Kill God

Chapter 68 One-sided

"This beauty is so strong!"

"Yes, in the same realm, how can you win so easily!"

"Beauty is fierce! If that guy hadn't had the petrified martial soul of the Shi family, he would have died several times.

"Well, the fight between the five major families is really much more interesting. It's not in vain for me to come all the way to watch around the martial arts arena. The noise came one after another. Those onlookers were surprised by Mo Yanyu's strength.

Mo Yanyu's face was like frost, standing proudly in the middle of the martial arts arena, looking coldly at the Shi family, like a snow lotus on the snowy mountain.

Many onlookers, at the same time as being convinced by Mo Yanyu's fierce methods, their eyes were shining, staring at her concave and convex figure, which was amazing.

In this part of the Shi family, Shi Jian and others looked pale.

Shi Tieqi trembled, but he could only stare at Mo Tuo with a resentful face, and there was no way to attack.

The martial arts club is like this. After being defeated openly, the loser has no choice but to recover his face from another game. There is no other way.

"Master, Master Tianluo's life is not in danger, but he can't use force for at least three years." A worship of the Shi family came from the rear and said a sentence in the middle of Shi Jian and Shi Tie.

Shi Jian and Shi Tie's body shook, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Grandpa, there is something wrong with that woman. In the middle of the journey, the power suddenly soared, which is abnormal." Shi Yan said softly.

"I know." Shi Jian took a deep breath and looked at Shi Tianke and Shi Tianyu, with some hesitation on his face.

He naturally saw it.

In the middle of the battle, Mo Yanyu's face suddenly turned as white as paper. At that moment, the essence in Mo Yanyu's body, whether it was the speed of flow or the degree of thickness, had been greatly improved, which could never be a normal phenomenon.

"Yuer, come down, Moqi, go!" At this moment, Mo Tuo shouted softly on the opposite side and said, "The gambling capital in the round platform does not move. I, the Mo family, continue to invite the Shi family to fight!"

A young man about 1.85 meters tall, after Mo Tuo's words, replaced Mo Yanyu in the middle of the martial arts arena and said proudly, "Moqi, the innate double heaven, please ask the Shi family to teach me!"

"Big brother!" Shi Tie shouted softly, looked at Shi Tianke behind him with a little worry, and said, "What should I do?"

"War!" Shi Jian gritted his teeth, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "Tian Meteorite, you go!"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the Shi family changed their faces and looked at Shi Jian with some puzzlement.

Shi Tianyu is the strongest person in the three generations of the Shi family. He has the cultivation of the innate triple heavens. Everyone thinks that he will stay until the end.

Now Shi Jian suddenly sent him directly to the court. Next, why don't you want to fight?

The Mo Zhan of the Mo family on the opposite side is the first person of the third generation of the Mo family. At this time, Mo Zhan has not yet played. Whether Shi Tian kills or wins this battle, he will lose the opportunity to fight again.

After a while, Mo Zhan will come on the stage. Who will treat him?

If you can't find a suitable person to deal with at that time, in full view of the public, it will make people feel that the Shi family has no one for three generations, and the Shi family will lose face - this is simply worse than losing than fighting!

"Big brother!" Shi Tie also exclaimed, "Mo Zhan hasn't played yet!"

"It must be on the sky! The other party is a little strange. Only when the sky is higher can it be a small realm to ensure that it is safe!" Shi Jian looked cold and shouted, "Don't say more! Meteorite! Get on the field!"

"Yes!" Shi Tianyu shouted in a low voice, stepped directly into the martial arts arena and said, "Shi Tianyu, the innate triple heaven, please give me some advice!"

"Shi Tian's funeral! Isn't this the strongest boy in the third generation of the Shi family?

"Yes, Mo Zhan hasn't come to an end yet. Why did he come out so early?"

"The Shi family may have been afraid of being beaten, so they had no choice but to send Shi Tian to die. This time, it's really interesting. One is a congenital triple heaven, and the other is an innate double heaven. The two sides are a small level away. I'm afraid the Mo family will not respond to the battle, and they will definitely be replaced.

"Well, the onlookers next to the Mo family should not suffer from this loss. Each of them was surprised and discussed in a low voice.

Many people from the Beiming family and the Ling family also looked puzzled, and their expressions when they looked at the Shi family were a little strange.

Even many people in the Zuo family were surprised and didn't understand what Shi Jian was thinking.

Only Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi faintly guessed something. They didn't make a fuss like others, and they all quietly looked at Shi Yan.

"Bello City, a mine! The shopping street in the south of Gabero City!" Shi Jian took a deep breath, took out the relevant certificate from the brocade bag in front of him, and handed it to the person in charge who came to collect it.

"Mojia Moqi, innate double heaven, Shijia Shitian, congenital triple heaven, can both sides disagree?" After putting things on the round platform, the person in charge frowned and looked at Shi Jian and Mo Tuo.

Mo Tuo was slightly stunned and stared at Shi Tian, as if he didn't understand why he was on the stage.

After a moment's hesitation, Mo Tuo asked an old man beside him in a low voice. The old man's messy straw head nodded gently under Moduo's inquiry.

When Mo Tuo saw him nod, he seemed to be relieved. He nodded to the person in charge and said, "No problem, the son of my Mo family's innate double heavens can be better than his stone family's innate triple heavens. He can fight!"

"Good, let's start a fight!"

As soon as the person in charge's voice fell, Shi Tian's body had been petrified into gray. Moqi did not talk nonsense. He shouted softly, and lightning came out of his arm.

