Young Knife God

Chapter 386 fa yi

Hearing Apollo say such words made Xiao Tie full of gratitude for a moment. After all, this demon master said such an exciting word for the first time after 30,000 years of silence, but this time, if he dies in battle, the secret will become meaningless, but from the words of Apollo Demon Lord, it is With some confidence in winning, after all, after the combination of the two, the combat power doubled, so such combat power is still worth looking forward to.

"This time is not only related to the reputation of the two great respects, but also to the future of the subordinates, so if they are defeated, I'm afraid they will die for this, but they are not afraid of death and only want to win a battle."

"Xiaoyou was really a little ambitious and was not scared by this Qimu immortal. You should know that in today's fairyland, Qimu is said to be a supreme existence. His strength has always ranked first in the fairyland, so if he defeats Xiao Xiao's reputation in this battle, he will also be famous, oh, ”

Xiao Tie nodded his head, and suddenly flashed something in his mind. The golden light flashed in his mind. The distant light slowly bullied his body. At this critical moment, the two masters devoted their lifelong learning to Xiao Tie's consciousness. Xiao Tie's consciousness sensed all this, and his heart was shocked. God rose a hundred times, and he knew that these secrets were the unique skills of the two masters in the creation of the world. If this battle does not die, then his status will soar to the sky and become the top master in the three worlds.

Boom, a strong and almost substantive sense of oppression fell from the air, like an iron gate slowly closing. At this moment, Xiao Tie's expression tightened, and on his body, a red flame soared up, and a groundbreaking fist bloomed above his head.

Boomed to a pearl on the web, which is the eye of Skynet. If he is broken, this magic weapon will be broken. Under such a strong attack, the power of this punch can be imagined.

A sharp force breaks through the heaven and earth, unstoppable, roaring to the sky, drawing a bright halo between heaven and earth,

That aura shocked the world,

It shocked everyone in the fairyland, and the expression changed from the previous disdain to respect,

"Damn, this boy is crazy and even dares to challenge Skynet. It seems that he is really sick. This impact can be said to be full of aura and sharpness. However, he is facing Skynet. You should know that Tianwang has been hundreds of thousands of years of decent challenges since its birth. It is the first time to see such an attack. I have been there, but a small human master seems to be too confident in himself, "

"The boy is crazy again. Such a strong attack wave is rare in the world. If he had bombarded me with all his strength, I'm afraid I would have turned into a meat pie long ago, and there would not even be any scum left."


"Well, I don't think so. This person is full of innate aura. I think that if this person gets the support of the two soul bodies, he will definitely become stronger. I bet that this time the Seven Eyes Immortal may not be able to win. If we don't accept it, we will bet on the last time. I will bet 50,000 gold coins first. "The beauty demon girl Yu Ruyi is also a fairy and demon, in the three worlds. Among them, she can travel freely and is as good as a man. Even in front of the masters of the fairy world, she is full of confidence. A pair of wise eyes appreciate Xiao Tie very much. As soon as her words fell, she angered another person.

The man jumped up and roared loudly,

" Humph, I just didn't listen to what you girl said. I bet 30,000 gold coins. "This man is Shen Changqing, a proud disciple of the Seven Eyes Immortal. Although he is only less than a thousand years old, he has made a small success. A pair of wise eyes radiate the extremely sharp brilliance and swept across everyone. In his eyes, there was a little anger, intention, Zi calmed down this noisy space,

After a little calming down, everyone came to their senses and realized that the casino was opened under the eyes of Xianzun. Suddenly, the young children were excited and rushed to make bets.

"I have 5,000 gold coins,"

"Three thousand,"

"100,000," an unusually loud voice sounded from everyone's ears and suddenly attracted everyone's attention,

The three-handed real man stroked the white beard and poured out 100,000 gold coins. 100,000 gold coins were put in a small cloth bag, which was extremely heavy. They threw them down at once, bombarded them, fell to the ground, and suddenly slammed the ground.


The battle has entered the stage of life and death,

The seven-eyed immortal saw that the skynet was broken by a knife. Xiao Tie's body was like electricity, and he slipped out of the array in an instant. The knife wind turned into ten thousand lights and devoured it, making him sweat coldly for a moment.

"Xiao Tie, if you have the ability, just come. If I can't even subdue you, then I will leave the fairyland and never enter the immortals forever."

After saying that, a roar shook the four fields, and the light between heaven and earth spread around, forming a torrent in a blink of an eye. In the river, there were thousands of soldiers flying down.

The supreme immortal saw the seven eyes pouring out the earth, and such a wonderful fairy method was also extremely shocking for a moment.

He was shocked: "Old devil, this move is the supreme law of the fairyland. Our ability is not enough to fight, and it's better to escape."

"Bulls, it's up to me this time. Our magic has always been the most research on this kind of immortal method. Even if he releases thunderstorms, I still have a way to break it."

After saying that, the body shook, and a huge black light shield was now outside the body, supporting half of the sky at once.

The thunder and lightning hit on it, making a loud sound, shaking in all directions, but Xiao Tie, who was under the black sky, sat as firmly as Mount Tai and did not panic at all.

"The principle of survival is clear, either breaking or surrendering, and the thunder in his hand can't subdue my black light mask. Not only that, the black light mask is also an anti-eating magic weapon, so with the depths of his attack, the source of energy contained in it will be sucked clean, and then the black light Reverse cover, I believe that the seven eyes have also reached a state of defeat, "

Wow, the black light mask continues to rise under the fierce impact, and the black light rises to the sky, like a sharp blade that breaks through the air, faintly into a magic knife in the sky,

A sharp knife spirit spread from the sky, unstoppable,

The huge pressure spread from the sky, and the black light gathered in one place and turned into a demon.

Huh, cut it down,

Wow, a light was suddenly printed on the seven-purpose magic clothes. In the strong cracked weather, the golden light magic clothes were actually printed with only a shallow mark and broke through the air.

In a flash, there was a fluctuation of energy, and the scar was repaired.

Sure enough, if only I could get this treasure. Xiao Tie's heart is itchy, and he can't wait to grab it now.