Kill God

Chapter 160 Gathering Soul Pool

Yunxia Island.

In the evening, clusters of fire clouds stuck to the sky, and the afterglow of the sunset shone on the fire clouds, and the glow was magnificent.

The whole Yunxia Island is shrouded in the gorgeous glow, and the scenery is magnificent in the afterglow of the sun. On Yunxia Island, there are many maple leaves, which are also red, which are more enchanting in the glow.

The scenery of Yunxia Island is unique. In the evening, the burning clouds in the sky and the maple leaves on the island complement each other.

On the island, the aura of heaven and earth is also extraordinary, and there are also three mines of fire manganese stone on the island.

Fire manganese is a kind of material that refines magic soldiers. Fire attributes. If high-quality fire manganese stone is integrated into the weapon, the weapon will have fire attributes. If it is melted with some crystals with fire attributes, it can form a sharp weapon with strong hot power.

In the ancient family, most of the martial arts skills cultivated are related to swords. The masters of the ancient family also use swords.

The Wanjian Peak of the ancient family is full of all kinds of swords, some of which are even spiritual.

Many masters of the ancient family are good at refining swords, and sword refining often requires a variety of rare materials. Firestone is a kind of material that is scarce for refining fire attribute swords. At the beginning, after the ancient family found that there were fire stones on Yunxia Island, they also wasted a lot of effort and swept away the warrior forces on the island A year ago, the Shura king of the Yang family came to Yunxia Island with 30 Shura blood guards.

After only half a day, all the defense measures of the Gu family on Yunxia Island were destroyed. The ancient families on the island were also killed by the Shura blood guard, and the forces related to the Gu family were uprooted by the Shura blood guard.

A year later, although Yunxia Island has returned to the ancient family, the defense of the island has not been rebuilt.

Fortunately, because of the movement of the fourth magic domain, the Yang family has recently attacked the power of the Gu family and the Oriental family, and also quietly withdrew to the Galo sea area. Taking the opportunity of the Gu family to propose peace talks, the Yang family agreed to come to Yunxia Island to sign the details because they were busy dealing with the demons of the fourth magic realm.

Yunxia Island, at the foot of the largest fiery stone mine, is built with stone buildings and stone walls, surrounded by clusters of maple fiery red maple leaves, which surrounded the complex, turning it into a fiery sea of maple leaves.

At the top of a huge stone pagoda 50 meters high, Gu Jian Ge and Gu Lie stood in the tower and looked into the distance side by side.

The bright glow was like the blush of the sky. Red beams came from the sky and fell into the tower, pulling red lines on the ground in the tower.

When the sun slowly sank into the sea, a letter eagle broke through the wind in the distance, which was extremely fast.

The letter eagle found the target and landed directly on the stone window in front of Gu Lie. The wings flapped twice and then stopped.

Gu Lie stretched out his hand, took it off the letterhead from the letter eagle, frowned to read the content on the letterhead, and his face became more and more ugly.

Gu Lie's cultivation in the realm of Nirvana's nest is extraordinary in the ancient family. This time, the struggle between the Gu family and the Yang family started because of the ancient sword song, so Gu Lie was responsible for dealing with the repeated provocations of the Yang family. He killed many masters on the ancient family on the island because of the loss of Jian Ge was even very dissatisfied with Gu Lie, which made Gu Lie very depressed. In dealing with the affairs with the Yang family, he had been annoyed and careful for fear that there would be another problem in that regard.

"Dad, what's going on?" The ancient sword song stepped forward and gathered to the letter paper.

With a gloomy face, Gu Lie directly handed the letterpost to Gu Jiange and said angrily, "The Yang family is really greedy. He asked us to hand over five islands before he promised to calm this matter."

"Five islands?" The ancient sword song's face changed. He quickly read the content of the letter and screamed in a distraction: "Yunxia Island, Xuanke Island, Iron Wolf Island, Taolu Island, Disha Island! These five islands either have mines or elixir production. Each of the islands was snatched by our ancient family with great effort. The Yang family actually opened their mouths and asked for five islands at a time!"

Gu Lie looked gloomy and sighed, "The family will never allow it. These five islands are too precious to be ceded to the Yang family. But if you can't talk to the Yang family, the superiors will blame me for being powerless. It's really difficult to do this..." "Dad, the last time we gathered in the soul pool, the demon seemed to want..." Gu Jiange's face was a little gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said, "Since the Yang family is Don't stop, promise the conditions of the demon, let the people who come to Yunxia Island stay here forever..."

"The demon..." Gu Lie's expression moved, but he hesitated, "Although we are not in line with the Yang family, if we involve the demon, once the matter is exposed, we will be pointed out by thousands of people. At that time, other families will also disdain our practices, and may also accuse us of despicable means..."

"As long as the Yang family is killed, who will know that it is our move?" Gu Jiange pondered for a moment and advised, "Dad, the times are different. Now for the sake of profit, you can cooperate with anyone. As far as I know, in the endless sea, there are people who cooperate with the underworld of the seven-fold underworld. As long as they can achieve their goals, sometimes it is not impossible to be able to change.

