Kill God

Chapter 117 The Change of the Divine Stone

The stone rock woke up quietly. The body of Moyan Yuyu in the bridal chamber has fainted. Ling Shaofeng's expression was ferocious and gloomy. He was set up by two Shura blood guards and looked at him with endless hatred by the bedside. His eyes were full of resentment.

Master Yan. A Shura blood guard shouted softly. He waved his hand to Shi Yan to signal the two of them not to talk lightly and said that I will practice for a while and you will protect me. After saying that, Shi Yan sat cross-legged next to Mo Yanya**'s ketone body and slowly closed his eyes. At the last moment of the spray, the strange force in his acupuncture point was divided into one of them, one of which was injected into the heart with the star's martial soul, and the other was injected into the air sea essence. The last weak one is mixed with the essence of the body and injected into the fungus of Moyanyu.

The star martial soul was nourished by that strange power, which made the heart of the stone rock shine and emit the light of the stars. The star martial soul changed the heart of the stone rock and made his heart starry like an ancient star scroll. In the middle of the night, the power of the stars in the vast sky was quietly injected into Shiyan's body and absorbed by the star martial soul in his heart, which made the starlight more and more brilliant. At the air sea, the Jinguguang group contracted a strong force slowly rippled and slowly flowed in the tendons and veins of the whole body of the stone rock with a specific trajectory. Brother Jing seems to be flexible and clear. The lake flows in the stream-like veins. Every Sunday, the light mass that returns to the sea of air shrinks by one point. Among them, the power hidden in the flower is stronger and stronger. The big eyes are closed. The inner vision of the stone rock is like a palm. I find that every detail of the body can't escape the gaze of the eye. The essence in the sea of air flowing over and over again in the veins is getting smaller and smaller, but it is getting brighter and brighter. The exquisite light mass seems to have become a small sun that constantly releases light and heat at the sea of gas.

Condensing the Jingyuan light mass over and over again is getting smaller and smaller. It has doubled from the size of the fist. The surrounding generation of aura through heaven and earth seems to be slowly attracted by the stone rock and drilled into the pores all over the stone rock and finally gathered in the fine light mass. I don't know how long it took for the wisties of cool breath to suddenly overflow from the light mass. This cool breath actively flows slowly in the stone rock's skull along the brain of Ba Shiyan's veins, which makes him have a sense of mental enlightenment. The abnormal light in the brain flashes the essence in the brain field and is gradually magnified under the nourishment of this cool breath. Shiyan found that he suddenly gave birth to a spiritual force. This spiritual power, as if it were essentially, it could extend out of the body as if the ripples were slowly and modest. The spiritual extension stone rock clearly senses the surging vitality of the two Shura blood guards like mountains. It can detect the suppression of the essence in Ling Shaofeng's body and see some subtle changes in the body of Mo Yanshan next to him. He seems to have an extra pair of eyes. This pair of eyes and spiritual power are connected. As long as the spiritual power extends, he can detect the fluctuation of life around him and realize the power and lowness of the fluctuation of life. Shi Yan, in the realm of a hundred disasters, immediately realized that this was a sign of a breakthrough in the realm. He focusedly urged the sea of light to overflow more cool breaths into the brain to enhance his spiritual power.

I don't know how long it took for Shi Yan to wake up again and open his eyes. He was at a loss before he recovered with a smile and asked how long it had been since the two Shura blood guards beside him.

It's almost one night. This Shura blood guard looked moved and hesitated for a moment before he asked Master Yan uncertainly if you had entered the realm of a hundred disasters"

I just noticed that wisps of spiritual power overflowed from you. You seem to observe us with mental strength. Another Shura blood guard was also surprised and puzzled.

Some time ago, Shiyan stepped into a double sky from the human position through an immortal creation elixir in the dead swamp. This is only more than half a month. According to reason, even if the talent is amazing, it is difficult to break through in such a short time. Entering the realm of a hundred disasters from the human position is not enough for epiphany, but it also requires strong and exquisite support.

In half a month, unless you take the treasure between heaven and earth or an unpredictable elixir, you can't make up for the lack of essence and can't reach the opportunity to break through. For half a month, Shura Blood Guard and Shiyan have been together. Naturally, he knows that he has not continued to take any elixir. No matter how Shiyan looks at it, it is impossible to go further in such a short time. However, the two really sensed the existence of spiritual power from Shi Yan's body, which was clear that only the warriors of a hundred disasters could have. The two Shura blood guards suddenly had doubts, so they asked questions together.

Well, it seems that it has really entered the realm of a hundred disasters. Shi Yan nodded with a smile and his face was full of doubts. He explained indifferently that maybe the power of the immortal elixir had not absorbed Qianjing before. This time, it happened to be absorbed by the body, so he went further so quickly. The origin of the mysterious martial soul is even more evil. This is his biggest secret. No matter to anyone, he will not reveal this secret place! Can you find a sobbing excuse? The two Shura blood guards looked strange, but they didn't ask in detail.

