Kill God

Chapter 33 Rhythm Martial Soul

Shi Yan and Diylan entered the tree hole again.

"What happened?" Mu Yudie, who was worried in the tree hole, was slightly surprised and said, "There was a roar just now. Did any monster pass by here?"

Shi Yan sat down in the tree hole, silently feeling the full essence in the acupuncture point, and did not answer.

Most of the essence of the five warriors dissipated, and he only absorbed a small part.

But because of the five people, there is a master of the realm, even if only a small part of the essence pours into his body, it is quite considerable.

But Shi Yan was a little worried and didn't know when those negative forces would attack, so he was a little cautious.

Seeing that he didn't mean to speak, Di Yalan explained the story.

After listening to her explanation, Mu Yudie's face was bitter and seemed to be a little annoyed. Now is the time when it is not safe. Now there are monsters in trouble, and she feels more and more that her future is uncertain.

It was getting light, and the sun slowly rose. Without continuing to rest, the three of them talked quietly in the tree hole.

Previously, because of Luo Hao and others, Shi Yan did not have many opportunities to communicate with the two women, and he did not know much about the situation of the two women. But now that all three of Luo Hao have been killed, Shi Yan feels that they should thank them for understanding, otherwise they may be more passive in the future.

"Why do the 'dark' people want to catch you?" Shi Yan frowned and said in a low voice, "Are you all from the Empire of Fire?"

Mu Yudie nodded, sighed faintly, and said, "It's all because of me..."

"What's going on?" Shi Yan knew that Mu Yudie was extraordinary. After listening to her explanation, he naturally had to ask in detail.

"Sister Lan, you can talk to him." Mu Yudie glanced at Diylan and sighed softly.

"You don't even know the origin of Xiaodie?" Diylan was a little surprised and looked at him strangely, "Although you are from the Chamber of Commerce, you should have heard of General Muku of the Empire of Fire, right?"

"Muku? The commander of the Eagle Legion of the Empire of Fire? Iron-blooded Eagle King?"

Shi Yan was shocked and stunned for a moment. Then he nodded gently with a calm face, "It turns out that she is the granddaughter of the 'Iron-blooded Eagle King'. I understand."

All kinds of memory marks about the "Iron-blooded Eagle King" Muku were lifted little by little. Thinking about it carefully, Shi Yan gradually knew it.

In the memory of another stone rock, there is the memory of the "Iron-blooded Eagle King" Muku. The "Iron-blooded Eagle King" is the commander of the Eagle Legion of the Fire Empire. The cultivation of the Nirvana Kingdom is the iron-blooded figure of the Fire Empire!

In the Empire of Fire, but also in the Chamber of Commerce and the Empire, the "Iron-blooded Eagle King" is also famous.

Muku led his troops like a god. In the confrontation between the Empire of Fire and the God's Blessing Empire, Muku's figure was never missing. Muku was famous for his ruthlessness on the battlefield. He killed people without blinking an eye, and his hands were stained with blood.

Muku is cold-blooded and ruthless to the outside world, and he is also unruly in the Empire of Fire, offending many real power figures.

Three years ago, during the confrontation between the Empire of Fire and the Empire of God's Blessing, Muku was besieged and killed by five warriors in the realm of Nirvana.

Because Mu Ku offended a lot of people during his lifetime, as soon as Mu Ku died, the Mu family suffered immediately. In just a few days, many immediate family members of the Mu family were killed, and the huge Mu family fell in an instant.

"I've heard of the 'Iron-blooded Eagle King'." Shi Yan recalled for a while and nodded gently.

"Xiaodie is the granddaughter of the Eagle King and the only survivor of the Mu family at present. 'Dark Underworld' is the killer organization of the empire. The tragedy of the Mu family, 'Dark Underworld' is directly involved. The reason why Xiaodie has been alive is that on the day of the Mu family's tragedy The sound of the piano can kill the invisible..."

"You mean that Miss Mu's martial soul can kill people through the sound of the piano?"

"Well, Xiaodie's piano sound can not only calm people's go crazy, but also make people's internal organs burst. The reason why the dark underworld wants to catch Xiaodie back is that their underworld has been practicing an evil martial art recently, and often falls into a delirious situation. The underworld is afraid of going into the fire and dying, and wants to stabilize his mind through the sound of Xiaodie's piano.

"I see." Shi Yan nodded.

"Dark Underworld" is a killer organization that directly participated in the massacre of the Mu family. Mu Yudie can't wait for all the people in the "Dark Underworld" to die. Now that the underworld wants to practice evil martial arts through her, Mu Yudie would naturally rather die.

But the "dark" is very powerful in the Empire of Fire, so she has no choice but to take refuge in other countries.

After figuring out the origin and identity of Mu Yudie, Shi Yan asked again, "Why can't Miss Mu use the martial soul now?"

"Xiaodie's martial soul is a little special. Every time she urges the martial soul to kill, her veins will be broken like a string. Before the veins are connected, it is difficult for the essence to flow smoothly. If you use the essence, you will be seriously injured immediately, and the recovery of the martial soul will be slower.

