Kill God

Chapter 84 Dead Swamp

Chixiao arrived two days later. As soon as he came over, all the main characters who explored the "Tianmen" had gathered.

In the dead swamp, there are thousands of swamps of different sizes.

Those swamps have existed for thousands of years. Anyone who steps on it with one foot may be trapped in the swamp and then swallowed up by the swamp.

When they arrived here, it was difficult for the carriage to move forward. The carriages and horses of the Zuo family and the Shi family could only remain at the entrance of the dead silence swamp, and the group had to walk into the dead silence swamp.

After entering the dead swamp, Shi Yan seldom spoke and always paid attention to the possible sudden danger.

Deadly swamps are full of green swamps, and many swamps are surrounded by colorful miasma.

Those miasma contains highly toxic, and many of them are very toxic. As long as people sniff, they will soon rot to death.

In addition to swamps and poisonous miasma, dead swamps, like dark forests, are also monsters rampant!

The monsters living here have already adapted to the dead swamp and can often hide in the middle of the mud. When people pass by, they will suddenly get out of the mud and attack the warriors.

Chixiao and Xia Xinyan have been walking in front. As long as they see the swamp appear, they will try to avoid it.

As a strong man in the realm of heaven, Chixiao can fly through the sky, but he is not afraid of the sticky mud in the swamp.

However, he is not afraid, which does not mean that others are not afraid. Even Xia Xinyan can reach the realm of heaven and fly through the air only after using the "reincarnation martial soul".

However, every time she uses the "reincarnation martial soul", Xia Xinyan will also be very hurt.

Therefore, Xia Xinyan did not dare to use the "reincarnation martial soul" easily as a last resort, so she was also extremely cautious all the way and kept watching the red sky leading the way.

Shi Yan's cultivation is the lowest among the group, and he has the least understanding of the world.

Therefore, after entering the dead silence swamp, he has been silent and has always been secretly observing the danger of the dead silence swamp and the response measures of Chixiao and others.

"There is a three-mile-long green swamp ahead, which can't be avoided." Chixiao suddenly stopped and stood on a muddy wetland. He frowned and said, "There are swamps nearby. This swamp is the safest. Be careful. It's time to take risks this time."

Shi Yan looked solemn and frowned at the swamp in front of him.

The swamp is three miles long, and the ground is full of green sludge, but in the middle of the swamp, there are also bumpy and dry land that can stand. Those dry land are generally small, and some can only stand two or three people.

Between the dry land and the dry land, some are tens of meters away, and some are only two or three meters away. If you can keep stepping on those dry land, it should not be a problem to pass through this swamp.

However, a sentence under the red sky shattered his abacus.

"Thousing that dry land seems to be able to fall, after really stepping on it, it may fall into the faster. Many of those drylands are floating on the swamp and can't afford the weight at all. Once someone stands on it, those drylands will sink immediately.

Shi Yan's heart was stunned, and his expression became more and more solemn, but he didn't say much.

"Don't worry, I will step forward and find a dry land for you to really settle down." Chixiao seemed to see everyone's worries. He smiled and said, "As long as you follow my footsteps and see where I settle in, there should be no problem. However, some dry ground is very small, which may be able to bear the weight of one of me, but it may not be able to bear the strength of three or four people, so be careful.

Everyone looked heavy and nodded slowly. Even Zuo Shi, who had relaxed all the way, was a little nervous. He also looked at the dry ground in front of him.

"Miss Xia, it may be a little dangerous in a moment. If you can use the power of the realm of heaven, help me watch it?" Chixiao hesitated for a moment and couldn't help looking at Xia Xinyan.

Xia Xinyan's clear eyes outside the veil were obviously hesitant. After meditated for a moment, she said, "Mr. Chixiao, if you can handle it alone, you'd better help everyone get through this. If I want to use the power of heaven, I will be weak for a period of time afterwards. I also want to spend all my energy on the Hydra instead of wasting it here.

As soon as these words came out, Zuo Shi and Wu Yunlian quietly frowned.

Everyone thought that she didn't want to contribute and didn't treat her group as companions. In this way, everyone was naturally a little unhappy, but it was not easy to show it directly.

Chixiao didn't care. He nodded and said, "Well, I'll work harder this time, but without Miss Xia, you should be more careful. Without my guidance, don't take the plunge, otherwise once you fall into the mud, even if I want to save you, it will be a little troublesome.

Everyone nodded solemnly together.

"Well, follow me." Chixiao took a gentle breath, and his body suddenly flew out lightly, taking the lead in stepping on a piece of the nearest dry land.

He stepped on it, and the dry ground suddenly shrank and suddenly sank into the mud.

Shi Yan's face changed slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he realized that the exploration was really not as smooth as expected. It seemed that he had to be more careful.

