Kill God

Chapter 353 I give you freedom!

On the desert island, Shi Yan laughed wildly, waved the mysterious sword in his hand, and a bloody blade suddenly chopped at a dwarf peak hundreds of meters high opposite.

Like cutting tofu cubes, the dwarf peak was halved and dumped on both sides.

Holding this mysterious sword, Shiyan has a kind of wonderful pleasure that heaven and earth are in control. The circulation of power in the body of any warrior around him is clearly manifested in his sea of knowledge. The desire to destroy all living things can't be suppressed, and he can't help but kill all living things with one sword.

Enjoy it!

The two factions of celestial warriors who were lucky not to die in that beam of blood were so appeared that no one dared to take action against him. No matter how far they were, they didn't even feel safe to get close to him.

In the eyes of those heavenly warriors, the stone rock at this time is like the arrival of a demon god, which is incomparable. Only by avoiding its edge can you live safely.

Even the three strong men in the divine realm, Qing Ming, the Earth Emperor and the Queen, were all chilled. They looked at the Shiyan laughing wildly in the void, and didn't know how to do it for a moment.

Only the ten-thousand-year-old corpse king of the corpse god religion did not seem to be afraid of the sudden explosion of the stone rock. Under the five-element light curtain, he rushed to the stone rock fearlessly.

The five elements of light curtain, condensed from the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, is five-colored and gorgeous, like the sea, and it is close to the rock.

"Hey hey hey!"

With a ferocious smile, the mysterious giant sword in Shi Yan's hand was raised high, and the brilliant blood was like thick blood, overflowing in the sword body.

The scarlet eyes showed a fierce meaning, and each eye was turning, as if waiting for him to wave the sword.

The hole above the head was opened by a sword, and countless strange lights flashed, like countless meteors flying through it. The thousands of huge corpse insects oppressed by the dark clouds in the sky squirmed, were sucked in one by one, and soon disappeared into the huge space hole, and could no longer reappear in this world.


The corpse king roared up to the sky, and the power of the five elements in the roar gathered from all directions crazily, fused with the thick corpse gas, and poured into the five elements of light curtain one after another.

After the blessing of the horrible power of the five elements, the light curtain of the five elements was like a huge colorful cloud, which suddenly swallowed into the rock, and the corpse king got into the light curtain of the five elements and disappeared strangely.

Shi Yan sneered, looking as cold as Xuan Bing. The raised giant sword waved it casually. The evil light exploded in one eye on the body of the sword, and another bloody blade flew out and split into the five-ecut light curtain.

Where the knife was cut off, and the bloody blade passed, the light curtain of the five elements was torn in half in an instant, like a piece of rag being divided, without a trace of stagnation.

The queen and the emperor's face changed again, and a shocking light flashed in his eyes.

In Qing Ming's green eyes, clusters of green ghost fire slowly gathered from the depths of the pupil, and the two hands with gloves suddenly closed ten pairs to the five-eline light curtain, leaving a strange fingerprint.

A wisp of divine soul thoughts suddenly flew out of Qingming's mind. These divine thoughts were like streams and instantly disappeared into the five elements of light curtain.

I saw that the five-eline light curtain, which was one and a half minutes and a half, condensed again at a speed visible to the naked eye!

On the five-eline light curtain, the fierce body of the corpse king, like an electric light, suddenly flashed.

As soon as the corpse king appeared, the eyes without a trace of human emotion flashed in the depths of the eyes, and small oil-green flames flashed. At this time, the corpse king reached a delicate connection with Qingming through the corpse fire, as if he had obtained the sustenance of the soul of Qingming.

The eyes were green, and the eyes of the corpse king were suddenly strange. Its three-meter-high ape-like body, slender and dense long hairs were windless and automatic, and in each long hair, there was an amazing corpse gas.

The corpse king suddenly trembled all over his body, and the long hair in his body suddenly shook off, like steel needles, like a drizzle, shooting stone rock from below, covering all the space in the stone rock.


Countless corpse king's body hair flew densely into the sky, pierced his whole body before the stone rock could react.


The corpse king's body hair was shot into the upper limbs and arms of the stone rock, like a piercing on the strongest gold stone, and there was a sonorous sound, and no body hair could penetrate into his upper limbs and arms.

However, the mutated lower limbs, in the explosion of those corpse king's body hairs, could not resist and were directly pierced by countless corpse king's body hairs!

Shiyan's lower limbs and legs were originally pecked by the earth emperor's bird sparrow, and then gave these corpse hair a thorn, which was even more sad and terrible. Except that the bones had not been broken, the flesh and blood were penetrated by the corpse hair.

Thousands of wisps of corpse gas burst out of the corpse hair, blurring the flesh and blood of Shiyan's legs. The corpse gas penetrated in and rushed to his waist, which was extremely strange.

In his heart, Shi Yan hurriedly stimulated the power in the lower abdominal cyclone, mobilized the fire power of the earth's fire, flowed the hot fire to his legs, and fought against the thousands of wisps of corpse gas, melting the body.


The corpse king hit his hand, roared fiercely, and rushed straight to him.

