Kill God

Chapter 262 Tianwei Haoshang

Half a month later.

The patriarchs of the three winged clans, Dishan, Duolong and Yurou, and the leaders of the three Yinmei clans of Yi Tianmo, came to the stone hall where Shiyan temporarily lived.

In the stone hall.

The stone rock was as quiet as water, sitting motionless on the stone ground. In front of him, Pan Zhe and six warriors from the endless sea, their faces were gray, their eyes were desperate, and their expressions were a little dull.

Cao Zhilan's four women, hiding in the stone room, have not been out for a long time.

Shi Yan opened his eyes, looked indifferent, smiled and said, "Here you are."

Yu Rou nodded with a smile, "How's it going? It's time. I think we should go, right? How about you, are you ready?

Dishan squinted, and a pair of deep eyes swam on Shiyan for a while, and nodded secretly in his heart.

A month and a half has passed, Shi Yan seems to be only one step away from his position. Shi Yan is firm in mind, his body is strong and refined, and his body naturally shows a calm and capable breath, full of self-confidence, and seems not to put any difficulties in his heart.

From the perspective of Dishan, Shi Yan is undoubtedly very strange. He not only has immortal blood, but also has a strong and unpredictable body, and he is cruel. He is definitely a person who does great things.

During this period, he has been silently observing the stone rock, watching the stone rock take those warriors from the endless sea as the object of the soul experiment, and make the soul burst to death one by one without moving.

The cold method of Shiyan falls into the eyes of Dishan, which is just an excellent quality.

"I'm ready." Shi Yan stood up slowly, looked up at the sky, and said, "The change of heaven and earth on the other side of Yin Beast Mountain is more obvious. We really have to leave early."

After a pause, Shi Yan said again, "Are you ready?"

"We?" He was stunned and said strangely, "What do we need to prepare? Isn't it enough to be with you?"

Kaba and Doron also looked puzzled.

Instead, Dishan, Yurou and Yi Tianmo frowned gently, as if they had guessed the intention of the rock.

"Once the boundary on the other side of Yin Beast Mountain is broken, the six of you will naturally enter the mountain immediately." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and immediately said, "There must be something strange inside the Yin Beast Mountain, and the way out to the outside world is likely to be in it. When the way out appears, maybe this abandoned land will also change dramatically, and maybe it will collapse soon. You can leave quickly. What about your people? Don't you need to take away the wealth you have accumulated over the years?

Kaba and rolling suddenly change color.

"Go and get ready, don't say I didn't remind you." Shi Yan said lightly, "It's better to call all your people to the foot of Yin Beast Mountain and evacuate as soon as the situation is not good. If it's too late, when the space collapses and you haven't left, you know the consequences.

Kaba, Rolling Meng and Doron, without saying a word, turned around and left, looking in a hurry and slightly flustered.

Dishan, Yurou and Yi Tianmo stayed.

"You..." Shi Yan was surprised.

"It won't bother you. I have already ordered it. As long as you leave the city, my people will follow immediately." Yi Tianmo frowned and said.

"Dishan and I have already arranged it. As long as a message comes out, the people of our two races will set out with us. Our wing clan is relatively close to Yin Beast Mountain. When we reach Yin Beast Mountain, the people of our two ethnic groups will almost arrive at Yin Beast Mountain. Yu Rouyan smiled and said, "Shi Yan, you think far, and you actually know that the day when the boundary of Yin Beast Mountain is broken is the time when we must leave."

"It's obvious." Shi Yan smiled, looked ahead and said, "It seems that we have to delay for a day or two more. When Kaba and the others are ready, we can set out immediately."

"You can go now." Dishan was a little impatient. "Those three people don't have to care too much. It will take time for you to break the boundary. Maybe when you break the boundary, their people will also come."

"Well..." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said with a smile, "It's okay."

He looked at Pan Zhe and others with a smile, and then looked at the four women who timidly came out of the stone room. Shi Yan rushed to Yi Tianmo and said, "These people, help me bring them. I'll keep them useful."

Yi Tianmo frowned, his gray-white eyes turned around, and suddenly said coldly, "These four young women are still in the body of the women. Don't you want to use their bodies to curb the power of counterattack?"

"Yes." Shi Yan nodded, "I'm lucky. On the way to practice, there was no such abnormality. But when breaking the boundary, I don't know if that will happen, so I asked you to take it for me. In a word, they are my protection products. What's the matter? Is there something wrong with this?

Dishan and Yurou also looked at Yi Tianmo strangely.

"No problem." Yi Tianmo snorted softly and responded coldly, "I will send someone to take them all with me. What else do you want?"

"It's gone." After stretching out, Shi Yan glanced at Cao Zhilan's four daughters and said to Dishan and Yu Judo, "Ok, we can go."

