Kill God

Chapter 206 Full Grasp

"Ding Dong Dong Dong!"

Four pieces of iron the size of a grinding disc rolled over like a chariot on the edge of the pool. On the hard ground on the edge of the pool, rubble flew and iron blocks were run over, leaving four long deep ravines.

At the arms and ankles, four thousand pounds of heavy objects were locked, and the stone rock's body was slightly stricky. In the thin body, a fierce explosive force suddenly burst out.

A violent walk in the sky.

In the acupuncture point, the negative force is surging, filling the limbs and bones, making him more than double his strength in an instant.

The weight of 4,000 catties, under this violent drag, although it also seemed very heavy, it was still difficult to stop him from going forward.

The body is vigorous and gallops all the way by the pool, destroying the edge of the pool, turning the sky and the earth upside, and the movement is extremely large.

Although he only has the cultivation of the realm of heaven, the strength of his body is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. In the ten thousand years of "extreme refinement" of hard work on the volcano, his body has been quenched again, so that he can adapt to the impact of various forces and can better stimulate the physical strength. .

The body is strong, and coupled with the fact that it has gone through the realm of heaven, at this moment, the rolling power in the stone rock's body is comparable to the warrior in the realm of status!

Next to the pool, Yang Luan, Yang Mu and Yang Meng all looked surprised. The electric light flashed in their eyes and looked at the stone rock that was rushing hard for a moment.

The sudden explosion of power in Shiyan's body obviously exceeded their expectations, which surprised the three people who were still a little suspicious.

The movement here is very loud. Many martial artists of the Yang family, who heard the sound of this side, also came from other areas and looked at the magic power of Shiyan from afar.

Shiyan's face is calm, and the refined muscles seem to contain endless explosive power. Every time his body rushes out, he feels smooth, as if he has endless strength.

After coming out of the heart of the earth for ten thousand years, this was the first time that he burst out his power so happily. During the rush, he seemed to feel that every cell of the body was alive, which was full of vitality and brought an extremely wonderful feeling.

This is a physical change!

He clearly realized what benefits he had gained after this period of extreme practice.

After the body is tempered, the muscles and bones become tougher, the hands and feet are more flexible, and the speed of Jingyuan rolling in the body is fast and fast, like a river breaking the embankment, like a long rainbow running through the sun.

At this moment, he really began to believe in the statement of Xuanbing Hanyan.

The martial artists in ancient times pay far more attention to the physical body than today's martial artists. From the perspective of those ancient martial arts, the physical body is the most fundamental foundation of martial arts. Their cultivation of the physical body cares more than the condensation of the essence. The energy spent is not inferior to the penance of the essence.

Once the body reaches a certain height, in the confrontation with people, the power that explodes in their bodies will be extremely terrible.

The warrior of the same realm, the strong man, will be able to destroy and sweep the opponent without any accident.

Feeling the changes in his body, Shi Yan was happy and secretly made a decision. From then on, he regarded the quenching of his body as the most critical part of his martial arts practice, and he would never slack off in this regard.


Like a chariot, the stone rock flew all the way, turning the sky and the earth around the pool, and the rubble flew.

He indulged in the joy in his heart and the strong satisfaction of the body. He was completely selfless. He didn't remember the bet with Yang Gao. He just wanted to recognize himself well at this time and seriously understand the changes in his body.


Yang Wei shouted loudly.

Shi Yan suddenly woke up, and his flying posture suddenly condensed. He was covered with sweat, and his muscles trembled gently. He looked at Yang Yao in a radiant look, with a surprised smile on his face, and slowly nodded, "Five minutes, seven laps! You boy, you are really a monster."

"Haha, I knew this boy was extraordinary." Yang Mu laughed, "Otherwise, Grandpa would not have bothered so much. In order to know his position, he did not hesitate to spend immortal blood to speculate *..."

Yang Meng's lovely blinked her eyes, pouted, and hummed, "Really, it's another monster. Why is there no normal person in our Yang family?"

Shiyan was stunned.

Yang Wei smiled, glanced at the warriors who were watching around, and said in a loud voice, "This is a new member of our Yang family, my third brother Yang Xiao's own grandson, Shi Yan*..."

"Master Yan*..."

"Master Yan!"

"Master Yan*..."

Those calm and tough warriors of the Yang family around shouted loudly one after another.

These people are quite exquisite in cultivation. In the endless sea, most of them are also famous. The reason why they are obedient to the Yang family is that in addition to the background of the Yang family, every generation of the Yang family is extremely strong and has far more terrible strength than that of the martial arts at the same level.

These unruly people convinced the Yang family because of the power of the Yang family.

They watched for a while and agreed from the bottom of their hearts about the performance of the stone rock. The cultivation of the double heavens dragged 4,000 catties of heavy objects. But in just five minutes, he ran seven laps around the weeping pool.

