Kill God

Chapter 12 Mysterious Martial Arts in the Blood Ring

Taking back the overflowing essence, Shi Yan suddenly glanced at the dark red ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This strange ring, which he named the blood ring, came from the blood pool and seemed to have a lot to do with the blood pool.

As soon as his heart moved, he suddenly remembered the scene when he first put on the blood-striped ring. At that time, the essence in his body was still very weak. At the moment of putting on the ring, the essence in his body rushed to the ring uncontrollably, but because the essence was too weak to break through the shackles

Now he has broken through to the realm of the triple heaven, and the essence in his body has grown and condensed a lot, and the essence can overflow...

If the essence is injected into the ring, will anything happen?

Shi Yan was very curious and vaguely felt that there was a secret hidden in this simple ring. Perhaps through this ring, he could figure out the abnormalities in his body acupuncture points.

Through the cracks in the leaves, Shiyan observed for a while and found that those Mohist warriors were getting farther and farther away from him and should not return in a short time.

Shiyan decided to have a try!

Jingyuan flowed slowly from his lower abdomen, faster and faster, and suddenly poured into his left arm. In the high-speed flow of Jingyuan, the veins in his left arm were faintly painful. Jingyuan was like a broken bamboo, rushing all the way into the ring finger of his left hand, and suddenly poured it crazily into the skin and


The essence is like smoke. First, it came out from the surface of the blood pattern ring, and then a wisp of pure essence entered the ring in an instant.

The blood pattern ring suddenly burst into a scarlet light. A layer of barrier in the blood pattern ring seemed to have been suddenly torn. A strange idea suddenly overflowed from the blood pattern ring, poured back into the arm of the stone rock, rushed all the way to his neck along the arm, and finally rushed into the mind of the stone rock.

Martial Arts - Runaway!

The idea released from the blood pattern ring turned out to be a set of memory fluctuations, which is a strange martial art. The cultivation method of this martial art poured into Shi Yan's mind, and the brand is generally deeply engraved in Shi Yan's memory.

Martial arts is a way for martial artists to use Jingyuan, and it is a skill to use Jingyuan to attack. Martial arts, like the level of pharmacists, are also divided into five levels, such as mortal level, Xuan level, spiritual level, holy level and divine level.

The division of martial arts is a little different from that of pharmacists. Each level of pharmacists is also divided into seven grades, but there is no distinction between martial arts, only these five levels.

High-level martial arts can make the best use of the essence in the warrior's body, so that a martial artist can have the extreme attack power of terror. The higher the level of martial arts, the more exquisite the use of the essence. However, if you want to practice high-level martial arts, the martial artist must have a considerable realm, the higher the level The more stringent the conditions for cultivation are.

Generally speaking, the martial arts in the acquired and innate realm are the most suitable for practicing ordinary martial arts, the martial arts in the realm of human position and the realm of hundreds of disasters, the martial arts in the cultivation of the mysterious martial arts, the martial arts in the realm of status and nirvana, the martial arts in the realm of nirvana, the It is best to practice divine martial arts.

Low-level martial artists, if they are forced to practice high-level martial arts, most of them are a waste of time.

Because the realm and the intensity of essence are not enough, it is generally difficult to successfully practice high-level martial arts. Even if it is barely successful, because of the lack of your own realm and strength, it is difficult to exert the real power of high-level martial arts. It is not as effective as practicing martial arts that are comparable to your own realm.

For example, the martial artist in the acquired realm has the legendary divine martial arts in his hand, and is also a violent thing, because the power of the realm is too weak to practice the divine martial arts at all.

Of course, if a high-level martial artist does not have high-level martial arts skills, but only practices low-level martial arts, it is difficult to exert their real strength.

If a martial artist in the realm of the true god only has mortal and mysterious martial arts in his hand, the strength of this martial artist in the realm of the true god will be greatly reduced. His own strength is restricted by low-level martial arts skills, and he can only give full play to 70% or 80% of his real power.

In the continent of God's grace, martial arts are more rare than the panacea of pharmacists. Martial arts can be said to be the most expensive treasure on the mainland. Generally speaking, martial arts are in the hands of major families and various forces. The reason why some families can attract martial artists to rely on is inseparable from the martial arts held in their hands.

The higher the level of martial arts, the greater the value of martial arts. If some high-level martial arts do not have high-level martial arts in their hands, they will be restrained everywhere in fighting with people, will be very aggrieved, and may even be killed.

Therefore, in order to be a high-level martial art suitable for themselves, those martial artists with advanced realms can do everything.

Shi Yan sat in the middle of the leaves, slowly combed out the "runaway" martial arts in his mind and straightened out his memory. Only then did he find that the "runaway" was also divided into three, and all he had in his mind was the cultivation method of the first "runaway". He did not know what level of martial arts this " It will suit you.

This martial art comes from the blood pattern ring, which directly pours into his mind by instilling memory. It is strange, and the practice requires Jingyuan countercurrent, which is very different from the practice method of general martial arts. Shi Yanxin is hesitant. He doesn't know whether to practice this completely unknown or incomplete martial art.

As one of the five stone families of the Chamber of Commerce, the Shi family naturally has its own martial arts. The highest level of martial arts of the Shi family is spiritual, and there is only one. It is regarded as a treasure by the owner of the Shi family. At present, only the old man who has reached the status of the realm is qualified to practice.

However, in addition to this highest-level spiritual martial arts, the Shi family also has a variety of ordinary-level and mysterious-level martial arts.

After Shi Yan originally planned to return to the Shi family, he used his new identity to practice the mortal and mysterious martial arts of the Shi family. Now the blood pattern ring suddenly appeared such a mysterious martial art that he did not know the level and the details, and he did not know whether he should practice it or not.

