exclusive maid of young masters

Chapter 127

Jiang Nan was like a puppet who lost her soul. She sat on the cold ground and hugged her mother's body. Tears slowly slid down her face and dripped on her mother's face, diluting the blood stains on her face.

The driver who caused the accident finally came to his senses at this time, tremblingly walked to Jiang Nan, knelt down gently and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I really didn't expect you to suddenly rush out!"

Jiang Nan has been so dull that he can't say a word.

The onlookers finally couldn't stand it. Someone helped call 120 and looked sympathetically at the girl who had been completely dull by such a big change.

"Mom is gone, what's the meaning of my life?" Jiang Nan looked at the driver who caused the accident in a daze, and his dead eyes made all the people present shiver.

Yes, the reason why Jiang Nan has been facing life with a strong smile is that her mother is still living in this world. As long as she smiles, her mother will wake up one day!

But now, everything doesn't exist.

Mom is gone, so there is no room for a smile, right?

"Mom, mom, don't leave Nannan! Nannan is so scared! When it's dark, Nannan is so scared!" After Jiang Nan mechanically said this, his eyes sank, his body softened, and he completely fell into a coma.

Mom, if you want to go, you must take me with you!

At the moment when Jiang Nan passed in a coma, the 120 ambulance finally arrived in time.

The medical staff skillfully carried the two people into the ambulance and began to rescue them while doing the examination.

Jiang Nan's brain is always in a drowsy state, and his mind is chaotic, with many small fragments, messy and disorderly.

There are clips of being chased and beaten by my mother when I was a child because of my mischievousness, there are clips of my mother singing and coaxing me to sleep with me when I was sick, there are clips of my mother's gentle smile when I first got the reward when I started kindergarten, and there are clips of my mother who made delicious meals with my own wolf The swallowing clip, as well as the clip of a mother and a man taking herself to the zoo to see the little monkey.

In the last clip, my mother is so beautiful, as if the sun is turning around her.

At this time, a black car suddenly hit her. Her mother rushed over and pushed herself out, but she was hit hard and flew out————

"No! No! Don't!" The shrill cry was so sharp and miserable in the ward late at night.

Jiang Nan suddenly sat up from **, and the cold sweat all over her body had soaked all her clothes!

What's going on? Is this a dream?

Also, where am I?

Looking at the strange room, the strange bed, and the strange hospital uniform on my body.

The patient's clothing? Hospital? Why are you in the hospital?

Before Jiang Nan came to his senses, a group of people had come in. They were all dressed in white, men and women, and everyone was looking around.

What the hell is going on? Why are you here? Mom! Where's mom? Where is she?

In Jiang Nan's confused time, the doctor had given her a thorough examination, took a long breath, and said to the head nurse beside him, "You can always explain to Cheng Dong this time!"

"Congratulations, kid." The leading elderly doctor looked at her lovingly? "You and your mother are not in danger!"

Mom? Jiang Nan's pupils flashed a strange color in an instant and grabbed the doctor's sleeve: "Doctor, what did you just say? You said my mother--"

"It's amazing! Such a big impact is just a scratch, and there is nothing wrong with the bones of the whole body!" The doctor couldn't help sighing: "I have never met such a case. It's just a scratch under such a violent impact at such a close distance, and it hasn't hurt my muscles and bones. It can be called a miracle!"

Mom is not dead! Mom is still alive!

There is no news that makes Jiang Nan more grateful than this!

Jiang Nan's eyes were filled with tears in an instant. She began to thank God for not taking away her mother!

"Can I go and see her?" Jiang Nan couldn't help jumping out of bed and was about to rush out.

The doctor behind him replied with a smile, "She is in your next ward!"

Jiang Nan rushed into the ward next door like lightning!

The doctor didn't lie, and my mother is still alive!

The instrument that records the heartbeat proves that his mother is really living well!

Jiang Nan couldn't help bursting with tears. He gently approached the bed, slowly sat down, gently held his mother's hand, and slowly put it on his face.

"Mom, mom! You are still alive, that's great! Really, that's great!" Jiang Nan choked and said, "God finally felt sorry for you, and finally didn't take you away!"

"Mom, mom..." Jiang Nan was already sobbing, and tears fell on his mother's hand, which was so crystal clear and beautiful.

Suddenly, the hand caught by Jiang Nan moved gently and grasped Jiang Nan's hand hard!

Jiang Nan was stunned and slowly looked at the mother of the hospital bed.

My mother had opened her eyes and looked at herself with the most familiar smile in the dream!

"My Nannan has finally grown up!" The mother lying sick suddenly said this sentence that Jiang Nan dreamed of.

Jiang Nan, with tears in his eyes, was completely stunned!

Is this...dreaming?

This must be a dream, right? You must not have woken up in a dream, right?

"Stupid girl, my good boy!" Jiang Nan's mother's love and unbearable eyes: "I'm sorry, my mother has slept too long!"

"Doctor...doctor!" Jiang Nan muttered, and then shouted desperately, and tears came down again: "Doctor! Come and have a look! My mother is awake! She finally woke up! She is really awake!"

Looking at Jiang Nan's almost crazy appearance, Jiang Nan's mother's eyes turned red.

A group of people rushed into the outside. Looking at the dull Jiang Nan and ** Jiang Nan's mother, the doctor immediately smiled and said, "I wanted to tell you the good news just now. How can you be so impatient that you rushed over before the doctor finished speaking. It might be better to give you a surprise!"

Jiang Nan grabbed the doctor's clothes and grabbed it, and the ecstasy in his eyes was so obvious: "You mean, my mother really woke up, right? She won't fall asleep again, will she?"

Listening to Jiang Nan's words, the people present were all sad.

In the days when Jiang Nan was in a coma, her story had spread throughout the hospital. Everyone silently gave a thumbs up and praised the filial girl who must have touched God. Finally, she successfully woke up ten years after becoming a vegetable!

And at the same time, she sighed how great maternal love is. Even as a vegetative mother, magically woke up and took her daughter from the hands of death at the moment she witnessed her daughter's life danger! This is amazing and touching love!

"Mom, mom!" Jiang Nan turned around and hugged her mother who was ill** and burst into tears: "Thank you for coming back! Thank you for not leaving me alone in this strange world! Mom, mom, I love you"

Everyone present's eyes turned red, and several little nurses secretly wiped the corners of their eyes.

"Nannan, thank you for your hard work over the years. It's your mother who is not good. It's your mother who implicates you!" Jiang Nan's mother couldn't help bursting into tears.

"No! Mom, this is all I should do! As long as my mother can come back, no matter how much I do!" Jiang Nan hugged his mother's body hard, huddled on his mother's chest like a child, and longed for his mother's warmth like a child.

The doctors and nurses quietly retreated and left the whole room to the hard-won mother and daughter. Let them talk and hug them well.

Cheng Yisa stood quietly outside the ward, and the flowers in his hand were gently placed at the door of the ward.

At this moment, don't disturb them, just let them hug and cry!

Outside the window, the sun is just right.

There is still warmth in the world!