Such a performance is extremely dazzling!

Shi Yan smiled at the corners of his mouth and was neither arrogant nor humble. He did not urge the violent walk to the double heaven. He believed that if he gritted his teeth and urged the violent walk to the double heaven, the strength in his body * would inevitably double again, and he could run more than ten laps around the pool in five minutes.

"I'm willing to lose the bet, boy, you put away these three elixirs." Yang Yao shook his head with a smile. "You boy, just came here and won my game. Humph, I'm the most small belly chicken intestine. Please be careful. In the future practice, I will let you taste my taste..."

Shi Yan smiled indifferently and was not polite at all. He reached out to take away the three tonic elixirs, and then laughed and said, "I'm the least afraid of this kind of trouble."

"The body * inflow is really worthy of the heart of our Yang family. You are hard enough." Yang Wei smiled and praised, and then turned his eyes and said lightly, "If you've seen enough, get out of here. Is there nothing to do?"

The onlookers next to him shrank their heads when they heard the words and walked away from here with a smile.

After those people evacuated one after another, Yang Nao suddenly frowned and said worriedly, "Xia Shenchuan is still in our Yang family. If you come here now, he will definitely not continue to practice hard. As soon as he hears your news, I'm afraid he will find it immediately..."

paused, and Yang Nao looked at him deeply, "Kid, to tell the truth, can you really wake up the girl Xia Xinyan? Don't be afraid. Even if you can't do it, it's nothing. Xia Shenchuan will never dare to do anything. At most, he has some grudges in his heart and chews his tongue behind his back.

"There should be no problem*..." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said with an awe.

"No problem?" Yang Hao was stunned, "Are you sure? You know, there was a man in the Xia family who also had a problem with that girl. At that time, the three major forces in the Galo Sea found a way together, but they couldn't save the man. Your grandpa said that unless there is some soul treasure, and it happens to be suitable for her, you can't do it from anywhere else*..."

Shi Yan was shocked. Emperor Yangqing was really powerful. It seemed that he should know that he was holding the soul beads.

"I'm sure..." nodded, and Shi Yan said, "I'm sure I can wake her up. She became like this because she saved me. Naturally, I want her to wake up well."

Yang Rao stared at Shi Yan for a while. Seeing that Shi Yan did not look like a reckless person, he nodded gently and said, "Okay, then I'll call Xia Shenchuan to come.


Immediately, he raised his voice and ordered, and saw a man flying away quickly towards a majestic mountain next to him.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Yang Yao pondered for a moment and said, "In our Yang family, there are all kinds of scarce materials and elixirs. As long as you come up with a name, most of our Yang family should have it. Even if not, it will be quickly made for you. You're welcome. Your grandfather told us before he left. In the matter of rescuing Cooperate with you."

Shi Yan shook his head with a smile, "I don't need anything, just give me a secluded secret room."

Yang Yan was surprised. After thinking for a moment, he told Yang Qian beside him, "Go to Shenshan No. 1 and find the best crystal room."

"Okay*..." Yang Mu strode away.

"Your grandfather is not in Yang's house at this time. The immortal scripture of the family is on him. When he returns, as long as you drip the blood into the immortal scripture, it will be regarded as an ancestor. The secret of immortal rebirth of the family is also on the holy book of immortality. As long as your blood drips in, you can get the secret of immortal rebirth from the holy book of immortality*..." Yang Wei thought for a moment and said, "During this period, you wake up Xia Xinyan first."

"Well, I'm clear that I *..."

"Yang Wei!" Not long after, a divine light suddenly shot out of the surrounding mountain peaks and quickly swept over, "I heard that the boy in Shiyan is back?" Before the Xia Shenchuan people approached, the roar had already sounded.

A long white-bearded old man with a feather crown stood in front of Shi Yan. His eyes were like electricity, and he stared at Shi Yan and hummed, "Your boy is Shi Yan, right?"

Shi Yan smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Well, I won't talk any extra nonsense." Xia Shenchuan snorted coldly, "If you can't wake up Xinyan, I will naturally trouble you, but if Xinyan can wake up, I will pretend that the past has not happened. As long as she wakes up, I can't care about anything else *..."

"I will definitely wake her up safe and sound!" Shi Yan looked right and said, "I'm completely sure..."



Xia Shenchuan was slightly surprised and didn't understand why Shi Yan was so confident. However, seeing that Shi Yan was so confident, he also had a little more expectation in his heart. He nodded and hummed, "Let's do it well."

"Second grandpa, it's arranged." Yang Mu shouted loudly at the cliff of a mountain peak, "Xiao Yanzi, you can come over."

"Let's go, I'll take you in to see."

Yang Wei nodded with a smile, grabbed the stone rock, and suddenly flew out.
