Kill God

Chapter 61 Three Generations

The Chamber of Commerce is really lively.

The five great families are still looking for a person named "Ding Yan" everywhere. Miao Pavilion joined in again and searched everywhere for a person named "Yang Hai". However, the Miao Pavilion is not so rude to find someone. It is a lure method of profit. As long as you can prove that you are called Yang Hai, you can come to the Pavilion to

Because the martial arts meeting is about to be held, the flow of people in the Chamber of Commerce is really endless. Although the abnormal behavior of the five great families and the Miao Pavilion is confusing, most people still come to the Martial Arts Association.

For a while, the restaurants and inns in Tianyu City were full one after another.

The mercenaries and martial artists who are in the dark forest, the dead swamp, and the Yunwu Mountains are all brave and fierce people. When they come to the Sky Meteorite City, they will not be at ease. They often quarrel, and then fight and fight for their lives.

No matter day or night, there is no shortage of fighting warriors in the city. Every morning, the people who clean in the morning will find several new corpses from some stinky ditches from time to time.

There are still three days before the martial arts meeting..

Early in the morning, Zuo Xu was still closing his eyes to refresh his mind, when he heard Zuo Shi shouted outside the house: "Oh, old man, are you here?"

"How many times have I told you? Don't call me an old man in front of outsiders." There was a sound of crying and laughing outside.

"You are a little old man. You're used to it. You can't change it back." Zuo Shi was not afraid and said with a smile outside.

Zuo Xu's spirit was shocked. Huo Ran stood up and hurried to meet him outside. He thought that you had finally arrived.



An old woman with a wrinkled face, holding a brush in the gravity room, added a few heavy strokes to the eyebrows of the stone rock.

Shi Jian stood aside, without saying a word, and seriously watched the old man do it.

After a long time, the old girl withdrew her hand, stared at Shi Yan and looked carefully for a while. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "During this period of time, I have come to help him change every day. His appearance is quietly changing day by day. Even people I know well can't notice this slow change. He is now and a few Compared with the appearance, it has changed a lot, and no one should be able to recognize it.

Shiyan's skin is much darker now, his eyebrows are slightly thicker, and his figure is slightly tougher.

Compared with his original appearance, he is a little less fierce and a little more rough. Whether it is his appearance or temperament, he has a big difference.

Especially after returning from the dark forest, he grew much taller and stronger, and was tampered with by Yi Rongshi. Compared with the dark forest at that time, he is indeed not the same person.

Shi Jian stared at Shi Yan for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, there should be no problem."

Shi Yan looked at the bronze mirror for a while and was quite satisfied. He said, "Ok, um, is the martial arts meeting going to start?"

"There are still three days left. You don't have to practice hard these three days. Relax and relax." Shi Jian finally let go, and then seemed to remember something, and taught him a lesson with a straight face: "Let you relax, but it's not for you to fool around. Don't think that I don't know what you and Han Zhong have done. Humph, if you dare to spend your physical strength on a woman, I have to skin off."

"It's really wordy." Shi Yan looked impatient and said lightly, "I'm going to take a shower and have a drink with Han Zhong later. Is that all right?"



Spring Pavilion.

This is a famous restaurant in Tianyu City, where not only the dishes are delicious, but also the famous "flame" wine of the Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the Yingchun Pavilion is also close to the Biyue Lake of the Sky Meteorite City. On the third floor of the Yingchun Pavilion, it is a great pleasure to eat delicious food, drink wine and watch the beautiful scenery.

If you can still hold a beautiful woman in your arms, it will be perfect.

However, not everyone can go up to the third floor of Yingchun Pavilion. Even if the wealth is enough and the status is not enough, it can only condescence the second floor.

On the third floor of Yingchun Pavilion, most of the guests are guests from the five major families, and only the people from the five major families can directly go to the third floor after coming here. Ordinary businessmen do not have this honor.

After Han Zhong led Shi Yan to the Yingchun Pavilion, a watery girl received at the door immediately smiled and said, "Master Han, please upstairs."

Han Zhong narrowed his eyes, turned his eyes around the girl, and praised, "Xiaofeng, you are much bigger there." After saying that, Han Zhong's eyes glanced fiercely at the girl's **.

"Master Han is the worst. He stares at others every time." Your girl smiled shyly and had a different amorous feelings. She pointed to the upstairs and said, "There are other guests above. The young master and daughter of the Mo family and the Ling family are here. Master Han should have a bottom in his heart."

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhong smiled and did not continue to flirt with the girl. He pulled Shi Yan and rushed straight to the third floor.

"Well" A tall young man, dressed in a navy blue warrior suit, glanced at Han Zhong in a good position on the third floor and sneered, "Who do I think I am? It turned out to be a dog of the Shi family."

That position is facing Biyue Lake, with a total of four people sitting, two men and two women, both of whom are quite outstanding.

One of them, with an indifferent and arrogant expression, was Mo Yanyu, but Mo Yanyu didn't look at this side. A pair of cold eyes just stared at the blue moon lake under the sun, as if he was stunned.

