Kill God

Chapter 309 You know nothing!

At the foot of Shengguang Mountain.

A piece of blue sea, shining in the evening glow, red haze, blue water, auspicious clouds, this should have been a peaceful and comfortable landscape.

However, because of the confrontation between two arrogant young people, all this has come to nothing.

The oval natural bath, at this time, the rocks are flying, breaking through many holes, and the earth is deafeningly roaring, which is torn into bottomless ravines.

In an abyss-like hole, the blue water flooded, and the violent forces hit each other, and the water turned upside down.

In the bath, the wood and stone of the collapsed tavern were in a mess, many pots and pans floated on the water, and some of the leftover wine and vegetables also appeared in the pool.

The natural bath is like a garbage dump, and the elegant scene is gone.

All this was caused by two people in the huge hole of the abyss.


The thunderous explosion resounded out of the huge hole, and the whole natural bath trembled.

In the hole, a row of huge fingerprints connected to the pool water, condensing and fused in amazing light.

Seven huge fingerprints, synthesized into one piece, like the giant palm of the god, to destroy the sky and the earth, empty out.

The mountain-like huge fingerprints hit Mangu and directly bombarded Mangu out of the abyss.

In the splash of water all over the sky, his face was pale, and his strong muscles kept twitching.

The power of rage and ferocity is still there, but the ancient body seems to be unable to bloom the power of the whole body.

Under the bombardment of the huge fingerprint, Mangu was directly pushed to a height of a hundred feet and hit by a series of violent currents.

Mangu's ox-like body seemed to have become a canoe in the rapids, which seemed to be shaky. Under the splashing of the ubiquitous water, his strength seemed to be a little powerless.

The strong seed of barbarianism, the second-ranked young man in combat effectiveness in the battle list, at this moment, it seems to be... defeated.

Many people in the trading floor can't believe their eyes.

In the low noise, in the pool, in an unnoticed corner, there was a sudden shout: "Enough!"

Immediately, Cao Zhilan, who had disappeared for a long time, was covered with a layer of gorgeous light, stepped on the blue waves, and Shi Shiran came out.

Before, no one knew that she was still lurking in the pool. At the beginning of the battle, she disappeared. Everyone only thought that she had left early. Unexpectedly, at the end of the battle, she came out of thin air again.

She seemed to have been watching the crazy battle between the two of them coldly, secretly feeling something in the dark. Perhaps because Shi Yan's face-to-face refusal angered her, she never said anything to stop, and did not let Man Gu stop.

Many people know that the barbarian ancients seem to only listen to her.

But she didn't do that. I don't know why she lurked secretly. She didn't know whether she wanted to see Shiyan jokes or let Mangu know the power of Shiyan.

No one knows what she really thinks.

But at the most critical moment, she finally came up.

As soon as she came out, she rushed to the sky lightly, like a spiritual phoenix, turning with streamer and wrapping her whole body.

Like a rainbow, Cao Zhilan suddenly came to Mangu's side. With a wave of his jade hand, the light all over the sky was intertwined into a silver silk mesh, which instantly tied up Mangu.

She took the silver wire mesh in one hand, took advantage of the turbulent current in the sky, and flew down to the shore with Mangu.

"Gre free of me! I'm going to kill him!"

Mangu struggled, roared angrily in the silver wire mesh, and a fierce atmosphere came to his face.

Until this moment, Mangu still seemed to be amazing, and he still wanted to fight with Shi Yan with all his strength in the end and cut off Shi Yan in front of Cao Zhilan.

"You be honest." Cao Zhilan frowned and threw a jade bottle at him casually. "Swallow the elixir in it. Your body is seriously damaged, and you don't have an immortal martial soul like him. If you continue to fight, you must die."

"I don't care." Man Gu shouted, and his face turned red. "I'm sure I can kill him!" Let go of me, I'm going to kill him!"

The ancient roar is still earth-shaking, but when it falls into everyone's ears, it seems to be a little powerless...

"Stupid cow!"

Cao Zhilan cursed secretly, and the jade hand slapped it and fell directly on the back of Mangu's head.

A blue-black octopus strangely emerged from the back of Mangu's head, and the tentacles covered the back of Mangu's head. A trace of black energy flowed out of those tentacles and penetrated into Mangu's head one after another.

The unruly eyes of Man Gu gradually disappeared. He only felt that his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't even open his eyes.

The moment when his eyelids were completely closed, he really relaxed, and the tight muscles relaxed a little in vain.

A wisp of red blood couldn't help overflowing from the cracks in his muscle lines, but in an abrute, Mangu was full of blood.

It turned out that the ancient flesh had already been broken, but his body was too strong. When his muscles were tight, those wounds were tightened by the muscles, and even a trace of blood could not be overflowed.

Now that his spirit is relaxed, the tension of his body is no longer there, and the torn wounds are revealed.

