Kill God

Chapter 128 Live!

The bottom floor of the iron ship.

One by one, the disciples of the yin and yang cave came down from the outside one after another and transported this layer of wooden boxes to the deck and the burial place.

Thirty-two wooden boxes, each of which is sealed with steel nails, in which a cold body is stored.

In the wooden box, there are strange pieces of cold stones, which are extremely heavy. Therefore, the disciples of Yin and Yang Dongtian often need the joint efforts of two or three people to carry a wooden box to the deck.

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan walked out of the narrow wing* and came to the deck with a calm face.

On the deck, the rock condensed and jumped far away and found that the iron boat had stopped on an island. The island was the size of a small city. The island was dead and there were many strange plants growing.

Under the ground of this island, there is a strong corpse atmosphere. Looking closely, you can see that there are hundreds of cemeteries on the island. "Each cemetery has a cave, which can enter the center of the cemetery from the cave.

These graveyards are large or small, large graveyards have basketball courts, and small graveyards are only the size of a small room.

Between the cemetery and the cemetery, it is connected by a deep and long ditch. In the deep ditch police, it seems to be filled with a lot of strange materials. The phosphorescence flashes in the ditch, dead, and there is a faint gray-white smoke.

On the island, there are hundreds of attack lands, and the cemetery and the cemetery are all connected by ditches.

At a glance, the island is like a huge cobweb. Those ubiquitous ditches are like sisters, and the graveyards are like the junction of sisters. The cemetery and ditches are full of every corner of the island.

On the flat ground near the cemetery and the ditch, there are countless plants growing. The branches and leaves of those plants are gray-brown and look like no vitality, giving people a strange feeling, like the incarnation of demons, which always makes people feel uncomfortable.

In the middle of the island, there is the largest cemetery. Above the cemetery are tombstone-like stone towers. On the stone tower stands a famous disciple of the corpse god with a pale face and a gloomy look.

Most of these followers of the corpse god religion are in the realm of human position, a hundred disasters and status. They walk on the stone tower without expression, and enter the cemetery below from time to time.

At the cave entrance of the major graveyards on the island, you can see the disciples of the corpse god religion. In each cemetery, there seems to be disciples of the corpse god religion. Some people still carry all kinds of cold rocks and all kinds of poisonous insects. They put many strange materials into the ravines between the graveyards to provide something for A unique kind of energy.

The whole island is shrouded in a strange and gloomy atmosphere, full of graveyards, strange plants, and dead corpse gods.

Those disciples of Yinyang Dongtian worked hard to take down the wooden boxes one by one and put them in the berth of the island.

More than a dozen followers of the corpse god religion went over and opened the wooden boxes one by one. One of them took the notebook and bowed his head to record the information of the corpse, recording the state before the death of the corpse, the strength of the corpse qi in the corpse, and the integrity of the body one by one.

The disciples of Yin and Yang Dongtian were very cooperative, restrained their daily indulgence, and even slightly formal, explaining the source of the body to the disciples of the corpse god religion.

After coming here, several female disciples of Yin and Yang Dongtian were also very careful. They looked a little afraid, and their expressions were a little unnatural when talking to the disciples of the Corpse God.

Li Zhuang and Sui Yueru, the two guardians of the yin and yang cave, have got off the ship, stood next to the box, and talked about something in a low voice with a martial artist with the status of the corpse god religion.

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan stood on the deck with strange expression.

"Shu Hufa has a good impression on you. As long as you are willing, Sui Hufa is still willing to take you as an apprentice..." Xiaofeng, beside Shi Yan, whispered, "If you nod, I can tell Sui Hufa, what do you think..."

Shi Yan also saw that it was not good. He frowned and glanced at Yueru from a distance, but shook his head gently, "Sorry, I don't want to join the yin and yang cave..."

Xiaofeng's face is cold, and her face is a little gloomy." He said coldly, "You will regret it..."

"Both of you, haven't you been disembarked yet? Hey hey, do you want us to invite you down?" Li Wei has got off the ship and sneered on the shore of the island, "We are going to stay in this burial place for a day. We can't leave outsiders on the ship. If you don't get off the ship, don't blame us for being rude." Shi Yan frowned, Under the eaves, people have to bow their heads.

Xia Xinyan was still calm. Although she was a little disgusted, she still came down from the iron boat with Shi Yan and came to the shore of the island together.

Li Zhuang and Sui Yueru, the two guardians of the yin and yang cave, glanced at Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan from time to time when talking to the martial artist of the corpse god religion.

The thin-faced corpse god warrior, with a pair of eyes that seemed to have no focus, occasionally looked at Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, nodded gently, as if he had reached an agreement with Li Zhuang and Sui Yueru.

The three of them bowed their heads, discussed for a while, and nodded with satisfaction.

Not long after, Li Zhuang said loudly, "We will rest here for three days, and we will leave by boat in three days..."