"Let's go." Yurou gently fell to the side of the rock. He pulled it with his bare hands and immediately grabbed the shoulder of the rock. The snow-white wings vibrated, and the mature and graceful body disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

"You take care of these people." Dishan left such a sentence to Yi Tianmo and immediately left.

Yi Tianmo's gloomy face looked at Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe and others in the stone hall. There was a little strange light in the gray-white pupils.

The power of divine consciousness flew out of his eyes and silently entered the minds of Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe and others.

Cao Zhilan and others changed their faces and were awe-inspiring. They knew what Yi Tianmo wanted to do, but they were unable to resist.

Yi Tianmo's use of soul power far exceeds that of Shi Yan. His divine consciousness penetrated into the souls of these people. Even Cao Zhilan knew nothing and could not sense anything.

The peeping and exploration of his consciousness is not like the trace on the other side of the stone rock, which makes people feel like hundreds of insects in their minds, which makes people feel afraid.

Cao Zhilan and He Qingman were so nervous that they didn't even dare to see Yi Tianmo. They didn't know what he wanted to do.

After a long time.

Yi Tianmo slowly withdrew the power of divine knowledge released, suddenly snorted coldly and said lightly, "Come with me."

After this exploration, he found that the souls of Pan Zhe and others were forbidden, and they were all broken by Shi Yan. Even in the minds of women like Cao Zhilan, there was no ban that could restrain their strength.

However, in the minds of all male warriors, there are many hidden new soul restrictions. In the depths of the soul of every male warrior, Shiyan has imposed a prohibition that is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

The three daughters of Cao Zhilan, Gu Linglong and Qu Yanqing also failed to avoid this disaster.

In their souls, they have also been planted by Shiyan, and the three soul species are about to sprout, which means that even if the three women leave Shiyan in the future, their every move will not escape the divine grasp of Shiyan.

He Qingman is the only one. His soul is clean and he has not been tampered with.

If you want, you can easily erase the soul species before they take root.

However, he was worried that when he saw Shi Yan again, he was difficult for Shi Yan to find an excuse at will, so he had to give up.

Yi Tianmo's heart slandered the evil poison of the stone rock, but his figure gradually flew out.

Not long after, Yi Feng and others were summoned by Yi Tianmo and came one after another. At the signal of Yi Tianmo, Yi Feng and others flew to the sky one by one in the direction of Yin Beast Mountain with Pan Zhe and others.

In the ancient city.

All the people of the Yinmei clan began to take action. After getting the signal of the three commanders, those who had long been prepared for the Yi Tianmo had set out in a vast way, lined up in an orderly line and went to the outside of the city.

The Yin Mei people who belong to Kaba and Yan Meng are slightly panicked. Under the shouts of Kaba and Yan Meng, they eagerly collect precious items, shouting, shouting, dragging their families with their mouths, and chaos.

Many people of the Yinmei clan in the city are busy. These people are full of joy and don't seem to know the danger in the future. They just think that they can return to their ancestral land this time.

The three leaders of Yi Tianmo constantly indoctrinate the beauty of the ancestral land to their subjects. Any member of the Yinmei clan imagines the ancestral land as the land of immortals, feeling that there are all the beautiful things that belong to them, and feel that they can get everything there.


Yin Beast Mountain.

Deep into the top of the sky, a huge yin beast roared up to the sky.

More yin beasts, all over the corners of the yin beast mountain, hundreds of yin beasts, looked very uneasy, unexpectedly coming out of the belly of the mountain, as if aware of the danger.

In the depths of the sky, lightning is rampant, the wind is roaring, and the sky is thundering.

The dazzling fire flashed away from the depths of the sky. In the depths of the firelight, you can faintly see the gathering of all kinds of colorful light spots, which are the cracks in the space, which contains the terrible magic power that can strangle all living things.

Any member of the wing clan and the Yinmei clan knows that in the sky at the top of the Yin Beast Mountain, there is a divine power that can destroy the strong man of the true god. He knows that the existence of that divine power is to limit the strong of their two races, so that the people of the two races will never leave this place.

The strange scene in the sky made the yin beast tremble, and also made the alien people who saw it panic. They realized that the most terrible disaster might be coming.


A slender and sharp dazzling divine light suddenly shot out from the depths of the sky. The divine light, like a huge sickle, was directly chopped on the peak of Yin Beast Mountain. The divine light flashed, and a boulder hundreds of meters long was cut out from the top of Yin Beast Mountain and rolled down.

A huge roaring beast, under that divine light, instantly turned into blood fog, and even the bone dregs were left, and the death was extremely miserable.

More yin beasts, extremely scared, screamed sadly, subconsciously began to shrink into the yin beast mountain, and did not dare to rise again.

Just when the sky was majestic, Shi Yan, under the leadership of Yu Rou, finally came to the foot of the mountain, with a solemn expression.
