Young Knife God

Chapter 286 Rebirth

This place is obviously also a part of the ancient world, but because of a big disaster that happened in that world, these scenes were truly preserved. After all, it was already eye-opening for me to see, but just as I was about to approach them to see what was going on, I was stopped by the shadow.

Although their bodies are sealed, there are still seeds of thought in their bodies, so don't approach them. Otherwise, they will regard you as a threat and attack you. Although it is only the power of some soul bodies, it is still horrible. You should know that they are an ancient continent. The sealed super strong, even the power of the soul body, is very horrible. Even if their power can only exert 1%, I'm afraid it's far from you and me to meet such a super strong man. Keeping a distance may be a means to protect ourselves, whether you realize this or not. I have the obligation to remind you, otherwise if we offend them in this place, I'm afraid that we will not only get nothing, but also become unknown whether we can go back alive." After saying that, his body turned into a light and shadow appeared in front of me, but although I still can't see his eyebrows clearly, I can feel it. The feared flame deep in his heart is constantly burning and has not stopped for a moment. The flame of life marks the beginning of reshaping the body. Therefore, in this process, we will not stop reshaping the form of the body and prepare for resurrection.

The magic shadow sighed and glanced around, and couldn't help but look solemn. After all, although this cave is extremely wide, there are many paths in front of it, with more than a dozen holes of different sizes. Some intersections are deliberately blocked with some stones, which seems to prohibit human access, but there are The intersection is extremely wide, and it's nothing to walk a few carriages?

So when we came to these caves, we stopped together. At this time, the shadow of the shadow flashed in front of me and made a strange roar or two.

"This roar came out, and the echo was soon heard from different holes,

My heart was shocked. I knew that the echo was to verify the depth of the hole. The holes with echoes were generally short and shallow, so they could reach the bottom of the cave without going too far, while those caves that could not hear the echo were blocked by several boulders. The boulders were several people high and presented a very accurate. It is spherical, so one end is stuck in the hole and the other is exposed outside. At a glance, people feel a sense of gloomy fear.

It seems that it is far from enough to carry such a stone with the strength of a few people. Even the demon shadow, a soul body born ten thousand years ago, sighed and retreated back. Only then did he overflow his consciousness with his body and have found out the situation of several caves in the shortest time, so as long as he tries his best, maybe There will be opportunities, but at present, the most urgent thing is to destroy the stones blocked outside the cave.

In this extremely cold land, we stood side by side, and the sound of the shadow came again, extremely cold,

Now you can destroy this prohibition. This stone may not be as powerful as it seems, so as long as you launch a full blow, you can definitely smash it."

I turned my eyes to him, as if I had some doubts,

The shadow smiled indifferently and said, "At present, no matter whether we win or fail, since we come here, we have to get the extremely cold ice crystal. Even if it is one, we have to take it back. At present, it seems that we have been puzzled by this stone. Sometimes, there are too many illusions in the world that we can't distinguish. I dare to conclude that This stone must be only superficially powerful. At that time, although the power of the Protoss was extremely powerful to an incredible extent, it was more of an illusion in people's impression, so we can only overcome the shadow in our hearts to break it in one fell swoop. In fact, the reason is very simple. While defeating the enemy, we are more about defeating ourselves."

"Well, since we are going to fight, it's up to me to spell it. It's just that my physical strength is consumed too quickly. Now the power that can be emitted by my body is only one-third of the usual. If I can, I'm a little unconfident."

"Well, I still have some qi-boosting pills here. Now you can take it. I believe it can supplement about half of your physical strength. After being replenished, if you do your best to attack, this stone will definitely be smashed. Hey, I can help you at that time. Don't worry." The faint words made me suddenly have some confidence to stand up straight. After swallowing a few elixirs he handed over, I instantly felt a hot current in Dantian. In a very short time, I broke through several big acupuncture points, ran across the two veins of the meridians, slowly converged, and injected into my palm.

The magic knife flashed, and the present appeared on the palm of my hand,

Wow, a strong surge, rushing like electricity in my body, the magic knife slowly flashed a dim light, and the black knife gas slowly condensed and formed,

A powerful breath spread from the air, and a powerful wave spread four times, and the momentary airspace made a strange roar.

