Kill God

Chapter 337 Sword Breaks the Void!

A lonely island.

Shi Yan's knees were bent, his eyes were red, and he looked up at the 100-meter-long Moqi dull, and looked at the huge unbounded magic knife. His face was distorted and his expression was ferocious and terrible. The momentum on his body seemed to have attracted the vision of heaven and earth, causing huge tornadoes in

He stood there motionless, but the blood pattern ring was dazzling. The mysterious sword from the battlefield of the abyss was strangely suspended ten meters above his head, as if it was condensing some strength.


The red giant egg that covered half of the sky above his head was constantly slashed by the unbounded demon habit. The giant egg sucked the demon crystal, as thin as cicada wings, and the seemingly vulnerable dome, but it abruptly blocked the continuous chopping of the magic knife and never broke!

Moqi roared bluntly, and magic lights penetrated out of his body. The magic light was like a practice, wrapped around his whole body.

The unbounded magic knife weighs more than 10,000 catties, constantly releasing the horrible nine-you magic spirit. The land of the desert island was torn, and the dark magic gas as thick as ink gushed out. It gathered on the magic knife crazily, making the three magic knives in the ancient times more fierce and horrible.

The variation in the sea of Shiyan knowledge has gradually subsided. The main soul and the nine ghost soul flame merge into one, turning the ninth ghost soul flame, the third in the fire list of the day, into the third eye of the main soul. The eye emits a faint silver light, and the light is integrated into the sea of knowledge, constantly enhancing the soul

The convergence point of the essence in the lower abdomen, the Xuanbing cold flame, the fire of the earth, and the Taiji pattern of the Holy Spirit melting into yin and yang fish. The Jingyuan ancient tree in the center of the cyclone is rooted in a strange space, sucking the amazing essence, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye,

The change of his body and the sea of knowledge has brought him an unimaginable terrorist force, which is beyond the load of his body, making him painful and tearing all over, but the momentum has soaring all the way.

It was precisely because of the crazy surge in power that the mysterious sword in the blood-print ring was stimulated. The sword flew out strangely and suspended directly above his head. A closed eye on the body of the sword slowly opened.

Whenever an eye is opened, this mysterious sword seems to have doubled the evil power.


The mysterious sword suspended above his head seemed to have the power to distort the void. In the space where the sword was located, a strange light suddenly came from the collision scene, and the space cracks appeared, in which many streamer colors could be faintly visible, such as meteors that cut through the deep universe, flashed away.

A shocking evil breath slowly breeds from the sword. With the opening of the eyes on the sword body, the breath of this sword gives people more and more horrible.

Shi Yan stood under the dome and felt that the huge energy from the mysterious ice flame, the Holy Spirit God, and the earth fire in his lower abdomen, and the power of the soul in the sea of knowledge gushed out uncontrollably and injected into the mysterious sword crazily.

In the crazy passage of his energy, the eyes on the mysterious giant sword opened more.

Moqi bluntly let out a howling sound that resounded through the world, as if he also felt the mutation of the stone rock, and suddenly felt an inappropriate feeling in his heart.

Dare not hesitate. In the howling, Moqi Qian gathered all his strength and poured infinite magic into the unbounded magic knife, so that this unbounded magic knife also had the power to tear the sky.

With all his strength to control the unbounded magic knife, Moqi's dull huge magic body seemed to be a little unbearable. More magic light bursts splashed, making his body begin to produce turtle cracks.


The magic knife was finally cut on the dome, which was condensed by the blood pattern ring rainbow light. The red giant egg was repaired with demon crystal energy. Under the continuous chopping, it finally couldn't stand it. It cracked again and cracked an amazing crack.

The dark magic spirit found the entrance, poured into it crazily, and filled the dome in an instant.


The magic spirit clinging to the dome one by one, and a shocking explosion suddenly occurred. In the terrible explosion, the dome was finally fragmented, turned into ten thousand red dots, and returned to the blood ring on the stone chip's finger.

Moqi pincers laughed ferociously. As soon as he saw that the dome was broken, he did not hesitate any longer hesitate. The magic knife suddenly waved out, like a black galaxy across the two worlds, fiercely shooting at the stone rock, which was bound to smash the stone rock into bones, so that his soul was destroyed, leaving no

Shi Yan's face was distorted, and his red eyes highlighted his madness.


With a sharp roar, he didn't have time to think too much, and crazily injected all the powerful energy in his body into the mysterious giant sword.

On the giant sword, an evil eye suddenly shot out countless evil lights, which intertwined with each other and shot into the cracks in the cracks of the space.

Immediately, a stream of mysterious energy from outside the country was suddenly injected into the mysterious sword.

Compared with the unbounded magic knife, the mysterious sword, which is too small, suddenly became bigger. In an instant, it became a divine sword as long as a giant peak. The eyes on this sword, like the eyes of the evil spirit of the demon god, are full of violent, madness, despair and bloodthirsty evil emotions.

