Kill God

Chapter 231 Breakthrough

Meteorite formation.

In another ancient array.

Yang Mu, Yang Xue, Yang Qi, Li Fenger and other Yang family warriors all stand in the ancient array. This ancient array is similar to the stone rock, but the energy crystals around the ancient array seem to have a slight difference.

At this time, the energy crystals around the ancient array constantly release dazzling luster.

The Yang warriors who entered this ancient array one by one disappeared one after another in the dazzling light.

Yang Mu and his party entered this ancient array all the way according to Jiang Huquan's method. Every Yang family who walked with the correct footwork was not taken care of by the meteorite outside the sky.

According to Jiang Huquan, this is the exit from Mo Shizhen.

Therefore, every Yang family who came to this area, under the signal of Jiang Huquan, stood in the middle of the ancient array without hesitation and was transmitted by the ancient array one after another.

Soon, all the warriors of the Yang family disappeared in the middle of the meteorite formation through this ancient formation. Everyone comes in as a stone rock first. In the meteorite formation, because they can't see each other and can't feel each other, and once they step into the meteorite formation, they will be transferred instantly. Therefore, everyone is not clear about the situation of the people around them.

But because of Jiang Huquan's prior instructions, they did not hesitate much. As soon as they saw the ancient formation, they stood in more like this. Yang Mu and others and Shi Yan got lost in this meteorite array.

Outside the meteorite formation.

Cao Zhilan's two straight legs were coiled, and there was a strange light flashing in her eyebrows. Under the control of her mind, the spiritual martial soul began to decompose the changes of the meteorite array, which came from the mystery of the operation of the meteorite array.

Pan Zhe and his party stopped outside the meteorite formation and did not dare to enter.

Cao Zhilan sensed with the spirit god's martial soul for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled and stood up and said, "The bipolar meteorite array can be taken from the left or from the right. As long as the footwork is not wrong, it will not be bombarded by meteorites. Well, on the left, take seven steps with your left hand, that is, five steps on the right, and vice versa. You can also take seven steps on the right first, and then five steps on the left, which can also leave from the meteorite formation.

"Should I go from the left" or the right?" Gu Linglong frowned and said impatiently.

"In this meteorite array" should have two exits, which can lead to two different areas. Our purpose is the Yang family. Therefore, we should first determine the direction of the Yang family's departure, and then catch up. Cao Zhilan said lightly. He said lightly.

"How to determine the departure direction of the Yang family?" Xie Kui's gloomy face and murderous eyes said, "Yang Mu is very difficult to deal with. If he doesn't die this time, he will definitely use all kinds of means to retaliate against us in the future. Now that you have taken action against the Yang family, you can't give them the opportunity to survive. You must cut the grass and eradicate it!"

"When I was fighting with Shi Yan, I found that he had a very strong fire power. Just now, my spirit and martial soul sensed it and found that there was a strong flame fluctuation in the right direction." Cao Zhilan smiled and said, "I think Shiyan is on the right. Yang Mu will not be separated from Shiyan. Shiyan is there, and Yang Mu and others are naturally there."

"Well, let's go from the right." Pan Zhe nodded and told the Penglai Holy Land warriors behind him: "Remember Miss Cao's words, once you enter the meteorite array, seven steps on the right hand side first" and then five steps on the left, so that you can rotate forward, don't make a mistake."

"Okay, I'll lead the way first." Cao Zhilan entered it calmly. "In the first place.

In the vast and hot desert.

A figure with his limbs facing the sky, breathing extremely tired and slowly. In his body, all kinds of forces began to return to normal. In the acupuncture point, the negative emotions overflowed with the purification of the power.

In the hot desert, there is no sun, and the red sky is as scarlet as blood.

At a glance, they are all sand dunes of different heights, and you can't feel the slightest fluctuation of life. There is no episode of green.

A red fire flew out of the ring. The fire swayed in the hot desert and danced dexterously, as if it was quietly sensing something.

"It makes me very uncomfortable here."

A message came from the mysterious ice flame in the blood ring, "This strange space has a very hot breath. This breath seems to come from the sun, but I can't see the sun here. I don't know what's going on..."

"This is a certain area of the abyss battlefield. Well, it's indeed a little abnormal. The geocentric fire seems to like it very much. After coming here, it behaves very cheerfully." Shiyan replied.

He was transmitted by the ancient array and landed directly in this vast desert. He fell here, and there was no other ancient array beside him.

He was seriously injured and had no energy to explore the gods here. He lay motionless on the ground and recovered silently.

"Well" I can't see the sun here, but there is a very strong solar power, which is really weird. Xuanbing Hanyan pondered for a while and suddenly said, "This is very beneficial for you to practice extreme training. You can use the strange fire here to continue the extreme practice of extreme training with the help of the strange fire, which will make your body stronger."

