exclusive maid of young masters

Chapter 66 Hu Xiaodie's Hatred

After Hu Xiaodie's mother hit someone while drunk, she chose to run.

And the most innocent Hu Xiaodie was completely unconscious with ether before she could react.

Hu Xiaodie's mother parked her car on a remote road and said eagerly, "What should I do now?"

"Sister Hu, now I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf, just depends on whether you are cruel or not!" The man sitting in Hu Xiaodie's mother's co-pilot's seat smiled extremely sinisterly. Hu Xiaodie's mother's expression on her face struggled and twisted. Finally, she gritted her teeth, took out her phone from the car and quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, it's me. Something has happened to me. There's nothing I can do. Someone must take care of this matter, so you can go to the police station tomorrow morning at the latest tonight to bail Xiaodie. Yes, yes, okay, don't say anything. I'll tell you in detail in a couple of days!" Hu Xiaodie's mother hung up the phone and resolutely said to the three men, "You can find a way to let her drink some wine and say that she is driving without a license after drinking!"

The three men looked at each other tacitly and saw their successful smiles in each other's eyes.

The three men stopped talking and immediately took out a bottle of high-concentration liquor from their boxes, prying open Hu Xiaodie's mouth and poured a few mouthfuls of liquor into her mouth.

"Withdraw quickly while no one is coming!" The three men and Hu Xiaodie's mother wiped off all the fingerprints left on the car, took away their own things, and then threw Hu Xiaodie and the hit-and-run vehicle on the roadside.

At the same time, the sad pregnant woman who was hit was finally found by his later husband and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Because at night, the police had to keep the evidence and slowly track down the vehicle that caused the accident, so they passed by the traffic police who dealt with the violation on the road.

The patrolman on the road saw an abnormally parked on the roadside from afar, so he got off the motorcycle and looked forward. He happened to see Hu Xiaodie sitting in the driver's seat and waking up, still holding the steering wheel in his hand, as if he was looking for something.

With many years of work experience, the patrolman quickly judged that the girl in the driver's seat must be drunk driving!

Immediately knocked on the window to check Hu Xiaodie's driver's license.

Hu Xiaodie was originally an unreasonable person. In addition, she was inexplicably confused with ether and forcibly poured a lot of liquor. Are these alcohols given for nothing enough to make the domineering Hu Xiaodie more arrogant?

"What are you? Why do you look at my driver's license? Sister, do you have a driver's license? As soon as Hu Xiaodie woke up, she scolded and looked arrogant.

The patrolman suddenly understood and called the nearby traffic police. Needless to say, Hu Xiaodie was immediately convicted of drunk driving and driving without a license and was forcibly taken away.

In the police car, Hu Xiaodie beat, scolded and kicked, and refused to cooperate.

"I can tell you that I am the future young grandmother of the Yuwen family. Be polite to me!" Hu Xiaodie punched and kicked while shouting, without demeanor and looked like a shrew.

The police who were punched and kicked by Hu Xiaodie couldn't stand it anymore. They took Hu Xiaodie directly to the traffic police squadron and threw it to his colleagues. It's really incomparable and unreasonable to be with such a crazy woman.

As a result, when the traffic police squadron checked, Hu Xiaodie was still a minor! I found Hu Xiaodie's mobile phone, but his parents couldn't get in touch. There was only one name left in the family named Jiang Nan. Unexpectedly, the other party really came quickly after trying to call.

Originally, I thought it was just a case of drunk driving and driving without a license. When the traffic police squadron planned to routinely punish it, it suddenly received a phone call from the criminal police brigade, saying that the little girl just captured by the traffic police squadron was actually the murderer of the suspected drunken hit-and-run!

So the case was instantly moved to the jurisdiction of the criminal police brigade.

Everyone knows the following things. Hu Xiaodie was really drunk in the end, and she was still blooded for examination. The police** found that there were traces of ether on Hu Xiaodie's body, and suddenly felt that this case was absolutely unusual!

Who will use ether for themselves before drinking?

So, the police decided to follow the vine to see if there was any big fish behind Hu Xiaodie. When someone came to bail Hu Xiaodie, they would focus on the surveillance.

At this time, Jiang Nan's reporting phone number came in in time, telling the police who the real perpetrator was and the police the real license plate number of the perpetrator. The police followed the license plate and suddenly touched a figure that made the police even more stunned.

This woman has been listed as an extremely dangerous target in the criminal police brigade!

The night of the police was destined to be a sleepless night, and all the clues of the news pointed to a key woman at the same time.

The next morning, someone came to the police station to bail Hu Xiaodie. The police who received the instructions happily went through the bail procedures and quietly buried the clues.

After Hu Xiaodie was released on bail by her aunt, she planned to listen to her aunt and did not contact her mother. However, Hu Xiaodie's mother has been busy on business these days and hasn't given Hu Xiaodie pocket money for several days.

And Hu Xiaodie is a spoiled child, and the 800 pocket money in his hand is indispensable.

In the past few days, Hu Xiaodie, who spent a lot of crazy shopping, felt even more tight.

So, Hu Xiaodie, who couldn't help getting in touch with her mother. I have no other idea, just want money.

And Hu Xiaodie's mother is also worried about this case and wants to know where the matter has gone. She acted privately without telling her sister, so she also wanted to know what she thought about it.

For one reason or another, Hu Xiaodie's mother decided to take risks to meet her daughter. Others may lie to themselves, but their daughter will not lie to them!

That's it. Hu Xiaodie and Hu Xiaodie's mother, who had been holding back for three days, met in a room in a small hotel.

As soon as we met, Hu Xiaodie couldn't wait to say, "Mom, I have no money! Give me some money!"

Hu Xiaodie's mother was so anxious that she opened her mouth and asked about the movement outside. Hu Xiaodie could not take care of this, so she immediately dealt with a few words randomly and planned to take the money and leave.

At this time, the police broke into the door and captured Hu Xiaodie's mother in one fell swoop!

When Hu Xiaodie saw that her mother was arrested, she rushed up like crazy and bit the back of the police handling the case, just like a bastard.

The policewoman in charge of arrest twisted Hu Xiaodie and pressed her to the ground.

The policeman handling the case shouted at Hu Xiaodie's mother: "We have been paying attention to you for a long time! Female drug dealer, what else do you have to say?

When Hu Xiaodie's mother, who was still resisting, heard this sentence, her whole body seemed to be scattered and collapsed to the ground!

Hu Xiaodie was stunned! My mother is actually a drug dealer?! No, no! This is absolutely impossible!

"Xiaodie, it's my mother, it's my mother, I'm sorry! You will have a good life with your aunt in the future!" Hu Xiaodie's mother said dejectedly, "I knew there would be such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

"No, it's not!" Hu Xiaodie was pressed to the ground and burst into tears: "It's not true! How can my mother be a drug dealer!"

The policewoman in charge of restraining Hu Xiaodie snorted coldly, "Isn't it true? If it weren't for drug production and trafficking, how could her small shares be enough for you to go to such an expensive noble school? If you dare to obstruct the handling of the case again, arrest you together!"

Hu Xiaodie thought with hatred that if there was no Jiang Nan in the world, then she would not follow her to Ziran University because of jealousy! Without Jiang Nan, then her mother would not have to take risks and do this dangerous business! If it hadn't been for Jiang Nan, she wouldn't have rushed into her mother's office halfway, and all this would have happened!

Yes! It's all Jiang Nan! It's all her fault! Fake stinky woman, I, Hu Xiaodie, will never end with you!