"Oh, it turned out to be the moth of the Mo family. It's really unlucky." Han Zhong shook his head and ignored him. He pulled Shi Yan to find a place, and then shouted loudly, "Dragon shopkeeper, come to the four altars of 'flame', and the whole table of good dishes is served. Hurry up."

"I'm coming soon" A bold response came from the second floor.

At this time, Mo Yanyu, who was looking at Biyue Lake, seemed to wake up and turned around. He glanced at Han Zhong and Shi Yan coldly. A trace of disdain flashed on his face, and then he turned around and continued to look at the lake. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Opposite Mo Yanyu, there is a young man sitting with a jade tree facing the wind.

The young man smiled harmoniously. While talking to the young master of the Mo family, he quietly paid attention to Mo Yanyu, as if he wanted to arouse Mo Yanyu's interest with words, but unfortunately he could not get what he wanted.

"Shaofeng, Xiaoyu has been taught a lesson by my father recently. She is not in a good mood during this period. Don't mind." Mo Zhan touched a glass of wine with him and said, "Let's leave him alone. Our two brothers have a few more drinks. The martial arts meeting is about to begin. You can be lazy in these two days. Don't treat yourself badly."

"Brother Zhan, when did you treat yourself badly?" Ling Yueyue looked at Mo Zhan with a smile, and her eyes were cunning: "I heard that Brother Zhan's doorway to the 'Spring Wind and Rain Dew Tower'. When will he take his little sister to see it?"

"Cough cough" Mo Zhan was choked by the wine and said awkwardly, "Yueyue, believe me, I'm the kind of innocent place. I'm not familiar with it at all. It's the only time I've been cheated. Yueyue, you must believe me."

"Hee hee, who knows whether what you said is true or not." Ling Yueyue still smiled at the corners of her mouth, but her eyes gradually had other meanings. "A while ago, I was praised by my sisters, saying that my fiance had not married me, and I was already full of wives and concubines. She said that I could serve a lot of maids in the future. I was really happy to think about it."

"Cough Cough"

Mo Zhan's face was a little ugly. He hummed, "Who on earth is slandering me behind my back? Let me know who it is. I must skin him"

"Okay Yueyue" Ling Shaofeng stared at his sister and said, "Brother Zhan is a man. Sometimes some entertainment is inevitable. I can trust Brother Zhan's person"

"Of course you can trust it." Ling Yueyue snorted and whispered, "No one knows that you two went together. Of course you can trust him."

When Mo Yanyu heard this, she looked at Ling Shaofeng and frowned slightly. She seemed to be a little uncomfortable, but she didn't say much. She turned her head and looked at Biyue Lake, but her expression became more and more indifferent.

"I'll settle accounts with you when I go back"

Ling Shaofeng stared at Ling Yueyue fiercely, hurriedly turned the topic, and said to Mo Zhan, "Brother Zhan, Shi Tianyu over there is also in the innate triple heaven, which is more powerful than Shi Tianke. It is said that he has been practicing quite hard recently. At the last martial arts meeting, he hasn't come forward yet. He will definitely come out this time. Although you won Shi Tianke that time, you can't be careless this time.

"Don't worry, those guys of the third generation of the Shi family, I haven't paid attention to anyone yet." Mo Zhan smiled proudly, glanced at Han Zhong's side coldly, and said, "Look, this time's martial arts meeting, who touches me, I let the cripple"

"Okay, Brother Zhan is really heroic." Ling Shaofeng laughed and raised his glass and said, "Come on, Brother Zhan, do one"


"The four people over there are Ling Shaofeng, Ling Yueyue, Mo Zhan and Mo Yanyu. These four are the three generations of leaders of the Mo family and the Ling family, and are most likely to become opponents of your martial arts club. Among them, Ling Shaofeng and Mo Yanyu have a marriage contract, and Mo Zhan and Ling Yueyue also have a marriage contract. Mo Zhan and Ling Shaofeng are both innate three heavens. Mo Yanyu is slightly inferior, but there are also innate double heavens.

Han Zhong lowered his voice and told Shi Yan about the situation over there. He paused and said, "However, the most important thing to underestimate is Ling Yueyue. We received news not long ago that Ling Yueyue broke through to the human position six months ago, and now she has become the most powerful person in the third generation of the Ling family. In this martial arts meeting, the Ling family may arrange Ling Yueyue to fight against Zuo Shi. It is said that in order to let Ling Yueyue win, the Ling family put blood on her. She not only bought the elixir with a lot of money, but also made a few secret treasures for her to defend herself. I'm afraid Zuo Shi will be in trouble

"It's not necessarily." Shi Yan smiled, glanced at Ling Yueyue casually, and whispered, "Zuo Shi is much more fierce than her. Look, she will lose miserably"

Zuo Shi got the "Dragon Turtle Elixir" and "Xuanwu Zhenang", and there was also a "Dragon Turtle Armor", which Han Zhong did not know about it.

With so many evidences, Zuo Shi is almost stable, not to mention that Zuo Shi is a little bit higher than the realm of Ling Yueyue.

"That boy, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Ling Yueyue stood up and snorted coldly, "You mean I'm not as good as Zuo Shi?" Do you think I didn't hear it? Let me tell you, I still speak ill of people behind my back. Are you people in the Shi family so dirty?


ps: The second update is sent to V