Young Knife God

Chapter 358 Rift Stone

Firefox ate the kebab, and then looked at Xiao Tie,

Xiao Tie has also been looking at them with a smile. Although he accepted them as disciples these days, he did not let them have a few full meals, and his guilt arose for a moment.

"It's just them, the general, and the pig, which was very powerful and killed our three or four brothers at once." With a noisy sound from a distance, dozens of figures rushed here, but because they had seen incompetent skills, these people knew that they were powerful, so they did not dare to get too close. Instead, the iron-clad general, without fear, strode forward and said with a sneer, "Do you dare to ask how many people have anything important to enter the city?"

Xiao Tie arched his hand and said, "Go around casually, oh, but seeing the local wind and shadow is excellent, it makes me think about it and wants to stay in the city for a few more days,"

Listening to Xiao Tie, he is ordinary and calm. He has a kind of temperament of giving up his own and reigning over the world.

For a moment, the armored general was also stunned,

"What exactly is your cause? Can you tell me, "

Xiao Tie heard a smile and said, "Xiao Tie came from Fei Tianzong to get the Rift Stone, but he didn't expect that the Rift Tianshi had been given to a goblin. It seems that this trip is useless."

As early as last night, he felt a huge demonic spirit seeping in from the outside world, and his spiritual consciousness quickly penetrated into four hundred miles of space. After a while, he had found out that a black-winged demon had taken a step ahead of him, broke into the Huadeng Holy House, killed several masters of baby care, and killed the The purple gold box with the baby was taken away. It is said that the baby is hidden in the purple gold box, which is very precious. This time, the lord of the city was dedicated to inviting the master to take care of the cracked stone, but he did not expect that these so-called masters lost the battle with only one face to face.

Not only was the baby being taken away, but even dozens of masters who took care of the baby were killed. When he led the crowd to see the bodies in the courtyard, there was a strong fear in his heart. This person, whether he was a demon, could kill so many people in such a short time, and everyone's body How did they die without seeing the obvious wound? For a moment, questions surged into his mind, making him have infinite conjectures.

This person is really unusual,

With a sigh of relief, he stood in front of Xiao Tie. In the face of this equally young and more dangerous person, countless strange thoughts flashed in his heart.

"Young people, this city is very dangerous and is no longer suitable for you to enjoy the landscape. Now it is important to save your life. You'd better leave here as soon as possible."

Wang Li, the iron armor general, guessed again and again at this moment, knowing that once he took action, he would never be the opponent of one of them. Although he was also a lot of masters, he had no help with such high manual martial arts. If he could not do it well, he was in danger of the destruction of the whole army. Therefore, he thought about it over and over again.

He still decided to let these people go. After all, fewer enemies will make himself more calm to face the current crisis.

Wow, a light overflowed, and a figure flashed out of the sky. He laughed and said, "If you have the ability to catch me, I killed it. Haha, now the cracked stone is in my hand,"

The figure flashed away and flew into the moat outside the city,

The city, whose wall is extremely high, leads to a river as a moat under the wall. The name of this river is Lishui. The water is extremely large, so although the river is not wide, it is extremely dangerous. If ordinary people fall into it, they will be swallowed up by the rapid current.

This figure actually took a turn. In everyone's sight, he threw himself into the river and disappeared in a blink of an eye. He was about to chase him but was stopped by Xiao Tie.

"Slowly, this person must be a water-knowing goblin, so you suddenly go into the water and don't know what's going on inside, and you will actually suffer their losses, "

Wang Li, the armored general, shouted softly, took a few steps away, and held his fist: "Six people who don't want to intervene in the matter of cracking Tianshi and have to take people to capture the thief. Several people can leave quickly, otherwise they will avoid trouble."

With a soft roar, Wang Li hurried to the river with people,

Wow, a gust of wind passed by, and Xiao Tie was like a bird. He swept low in the air and had caught up closely.

Firefox incompetence and Golden Retriever, three, are also unwilling to lag behind. One by one, they control their bodies and catch up like lightning.

"Ha ha, Master, you don't wait for the three of us. How can you make your disciples catch up with you so fast, "

While shouting, he came tightly behind. In contrast, his figure is the slowest, and the Firefox is the fastest. Following Xiao Tie, the golden retriever is not slow, but he refuses to take the lead. It turns out that he also deliberately let Firefox,

With a violent shock, Xiao Tie's body plunged into the hard land on the shore like a cannonball, and his legs fell two feet deep into the ground.