The magic sword does not need the control of the main soul of the stone rock, and suddenly stabbed the unbounded magic knife on its head.

There is no sound.

There are no earth-shaking fluctuations.

The unbounded magic knife collided with the mysterious giant sword, and the heaven and the earth suddenly calmed down strangely, which was so calm.

Shi Yan looked up at the sky, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The strange light slowly appeared from the point of the intersection of the unbounded magic knife and the mysterious giant sword. The strange light gradually became larger and immediately spread silently.

Where the little strange light passed, the sky collapsed strangely, the surrounding islands disappeared one by one, and the hundreds of millions of tons of water in the endless sea sank for hundreds of meters.

Even the isolated island under him suddenly sank and went directly into the depths of the sea.

Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater suddenly washed down and flooded the rock.

At the clear seabed, the stone rock still looked up at the sky, and everything around it was silent. Then he saw the magic body of Moqi's pure 100 meters, which turned into countless magic lights in an instant and dissipated. The ferocious real body of Moqi's pliers finally appeared when the magic light disappeared.

Moqi's blunt body held the right hand of the unbounded magic knife. For some reason, it burst into pieces, and the skull turned into flying ash. Half of his body was bloody, as if he had suffered the terrible shock that could smash his magic body.

On the blue sea, Moqi's bluntness showed his fear for the first time and screamed crazily. He grabbed the unbounded magic knife that came out of his hand with his left hand, turned into a black magic light, and flew in the direction of Hijima with all his strength.

Escape from the wilderness!

The mysterious giant sword, as long as a mountain, was quietly suspended in the void. The sword body opened one-third of its eyes, closed one after another, and the mysterious giant sword, which was enlarged countless times, also began to slowly shrink and gradually turned into a normal size.

At the same time, Shi Yan's crazy passing energy no longer continues to surge towards the mysterious giant sword.

Looking at the sky in a daze, looking at the mysterious giant sword that gradually became smaller and slowly sinks, Shi Yan was stunned for a while and hurriedly tried to call out with his heart.

No response.

The mysterious giant sword seemed to be extremely arrogant. It didn't pay attention to him, a little Nirvana martial artist, and continued to sink all the way. The moment he entered the water, the magic sword turned into a bunch of rainbow light and suddenly disappeared into the blood pattern ring.

Shi Yanxin looked inside and immediately found that in the blood-striped ring, the mysterious giant sword was quietly suspended in a corner, without a trace of light, no trace of evil smell, and the eyes on it were closed again.

Everything was restored to its original state, as if nothing had just happened. However, the stone rock looked up at the sky and found that the void was still twisted and changing, and the torn space gaps had not healed in a short time.

What has happened will not really disappear. All these scenes seem to remind him of what the mysterious sword has just done.

It collided with the unbounded magic knife, and the anti-phagocytting force formed, shattered the magic body condensed by Moqi's thrtle, and directly smashed one of the right hand holding the unbounded magic knife, making Moqi's blunt half of his body fly and blood and hit it

Moqi pliers themselves have the cultivation of a god. They hold the magic land treasure, and their strength has soared. They are the terrible strong in the fourth magic realm, second only to Chi Yan and Bo Xun.

After this fierce demon came to the endless sea, he fought with the owner of the heavenly evil cave, forced the heavenly evil cave to surrender, and killed all the way from the Galo sea to the Hengluo sea. There are countless strong people of the human race who died in his hands.

is such a fierce and horrible strong man, holding an unbounded magic knife. Under the sword of the mysterious giant sword, he was smashed by the anti-shock force and injured half of his body.

Shi Yan was shocked, and his consciousness quietly observed the mysterious giant sword, and he was surprised and happy.

I'm glad that the power of this mysterious giant sword is terrible, and it is still helping himself, making him escape under the deadly pursuit of Moqi Tho.

What surprised him was that he had no binding force on the mysterious giant sword. He didn't know how to control it, and he didn't know whether he could control it or not. What's more, he didn't know that the giant sword would always be safe.

"Stone Rock!"

At this moment, Tang Yuannan's cry came from the sea overhead.

Riding on the sun god of the fire unicorn, he stared at several isolated islands that were destroyed once, looked at the rough sea, and looked at the space cracks in the void slowly healing. I don't know what earth-shaking changes had just happened here.

He was not sure whether the stone rock was alive, because the divine consciousness was covered and did not notice the smell of the stone rock.

After looking up and getting the fire unicorn, he knew that Tang Yuannan was coming. He was stunned for a moment and began to float on the surface of the water, and then he felt a deep sense of powerlessness spreading from his whole body.

At this time, the rainbow flashing blood pattern ring finally stopped flashing and gradually quieted down.

At this time, Tang Yuannan, who had been unable to sense the stone rock with divine consciousness, immediately found the breath of life of the stone rock and immediately rushed to the seawater area where the rock was located.