Kill God

Chapter 238 Yin Meizu

In the darkness of reaching out, Shi Yan woke up leisurely.

Open his eyes and subconsciously let go of the divine consciousness and want to penetrate the situation around him. However, as soon as the divine consciousness moved, an extremely strong tingling suddenly came from the sea of consciousness. This stingling directly broke out in the abundance of his knowledge of the sea, and almost made him faint again.

His face suddenly changed, and he endured the pain of the sea of knowledge. He hurriedly held his breath and took back the divine consciousness little by little.

The pain of the sea of knowledge disappeared immediately.

His eyes were shining, but in the dark, he still couldn't see the scene around him.

Reaching out and groping, he found that his hand was full of cold rocks, which were extremely strong and rough. He didn't know what kind of stone it was. In the sea of knowledge, it seems to be forbidden. As long as the divine consciousness is released, it will attack, making him immediately have a headache.

His eyes were condensed, but he couldn't see the surrounding landscape. He stood up and moved for a moment. He tried to stimulate the power in his body, but found that Jingyuan was also imprisoned, and it was difficult to release the strength of his body.

Both Jingyuan and Zhihai are limited. For ordinary martial arts, it is equivalent to being choked, and it is difficult to have any power.

However, for Shi Yan, even if Jingyuan and Zhihai are imprisoned together, he still has the power to use. The power in the body itself has been refined for a long time, and the negative power in the acupuncture point. Once these are stimulated, he does not have no power to fight back.

It's just that he doesn't know how to get out of here.

The divine consciousness can't be used, and even the mind is limited. "It is difficult for him to communicate with the blood number ring, and he can't get the message of Xuanbing Hantao and the geocentric fire.

In the dark stone room, the stone rock sat on the ground, silently waiting for something.

He knew that the man imprisoned him, but did not ask for his life. It would definitely appear. He didn't know the situation here. He cautiously did not dare to urge the negative force to smash the stone room, but silently waited for "Where did Miss Cuibi catch a human back?" We haven't seen human beings here for a long time. I don't know where that guy comes from.

"Well, it's true that human beings can rarely appear here. This time, Cui Bi went out, but brought the guy back. He didn't kill him immediately, but imprisoned him. "I don't know what he wants to do."

"What the hell, anyway, we just need to take that guy there for Miss Cui Bi."

Two cold male voices came from outside the stone room, and Shi Yan heard them clearly.

Not long after, a "squeak" sound suddenly came from the sealed stone chamber, and then the dim light overflowed from the outside. When the light appeared, the two bodies were thin, and the yin young man suddenly appeared in the light.

In the dim dim light, Shi Yan stared at it and found that the two young men were pale and extremely thin. A faint feminine cold air came from their bodies. Their bodies seemed to have no temperature, which was extremely strange.

"Stand up and go out with us. Our young lady wants to see you." One of the young men shouted coldly.

Shi frowned, but he didn't ask much, so he took the opportunity to stand up.

"Tone be honest with me, otherwise, I don't mind letting you understand the rules." The young man looked cold." He glanced at Shi Yan and led the way in front of him. "Follow me."

Without saying a word, Shi Yan immediately walked out of the stone room and quietly looked around.

This is a wide corridor with stone walls on both sides. There are many images of monsters on the stone wall, as well as some illuminated luminous stones.

Those illuminated stones are not particularly bright, and even a little dim. Under that shimmer, the stone rocks can't tell what kind of monster the monster patterns on the stone wall are.

These two young men with soft and cold bodies looked quite handsome. When they were leading the way in front of them, they looked back at Shi Yan from time to time, looking alert.

The sea of knowledge was imprisoned, and it was difficult for Shi Yan to let go of his consciousness to sense. Therefore, he did not know the strength of the two young people. However, judging from the faint feminine fluctuations in their bodies, their cultivation should not be particularly profound. If their strength is restored, Shi Yan is confident that he can easily kill these two people.

However, without knowing his situation, Shiyan did not act rashly.

The woman with a cold voice who captured him "can avoid the peeping of his consciousness and easily imprison him" is absolutely extremely profound.

There is such a master who knows that if he rushes to take action, he may end up in an extremely miserable way.

Following the two young men honestly, through the long corridor, Shi Yan came to a spacious hall.

The hall is round, surrounded by a fierce and thick stone pillar. In the hall, many men and women with feminine breath stand upright, as if waiting for something.

These people's breath is quite feminine, thin, men's and women's skin is very white, and it seems that they rarely come into contact with the sunlight.

In the hall, an old man with a long breath, with a goat's beard, turned out to be gray-white. He sat alone in the middle of the hall, and many men and women next to him stood on one side, which should be the status of the bodyguard servant.

Next to the old man, there is a beautiful girl, wearing a palace dress, with picturesque eyebrows, beautiful and touching.

