Young Knife God

Chapter 294 Teleportation

The awakening of the soul is the first step before many gods wake up. Only by getting the awakening of the soul can we slowly restore the ability of the body and restore the combat power of the whole body. It is only in the step of the soul, which is relatively primary, and only awakens less than one-tenth of its own strength. Nevertheless, it is also amazing. Extremely, the general strong man is no longer his opponent,

At this moment, the goddess Luoshui looked at Xiao Tie, but she looked surprised, because she saw a shining star disk, four rings, three celestial bodies of different sizes, and stars kept rotating in their respective orbits.

The strangest thing is that a sun-forming star in the middle emits dazzling brilliance, which makes people feel fear at a glance.

This gap in strength is really amazing,

And thousands of years after the astrolabe disappeared, it was once again seen by the goddess Luoshui, and a moment of shock overflowed on the surface.

The powerful astrolabe, coupled with his extremely cold blue jade, may create a new generation of genius hegemons,

The strangest thing is the magic of Xiao Tie's body,

The magic gas from the heavenly magic knife wrapped around his body like a ghost, making his body full of strange colors,

The mysterious teenager is both a genius and a devil!

The face of the goddess Luoshui changed slightly and seemed to be in deep thinking. At this moment, she couldn't figure out why God focused so many worries on a person, but his genius was stained with a trace of terrible magic.

Two eyes gathered together and looked at his body. After sweeping back and forth on his body, the divine light finally found the source of the magic in the depths of his soul.

a knife,

The face of the goddess Luoshui suddenly changed and stared at Xiao Tie closely.

said in a low voice, "Come out, I won't hurt you, but I just want to know why you hid in his body, and he got you?" A series of questions pressed on her heart like a mountain, making her quiet heart as fierce as a volcanic eruption at this moment.

Xiao Tie's expression changed. At this time, he realized that the goddess in front of him was also a rare master. In her eyes, there was always a strange breath infecting him and purifying his heart.

With her voice, the knife spirit that had been hidden for a long time slowly appeared in the palm of her hand,

A light black knife spirit floats on the palm of your hand,

With the emergence of this knife spirit, the face of the goddess Luoshui suddenly sank and said, "Who are you? Why did you fall into this knife spirit and what did you want to do? With the cold voice, there is a faint murderous atmosphere,

Xiao Tie did not expect that the magic shadow would appear at this time. Originally, she was extremely afraid of the goddess Luoshui, but now she had to appear.

Stand in front of the other party,

The same two soul bodies, looking at each other,

but with different mindsets,

After all, one is a demon and the other is a god,

After looking at each other for a few seconds, I heard the goddess Luoshui shout and said, "A large number of demons dare to invade my fairy house with human flesh. It is extremely arrogant and arrogant. This time I will kill you with my own hands and avenge those dead immortals!"

Hearing her say this, it made the demon shadow on the opposite feel hateful for a sudden,

The shadow hates and said, "Well, don't think you are a god. Even if you are strong, you are just a soul body like me, so even if you want to kill me, it's not a matter of one sentence, so it seems inevitable for us to compare it."

" In this way, you are going to challenge me. "Hearing the words of the magic shadow, the goddess Luoshui's face suddenly changed and showed a little fierce. At this moment of face change, the magic gas has coiled like a magic snake, hovering from the lower body of the magic shadow and gradually permeates the whole body, forming a black gas, which is black. Qi firmly protected her soul in it, shaped like armor. Seeing this black breath, it was so powerful that it flashed a surprised look on the face of the goddess Luoshui and snorted coldly, "A demon actually wants to cultivate into a soul. It seems that I underestimated you. Seeing you reminds me of ten thousand years ago. In the war between gods and demons, the blood-eating demon was my enemy in those years, but ten thousand years have passed. I think he has disappeared, and in these ten thousand years, there will be more demons to resurrect. I think you are one of them, "

She said so much in one breath. At this moment, her expression slowly became nervous, and it seemed that she wanted to kill in an instant. However, at the moment she started, she still looked at Xiao Tie and seemed to be a little confused.

Hesitated and said, "Since you are parasitist in this teenager's body, do you know that you are doing something to hurt others? This teenager is kind by nature, but under your wisp of magic, he has already had some bad breath. You know that it's all because of you, so if you want to make a great breakthrough in this teenager's realm, you must find a way to stay away from him. If you are willing to leave, then I may still By sending you some elixir as a complement, it can be seen that you are not far from breaking through. Such a strong soul body, under the influence of soul qi, must be able to achieve a terrible cultivation in a very short time. This time, even if it is a little merit I did for you, oh, if you still refuse to agree, it seems that Ben God is going to kill you by some violent means. Oh, this is not God's intention. Do you understand this?

When the goddess Luoshui saw the magic shadow, she also exclaimed. Although this witch is just a soul body, she is already strong enough to fight against her. Not only is the soul on her body extremely strong, but the soul bone on the soul body has been formed and slowly turned into a human figure. You should know that the soul body to break through the realm, that is It is necessary to turn out the soul bone before it clearly shows that her cultivation is not far from the breakthrough of the next realm. If she hurts such a demon, her heart is a little uneasy. It is better to kill her. After all, she feels the kindness in the body of the demon shadow, which is absolutely devoured. All the bloody demons can be resurrected, even if it is okay to give her a few more golden elixir,

After all, what she wants is not a devastating war, but harmony,

After hearing her words, the magic shadow also took a step back and said with a kind face, "Since the goddess looks up to me, I am willing to listen to the goddess's will, but how many golden elixirs the goddess can give me, and when will I break through the realm, all this can Did you tell me as soon as possible?"

The magic shadow has always been very concerned about whether she can break through the realm, so when she heard the goddess's advice to her, a fire of hope rose in her heart, which shocked her.

"Maybe soon, maybe hundreds of years, this is uncertain," the goddess's answer made her heart somewhat frustrated, but at the same time, it also filled her heart with hope,

"Well, I can agree to your request and leave him, but you should also give me a chance,"

Listening to the words of the magic shadow, the tense situation was relieved.

"Come here, I have two golden elixirs here, which can help you. In addition, there is a bottle of lark cream, which can replenish vitality. Remember that it can only be used at the moment when the realm is about to break through, otherwise it will produce the opposite result if you use it early or late. Remember this," the magic shadow nodded repeatedly, since the repair Out of the soul, then the soul body can drift independently and live. Maybe it's time to talk to Xiao Tie

Her expression slowly became relaxed,

After receiving those boxes of elixir, he slowly retreated to the side and quietly said to Xiao Railway: "Brother Xiao, I don't know when we can see each other this time. If there is anything that needs my help in the future, just crush this jade dish, and I will come to help..." Xiao Tie heard it and his eyes were wet. Thinking about it for so many years, the shadow has been helping himself behind his back, but once he left, he was so reluctant to let his eyes Tears swirl and almost fall down.