Diyalan looked gloomy, "Two months ago, when we were about to enter the dark forest from the border of the empire, we were chased by the people of the 'dark underworld'. At that time, we lost a few comrades-in-arms, and Uncle Luo couldn't stand it. Xiaodie had no choice but to My veins have also been broken, and I haven't recovered yet.

"Your martial soul needs the cooperation of muscles and veins when urging?" Shi Yan was stunned and said in surprise, "Are you playing the strings or the veins?"

"I can't explain it either." Mu Yudie answered listlessly, and her face was not very good.

"The damage of the martial soul..." Shi Yan frowned and pondered for a while. Suddenly, he said coldly, "Maybe I can help a little."

Mu Yudie and Diyalan's eyes lit up together and looked at him burningly.

"Cough..." Shi Yan just said casually. Looking at the two women like this, he said with a little embarrassment, "Well, didn't Sister Lan suddenly wake up the martial soul? The power of medicine on my body may be a little helpful for the recovery of the martial soul. I think..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Mu Yudie replied fiercely and stared at him fiercely, "Don't hit me with your dirty idea!"

How did Di Yalan wake up her martial soul? She saw it clearly and asked her to hand over her innocent body. She couldn't do it even if she died.

"I'm just saying it casually. Don't take it seriously." Shi Yan looked up at the mouth of the tree hole and said, "It's almost noon, and I haven't heard the tossing of the monster again. Let's continue on our way."

"Okay." Diylan smiled gently.


The three of them came out of the tree hole and continued to drive in the dark forest with Mu Yudie on his back.

After a night of hunting, the monsters seemed to have really rested. The three of them did not see a high-level monster along the way, but the fresh bones of human beings that appeared from time to time in the forest made the three of them realize how ferocious the monsters were last night.

In the evening.

The speed of essence purification in the Shiyan cave has gradually accelerated, and all kinds of negative forces have gradually surged into his heart, giving him a feeling of violence.

He knows that the sound of Mu Yudie can calm the negative emotions in his heart, but in the silent forest, the sound may also attract the attention of monsters and those pursuers.

With the last venting experience on Diylan, Shi Yan hesitated a little, and his hot eyes wandered around Diylan's touching ketone body for a while, and he had a plan in his heart.


Nightfall is coming.

In a hidden valley, Mu Yu butterfly curled up in the dense branches and leaves of an ancient tree, blushing and gritting its teeth and looking at a bush ten meters away.

In the bushes on that side, the leaves of the bush kept trembling, and a suppressed low cry came intermittently...

"Dog men and women!" Mu Yudie bit his lower lip and cursed with hatred.

After a long call, the bush gradually calmed down.

A few minutes later, Shi Yan and Diyalan came from the bush in messy clothes.

Shi Yan's footsteps were steady and indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

Diyalan's long hair is covered with grass crumbs, her skin is a little flushed, her beautiful eyes are rippled with spring, and the corners of her mouth are smiling.

"Miss Mu, haven't you rested yet?" After approaching, Shi Yan looked up and found that Mu Yudie was looking at him with a contemptuous face, so he smiled indifferently and asked casually.

"Humph!" Mu Yudie had a straight face and cursed in a low voice, "I don't know shame!"

"Oh?" Shi Yan smiled and said carelessly, "Maybe everyone can't even see the sun tomorrow. Who cares about this? It's right to be happy. What do you care about so much?

"Yes, maybe we will become three corpses at this time tomorrow. I can't control so much." Diylan came over and was generous, with only a little embarrassment on his face.

After talking to these two people, Mu Yudie was stunned and seemed to think of the current situation. He didn't know how to refute it for a moment.

"Sister Lan, practice quietly. Maybe you can go further." Shi Yan smiled with a pointing meaning.

"Well, I understand." Diylan's expression was shocked, and then she smiled and said, "You are really amazing, gurg!"

With this, Diyalan climbed up the ancient tree where Mu Yudie was located, and also found a leafy branch and sat down. He ignored Mu Yudie's doubtful eyes and began to practice quietly.

The stone rock did not go up the tree, but sat down cross-legged under the tree.

With the help of the joy with Diylan, the negative emotions overflowing from those acupuncture points were vented cleanly, and strange power overflowed from the acupuncture points, most of which poured into his body, all nourishing the martial soul in his body.

Only a small part, with his essence injected into Diylan's body, Diylan benefited with him.

With his eyes closed, Shiyan felt the change of those strange forces on the flesh and blood of the body, slowly running the essence and carrying out the big Sunday cycle.

An hour later, Shi Yan sensed that those strange forces had completely spilled into the flesh and blood of the body, and could not help secretly stimulating the "petrified martial soul".

As soon as his mind moved, his arm slowly petrified and gradually turned dark brown.

Dark brown?

Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his face was a little unbelievable. He stared at his arm carefully.

Dark brown! It's really dark brown!

Shi Yan was so excited that he almost wanted to look up to the sky and laugh wildly. At this moment, he finally realized what kind of magical help those strange powers had for the martial soul of his body.