In this instant, Xiao Tie shouted loudly, and the magic knife in his hand turned into a sharp flash and fell from the sky.

Boom, a strong attack, in a very short time, a dazzling light shines in front of the eyes, lightning-like chopping down, speed and strength almost reached a limit,

hong, a thunderball bombarded the stone ball, instantly turning the stone ball into a flame, and the bear burned,

The stone ball can actually be ignited. Such a question raises a big question mark in the bottom of my heart in an instant, which makes me a little surprised and inexplicably.

These stones are originally some abnormal things. Think about 100,000 years ago, on the ancient continent, such ancient materials were widely distributed. Even ordinary stones have some strange properties under such circumstances, so the one you just split is such a strange stone, as long as your strength is strong enough, These things will become a pile of waste,"

Xiao Tie's confidence soared after hearing this, turned the blade and chopped down a few knives. He only saw the light on the stone ball, and the core of the stone ball burned violently, which made the temperature of the ice hole rise by dozens of degrees in a very short time.

Let some frozen bodies nearby slowly melt away, which makes people's hearts shake,

"It's really too hot here. Oh, who woke me up? I want to repay him." In the dark, an old man smashed a thousand-year-old ice sealed on his body and slowly stood up. His face flashed white, as if there was still a cold air.

He slowly stepped forward, and Xiao Tie looked at the old man in a stunned way. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew nothing about whether the resurrected gods and demons were good or evil, and whether they were demons or gods in this mysterious cave, so he stayed in place for a while except for fear.

But it was good that the soul body of the magic shadow appeared in time to resolve the embarrassment in front of him.

The appearance of the magic shadow has attracted the attention of people,

"Ha, the purple electric demon god, I didn't expect that ten thousand years of sleep did not make you older. On the contrary, you are a little young, haha," the magic shadow walked over like seeing an old friend,

pat each other on the shoulder,

The man was actually a demon god sealed in an extremely cold world hundreds of meters underground. He wanted to come here and sealed too many masters like him, but they were too far away from the fireball, so they have never been lifted. Only this purple electric demon god is a lucky person to wake up. ,

"Oh, Magic Shadow, I didn't expect that you have become more and more beautiful over the years. No wonder Ye Xiangtian, the patriarch of the demon sect, praised you many times in front of me for being able to do it and be beautiful. I must go all over the continent to find you. I didn't expect that ten thousand years later, in this cave, it was a meeting between you and me. , it's really sighing,"

He smiled grievely, but his body was obviously not recovered, so since he only walked a few steps, it took a lot of power. At this moment, if Xiao Tie attacked, I'm afraid that the awakening demon god would not be able to stand a few moves and would return to his original state.

Of course, this is a later story. At present, the figure of the magic shadow slowly turns into a real figure in the air. Standing in front of you and seeing this figure, it is extremely shocking for a moment. After all, after ten thousand years of deepening, the magic shadow not only becomes like a girl's face, but also refines the soul body like flesh and blood. The body is ordinary, and people feel a strong shock at a glance,

"Well, yes, ten thousand years, in your and my opinion, is just a moment in the river of human growth, so as long as you wait, you will definitely have a chance to be reborn or meet."

"Oh, it's just that in ten thousand years, you are much luckier than me. Otherwise, even if you have such a result in this airspace, it depends on how lucky you are. Look, 100 meters away is the magic cloud cave. In that hole, countless gods and demon souls are sealed, as long as the prohibition outside the hole is broken. , they will wake up, but these evil spirits, even when I am strong, dare not easily provoke them, so if it is not me who wakes up this time, but the other one, then you two will definitely be swallowed up by them. You should know that the strongest ability of the demon clan is to devour, and the flesh and blood of the human body is tonic. Once swallowed, you will lose your body forever. Even if it is a soul body, it is also difficult to escape the claws, so this place is extremely dangerous. However, you are still lucky. After all, there are countless treasures hidden in this cave in front of you. If you can get one of them, you will be worthwhile. Of course, there will also be some prohibitions to break in the hole. You know this magic shadow, but anything that is not sure to touch can't be touched. Once touched, it will be life-threatening. Oh, well, that's all I'll say."