Kill God

Chapter 342 Gather the Power of the Stars

The stone rock flew into the star pool.

Star light clusters one by one in the star pool, following the strange trajectory, continue to do the stars [luck] movement "milk white water droplets from the sky" fall into those star light clusters [middle] center, the star light clusters will grow one by one point, and the light of the stars will also be gorgeous.

When the body is immersed in the star pool, Shiyan only feels that the water in the pool is very cold, and every pore in the body seems to be permeated by the pool of the star pool, which is very comfortable, which makes people conscious and mental consciousness.

He didn't know how to open the Star Martial Soul. When he was immersed in the Star Pool, he couldn't help looking up at Tang Yuannan with a puzzled expression.

Tang Yuannan smiled and said nothing. He seemed to feel that as the inheritance of the star god, he should soon know the mystery of the body.

Many Triological believers gathered from all directions and quietly surrounded the star pool. Looking curiously at the stone rock in the star pool, they wanted to know how the stone rock would open the star martial soul that had never reappeared for thousands of years, and also wanted to see what strange things would happen once the star martial soul was opened.

Although these people are also the core disciples of the Three Gods Religion, most of them don't know much about the three most strange martial souls. They only know the martial souls inherited by the Sun, Moon Star Three Gods, which are different from theirs. They know that these three martial souls have unique and powerful places, but they don't know where they are

When Shi Yan entered the Star Pool, the people who were talking about it suddenly calmed down. Like Tang Yuannan, they all looked at him with anticipation and thought about the scene that might appear for a while.

Shi Yan looked at it, frowned slightly, and felt that it was a little inappropriate. He murmured for a moment. He said to Tang Yuannan, "There is nothing else to pay attention to, right? Why don't I feel it at all?"

Tang Yuannan smiled indifferently, and people abandoned him condescendingly under the light mask. "You should have practiced the Xuanyin formula, right?" Shi Yan was stunned and nodded.

"Run the Xuanyin secret, I think you should be able to understand it immediately." Tang Yuannan replied with a smile.

No more questions, under the gaze of everyone, Shi Yan slowly closed his eyes and quietly let go of the divine consciousness. "Secretly pay attention to the changes around" afraid that these Triological believers will take advantage of his Xuanyin formula.

As soon as the Xuanyin formula moved, the trajectory of those star light masses wandering on the water surface of the star pool suddenly changed.

Shi Yan's body suddenly shook, and his face also changed slightly. "The heart is full of heart is surprised.

Countless star light spots in the star pool flew out of those starlight clusters one after another and poured towards him [body] together.

The star light spots are like locusts shining all over the sky. With the changes of these star light spots, the whole star pool seems to be suddenly alive, and countless light spots are shining and swimming, making the star pool shining, as if there are countless pieces of broken glass shining together. Countless star light spots were sucked into the yin swirl outside the three acupuncture points of Tianque, Shenque and Yindu in his chest by the Xuanyin formula, but did not form a yin force to sink into the acupuncture point, but directly into his heart along the veins.

When the first star light spot penetrated his heart, his heart jumped violently, and a wonderful force spread from the star martial soul in the stars, which further strengthened the gathering power of the star martial soul.

Insidesight, he saw countless starlight spots on his heart shining out one by one, like stars all over the sky, dazzling.

Those star light spots attached to the heart, like the star light masses in the star pool, are also moving quickly following a specific law of star operation.

A wonderful power that absorbs the soul suddenly came out of it.

Shi Yan's brain was shocked, and he only felt that there was the main soul of the sea of knowledge, as if it had suddenly floated out. It seemed to be pulled by some kind of sucking force and sank straight into the heart.

He suddenly had a feeling that he couldn't help himself, and his consciousness gradually blurred, as if his main soul was about to enter a wonderful scene...

Not good!

Shi Yan was shocked. He wanted to resist the sucking power from the star martial soul, gather the spirit, and try his best to get rid of the influence from the star martial soul. However, when he did this, he found that the star martial soul was like a huge magnet, which seemed to have already absorbed his main soul consciousness.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of the influence of the star martial soul." The consciousness is more and more blurred, and the control of the body is gradually lost...

He subconsciously found that in this state, it was difficult for him to resist external pressure.

In that state, if the followers of the Three Gods have different intentions and take the opportunity of his master's soul to sink into it to poison him, he has no chance to resist at all.

Damn, I'm afraid I've been hit by Tang Yuannan's trick...

Before his consciousness was completely blurred, he suddenly came up with such an idea. He only felt that this time he was finished and was framed by Tang Yuannan.

Immediately, he lost consciousness, and the main soul entered a channel of ineffective perception and was still sinking all the way.

Around the Star Pool, the followers of the Three Gods quietly looked at the stone rocks in the pool, with a solemn face.

Several of the elders of the Three Gods saw that Shi Yan's body was suddenly shaken, and then his soul breath was suddenly weak like a hairspring. All his eyes moved, and they looked at Tang Yuannan suspended in the sky one after another.

The previous elder who was frozen by the stone rock looked happy and suddenly said to everyone, "It's still the master who has a way."