"Let's get back to the peak first." Shi Yan didn't say anything, looked at the sky with a wry smile, stopped communicating with Xuanbing Hanyan, and began to slowly adjust his breath and recover.

Ten Huiyuan elixir into the abdomen does not need a strong aura of heaven and earth, but digest the energy from the Huiyuan elixir, disperse the medicinal power and converge with the essence. He is expanding the essence little by little, so that the consumed essence is quickly replenished.

Huiyuan Dan is an elixir to restore Jingyuan. In the endless sea, Huiyuan Dan is quite precious. Only those powerful warriors can enjoy it. Generally, individual practitioners rarely have enough materials to refine Huiyuan Dan.

The power of ten Huiyuan elixir is enough to quickly recover the essence lost by the martial artist. For Shiyan, which is only the peak of a hundred disasters, the effect of these ten Huiyuan elixir is more than enough.

Jingyuan gathered quietly, Shi Yan was happy, and began to understand the abnormality of the physical body again.

The damage of the body heals quickly under the action of the immortal martial soul. The bones damaged by the meteorite bombardment in the body become tough little by little, and several explosive blood vessels are also reconnected in this short time...

It takes a few days for ordinary people to recover from physical injuries. In just a few minutes, he has achieved recovery.

In the acupuncture point, the cyclone rotated rapidly one by one. In the purification of the mysterious martial soul, the essence in the acupuncture point is purified into a strange force that can be directly absorbed.

However, the negative emotional fluctuations rippled from it were also quietly flying to the sea of rock rocks, trying to pull him into the dark abyss.

This time, there were about ten pursuers who died in the palace.

The death of ten status martial artists and the essence of his body were all inhaled by his acupuncture points. After the purification, the negative emotions produced were enough to make him lose his mind.

After feeling silently for a while, after finding that it seemed difficult to maintain his mind, he pondered for a moment, and the rock decided to sink into the sand dunes.

He can come here, and maybe the pursuer can also find it. "If he is touched by Cao Zhilan and others when he purifies the front of power, he will be wronged.

Through the recovery of this period of flirting, his body regained some strength. He pointed to the gun and unfolded. His ten fingers were like a knife. He dug the sand like a pangolin and went deep into the sand dunes.

The earth fire jumped outside, as if he sensed the intention of the stone rock, and no longer ran around. Before the stone rock's body disappeared into the sandstone, he re-drilled into the blood ring.

Holding his breath, the rock has been sinking into the hill for more than ten meters. When the sand covered his whole body and his movement was blocked, he stopped.

In a short time, at the critical moment of acupuncture point purification, he finally couldn't resist the negative and clear invasion and began to lose his mind.

More than ten meters under the sand dunes, the struggle of the rock was crushed by the sand, and the roar was difficult to spread.

The bondage of sand and stone formed a natural shackle and temporarily imprisoned her.

The stone rock, which has lost its mind, is just constantly struggling. I don't know how to use the gun formula to dig out the road, and I can only do useless work under the sand dunes.

I don't know how long it took.

The struggle of the rock seemed to be gradually weak, and the roar stopped. The wisps of strange power finally fed back from the acupuncture point and flowed to his limbs and bones.

The muddle-headed stone rock did not notice the changes in his body, and his consciousness was blurred. He let those strange forces flow all over his body, overflowing the veins and bones all over his body.

Time passes quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Shi Yan suddenly woke up and immediately found that his tired body was full of vitality again.

Looking at the body, he immediately found that now, whether it is the essence or the body, it has returned to the peak, and the state is better than ever.


The Jingyuan light mass in his lower abdomen is constantly condensing and shrinking. No one guides him. The Jingyuan light mass in his body is actually condensing quickly.

In the change of the Jingyuan light group, all the veins of his body are like sponges, as if sucking several times the condensed Jingyuan light that overflowed from the Jingyuan light group.

Shiyan's divine knowledge travels all over the body and outside the body, and an inspiration appears in his mind.

The next moment, there was an exciting smile at the corners of his mouth, and he began to let go of his mind. According to the changes in his body, he guided the Jingyuan light mass, condensed countless times the power of Jingyuan, and penetrated into every vein in the body.

Get the nourishment of those light, and his veins become crystal clear, like slender jade, which is extremely magical.

While the tendons and veins are changing, whenever more essence is injected, the tendons and veins are quietly expanding.

The expansion of tendons and veins means that the speed of sperm flowing in the body will be faster, more sperm will be able to withstand, and even the strength of his body will be enhanced a lot.

The veins are the most intuitive sign of breaking through from the realm of a hundred disasters to the realm of status.

PS: Er, the plot is a little stuck, so it's also two updates today, sweat.