"It may be Mo Ji's soul..." Gu Lie frowned... As the head of the two major Shura, Mo Duan's soul is full of earth-shaking power. Except for the demon at the level of Fei's realm, no one can keep him. Once the soul escapes and knows that we help the demons, we may not be able to stay in the ancient family.

"Once you lose this time, your father's status in the family will also be sharply reduced. The family will definitely not allow us to cede five islands, and the Yang family's arrogantness has come out of fame. We can't please both sides at all. If the soul is killed by the devil, we can push it cleanly. At that time, the Yang family will be in chaos, and I'm afraid there will be no time to continue to Let's go to the Soul Pool..."


In the south of Yunxia Island, there is a hidden valley, and in the middle of the valley, there is a pool.

The pool is surrounded by air, and the top of the pool is filled with black ink-like itching, and a soul flag is erected around it, covering all the pool.

In the pool, ghosts appeared on the surface of the pool. The pool seemed to be a strange mirror, in which seemed to seal countless wandering ghosts.

Legend has it that there was a huge disaster on Yunxia Island before. Everyone on the island was slaughtered. After the death of those people, the soul did not know what power to pull, but did not dissipate immediately. Instead, they all gathered in the pool of the valley.

The pool is full of countless ghosts, who have been swimming on the surface of the water and often suddenly come out and swing.

In Yunxia Island in those years, there was an evil martial arts sect that regarded this soul pool as a holy place and had been practicing near the pool.

In order to get the ownership of Yunxia Island, the masters of the family went out to exterminate this evil martial arts sect, so that the souls of all the martial arts in this sect fell into the soul pool.

After the ancient family got Yunxia Island, they once had an in-depth understanding of the soul pool. From the records of the destroyed cult, they knew that the soul pool could connect the seven-fold underworld and the fourth magic realm, but the soul pool and the Tianmen are different. Tianmen can let people from the endless sea enter the seven-fold underworld It has this effect.

The Gathering Soul Pool can only allow some masters of the Seven-fold Underworld and the Fourth Demon Realm to appear on the surface of the pool of the Gathering Soul Pool through the penetration of the soul.

In those years, the ancient family tried to destroy the soul pool, but when they were about to do it, they found that a demon's soul appeared in the soul pool. The demon was exposed on the surface of the soul pool and asked to cooperate with the ancient family to let the ancient family inject various kinds of creatures into the soul pool according to their secret method, trying The Underworld and the Fourth Demon Realm bring the soul directly to the endless sea.

However, there has always been a wrong way between the seven-fold underworld and the three-fold underworld. The three-fold underworld has entered the seven-fold underworld many times through Tianmen. It has obtained great resource benefits in the seven-fold underworld, but it has also become water and fire with the seven-fold underworld.

The ancient family and the Three Gods are allies, and naturally they are unwilling to help the underworld of the Seven-fold Underworld to deal with the Three-Gods.

Therefore, instead of agreeing to the underworld and the demon, the ancient family imprisoned the soul pool group and covered the soul pool with all kinds of strength, so that no one would know everything about the soul pool.

In those years, when it was time to destroy the Soul Pool, the Gu family had a fierce dispute. In the end, the Gu family did not know whether it was to prevent the evil relationship with the Three Gods in the future, or for other reasons, it actually left the Soul Pool.

However, regarding the secrets of the soul pool, the ancient family has also controlled all kinds of prohibitions on the periphery of the sharp soul pool, which is also arranged by the top masters of the ancient family. Unless the strong people of the 15 major forces who are good at formation happen to come, it is difficult to know everything here.

The last time Mo broken soul blood washed Yunxia Island, he rode a green-blooded demon bat around Yunxia Island, and let go of the divine search for martial arts masters and various spirits on Yunxia Island, but still could not find the soul pool.

The secret of the soul pool can be seen.

The father and son of Gu Lie and Gu Jiange quietly left the tower, avoided some of the guards of the ancient family, and went to the soul pool.

The two of them arrived at the strange soul pool. Gu Lie opened the ban with a secret method, came to the surface of the pool, and released a black ball of light in the middle of the pool.

The black ball of light is entangled by countless souls. These people's souls are combined to make ferocious ghost faces appear on the surface of the black light ball.

Gu Lie's wisp of consciousness flew in and fell on the black light ball. Soon, the black light ball sank into the soul pool.

In ten minutes, the water of the soul pool was boiling, setting off a stormy wave, and the dirty pool water was raised, forming a dark as ink, with six sharp horns, three meters high, and a vague image of a demon.

"A month later, Mo Duanhun, the head of the three Shura kings of the endless Haiyang family, will come here. At that time, I can open the Soul Pool. Can you seize the opportunity to keep Mo Duanhun and Shura Blood Guard?" Gu Lie said no nonsense and came straight to the point.

"Don't break the soul..." The demon opened his teeth and danced his claws, and the body of the pool was constantly swaying. He smiled fiercely: "Good to come! Well done!"