A trace of regret flashed in Cao Zhilan's eyes, and he sighed faintly in his heart. He hurriedly squatted down and took out many bottles and cans, and smeared the powder on Mangu.

In full view of the public, Shi Yan refused her face to face, which made the arrogant daughter of heaven help but have a trace of resentment.

She, who always pretended to be calm and comfortable, also lost her mind. Seeing the Mangu jumping out to fight fiercely with Shiyan, she didn't stop it. She did have the idea of relying on Mangu to teach Shiyan a lesson.

She naturally knows that Shiyan is strong.

But as a native of the Tuta sea area, she knows that the natural divine power of the bull is not measured by ordinary people.

In the Tuta sea area, Mangu has already shown a wild amount of violence that ordinary people can't believe!

She knows the strength of Mangu, and that once Mangu goes crazy, the power that can burst out is enough to destroy the nirvana warriors.

That's why she felt that Mangu might be able to defeat Shi Yan and win some face for her in front of the endless sea warriors.

Unfortunately, she still underestimated Shiyan...


Cao Zhilan gritted her teeth and cursed secretly. While dealing with the ancient injury, she secretly stared at the area of the bath.


Water arrows rushed to the sky one after another. Among the dense water arrows, the pale stone rocks were cracked all over, which was a little more embarrassed than the ancients.

However, the cold light in his eyes is still as bright as it is.

The eyes are still shining, which is still a sign of strength, which means that although Shi Yan looks embarrassed, it has not hurt the root, and it can fight fiercely again.

Just a glance, everyone's heart is bright, knowing that Mangu is really defeated...

Mangu, who ranked second in the battle list, was defeated by such an unknown boy. Until this moment, most people still did not know the real identity of Shiyan.

"Who the hell is he?"

"It's so strong! Mangu, who ranked second in the battle list, was defeated. Could it be said that he was more powerful than Zhong Li blunt of the Martial Arts Temple?

"It's unlikely, right? Zhong Liduo has already broken through the realm of Nirvana. It is said that he is about to reach the realm of Nirvana. In this world, only the ancient and mysterious place of the Martial Soul Hall can create such geeks.

"That's true. There are too many differences in realms. Naturally, he can't be better than Zhong Li's blunt."

"If he also breaks through to the realm of Nirvana?"

"Ah, that's hard to say."

"It's really hard to say."


There was a lot of discussion in the trading floor, secretly comparing Shi Yan with Zhong Li blunt, who ranked first in the battle list. In their hearts, Shi Yan, who has made Man Gu, have become the most dazzling new star on the battle list.

Although, they still don't know who Shi Yan is.


The stone rock was like a big bird, constantly stepping on the pool and soaring. After a while, he went ashore and stood next to Cao Zhilan.

His cracked wound quickly stopped with blood, and then under the gaze of everyone, the wound healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Immortal Martial Soul!"

"The monster of the Yang family!"

"Oh my God! It turned out to be the monster of the Yang family! No wonder."

"I said, only the monsters of the Yang family can be so perverted in combat effectiveness."

Everyone screamed one after another, one by one looking extremely excited, and some people were full of fear and began to worry about some people behind them.

Wasn't the Yang family driven out of the endless sea?

Many people are puzzled and secretly surprised. They don't know where the stone rock came from.

However, no matter what, the battle of Shiyan has really had a thrilling effect.

The news that the Yang family returned to the endless sea immediately spread all over the audience.

"What are you doing here?" Cao Zhilan's charming face suddenly turned white. She knew that Shi Yan's heart was cruel. She couldn't help protecting the unconscious Mangu behind her and begged in a low voice, "Shi Yan, there is no hatred between you. Don't do it."

Shi Yan's eyes were cold, and his face was like Xuan Bing. He looked at Cao Zhilan coldly and said, "I'm not here because of Man Gu, but because of you."

"Because of me?" Cao Zhilan was surprised, and the surprised color of her beautiful eyes flashed by.

"You know that Xinyan is nearby and still comes here in the pool. If I'm a little unsteady, I'm afraid I'll be your way." Shi Yan frowned and sneered, "I don't like others playing tricks on me. I just came here to warn you. Don't blame me for being rude next time."

"You deliberately fought with Mangu and let everyone gather the focus on you by defeating Mangu. Didn't you also achieve your goal?" Cao Zhilan was not afraid. She smiled softly and whispered, "We are all of our kind. You are not more noble than me and do anything to achieve your goal. This is an excellent quality to achieve great things. Shi Yan, that woman is too kind-hearted. She is not suitable for you."

"Are you the right one for me?" Shi Yan had a mocking smile on his face.

"Of course, I can help you achieve great things."

"Great cause?" Shi Yan shook his head, "You know nothing!"

After saying that, he turned around directly and did not continue to talk to Cao Zhilan. He went straight to Xia Xinyan, and the coldness on his face gradually dissolved.
