Kill God

Chapter 154 Slaughter

Linda held two short moments and was pressed step by her beard and Mr. Kong.

After Lin Xiaochang, the five martial artists also stood up one after another and also stood beside Linda.

Two warriors in the realm of a hundred disasters, plus the five warriors in the realm of "Linda, who was surrounded by them, is almost impossible to escape.

Lin Xiao often looked happy and lay lazily in a wheelchair, with a pair of slender eyes, but the cold light bloomed and did not relax.

With a strange smile at the corners of Shi Yan's mouth, he stood at Lin Xiaochang's seven meters and looked at the surrounded Linda calmly.

"White-eyed wolf!" Linda gritted her silver teeth, and her eyes were full of fierce anger. "Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Linda's face was fierce, and her beautiful face was full of hatred. It seemed that she really hated Shi Yan to the bone.

Shi Yan smiled faintly and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't blame me. I just want to live well. As long as I can live, I can give up everything."

"Shameless!" Linda screamed fiercely and suddenly rushed up. "The two daggers once again showed their double snake twisted martial arts skills. The dagger sword was swallowed, and the rainbow was like a ribbon.

Linda looked desperate, regardless of the attacks on both sides, and rushed forward fiercely.

Kong Laoer stood in front of her. At the sight of this girl, she seemed to have no life. She wanted to fight with him, and her face changed. He smiled and avoided it.

Linda didn't look at Kong Laoer, and immediately passed by Kong Laoer, regardless of the shot of the mace with a beard on her left shoulder, which was like a long rainbow and shot directly at the rock.

"I'll kill you first!" Linda is so fierce that she actually protruded from the encirclement and shot directly at the rock like electricity.

Shi Yan's face showed a look of panic." He hurriedly dodged at Lin Xiaochang, with a shocked face, "Block her quickly! Block her!"

The bandits around showed disdainful expressions one by one, and they were very disappointed with Shi Yan's performance.

Lin Xiaochang also frowned and sat in the wheelchair and said harshly, "Caught this girl!"

After Lin Xiaochang, several martial artists rushed up together and stood in front of Lin Xiaochang.

Kong Laoer and the bearded man, when they saw Linda leaning against Lin Xiaochang without knowing it, they didn't worry at all. Instead, they smiled and stepped forward in a hurry.

Shi Yan and Lin Xiaochang are only three steps away." He carefully observed the expression on Kong Laoer's face and his beard, and his heart sank.

Lin Xiaochang is absolutely not easy to deal with.

The self-confidence of these two people is enough to prove that Lin Xiaochang can deal with Linda alone. It was precisely because the two knew Lin Xiaochang's means that they were so calm that they were not in a hurry to lend a helping hand.

A series of thoughts quickly passed through his mind. Shi Yan's face was still full of panic, but his mental strength was unprecedentedly concentrated, and he did not dare to relax at all.

"I will kill it!" Linda hates Shiyan to the bone. The encirclement of those martial artists is like a crazy tiger. Regardless of the trauma on his body, he rushed to Shiyan again.

"This girl" has a commendable courage." Lin Xiaochang suddenly smiled, glanced at Shi Yan beside him, and said, "Little brother, don't be afraid. No matter how powerful this girl is, she will lie down for a while."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Shi Yan nodded, his eyes suddenly became cold to the bone, and the panic on his face disappeared in an instant.

Lin Xiaochang has been quietly observing the stone rock. As soon as he saw the stone rock's expression suddenly changed, a ray of light suddenly appeared in his slender eyes.


The wheelchair under Lin Xiaochang suddenly burst out, and the crossbow arrows were like a drizzle, suddenly shooting out, and the target was directly at the rock.

Shi Yan looked cold" with a cruel smile at the corners of his mouth.


A series of sound of iron and gold and iron strikes suddenly came from the body of the stone rock.

Under the petrified martial soul, those dense crossbow arrows did not penetrate the body of the stone rock, but pierced his patched clothes, and the crossbow arrows fell to the ground weakly.

"I knew you had a problem!" Lin Xiao often laughed, and the wheelchair quickly retreated back. "Those who have the courage to take the initiative are by no means timid and afraid of things. They want to find a chance to kill me. Haha, you are still a little young!"

Lin Xiao often laughed and patted the chair under him again.

A flashing centipede flew out from under his chair. The centipede was five or six meters long and had a strong fishy smell on its body. As soon as it appeared, it immediately spewed a mouthful of poisonous smoke into the rock.

Shi Yan's body shook and strangely avoided the poisonous smoke. He moved his mind and moved to the magnetic field above Lin Xiaochang's head little by little, and suddenly fell from the sky!

The rotational power of the domain field instantly enveloped Lin Xiaochang.


There was a broken sound from the wheelchair, but Lin Xiaochang was safe and sound. He kept spinning in the field, and his expression was gloomy.

A strand of black light swung out of a soft armor on his chest. The soft armor was extremely tough and firmly protected his body.

In the field, although Lin Xiaochang was inconvenient to move, he was not injured by the power of the field.

