Kill God

Chapter 218 The Ghost is fierce

"Pan Zhe, how dare you fight with me?" Yang Muduan sat on the two-headed dragon, looked at Pan Zhe on the silver-horned divine boat from afar, and shouted wildly.

The silver sword suddenly roared out, hovering over Yang Mu's head, blooming a ten-meter-long silver sword light. The sword light pointed straight at Pan Zhe, which was amazing.

On the silver-horned Shenzhou, Pan Zhe held a feather fan, smiled indifferently, and said calmly, "Yang Mu, if we come here this time, we want all the generation of your Yang family to be destroyed. I don't have time to waste more time with you."

"Don't you dare, do you?" Yang Mu laughed and said, "Pan Zhe, Pan Zhe, I knew you were timid."

Pan Zhe was not provoked." He shook his head with a smile and said to the martial artist beside him, "Let's not waste time. We should also kill these remnants of the Yang family."

"What the Son said is extremely true." Wei Qing, the Nirvana warrior of Penglai Holy Land, nodded and said coldly, "The Yang family is not immortal, and our sea in the sky is also unstable. Over the years, the Yang family has come to our Cangqiong Sea to find trouble. The Yang family will have it today, which is entirely due to their arrogance.

"Kill." Pan Zhe waved his hand.


The huge roar suddenly came from the silver-horned brother. At the tip of the triangular divine boat, a beam of spiral golden light suddenly burst out and rushed to the stone chip and Yang Mu at the head.

"Spiral Holy Light!" Yang Muchhen shouted and exclaimed, "Get out!"

Shi Yan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly sent a message to the ghost, urging it to avoid it immediately.

The ghost roared wildly, and an amazing fierce spirit burst out from it, and the blue underworld and black magic suddenly gushed out of its body to form a wild wave of air, which actually went straight to the spiral holy light.

"Stone Rock!" Yang Mu and others have urged the monster to avoid it. Seeing the sudden situation of Shiyan, they suddenly screamed: "The spiral holy light is condensed from the power of 300 yuan crystals. It is indestructible and can't be touched! Er..."

Yang Mu's exclamation ended halfway.


The air waves surging out of the ghost's body, the underworld and the magic qi condensate strangely, instantly forming a strange boundary, the spiral holy light bursting from the silver-horned divine boat, bombarded on the boundary, unexpectedly being abruptly contained, and could not break through this layer of boundary.

The spiral holy light is like a spiral. In the rapid progress, it rotates in a spiral shape. Every time it rotates, the impact force will be fierce.

In the endless sea, the spiral holy light shot from the silver-horned divine boat in Penglai Holy Land can easily bombard a Nirvana martial artist, which is extremely powerful.

However, this bombardment was blocked by the boundary condensed by the ghost.



The warriors of Penglai Holy Land, Gujia and Tianchi Holy Land standing in the Silver Horn Shenzhou were moved and couldn't help exclaiming.

Pan Zhe looked extremely heavy. He looked at the ghost in disbelief. His lips squirmed a few times before he shouted, "What kind of monster is this? Why can it not only drive the underworld, but also control the magic spirit of the demon realm? What on earth did your Yang family do? How dare you breed the monsters of the two worlds!"

Gu Linglong, Zhai Yanqing and other new generation of strong people who were on the battle list were also shocked and looked at the ghost.

Yang Mu, Yang Xue and Li Fenger also looked shocked and inexplicably shocked by the strength of the ghost.


In the boundary formed by the ghost's underworld gas and magic gas, a strange roar suddenly came out. Even from the boundary, a fierce evil spirit was shot out, and the evil spirit was like an arrow, shooting straight at the warrior on the silver-horned divine boat.

The dense evil spirit was like a rain of arrows, pouring out the embarrassment that disturbed Pan Zhe, Zhai Yanqing and others, and they responded in a hurry.

Shi Yan sat on the ghost with indifferent eyes and quietly raised a cold smile.

The ghost is a hybrid of the underworld Heavenly Ghost and the Demon Dragon. It is an extremely fierce monster alien between heaven and earth. Although the ghost is only a six-level monster at this time, it is more terrible than the general top six-level monster once it exerts its fierce spirit because of its talent.

A series of dense fierce spirits flew on the silver-horned elixir like a drizzle. Without waiting for the stone rock to tell him, he suddenly roared and hit the silver-horned elixir.

The spiral holy light shot from the silver-horned Shenzhou could not resist the impact of the ghost at all. It was divided into two by the impact of the ghost, and then turned into golden light spots and dissipated in the void.

"Kill it up!" As soon as Yang Mu saw the ghost attack, he laughed, "Xiao Yanzi, we're coming. You're really lucky, haha!"

Yang Qi, Yang Xue, Li Fenger and others also proudly raised the double-headed dragon and the green-blooded demon bat at the same time, flying past the golden light spots of those spiral holy light, and quickly falling to the silver horned divine boat force "Boom!"

The ten-meter-long body of the ghost first fell on the silver-horned elixir. Shenzhou seemed to be unable to withstand the weight of the ghost, and the earthquake trembled and shook.

"It's not good!" Pan Zhe's face changed dramatically and hurriedly ordered, "Wei Qing, stabilize the divine boat!"

Penglai Holy Land, a martial artist in the land of Nirvana Nest, suddenly rushed into the cabin without saying a word. As soon as his figure disappeared, a surging aura fluctuation came from the interior of the Shenzhou. The silver-horned Shenzhou, which was about to fall, immediately stabilized up like Mount Tai.