The body shook and the legs jumped out of the ground,

When I looked at the surface of the water, I saw a red boat moving forward rapidly. There was a beautiful woman sitting on the boat, holding a purple gold box in her hand and showing off to Xiao Tie with a smile.

"Brother, you are late. This baby belongs to whoever arrives first. If you come late, you will naturally have no chance. But if you are willing to worship three times in front of me, I may share half of you, ah, "

Xiao Tie smiled coldly and said, "Well, although the baby is next to you, it doesn't mean that you have the life to take him away. I think there must be other masters around here, so if you don't hand over the baby, then whether you are destined to leave or not is a problem."

Hearing Xiao Tie's words, the young man in white turned pale. At this moment, he found that a strange current under the water was moving forward rapidly and slowly approaching him.

Who? Don't blame being rude again," the teenager said, with an extra purple electric hammer in his hand. Half of the hammer was a chain, and one end was still connected to an iron bar. The teenager waved the iron bar and waved the hammer.

A splashed, and a man jumped out of the water. Xiao Tie's eyes were sharp. He already knew that this person was the hero he had just met in the teahouse outside the city. He felt cold for a moment. He didn't expect that this person was so proficient in water. This was unexpected. Only then, in the teahouse, he was almost Du wanted to hurt him, but after all, he was a talent. In addition, he was so young, it was the time to make a big difference, so he moved his kindness, which made him escape a disaster, but he didn't expect that this person was also a treasure hunter. In this way, he would not kill this teenager unless necessary.

Originally, he didn't want to hurt people, but he couldn't avoid it, so it was inevitable to hurt people.

Wang Li also rushed to the river at this moment and reached out to wave a big boat. There were more than a dozen soldiers on the boat. After a tearing, there was nothing left, only five or six.

Wang Li stared at the boat below, stared and said, "Where did the thief come from? Stop Grandpa, otherwise Grandpa won't let you go."

Even if he doesn't kill this man, if the lord of the city gets angry, he will also cut off his head.

It's better to kill than to be killed.

Thinking of this, he shouted wildly and drove the boat here like a water line.

Oh, the boat in the river hit a stream of water at sight, bombarded and split into two halves,

Then I heard a shout,

"Leave the baby, spare your life," the man roared and flew up. A golden light in his hand shot out of his hand and threw himself into the boat.

Boom, the ship that had been seriously damaged collapsed under this hammer and shattered pieces,

What Wang Li didn't expect was that after the boat broke down, there was a sound of water under the water.

Countless boats appeared one after another,

There are dozens of water demons sitting on these boats, all holding weapons, screaming,

It seems that in order to get this cracked stone, the aquarium is also very moved and does not hesitate to use the water demon,

A loud voice came from a small boat, and a middle-aged man sat on the dragon chair, with a earthy face and sounding like a huge bell.

"Longer, have you ever won?"

The young man's name is Li Long, the son of this aquarium emperor,

Hearing the cry, the teenager flew up and fell in front of the old man. He handed the thing in his hand to the old man and whispered, "Father, I have already mastered it, but I don't know whether it is true or false, so please ask my father to have a look."

Hearing his voice, the old man looked happy. He took the purple gold box in his hand and opened it gently, but saw a light coming out of the box, which was particularly cold.

The old man's face changed greatly and covered the box. Then he took a breath and said, "It's true, but my son didn't get it so easily. If the city lord's house didn't intend to release water, how could such a heavy treasure be easily lost?"

A trace of suspicion appeared on his face, but he had just tested the brilliance of this treasure, but it was not like a fake, so he slowly relieved his heart.

At this moment, a white shadow flashed in front of him,

Boom, a column of water was raised to make his body stand steady, but as stable as Mount Tai,

Seeing that this person actually had such a skillful water repelling technique, the old man couldn't help but take a breath of cold breath,

I admire myself secretly,

"Who are you?"

"Wenjin in Jiulong Mountain. Presumably, you have heard my name. I am Wenjin attached to Jiulong. This cracked Tianshi was originally the treasure of Jiulong Mountain. It has been handed down to the world for a long time, but I didn't want to steal it. After thousands of years, my whereabouts have been unknown. This time, I found out that this thing is actually here, so Come here with the teacher's order to welcome this treasure. If several enlightened people, return the treasure to them. Otherwise, both sides will be defeated. "