As soon as its gifted corpse moved, countless corpse gas condensed in his claws. Its claws suddenly grew ten meters, flashing with cold light, and one claw stroked towards the rock body.

The corpse is surging all over the sky, and the ghost claws of the corpse king are extremely sharp, with the eternal corpse king's resentment of life in the world, which actually has an evil power that affects the soul.

Shi Yan endured the inhuman pain of his legs. The star shield was sacrificed, and countless stars flashed all over his body, wrapping his body tightly. He immediately used Xingyao, moved back 100 meters, and suddenly waved the huge sword in his hand again.

"It's sonorous!"

The corpse king's sharp corpse king ghost claws were cut off by the blood of the giant sword and cut off one after another.

But those sharp nails, like ten sharp swords, are still as powerful as rainbows and continue to pierce the rock!


The eight-meter-long sharp nails were pierced on the star shield, and countless stars gathered and burst together.

In the explosion, the front end of the corpse king's long nails burst one after another. Under the terrible blow of the eternal corpse king, the star shield also dissipated as the stars burst one by one.

There are still ten sharp nails half a meter long, but they take the opportunity to pierce the stone rock chest, and the momentum is still unabated.


Ten sharp nails, such as ten small swords, pierced the chest muscles after the mutation of the stone rock and pierced him three centimeters in his chest.

It's only three centimeters!

After three centimeters, the ten sharp nails trembled strangely, and the power kept rushing at his fingertips. He wanted to penetrate the chest of the stone rock, but it seemed to be intercepted by some mysterious barrier, and he could not pass through his body.

The corpse king's ghost claws, which can pass through the mountain cracks, can be said to be one of the strongest attacks of the corpse king, which is comparable to the full sprint of the holy sword. Even if he is an ordinary divine warrior, he sacrifices all his strength to defend his body. I'm afraid it is difficult to

When Qingming also hit this, Shi Yan will definitely die, and his body must leave ten pierced blood holes. He has seen too many strong warriors who were pierced under the blow of the corpse king. He thought that Shi Yan was no exception.

But the fact that his eyes saw shocked him inexplicably.

Only three centimeters!

No matter how the ten nails tremble and how they gather the thick corpse around them, they can't move forward!

Qing Ming's eyes were stunned.

Shi Yan's face also changed. Suddenly, he suddenly found that in the muscles of his chest, there was a strange force in countless muscle fibers, and the power of violent counterattack came out. Not only did he block all the corpse gas in the ten sword-like nails, but his muscles trembled and he pushed the sharp nails out of his chest.

In his muscles, the billions of muscle fibers seem to have become countless strange hands, pulling the sharp nails and pushing them out of the muscle tissue.


The corpse king roared crazily and rushed up unwillingly. The broken nails grew wildly again, just for a moment, ten meters long, extremely strange.

Shi Yan's eyes were cold, and a strange cold smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he immediately pushed out with an empty hand. The energy in his body surged wildly, combining the mysterious ice and cold flame, the Holy Spirit God, the fire of the earth and the power of essence, and condensed into a huge handprint like a mountain

When the corpse king reached five meters in front of the stone rock, he was suddenly shrouded in the mountain-like seal. The three-meter-high body was tied up, and a vibrant breath suddenly penetrated the corpse king's body.

The originally fierce corpse king, his eyes reappeared in a blank and empty color. It rushed to the stone rock, and suddenly stagnated out of thin air and did not move.

At the same time, a subtle connection is reached between it and the rock.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

A fierce idea suddenly passed from the mind of the corpse king and disappeared into the sea of Shiyan in an instant.

Shi Yan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly followed this wisp of fierce thought to contact the main soul with it. Before the idea of the corpse king returned, the main soul floating in his sea of knowledge, the third little eye in his eyebrows suddenly opened again!

A bright silver light shot out of the third little eye, as if crossing the space, fell directly into the mind of the corpse king, and instantly found the soul control seed planted by Qingming in the mind of the corpse king.

The bright silver light, which belongs to the nine ecstasy soul flame, accurately shines on the soul control seed. Like the soul consciousness of Fan Xiangyun invading the stone rock, it was illuminated by the light and suddenly disappeared with ashes and smoke.

The power of the soul of the corpse king to be imprisoned disappeared, and the corpse king's constant idea of killing also suddenly calmed down.

The spirit of the controlled soul has bound the soul of the corpse king for tens of thousands of years, re-occupied the initiative and restored the autonomous spiritual consciousness.

"You, who are you?"

A clumsy idea passed from the soul of the corpse king and fell into the sea of stone rock.

"Don't care who I am, at least I'm not your enemy." Shi Yan was overjoyed and hurriedly took advantage of the hot iron signal, "I will erase the idea of controlling the soul that has bound you for ten thousand years, and I have given you freedom!" From now on, you can choose not to be controlled and enslaved by anyone.

"Freedom, freedom..."

The soul consciousness of the corpse king fluctuated fiercely, and its empty pupils, wisps of green fire, were forcibly removed from the body by its own power.


Qing Ming, the leader of the corpse god under him, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes showed an incomparable sense of fear.

He stared at the rock in the sky, looked at the corpse king who gradually woke up, and suddenly screamed hysterically: "No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"