"Shi Yan, I want you to die!" The ancient sword song had a fierce face and a long roar. The dragon-killing sword on the back of the neck suddenly flew out, dragging the long firelight and slammed into the rock.

Shiyan looked calm. Seeing the dragon-killing sword flying in, he threw out a blue moonstone casually.

The moonstone became a cold blue light. The most accurate touch hit on the dragon-killing sword, and the moonstone was broken. Among them, the cold air of the black ice and cold flame suddenly exploded, and the fire light of the dragon-killing sword was extinguished in an instant. The cold air of the black ice and cold flame turned into a beam

The ancient sword song changed its color. He, who was closest to the dragon-killing sword, was shrouded in thirty ice lights. He only felt that his body was cold to the bone, and even the essence in his body slowed down.

"Dead seal!"

Shi Yan shouted in his heart, his left hand was empty, and the seven fingerprints suddenly bombarded, full of the power of desperate death, and instantly arrived at the ancient sword song.

The ancient sword song was shocked, and it was also the double heaven of a hundred disasters. However, the dead seal exerted by Shi Yan gave him an incomparable sense of helplessness. Seeing the death seal surging, he did not dare to fight against him, and hurriedly avoided Gu Linglong's side.

"It's really useless." Gu Linglong shouted, and the two divine swords in the body suddenly flew out together. The two divine gods interacted forward, as soft as cotton, with an extremely feminine breath, like two loach, extremely flexible to the dead seal.

"Bun Bang!"

The dead seal bombarded the two feminine swords and was completely desoled by a strange unloading force of the sword.

Gu Linglong's slender eyebrows suddenly stood up. With the martial soul of "the heart of the divine sword", she sensed the weakness of the breath from the sword spirit of the two divine swords. These two divine swords that melted the dead seal. Under the invasion of desperate death, the sword spirit seemed to be filthy, and the luster on

"Stinky boy, what evil martial arts do you use?" Gu Linglong's beautiful face tightened and said angrily, "It actually damaged my sword spirit. I can't spare you!"

As soon as she said, a divine sword with wind attributes suddenly cut through the sky and appeared in Shiyan's eyes at a high speed.

This sword seemed to be invisible, and Shi Yan didn't see how it came out. After hearing the roar, he found that the sword was shooting at his face.


The ghost exhaled a turbid breath and sprayed on the divine sword. The divine sword seemed to be blown crooked by the strong wind and deviated from the direction. Unexpectedly, it crossed three meters from the left side of the stone rock and shot to Zhai Yanqing, the saint of Tianchi Holy Land.

Zhai Yanqing, who was playing with Yang Xue and Yang Ke, was shocked and hurriedly avoided the way. He avoided the accidental injury of the sword and said coldly, "Gu Linglong, what the hell are you doing?"

"I made a mistake.

" Gu Linglong spit out her tongue, hurriedly took back the sword, and stared at Shi Yan with more anger. "You bastard, relying on the power of the monster, it's not the ability. There is a kind of monster. If you fight alone with me, I can kill you with one sword!"

Shi Yan was unmoved and sat on the ghost. His eyes were shining, which included the situation on the Silver Horn Shenzhou one by one.

The five warriors of the Yang family have come down from the monsters one after another, standing with the Penglai Holy Land, the Tianchi Holy Land and the ancient warriors on the silver-horned elixir. The monsters of Yang Mu and others, staring at the two Nirvana warriors on the Shenzhou, the two Nirvana martial artists forced

Yang Mu, Yang Xue, Yang Ke and Li Fenger each showed their proud martial arts, tit-for-tat with Pan Zhe, Li Yanqing and others, and let go.

On the silver-horned elixir, in addition to Pan Zhe, Zhai Yanqing, Gu Jiange and Gu Linglong, there are more than 30 martial artists. These martial artists' cultivation varies from high to level. They have a three-day status and a hundred disasters. They fight with the warriors of the Yang family and are fighting.

Shi Yan did not pay attention to Gu Linglong. He saw the situation on the Shenzhou clearly and began to quietly condense the field and secretly release the field.

The magnetic field field is shadowless and invisible. Unless there are martial artists in the realm of the nest, they can't detect it at all.

The stone rock that quietly uses the magnetic field to stir up the situation is clear. At the most appropriate time, the field is used to imprison the Penglai Holy Land, the Tianchi Holy Land, and the ancient martial artists.

In the fierce battle, life and death can be separated in a minute or two. The sudden power of the magnetic field makes those warriors of Penglai Holy Land, Tianchi Holy Land and Ancient House inexplicably unable to move, and the trace of power that is rotated cannot be used.

The martial artist of the Yang family looked strange, but he did not hesitate to take the opportunity to kill him and easily kill his opponent.

Shi Yan sat on the ghost, with a cold expression, secretly gathering the essence of the dead.

In the battle on Shenzhou, because of the strange effect of the magnetic field, the warriors on the Yang family had the upper hand and slaughtered wantonly.

On the other hand, the warriors in the Penglai Holy Land were frightened one by one. Looking at the companions around them, they inexplicably lost their combat effectiveness. These people were uncertain. They were suspicious in the battle and could not even exert their usual strength.

"That boy is making trouble!" Wei Qing came out of the cabin and immediately realized that something was wrong. He sensed it with his consciousness and suddenly pointed to Shiyan.

Shiyan suddenly became the target of public criticism.