Chixiao was not worried. Seeing the dry land sink into the mud, he said to himself, "Everyone has seen that this dry land can't stand the power of one person. If it really jumps up suddenly, I'm afraid it will sink into the mud with the dry ground."

With that, Chixiao flew up again and landed on another dry ground next to him. After he settled down, the dry land was stable and there was no sign of sinking.

"This part is safe, but you should also be careful. It may be okay for me to stand alone. If there are too many people, there may be accidents." Chixiao spoke and stamped his feet gently.

He stamped out, and the dry ground under him trembled suddenly, and it sank slowly again.

"This piece can withstand the weight of three people. You should all be careful not to stand on it at the same time when passing through this area. Chixiao explained and flew out again to show everyone the way forward in the same way.

When the sky flew 100 meters away, Xia Xinyan said lightly, "You can go."

After saying that, Xia Xinyan's graceful posture shook gently and fell into the dry ground that could withstand the most *fast* weight of the three people.

Just stopped for a moment, she moved again, moved to another safe dry land in front of her, and moved forward quickly with the trace of the red sky.

The two towering giants who had been following her did not hesitate. After she jumped out, they also rushed out, stepped on the dry ground one by one, and followed her closely.

Zuo Shi, Wu Yunlian and Chu Ping also followed and walked all the way from the route that Xia Xinyan walked.

"Young master, please go first." Han Feng bent down and said to Shi Yan, "Young master, be careful."

"Hmm." Shi Yan nodded and jumped out. After Zuo Shi, he slowly walked forward.

Above the swamp, there is a faint sour taste in the air.

After a mile into the swamp, the rock found that there were "gling" green bubbles in the swamp. Once those green bubbles broke, a trace of green smoke flew out.

"Be careful. These green gas are poisonous. Don't sniff them in." A red sky voice came from the front, "Everyone's realm is not low. It should not be a problem to hold your breath for a short time. I will open the road as soon as possible. You all follow closely."

Chixiao spoke, but his body did not stop. He swayed on the dry ground one by one, reporting from time to time: "This piece can't go, this piece can settle down, but be careful, it can only bear the weight of two people here, pay attention to it..."

Shi Yan's eyes stared at Chixiao for a moment, remembering all the places Chixiao passed in his heart, and did not dare to be careless.

At this time, he suddenly envied the warrior in the realm of heaven. If he had the ability to fly through the sky, he didn't need to be so troublesome in this area. He just flew over it directly.

Shiyan is more and more eager for stronger power! More and more eager for a deeper level of cultivation!

With Chixiao leading the way, everyone is really much more relaxed. Except for Chixiao's trouble along the way, everyone is relatively relaxed.

In this swamp where I don't know how many warriors have been buried, everyone has been safe and there has been nothing wrong.

However, just as they were about to get out of this swamp, Chixiao suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "Be careful! There is movement in the mud!"

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Three monsters covered in mud suddenly got out of the mud and rushed straight to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan standing dryly.

This kind of monster is like a loach, with a row of sharp thorns on its back, like a fish, with dense teeth, like a steel needle.

Three monsters flew out of the mud, two of which rushed to Xia Xinyan, one of which shot directly at the rock.

Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged. Seeing that the monster was about to lean up, he suddenly stretched out his right hand. His right arm was immediately petrified, pointed to the gun secret, and stabbed straight at the monster!


The monster bit on the right arm of the stone rock, but could not bite the petrified martial soul of the stone rock. Instead, it was pierced through the head by the five fingers of the stone rock and fell into the swamp in the splash of green blood.


On Xia Xinyan's side, there were two dull explosions.

Shi Yan turned his head and found that the two monsters in Xia Xinyan's area suddenly burst into pieces before they approached her and fell directly into the swamp.

A feeling of soreness came from his right hand stained with green blood. Shi Yan frowned slightly, took out a soft cloth from his backpack, and wiped the green blood on his hand.

Strange monsters suddenly emerged from the swamps with green bubbles, roughly counting, no less than a hundred.

These monsters, one by one, looked at Shiyan's party full of hatred, as if they wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Shi Yan, are you stained with the green blood on the green eel beast?" The sky in front of the team suddenly screamed.

Shi Yan wiped the green blood clean indifferently, looked at the sky, nodded and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"These green eel beasts have sucked too much poisonous miasma, and their blood contains highly poisonous bodies that can rot people!" Chixiao regretted, "I was going to tell you through this swamp, because there are few green eels in this area, and I thought they would not appear in this area."

"Chixiao, what are you doing here again?"

An ugly weirdo covered with mud without a trace of hair slowly emerged from the mud. Half of his body was in the mud, half of which was exposed. He looked at the sky coldly and said angrily, "The last time you stole my green grass, what do you want to do this time?"