"Li Hufa, can we stay on the ship..." A female disciple of Yin and Yang Dongtian said pitifully. When she spoke, she shivered and seemed to like the burial place very much.

"No." Li Zhuang snorted and looked at her coldly, "You still have a long way to go in the future. If you don't even have the courage to make a breakthrough in martial arts. Let you come down to sharpen you. Tonight, the disciples of the Corpse God Sect will lead you to visit the corpse slaves in the place where the corpses are buried, so that you can open your eyes.

You should cherish this opportunity. In the endless sea, not many forces are qualified to visit the burial place.


Many disciples of Yin and Yang Dongtian, when they heard the words, their faces changed slightly, their lips trembled slightly, and they seemed to be very scared.

Those disciples of the Corpse God Religion looked calm, with some contempt in their eyes, and they will take a bite. After the wooden boxes were countd, these people took out a small bell front from their waists and shook it gently.


The disciples of Yin and Dongtian screamed again.

As soon as the bell rang, corpses in white robes suddenly appeared in the nearest cemetery.

The eyes of these corpses have no color at all, as if they were blind. The limbs were slightly stiff and slow to move. Under the cold moonlight, they were gloomy and cold, walking towards this piece step by step.

"These are all human corpses, which have not been refined for a long time, and the joints of the hands and feet are still very stiff." They can only do hard labor, and they don't have much combat effectiveness. What are you afraid of?" A disciple of the Corpse God Church looked gloomy. He glanced at those screaming disciples and said coldly, "The corpse slave is our best partner. He will not betray us." He will not use a knife behind his back. It is more trustworthy than living people and much more useful than living people."

A corpse came slowly. Under the sound of the wrong bell, the two corpses carried a wooden box and slowly walked towards the nearest cemetery.

In the moonlight, the corpse slave swayed, the corpse was haunted all over, and the pale face did not have a trace of human emotions, gloomy, horrible, cold and weird.

Shi Yan frowned, looked at a human corpse, and carried the box away under the bell. Looking at the disciples of the corpse god religion skillfully controlling the corpse slave, his heart gradually sank.

"You two." Li Zhuang reached out and pointed to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, and suddenly said, "You also go to the burial place."

Li Zhuang didn't pay attention to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan at all. After saying a sentence, he talked to the man of the Corpse God in a low voice, as if he was not afraid of Shi Yan's escape at all, and he didn't believe that Shi Yan dared to escape.

Sui Yueru also looked at Shi Yan from afar, frowned slightly, and immediately stopped watching. She was also talking about something with the person of the Corpse God.

The three people seemed to be talking about the price of thirty-two bodies, and Sui Yueru and Li Zhuang were bargaining.

Shi Yan suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Xinyan and whispered, "We leave now. The farther away from the sea, the more unsafe we are!"

"I can't leave." Xia Xinyan shook her head in a low voice, "There is a water corpse!"

"How do you know?" Shi Yan's face changed, and he looked around, and his eyes were shivering.

"There are at least three cemeteries here. They are all water corpses. The water corpses have excellent water quality and can go deep into the bottom of the sea. If we leave now, we will also be caught by water corpses." Xia Xinyan whispered.

"What should I do?"

"First go to the burial place, find an opportunity to kill the water corpse on the island first, and then leave."


Li Wei kept a distance from Shiyan, but always paid attention to Shiyan.

"Guys, it's time to go. Maybe you are lucky to see the corpse refining skills of the Corpse God Religion with us. Uh-huh, in addition to refining dead bodies, there are also ways to refine living corpses. Do you know what it means to refine a living corpse? Hey hey, it's to make a living person into a corpse. It is said to be very interesting. Maybe you can see it!"

Li Wei's face was full of insidious face, and there was something to say.

Shi Yan's face changed, and he finally guessed what Li Zhuang meant. He also realized why Li Zhuang looked at him from time to time when he talked to the corpse god.

Li Zhuang was afraid that he and Xia Xinyan sold him and Xia Xinyan together as goods, and provided two materials for the corpse god religion to refine live corpses.

Xia Xinyan's eyes were cold, and she gritted her teeth gently. Obviously, she was also extremely angry.

"Let's not separate." Shi Yan held her hand tightly and looked resolute, "There will be a chance. As long as you don't kill me immediately, you will always find a chance!"

At this time, Xia Xinyan listened to Shi Yan's words and suddenly felt a little at ease.

"Hmm." Xia Xinyan nodded gently. For the first time, she shook Shi Yan's palm and whispered, "Remember, if you want to live, you must live."

Shi Yan was flattered. At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed on his face and said, "Don't worry, we can definitely live!"

"If I can escape from here, I can forgive... Forgive your frivolity to me before, and I promise not to trouble you afterwards." Xia Xinyan hesitated for a moment and whispered again.

"We will be able to leave alive!"

p I'm sorry. I went to the hospital for a check-up in the morning, so I didn't have time to write in the morning. Well, my wife is almost three months pregnant and will have regular check-ups. Please forgive me.