Shi Yan knew that the power of the field at this time had been greatly reduced, and it was difficult to strangle Lin Xiaochang. He did not hesitate at all. Seeing that Lin Xiaochang's body was imprisoned, he immediately threw a piece of lapis lame stone out.

Qingyue Petrochemical is a cold light, which instantly falls into the field.


In the domain field, a continuous cold rain suddenly burst out, and the condensed cold force formed a drizzle, which was shot away in the field.

Lin Xiaochang's body was safe and sound under the field, but as soon as it was touched by the drizzle formed by the cold ice and cold force, it immediately froze quickly.

In a moment, not only Lin Xiao was often frozen into an ice sculpture, but also the field stopped running and was frozen by a small piece of moonstone.

Lin Xiaochang, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, still had a winning smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

The bandits on the ship screamed one by one and rushed to the rock crazily.

Linda, who was surrounded by Kong Laoer and Luo's beard, suddenly burst into a deadly light in her eyes, and she looked at Shi Yan in disbelief.

All this happened between the lightning and the flint. "Many warriors on the ship, before they realized what had happened, saw the frightened stone rock before, and suddenly bombarded Lin Xiaochang like crazy.

Everyone just heard Lin Xiaochang's two loud laughs. When they turned around and looked at him, they found that he had become an ice sculpture.

The bandits on the ship suddenly went crazy. At this time, they didn't care about Linda and rushed to Shiyan one after another, trying to stop Shiyan's next move.

The stone rock was like hunting. A leap suddenly came to the vicinity of the field, and the spiritual power in his mind formed a wave of shocks, bombarding the oncoming warriors.

This famous bandit in the Three Heavens has a pain in his brain, and immediately the seven holes are bleeding, and his expression is extremely sad.


Shi Yan stretched out his hand, crushed his throat, quickly crossed him, and rushed directly to Lin Xiaochang's side. The negative force gathered and punched Lin Xiaochang's head.


Lin Xiaochang's head, which was frozen, broke up immediately after giving such a blow to Shiyan.

Shi Yan looked cold. Seeing his head shattered, he was secretly relieved. The centipede that continued to be entangled in front of him, his eyes were cold, and another soul shock wave was released.

The spiritual power is like a sharp sword, carrying the cold air of the ice and cold flame, and suddenly rushed to the soul of the centipede.

The soul of the centipede, which was washed like this, seemed to have been hit hard immediately.


The centipede no longer cares about Lin Xiaochang. Under the wound of his soul, it immediately turned into a black light and flew towards the stern of the ship.

Shi Yan looked cold, and he absorbed the essence overflowing from the body of Lin Xiaochang and the martial artist with pleasure, quietly urging the negative forces in his body. His body was covered with white fog, and a murderous, violent and ferocious spirit rose from him.

"Boom! Boom!"

The dead seal of the left hand bloomed out, and the seven palm prints were released one after another, bombarding the bandits forward.

The three martial artists in the realm of the position just leaned up. Before they approached the stone rock, there was an extra blood hole in the palm of his chest, and a row of seven palms directly penetrated the bodies of the three martial artists and directly penetrated the three people.

The dead mark is full of momentum, and it continues to bombard, falling to the chest with a beard.

The majestic and rough body of the beard, under the impact of the seven dead seals, was thrown high, and the dead seal seemed to be some kind of mysterious mark. Unexpectedly, it directly penetrated into the body of the beard and did everything possible to destroy the vitality of the beard.

The body of the beard has become dead when it is in mid-air. After landing, the body of the beard turned white and lost its life.

A dead mark mixed with negative forces, after killing three martial artists in a row, it even cut off the vitality of the beard in the realm of a hundred disasters, which can be said to be extremely fierce and domineering.

As soon as the four people died, their essence surged to the rock again.

Among the corpses all over the ground, Shi Yan's body was more ferocious, as if the demon coming out of the sea of Shura's blood condensed the negative power again, forming a dead seal again.


This time, the death mark was used, and the bodies of the five bandits were all penetrated and died tragically in an instant.

Shi Yan looked indifferent and walked leisurely among the corpses all over the ground. He began to condense the negative forces and build a scene that was hard to see with the naked eye.

One by one, the body was inexplicably suspended, and the body rotated under the field.

Shi Yan looked calm and slowly passed by those hanging sea breezes. He reached out and pointed to pierced their necks and harvested their lives.

On the iron boat, the remaining bandits were full of fear and screamed and retreated one after another.

Even Kong Laoer looked horrified. After Lin Xiaochang and Luo's beard were killed strangely, Kong Laoer was finally afraid and hurriedly flashed back and screamed, "Brothers, evacuate!"

Shi Yan looked dull and looked at him faintly.

Kong Laoer's body, which was projected to the sea, suddenly stopped strangely in mid-air, as if he had been firmly grasped by an invisible big hand.

Shi Yan calmly walked to Kong Laoer's side in a hurry, poked out with one finger, and Kong Laoer had an extra blood hole in his neck.

Linda was stunned and forgot to deal with the bandits who fled everywhere. She looked at the rock foolishly, and her heart was filled with great shock.