"Moqi, show your real skills early. Don't let people underestimate you." Mo Tuo ordered lightly.

Moqi in the martial arts arena, after hearing what he said, he immediately knew what to do.

It was almost just a moment. Moqi's face became extremely pale like Mo Yanyu just now, without a trace of blood, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

The same.

In Moqi's body, the speed of the circulation of Jingyuan suddenly accelerated! It seemed that there was a force that did not belong to him, which was forcibly urged out. The force filled his whole body and made his momentum overwhelm Shi Tian's death with innate triple heaven cultivation in an instant!

"Here we go again!" Shi Tie shouted and said angrily, "The Mo family must have used the means secretly. This book is the fastest to sort out ~ It is not the power that the innate warriors in the realm of heaven can have!"

Shi Jian nodded with a gloomy face and said, "Have you noticed? Before Mo Tuo agreed to fight, he said something to the old man behind him. The weirdness of Mo Yanyu and Mo Qi must have something to do with the old man!"

"I won't make him feel better!" Shi Tie gritted his teeth and said, "

Shi Tian kicked on the ground, and the hard blue iron stone made a huge roar, as if it had burst.

Shi Tian was like a sharp sword and stabbed Mo Qi at the fastest speed, with the idea of beating Mo Qi early.

Mo Qi smiled coldly and was not afraid at all. He also faced Shi Tianying head-on. Lightning on his arm suddenly rushed out! Straight to the stone sky!

At the same time, in Moqi's palm, a ball of green light suddenly burst out. The light condensed into substance and became a blue light ball after another, and the stone sky rushed up.

"Boom! Boom! "

The blue light bulbs bombarded Shi Tian's body one by one, making Shi Tian's fierce momentum stagnate.

Taking this opportunity, the essence of Moqi's body soared again. After the cyan photosphere, he suddenly appeared in front of Shi Tian's sacup.

The lightning intertwined in the sky magically turned into a power grid, wrapping Shi Tian's body in an instant.

"How is that possible?! The power contained in the boy's body is already comparable to that of a martial artist in the human position!" Shi Tie screamed.

Shi Tian's body was tightly wrapped in the power grid. He struggled hard, but it was difficult to break free in a short time.

At this time, Mochi's blue light ball bombarded him one after another, making him keep retreating.

Moqi rushed up again, close to Shi Tianqi, used his hands and feet, and bombarded Shi Tianqi indiscriminately, with endless fists and feet.

The blood flowed at the corners of Shi Tian's mouth, and the entangled power grid directly bound him, so that he had no chance to fight back.

This is a one-sided battle!

Everyone was stunned and watched Moqi, who only had the innate double heavens, bombarded the stone sky, but the stone sky had no way to fight back.

"Wow! What's the situation?"

"I don't know, how can that boy be so powerful? Something's wrong, something is extremely wrong!"

"Is this really a martial artist in the innate double heaven? Or are the innate warriors of the five great families one level higher than us?

"I don't know, I don't know. The warriors around me are all stunned and can't figure out what the situation is.

"Boom! Boom! "

Shi Tianqi, who was tied up by the power grid, could only passively withstand the bombardment of Moqi. The seven holes bled, and his eyes slowly dissipated.

Shi Jian suddenly stood up and shouted decisively, "Let's admit defeat in this scene!"

Next to the round platform, the person in charge from the Beiming family heard Shi Jian's shouting and immediately looked at Bei Ming's injury through the martial arts arena.

At this time, Beiming didn't seem to notice the battle in the martial arts arena. He actually bowed his head and drank tea, as if he didn't know what had happened.

The person in charge saw that Bei Ming's injury was this attitude, he understood it, and also lowered his head to check several deeds on the round platform, as if he had not heard Shi Jian's confession at all.


Shi Tianyu continued to be bombarded by Moqi. He had already fallen to the ground and was kicked by Moqi one after another.

"We gave up!" Shi Jian stared at Bei Ming Wound and roared.

Bei Ming's injury seemed to react at this time. He looked up at Shi Jian first, and then glanced at the person in charge on the round platform casually.

"The game is suspended! Mo Jiasheng!" Until this time, the person in charge shouted lazily.

Moqi finally stopped the attack, stepped back a few steps, and disdainedly said, "The Shi family are all soft eggs. The innate triple heavens are actually this kind of ability, wasting the young master's energy. Humph!"

After saying that, Mo Qi strode to the side of the Mo family and accepted the praise of the Mo family.

Han Feng's ghost, like a shadow, suddenly floated into the martial arts arena, brought back Shi Tian, who was covered with blood, and hurriedly gave it to those Shi's family who were responsible for healing.

Those worshipers were in a hurry and looked extremely solemn. First, they stuffed a large number of pills directly into Shi Tian's mouth.

At this time, Shi Tie didn't care to look at Motuo angrily. With a blue face, he quickly pressed his hand on Shi Tian's body, entered his own life essence, and healed Shi Tian's injury.

The court suddenly quieted down.

Many onlookers were aware of the strange situation. At this moment, no one was talking about it, just looking strangely at the Mo family and the Shi family.

"The gambling money on the round platform does not move. Zhan'er, let's play!" Mo Tuo shouted in a low voice again, with a cold smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Mojia Mo Zhan, the innate three heavens, please ask the Shi family to teach you!"

Mo Zhan's tall body stood proudly in the martial arts arena and sneered, "I'm curious. Does anyone in your Shi family dare to play now? Dare it?"