"Huh?" The timid Triad" shrank and looked at him doubtfully, not knowing why.

"If you want to open the star martial soul, you must experience the level of the soul entering the sea of stars. In this state, his soul is temporarily separated from the body and sinks into the sea of stars, without any prevention at all." The man's eyes were fierce, and he sneered, "It's easy to kill him now." Even the Nirvana's Nest warriors can easily erase him."

As soon as this was said, many followers of the Three Gods also had slightly bright eyes and felt that they had guessed Tang Yuannan's thoughts. They nodded and echoed one by one, praising the master's wisdom and wisdom.

The elder, who had suffered a loss in the hands of Shiyan, sneered and thought he had guessed Tang Yuannan's thoughts. He arched his hand and said to him, "Master, this boy is temporarily out of the country." Can I do it now and erase it? Then the master personally took action to seize his star martial soul and re-select the new star god inheritance?

Saying this, he subconsciously walked to the Star Pool, as if he believed that Tang Yuannan would definitely praise him for his cleverness.

Next to the Star Pool, many Triological believers also nodded secretly and looked at Shi Yan with bad eyes.

The strength and domineeringness of Shiyan made many Triological believers dissatisfied. From their point of view, "Shiyan is too presumptuous and too young" is embarrassing. It is better to destroy it as soon as possible.

In order to reshape a star god of the Three Gods, the earlier the stone rock dies, the more beneficial it will be to them.

"How presumptuous!"

Tang Yuannan snorted coldly, and the sun god light spread from his back. "It was like a god from the sun. He just glanced at the elder, and countless sun beams covered him in an instant, making him unable to move.

The martial soul of this elder [body] is also the martial soul of Yanri, but the level is far inferior to that of Tang Yuannan [body]. In addition, Tang Yuannan has the cultivation of the divine realm. As soon as he took action, the elder had no ability to resist at all, and his whole strength seemed to be imprisoned.

"Teaching happiness..."

The man looked at Tang Yuannan with an indulable face, and he was very aggrieved.

"When did I say I was going to kill him?" Tang Yuannan's expression was cold, and his mind moved. He saw a beam of sunlight directly poured into this person's body. The elder of the Three Gods, his clothes instantly turned into ashes, his hair must be burned into ashes, and his body trembled violently.

"Master, please spare my life!"

He was finally afraid. In the light mask [in the middle] Yang hurriedly knelt down, knelt down at Tang Yuannan, and bowed his head and begged for mercy.

"Self-righteous." Tang Yuannan snorted coldly. He increased his strength again, and hit his body hard again. Then he said coldly, "The mouse's eyes are light!"

"Master spare your life, master spare your life..."

The man nodded repeatedly and begged for mercy, and never dared to say anything more.

There are many onlookers of the Three Gods Elders next to them. At the sight of Tang Yuannan, they were furious, and they were all stunned. "No one dares to ask for it. Although Tang Yuannan usually seems to be kind in the religion, any elder of the Three Gods knows that when he ascended the throne of the In the past year, in order to develop the Three Gods, Tang Yuannan endured humiliation and bear heavy burdens. The fierce spirit has gradually made many people forget his brutality in those years.

Now he looked cold and suddenly took a heavy hand. Many old people of the Three Gods immediately reacted and suddenly remembered that he was ruthless and fierce in those years, and he dared not say anything more.

"I didn't nod my head. How dare you move and prepare to take action? This is to regard me as nothing and disrespect the leader. Your position as an elder has been recorded. You can't interfere in anything in teaching for a hundred years." Tang Yuannan looked at him coldly and coldly sentenced his fate. Then he sneered and said lightly, "Shi Yan may be the strongest star god in the history of the divine religion. His future achievements will surpass all the predecessors of the divine religion!" For the future of the Three Gods, I, the gods today, are willing to bend down as subordinates. You elders actually want to unify the endless sea of the divine religion in the future, and even unify the seeds of the continent of God's grace. You disappoint me to the top!"

As soon as he said this, all the followers of the Three Gods, including those elders, changed their minds." Then he suddenly realized Tang Yuannan's painstaking efforts.

For the future of the Three Gods, Tang Yuannan, who is now in power of the Three Gods, is willing to bow down. Even a talented figure like him is willing to sacrifice himself to complete the future blueprint of the Three Gods. This painstaking efforts, this sacrifice "let many elders of the Three Gods Egly. filthy.

"This is the best era of the divine religion. We have a new generation of moon god. The moon god has accumulated thousands of years of moon. Once you enter the divine realm, you will be able to become a figure comparable to Cao Qiudao and Yang Qingdi. With such a genius as Shi Yan, the future achievements will surpass any predecessor. This has never been in The precedent, the existence of these two people will make the future of the Three Gods unlimited! One day, this endless sea and this divine land will be bathed in the holy light of the divine religion!"

Tang Yuannan looked up at the light curtain of the sun, the moon and the stars, and his eyes longed: "We exist in this era" can witness the step-by-step rise of the divine religion. We should all be glad that for this great plan, we should give up our selfishness and work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

Everyone was sincerely convinced. He knelt down and looked at Tang Yuannan's eyes with full of respect.