Young Knife God

Chapter 290 Blue Blood

The pool is as big as a circle, and one person comes deep, so standing here and hearing the creek gurgling, it makes people intoxicated.

Without so much nonsense, Xiao Tie took off his clothes and jumped into the pool.

Jump into the pool and felt a feeling of coldness surge from below, which spread all over his body in an instant. Xiao Tie was stunned and secretly said that the strangeness from the pool was thinking about it. He felt a cold feeling gushing from the soles of his feet. After entering the body, it rushed into the meridians and attracted the qi in the meridians. The machine was scattered, and there was a pain like cutting a knife.

Damn, what kind of shit pool is this? How come so many strange things happen as soon as you enter the pool?

Xiao Tie was meditating, but he heard a voice laughing in his ear and said, "Don't panic. There are many benefits to take a bath in this pool. Just stick to it. Don't give up. Otherwise, it's extremely difficult to retreat all over your body, let alone hopeless recovery. Brother, you'd better be careful, otherwise something will happen, and I can't help you."

Listening to his words, Xiao Tie was greatly refreshed and dared to believe that there were still ice crystals hidden in this pool of water. The coldness of this pool of water was due to the energy below.

In the extreme cold, people's skin turned green, but Fortunately, Xiao Tie was ready to swallow a few flame pills in time, which adjusted the temperature of the body back.

In Dantian, a flame is flying, and the cold energy that penetrates into the bones becomes warm in an instant. Therefore, at this moment, infinite energy circulates in the body to make Xiao Tie's two veins slowly become red and white. Under this change, his meridians and two veins become crystal clear. Although the size has not changed, it greatly increases elasticity and toughness.

A strong meridians is an important guarantee for future development,

Shisi, Xiao Tie, who was sitting quietly, suddenly felt that countless violent water was pouring into his body, and in an instant, he filled his body with surging energy.

That light is like a dream,

Continuously washing Xiao Tie's body,

From the bones to the veins, to the skin on the surface, and even the blood turns pale blue under the cleansing of this extremely cold force,

This color seems to be extremely visible, but in Xiao Tie's view, it is a true alien.

He doesn't want to be a blue-blooded man. You should know that the emergence of the first blue-blooded man in the continent can be traced back to the ancient century. In that era, countless people traveled to foreign places for life. As a result, he found a blue-blooded man village in the corner of the mainland. He never revealed the secret of the blue-blooded man and saw that his blood gradually turned into Blue, which makes Xiao Tie's expression suddenly change. He doesn't want to make himself an alien at this time. You should know that the forces of various factions in the mainland will never be soft on the emergence of aliens.

"Xiao Tie's pool is not casually allowed to let people in. It requires several attributes to compete with the coldest blue energy in nature. If this ice blue force pours into your body and you are not blessed, it is not much worse than suicide, so even if you die, don't die in this blue soul. In the cold pool, haha, it seems that your boy is really not bad. He actually invaded Hanli, and nothing happened to wash his bones. Oh, you should know, I was regretting that I brought you into this magical realm just now. You know, this is the place for the fairy's self-cultivation. In the early years, the fairy came to this pool almost every morning naked. Some soaked and self-cultivated, this blue-spirited cold pool was also known as the water of god-making in the fairyland. It is said that people who have only soaked in this pool will cultivate a copper iron bone without fear. Oh, but depending on your appearance, the copper skin has not been cultivated to the realm, but the transformation of this blood is too powerful. In such a short time Just change the blood of your whole body to blue, so this blue blood will definitely bring you endless benefits. Haha, as for the benefits, I will gradually realize it in the future. My old man won't talk much. Hey, there are still some delicious things in the hole over there. Hey, I'm hungry, but I can eat something. ,”

After saying that, the purple electric demon god went like a gust of wind, and the speed of body and law is really incomparalleled in the world,

Xiao Tie was also a little strange. Originally, he only repaired a copper iron bone when he came in, but why did he turn his blood blue? How could he see people when he went out? There was a burst of distress in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that on the day of Feitianzong, in order to save the ice and storm of the cold attack, he risked to attract the poison on her body. In this way, most of the other party's ice poison was inhaled into his body, but he usually used real air pressure to avoid the attack. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect this moment. Kung Fu, this extremely cold ice is fused with this cold poison in the body,

Not only does the color become light blue, but also doubles its blood vessels,

The extremely cold blood flowing in the blood vessels is full of some extremely cold energy elements that seem to turn into countless small particles in his blood. Although it does not hinder the flow, it makes people feel a considerable super pressure.

The force was so huge that he felt that the blood flow in his body was more than twice as fast as usual. His heart was beating wildly, and his expression slowly became excited.

Boom, Xiao Tie, who was in the bath, suddenly flew up from the pool and stepped on the waves. With a punch, he hit the black cliff in front of him. On the black cliff, there were clearly dozens of palm prints, large and small, but the palm print was very petite, and it was a woman's at a glance. Palm print, and on his other side, is a calm and mirror-like dark stone wall. This stone wall is engraved with all kinds of strange words. With Xiao Tie's fierce bombardment, the mountain has a line of vibration in an instant.

Then a large number of rocks fell from above, approaching Xiao Tie's body, but they were shattered one by one. Xiao Tie's arm only moved slightly and emitted a powerful force, which could instantly shake some stones into stone powder.

What a strong force,

Until Xiao Tie retreated into the cold pool and opened his eyes again, the sound of the magic shadow came to his ears. At this moment, the magic shadow has turned into a demon andmei into a red jade. The jade is on the side of the cold pool, emitting a faint heat, making people feel warm fluctuations as soon as they get close.

Xiao Tie opened his eyes and found that there was a huge palm print on the black stone wall in front of him. The good palm print was deeply imprinted in it, which made people feel horrible at a glance, and the horror of power was shocking.

The magic shadow turned into a human shape, and the faint magic knife light also turned into a dashed line and sank into her body,

However, Xiao Tie still felt a little uneasy before seeing this knife spirit. After all, this knife spirit is very domineering.

It's a little more powerful than the palm you just sent. If you cut it on a person, I'm afraid that even if you are blocked, you won't be so lucky.

The fluctuation of energy is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"If it hadn't been for that knife spirit, maybe I would have got more. After all, he had experienced the power of that knife just now, which was really shocking.

The shadow was also immersed in the cold pool and slowly recovered. Her body was placed in this magic knife, slowly appeared a large outline,

The woman's soft waist and faint face were sublimated in an instant,

A faint mist-like light appeared on the knife, slowly turning the knife into a light and shadow. When this light and shadow turned into a human figure again, her jade-like face appeared in the air.

Beautiful face, red hair, slowly dancing in the wind, everything is like a dream,

But only when it appears in my sight can it really make people feel a little shock, thrilling and fearful.

"Senior, you have turned into a soul body so soon. Such a soul body is an indispensable part of the evolution process. Congratulations, "My heartfelt blessings make a strange smile flash on her face. Maybe she has been waiting for this evolution for tens of thousands of years, but in this blessed world, but It has been truly realized,

"You are very beautiful. If this dream goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be more beautiful." I praised it. After listening to my praise, she giggled and seemed to be extremely happy

Once the dream wakes up. You will see a very different sky, so it can be imagined that when her soul evolves and slowly approaches the body, the joy hidden in the heart slowly reveals, which makes people extremely excited.

"I'm yours, because the magic knife is yours, Gege, "She smiled softly. In the laughter, I seemed to see the beautiful girl back then, the beautiful figure,