow, which slowly moves on the surface of the body.

Obviously, the person did not enter the realm of the knife god, which is also a little worse. After all, one of the signs of the realm of the knife god is the emergence of energy flow, and a little weak energy has appeared on his body. Although such a fluid is a little weaker than some strong people at the knife god level, the power explosion in actual combat is excessive. As much as,

So seeing this person's appearance made all the people here sluggish for a moment. After all, Huang Jun's skills are definitely one of the best in Feitianzong. Even in several battles of the outside invasion of Feitianzong, Huang Jun's skills can afford to fight directly with the knife god level, so when he saw his action, this The master of the later means of the knife demon is absolutely stable. After all, the level of the wind is one level lower than him, so it is one level worse. Just like the difference between heaven and earth, the appearance of energy waves makes the protection of the light shield completely useless, and the wind borrowed the role of the light mask to defeat so many fierce attacks. At present, He left his mask, and if he devoted himself to the game, his chances of winning are slim.

"Brother, if you are not afraid of making a fool of yourself, you should admit defeat as soon as possible. It is not a shameful thing to admit defeat. If you are captured or defeated in the battle, it will be a shameful. Oh, if I defeat you in this battle, then your teacher's position must be unatable in the future. You have to think about this. . ",

Sure enough, he is an old fox. With one mouth, he invisibly puts an eggplant lock on people.

A invisible pressure is formed in the mind and cannot be easily removed.

The wind's eyes looked a little gloomyly at the yellow-haired old man opposite him. He couldn't imagine that such an elder was willing to put down his value to compete with himself as a teenager. Wouldn't it be more humiliating if he was defeated?

He didn't understand. He just scratched his head gently and looked indifferent.

"Okay, I promise you, but you also have to think about it. If you lose to my hands, then your hard-earned elder position will not be guaranteed. Oh, this is also an inevitable consequence, "

When the old man heard the wind, the yellow-haired old man laughed wildly. Huang Jun laughed and said, "Good boy, you are the guest-oriented and taught me a lesson. Oh, let me tell you, this competition was personally allowed by the suzerain, so it's not that I want to compete with you, but that the suzerain has the intention to try your skills."

His eyes swept again, making the wind feel a little uncomfortable for a while. After all, his eyes are as sharp as a knife. In this way, it will certainly give people great mental damage, and the strength of the spiritual world will inevitably affect the result.