At this time, the girl's clear and deep eyes looked at Shi Yan from afar, and said in a cold voice: Dad, this is the human I captured."

The old man stroked his beard, nodded gently, and his gray eyes looked at the rock faintly.

Shi Yan stood on the dagger and obviously sensed a feminine breath. He instantly sank into his pores and walked quietly in his body, as if peeping at his whole body.

"Human, where do you come from?"

After looking at it for a while, the old man asked in a hurry, and his voice was quite feminine and pleasant.

"Who are you?" Shi Yan did not answer the question, "In this abyss battlefield, there are no legendary warriors. This is just a place for warriors in ancient times. The aura of heaven and earth is extremely thin. Why are you here? Who the hell are you? Is this the battlefield of the abyss?

"How presumptuous!" The beautiful girl frowned and said coldly, "You just need to answer my father's question, don't talk nonsense!"

A sharp soul fluctuation pierced into the stone rock's mind like a sharp sword.

The prohibition in the sea of Shiyan knowledge suddenly broke out, as if hundreds of millions of insects were gnawing in the sea of knowledge, which made him have a headache and almost couldn't help screaming.

He gritted his teeth secretly and looked ferocious. Shi Yan didn't say a word, but stared at the girl silently.

"All right, Cui Bi."

The old man waved his hand and asked the girl named Cui Bi to stop destroying the sea of Shiyan. He looked at Shiyan with a little curiosity. The old man said, "You are a good human being. Under the "thousands of souls of our Yin Meizu clan, you didn't say a word. If I'm not wrong," Right?

"Ah? Dad, isn't it?" The beautiful girl named Cui Bi suddenly couldn't help exclaiming, "He has clearly formed a sea of knowledge!" The formation of the sea of knowledge" This can only be achieved by the elite warriors of the nest. How can it be the realm of status?

"Yes, I really only have the cultivation of status." Shi Yan nodded slowly, "I'm from the outside world. Well, I don't belong to the abyss battlefield. It's only for some reason that I stepped here. Before, I arrived here in a hot desert through the transmission array..."

"Is it really the realm of status?" In the clear green eyes, a surprise flashed "when looking at the stone rock" was a little more curious.

"It seems that you should have got some kind of adventure, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate the sea of knowledge in the realm of status. Well, yes, you are not an ordinary human warrior." The old man stared at Shi Yan and nodded slowly, pondered for a moment, and then said, "You said you came from the outside world, so" Have you ever heard of our Yin Meizu?"

Shiyan shook his head.

The old man's expression was gloomy, and his eyes were a little lonely. "We have been away for too long, and the people who have been outside for a long time can't remember us. Oh, it's a pity. It's a pity that it's difficult for us to leave here. I really want to know what the outside world has become..."

"Dad, don't we live a good life here? Why do you always want to go out? Cui Bi is puzzled.

"You won't understand..." The old man sighed and said anything for a long time.

Shi Yan was stunned. After being tampered with by Cui Bi in the sea of knowledge, he was much more at ease. Although he had doubts, he did not dare to ask more questions.

"I have some questions that I hope you can answer seriously. If your answer satisfies me, I can let you go wherever you go. However, if your answer is not satisfactory to me, then, if your fate is bad, I will let you leave silently..."

The old man lowered his head and sighed for a while, and suddenly looked up and looked straight at the stone rock road.

At the same time, a strange fluctuation suddenly emerged from the old man.

The prohibition of the rock body was lifted in an instant, the sea of knowledge returned to normal, and the essence can also roll and flow.

God's consciousness let go" Shi Yan quietly looked at the old man opposite and his daughter Cui Bi.

The divine consciousness fell next to the old man and was directly hindered by an invisible force, but when it was near Cuibi, the divine consciousness did not encounter too many obstacles.

The realm of heaven!

The divine consciousness circled around the green blue, and Shi Yan looked so stunned that he almost couldn't help screaming. The young girl actually had the cultivation of the realm of heaven!

She is in the realm of heaven. What kind of realm should the old man be?

"Don't think too much. You can never escape here." The old man looked indifferent and said lightly, "Tell me first, how did you get here step by step? Where did you pass before that desert land? Also, can you go back the same way? If you can go back the same way, I promise you that I will never embarrass you, and I will give you a great opportunity!"

"I can't find the way back. Sorry, although I also want to leave, I really can't help it." Shi Yan shook his head helplessly.

The old man frowned" as if he was thinking about the next question.

At this moment, a man suddenly came in a hurry. After coming to worship, he reported: "Your Excellency, we have found human warriors again. This time, there are many people, nearly 100 people!"

Shi Yan's pupils shrank, and he didn't think about it, so he knew that it should be Cao Zhilan and his party.

PS I have something to do at home today. Sorry, I can only update it. Er, I'll make it up tomorrow.