Young Knife God

Chapter 283 Reheavy the Heavenly Demon

A day later, in a quiet cave in the back mountain,

Xiao Tie sat quietly in the cave with his eyes like electricity. In the past few days, he has captured a large number of monsters in the mountains one after another, and the number of magic crystals has reached an extremely rich speed, so even if there is alchemy at this time, it is extremely easy. Besides, there is a demon predecessor sitting in the heavenly magic knife, so It will add more attributes to his magic knife. Once the combat power of the magic knife is enhanced, there will be an essential improvement in the attributes of the magic magic. Therefore, after saving the magic crystals, Xiao Tie can't wait to come to the back mountain to find a quiet place for renovation.

This location was also selected by him ten days ago, so once the location was selected, he asked for leave from the ice wind and rain. He came here early in the morning to enter the state early and carry out the next round of practice.

"Xiao Tie, how long will you leave this time?" Hearing that Xiao Tie was about to leave, the ice wind and rain asked puzzledly. During this period of time, after carrying out tasks together and being together for a long time, the relationship between them was slowly fermenting, until it became more and more mellow and pleasant.

But Xiao Tie wanted to leave her at this time. Such a gap made her heart empty for a moment.

Unable to land for a while,

So she looked at Xiao Tie worriedly, and her eyes were reluctant to look at the city.

Xiao Tie naturally understands, but his own cultivation has also reached an important time, so at this time, whether it is giving up or retaining, it is a difficult choice for him.

He suffered a burst of pain, but finally made his own choice under the eyes of the ice and storm,

This choice is very important to him, so he must follow this decision. Maybe he can get rid of the embarrassment of the current situation.

"It will take a month. During this month, I will spend it quietly. As for where I went there, I must not reveal it to others. After all, the situation in this mountain is far more dangerous than the outside world. Even if I leave, it will be confidential, otherwise the people below will have to take action."

Xiao Tie has been worried about Elder Huang's faction. After all, he just frustrated their spirit not long ago, but in this way, it only calms them down for a while, but they can't fundamentally solve the problem, so the consequences of all this are a headache for him and can't be solved in a while.

Time may be a master problem-solving. Within the scope of time, perhaps no problem can be called a problem.

Love and hatred are most likely to disappear within the framework of time and do nothing,

Maybe Xiao Tie only brings them dreams and hopes, but it can't fundamentally bring any substantial changes. After all, at this time, safety comes first,

The ice, wind and rain have been here for a long time, like a mirror, naturally known,

But when he heard that Xiao Tie cared about the internal threat, it still hurt her nerves and made his heart suddenly hurt.

"Well, I will keep it a secret for you. At the same time, I will arrange someone to live in your yard, just let people know that you are here and have not left."

Her cleverness was appreciated by Xiao Tie, but after hearing this, there was a bitterness in his heart. In this scene, there are thousands of ugly and dangers hidden in such a prosperous scene. Only one day, there must be the power to destroy heaven and earth.

He smiled indifferently and turned to leave. His clothes were tight, but he pulled people.

The red lips moved slightly, ** thousands of people. The ice storm in front of her is no longer the heart of ice and snow that refuses people thousands of miles away. On the contrary, her heart is extremely hot and can ignite a universe in an instant.

If love can come more violently, let it burn happily.

This is also what she has been hiding in the bottom of her heart, but she has never said it, so the moment she pulled the corner of Xiao Tie's clothes, it really made Xiao Tie feel a different taste,

Hot and persistent,

Pure and reserved,

Simple and awe,

All kinds of smells make people stay, but at this moment, Xiao Tie's heart is slowly cold. He needs to calm down and need higher and farther goals, so at this moment, maybe only a colder can save himself.

If he falls into the whirlpool of love, his situation must also be extremely tragic,

After all, those poisonous eyes outside are staring at him all the time, asking him to die and the life of the ice, wind and rain can hold up until now. Xiao Tie is definitely a pillar force.

The four eyes intersect, and a hot smell came, which made Xiao Tie realize at this moment. At this moment, he has lost too many things, but in his eyes, there is a ** that he can't refuse,

He closed his eyes slightly and sighed. He only felt a soft fragrant body sticking to his body, and a gentle kiss was imprinted on his forehead, making his heartbeat suddenly accelerate.

It's so fragrant and beautiful. I really want to do it again, but when he opened his eyes, he heard a burst of eating laughter. The beautiful girl left him like a whirlwind at this moment, and her happy smile ran on her beautiful face, radiating bright sunshine.

It's beautiful,

Xiao Tie smacked his tongue. This sweetness is really sweet that he has never had before. Even if Oran only holds hands with him, he has never been close to his skin. This girl is really not simple,

A gust of wind blew, and it was extremely cold. Xiao Tie shivered and slowly woke up with an idea rising in his heart.

"Bad boy, Sichunla, go and practice with my old man, or if it's too late, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake. "Hearing this sound, Xiao Tie rushed to the back mountain by a gust of wind, and his body gradually turned into a gust of wind, a gust of invisible wind shadow,

The art of wind and shadow has been passed down from ancient times. Even in the West, people who know the magic of wind and shadow are only a few people. Xiao Tie is just one of the lucky ones.

Use the power of the wind to fly and get rid of the suction of the earth, so that the spirit of heaven and earth can be integrated, between heaven and earth." I don't know when an old man in a gray robe stood up from under an inconspicuous tree and looked at Xiao Tie, who was far away, sighed, and his eyes became complicated.

"Grandpa, do you mean this young man is not simple?"

A beautiful girl blinked a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at the old man quietly. The old man in gray was young, but his hair was all white. Except for a pair of tiger eyes radiating horrible light, his heart was no different from that of a child.

"Hee, you don't think my old monster is dirty. Why are you willing to talk to my old monster today? It's really strange. Oh, little red girl, oh, you should call me grandpa."