Young Knife God

Chapter 334 Re-ebom

The expression also slowly relaxed. As I was moving forward, I suddenly heard a strange roar from myself. A black cloud in the infinite distance flashed to my eyes.

Above the black cloud, a red-haired demon head monster stood firmly on it, looked at Xiao Tie, and shouted coldly, "Little brother, you walked too fast. I chased my brother all the way. Just now, under the old peak, I noticed you. Oh, if I didn't see it wrong, the knife in your hand is us. The sacred magic knife of the demon world, right?"

Seeing this monster made Xiao Tie speechless for a moment,

Damn, if he had known that the magic knife would cause so much trouble, he would not have used it so easily, but it's too late to regret. Who turned himself out of the devil and found trouble,

Xiao Tie smiled and blocked Qing'er behind him. Qing'er rarely met such a horrible guy and trembled with fear for a moment.

For good, Xiao Tie protected her, which made her beating heart slowly calm down.

This man's eyes burst into red and swept at Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Brother, you must have read it wrong. I haven't used any magic knife. It's just an ordinary knife. Oh, if you like it, I'll give you a gift. "After that, I reached out a few long knives and short swords from the empty ring and threw them away.

When the man saw it, he laughed wildly and said that he rubbed his hands, as if he had countless arms under the threat, and took these weapons all at once.

A light black flame rose from the palm of his hand. With a roar, he turned these weapons into yellow smoke and dispersed.

Those arms are closed again,

A burst of laughter and said, "Brother Xiao, if you don't take it out, don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

The big palm turned in the air and actually reached out to hold a red gold knife. The red gold knife is several feet long and weighs a thousand pounds.

When the knife light flashed, several lights flashed out,

Xiao Tie felt cold in his heart and knew that this person was not easy to deal with and was thinking about a way to escape.

But when he saw the demon sneer and said, "Don't think about pulling anymore. At this time, no one will come to save you. As long as you hand over the treasure knife, then I will definitely let you go. Otherwise, I won't want to leave alive."

Xiao Tie snorted coldly and said, "It's impossible for me to hand over the weapons. You know, I, Xiao Tie, is also a resounding figure. Oh, there is no reason to surrender without fighting,"

At this moment, there is no way out. Xiao Tie simply gritted his teeth and took the lead.

Shirling, his body swept a strange light, and his huge fist waved out and fell on the top of the demon's head. A horn on the demon's head was as thick as a fist.

This punch waved, but it touched with the horn. With a bombard, a few golden rays burst out on the horn, shining a blue light,

The demon frowned and didn't expect Xiao Tie's figure to be so fast that he hit his head with only one punch. If this horn hadn't blocked it, he was afraid that he would have been injured and vomited blood.

Under this blow, the horns glowed a faint black light, permeating the top of the brain like a fog.

Strangely, the black fog slowly closed and was sucked into the horn again. Xiao Tie realized that this horn was also a natural weapon, and actually inhaled so much aura. Just now, this punch was so powerful that it shocked the aura hidden in it. Come out,

The demon was dizzy for a while, but he only shook his head and shouted coldly: "If you dare to attack me, boy, you probably don't know the power of Qin Long."

Wow, the big knife rolled over, and the blade burst ten feet, expanding the attack range several times for no reason,

Xiao Tie retreated quickly and withdrew from 30 Taiyuan as soon as he retreated. Although this teleportation cost some real yuan, after all, he took Qinger to a safe place. Seeing that this person was invincible, Xiao Tiefei flew down.

Wang, holding Qinger in one hand and falling on a green mountain below,

This mountain is still a hundred miles away from Feitianzong,

The whole mountain is green and black, but there is no grass on the top of the mountain. The faint black gas rises from the center of the mountain.

A flame-like flame formed in front of him, which spread silently, making the temperature of the whole mountain suddenly soar more than ten times.

Damn, Xiao Tie scolded secretly. He came to the wrong place and launched two light masks in time to protect Qinger and his body in it.


A burst of strange laughter came from all around. Where the black light was shining, there were several more people beside Xiao Tie,

A young man in black and red hair, a woman with a strong body,

Three people and the demons falling from the sky surrounded Xiao Tie in a circular shape.

" Boy, it's your greatest luck to fall into the hands of our four demons in Shushan. This time, we will not only take away the treasure from you, but also the beauty beside you will belong to my master. Oh, "That beautiful woman laughed so much,

A pair of autumn water-like eyes fixed the Qinger beside Xiao Tie, with a demonic smile,

"Qinger, you are a snake. Why do you change your human appearance to bully this innocent teenager in front of you? Oh, at this time, our demon child was born. You demon snake, why don't you capture him? "

The four people looked at Qinger together. Qing's face changed slightly, and her body slowly turned into a snake under the light of the demon lights. A cyan python coiled behind Xiao Tie, which suddenly scared Xiao Tie and knew that he had been fooled by others. Otherwise, where did the snake demon come from on the fairy mountain? This green I'm afraid it has been tampered with people a long time ago, and everything that just happened passed in front of my eyes like a movie.

There was a feeling that his heart was stung. Is this young man really a horrible snake demon?

"Why did you become a snake demon? Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, Xiao Tie's mentality is in chaos, and he has reached a critical point of collapse,

Qier slowly raised her head and said calmly, "It's to blame you for being too greedy for beauty. The old peak has already calmed down our demon clan a few days ago. Most of the immortals above are transformed by our demon clan, so what you see is just some illusions,"

"So, is all this fake? Did you deceive me in the same way?"

Xiao Tie can't believe that the beautiful woman in front of him is actually a snake demon. It seems that the rumor of the rise of the demon clan is not empty.

Qier said calmly, "Except for my heart for you, it's true, everything else is false. As long as you are willing to hand over the magic knife, then all this is a joke. We will certainly save your life and let you go. Otherwise, maybe this is your burial place."

Her bright eyes fluttered, and a chill flashed. This time she was willing to sacrifice for the sake of the demon child,

In order to save the demon child, they must borrow their own magic knife, and the magic knife, like their own life, has been integrated with his body. If you want to take the knife, you must kill him first. Otherwise, if the demon is in hand, he will never hand over it over.