With a calm face, he condensed the essence again and rushed into the blood pattern ring, but found that the essence was blocked in front of a layer of barrier of the blood pattern ring. No matter how hard he tried, the essence could not break through the barrier. He faintly felt what was behind the barrier, but unfortunately, it was difficult to know if he could not

After that layer of barrier, it is likely that there will be more information about "runaway", and it is very likely to be the other two cultivation methods of "runaway". Unfortunately, it seems that only his essence can break through the barrier to a certain extent.

In desperation, Shi Yan took back the essence that poured into the blood ring, combed the incomplete martial arts in his memory, and hesitated again.

Do you want to practice?

The dark eyes were shining brightly. In the package of leaves, the expression on Shiyan's face was uncertain. After a long time, he was going to try it first. He planned to see the first weight of this "runaway" and what would happen to his body after cultivation.

Jingyuan slowly flowed to the giant bone point. After Jingyuan came to the giant bone point, Shi Yan slowly injected Jingyuan into the giant bone point according to the first "running" rotation mode. The giant bone point then rotated violently, and the resentment, despair, madness and other negative emotions hidden in the giant bone point were suddenly triggered and , began to change the muscles, bones, flesh and blood around the giant bone hole.

The tingling followed!

The flesh and blood in that area of the giant bone point suddenly contracted, and the muscles seemed to be tense in an instant.

Shi Yan's heart trembled and quickly turned Jingyuan against the current. He only felt that a pain of tearing the tendons spread all over his body. Jingyuan turned against the current for a few inches. Shi Yanxin was fierce and forced up. Jingyuan, like a irritable beast, swept over the giant bone point in an instant and rushed towards the

Jingyuan gathered to the shoulder chastity point and rotated according to the same method to trigger the resentment, despair, anger and other negative emotions hidden in the shoulder chastity point. Shi Yan felt that the flesh and blood of that area suddenly contracted, and there was a white fog overflowing from the shoulder pores. The gray-white fog was mixed with Emotions, fascinating!

Jingyuan went against the current again. Shiyan's right arm was in pain and cracked, and the cold sweat on his forehead oozed, and even his back was soaked.

Extremely painful!

Gritting his teeth, the crazy side of Shiyan's bones broke out in vain. Regardless of the pain in his arm, Shiyan continued to stimulate the essence in his body and rushed to the position of the five-mile point...

I don't know how long it took. He endured the pain of wanting to roar. Shiyan Jingyuan rushed all the way from the giant bone point to the Yangchi point on his wrist. All kinds of negative forces in the acupoint in his whole right arm seemed to have been triggered.

Gaze carefully, he found that the muscles of his right arm contracted and were refined and thin. The gray-white fog lingered on his arm, and all kinds of negative emotions of resentment, despair and panic came from the fog.

Just looking at it, it seems that it can affect people's hearts and make people feel afraid.

Jingyuan in his arm flowed back and forth, a force like a river breaking a dike, mixed with all kinds of negative emotions, stirring in his arm. Shi Yan only felt that his right arm seemed to have infinite power, and there was a desire to explode without spitting out.

In the bottom of my heart, the violent and murderous idea suddenly burst out!

Shi Yan gasped, and his eyes were as murderous as a rainbow. In the leaves, he searched for the target fiercely like a jackal. He couldn't wait to crush anyone who appeared under him into powder with the power in his right arm, and hit the other party's flesh and blood.


After a while, the two shadows cursed all the way and slowly came from the front. These were two Mohist warriors. After searching in other directions without success, the two were sent to this area by Mo Yanyu.

"I don't know where the little bastard is going. If I see him, I will cut off his head! Damn, my old partner is still waiting for me in the Chamber of Commerce, which makes me waste so much time here. Fuck!" A tall and physique martial artist, with a thick face and a beard, scolded uncleanly.

"Zheng Tie, be careful, that boy killed the four of us, which is by no means an easy role to deal with. He ate more meals than the two of us combined. This boy is a little weird. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter. Another martial artist looked alert and kept looking around when walking. Obviously, he should be much more cautious.

"Don't worry, you and I are in the realm of the second heavens the day after tomorrow, and we are walking together again. If the little bastard dares to rise up, he just wants to die. Humph! We cleaned it up earlier, so that we can go on the road early. I've had enough of this damn place. I want a woman! I want a woman!" The martial artist named Zheng Tie seemed to be crazy about women and roared loudly in the forest.

"Hey hey, the young lady is also a woman..." The cautious martial artist laughed in a low voice.

"Hey hey, the young lady is indeed a woman, but we are not blessed. I think Master Karu has been looking for a young lady very diligently recently. I don't know if there is a chance to kiss Fangze. Miss's face, buttocks, ttt, I don't know which bastard will be cheaper, but it's a pity that our realm is too low, and I'm afraid there is no hope in this life.

Zheng Tie lowered his voice, with a defiant smile on his face. He seemed to be secretly fantasizing about something. Thinking of happiness, he suddenly straightened his lower body and laughed twice.

"Don't dream. Miss has a fiance. Ling Shaofeng is not an annoying character. If you let him know that you care about Miss **, you will die!"

Hearing him mention Ling Shaofeng, Zheng Tie's face changed and muttered, "That boy is very evil. It is said that he is about to cultivate the realm of the position. I have seen him kill people, and you can't imagine the cruel means. If Karu meets Ling Shaofeng, it will probably be a dead end. We really need to be careful. In case we know..."

Zheng Tie couldn't help shivering. Obviously, he was extremely afraid of Mo Yanyu's fiance.

The two talked about Ling Shaofeng in a low voice, and their faces were not good-looking. They gradually walked towards the position of Shiyan. They didn't know that Shiyan, a bloodthirsty beast, was hidden in the thick leaves above their heads.