What's going on now?" Shi Yan talked about the topic.

The Ling family and the Zuo family have finished the slaughter of the heads of the two families and the masters of the clan. Bubo, the poisonous man of the Poison Dragon Valley, was also killed by Lord Xiao. At this time, the Lord and the master of your Shi family should have started to kill in the Beiming family. Maybe it's over now.

We and seven blood guards were ordered to stay to protect Master Yan. Since the young master of the dead rock has woken up, we can return to the Shi family and wait for the return of the adults to go to the endless sea together.

Good." Shi Yan nodded and calmly came down from **.

What about these two people, Master Yan? Among them, the famous Shura Blood Guard made a voice to ask for the opinion of Shiyan. After getting off the bed, Shiyan frowned and glanced at Ling Shaofeng, who had a resentful face, and then looked at Mo Yanyu with resentment when he fainted.

After a moment of meditation, Shi Yan slowly walked out and turned his back to the two Shura blood guards and said lightly that you know how to deal with it.

Underp." Outside. Xia Xinyan, who was covered with a veil, sat on the green-blooded demon bat, was also there. Seeing Shi Yan coming out of the bride's bridal chamber, Xia Xinyan's bright eyes flashed a generation of cold light and snorted coldly. Shi Yan walked calmly to a blue-blooded demon bat and jumped up under the side of the martial artist. The blue-blooded demon bat glanced at Xia Xinyan and said indifferently, how could you stay here? Xia Xinyan frowned and hummed with disdain to answer. A generation of contempt flashed in her eyes. He shook his head gently and said nothing more. He patted the blue-blooded demon bat and ordered the Shura blood guard beside him to go back to Shi's house.

Good flight"

This martial artist kicked the neck of the green-blooded demon bat and suddenly moved to the sky with the stone rock and flew straight to the stone house.

Xia Xinyan looked at Shi Yan, who turned into a black spot, and sighed gently. She didn't know what she was thinking. Under the bright moonlight, Shiyan sat on the green-blooded magic bat and slowly flew towards Shi Gengxin's house. The blue-blooded bat soared in the clouds and quickly came to the sky of Shenshi Square. Suddenly, the star martial soul in the heart of the stone rock suddenly rippled out a circle of stars. Just a stone rock becomes a light source, as if a star keeps bursting out bright starlight.

Those starlight, like a curtain of light, slowly fell to the huge extraterrestial meteorite on the Divine Stone Square.

" Shura's blood guard on the body of a blue-blooded demon bat looked at the divine stone below in horror.

Boom" A huge roar came from Shi Yan's mind. The next moment, he felt that the power of the stars absorbed in his heart gushed out uncontrollably and injected into the star light curtain.

The star light curtain slowly expands and continues to move straight to the extraterresicing stone cover below. The moon is bright and bright. A wisp of moonlight condensed into a cool light visible to the naked eye as if thousands of rays had fallen on the starlight curtain one after another. The star light curtain carried hundreds of moonlight lights and burst into the divine stone. When the materialized star light curtain touched the divine stone, it was like raindrops falling on the sponge and being sucked clean by the divine stone. The divine stone absorbed the star light curtain and also ingot out the coolness and purity of the brilliant light and translucent golden moonlight. Shi Yanduan sat on the blue-blooded demon bat and looked at the legendary meteorite from the sky in amazed for a moment. The divine stone must be related to the one god religion. The stone rock immediately has a judgment that the star martial soul comes from the star god of the one god religion. The star god has condensed the star martial soul into the source seal of the martial soul. What hands and feet must have been moved in it. Now the star power absorbed in the star martial soul has actively turned into a Department.

Master Yan"

The Shura's blood guard next to him changed his color and seemed to suddenly think of the seal of the moon god of the god of humming on the divine stone"

The seal of the moon god? Shi Yan frowned and found that a crescent pattern suddenly appeared on the divine stone. The glow of the crescent pattern flashed and slowly moved on the divine stone. The huge divine stone suddenly appeared cracks, and a more bright light suddenly burst out of the cracked gap

Master Yan, be careful" The martial artist shouted anxiously and shouted that the light of the moon burst out from the divine stone. The divine light was like a magic weapon destroying the stone buildings of the five major families in the square. The divine light pierced the earth and drew huge ditches that were deep and bottomless. Shi Yan's face changed greatly and he was shocked and hurriedly urged the essence of his body to form a black light shield.

The "Kakaka" divine stone keeps making a huge cracking sound. The mysterious meteorite standing in Tianmo City for thousands of years seems to be completely cracked. X