Kill God

Chapter 371 Punishment

The mysterious strange power flow turned to the ancient tree, and wisps of strange power penetrated it. The ancient tree without essence is more and more crystal clear, containing extremely rich and refined energy.

Shi Yan closed his eyes and felt the change of the ancient tree of Jingyuan. He was secretly happy in his heart. He knew that with the richness of the essence of the [body], he only needed to understand the state of mind a little, and he could break through to the realm of the three heavens of the nest" to further his cultivation.

This time, he came to the dark magnetic fog. His main purpose is to sharpen himself, improve his realm cultivation at the fastest speed, wait for the future to return to the endless sea, seek revenge for the demon clan, and turn over the forces that are bound to erase him today.

The death of Linda and Xia Shenchuan has long made him realize that only the power of his own strength can do whatever he wants in this world without becoming a stepping stone for others to move forward.

The change of the Jingyuan light group made him realize that he was further away from the goal, and he was naturally happy.

At this time, the colored clothes that had fainted, the power of the disorder gradually recovered and calmed down. Her long eyelashes moved and woke up from the coma.

As soon as Caiyi's eyes opened, what she saw in her eyes was Shi Yan with a cold expression and closed her eyes. Caiyi subconsciously wanted to exclaim, but her mind was gloomy and immediately remembered what had happened before." She hurriedly suppressed her exclamation, but calmly looked at the situation at this time.

With a wisp all over, lying on the thick thighs of Shiyan's "**'s back buttocks, Shiyan's big hand is still swimming boldly.

Between Shi Yan's two hands, there seemed to be an electric current passing over her back and buttocks, making her nose ashamed, and she felt that she had never had such humiliation.

Seeing that Shi Yan was still closing his eyes and recitating, he felt the lightness of his hands, and his colorful clothes and eyes were almost eager to breathe fire. "It was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart" quietly gathered strength. A pair of slender jade hands suddenly pressed against Shi Yan's chest.

"The change of fragmentation!"

The colorful clothes suddenly shouted delicately.

Yellow and red light" burst out in the center of her left and right hands, and the two different lights burst together, forming an extremely fierce impact force, directly rushing into the stone rock chest.

The landslide-like force cracks in the rock chest **. "Hundreds of different yellow and red forces penetrate into the rock chest in an instant." It is about to burst the stone rock's heart and lungs.


With a bang, the back of the stone rock hit the hard stone wall fiercely, causing the gravel of the stone wall to fly, causing the cave to suddenly burst, and the stones on the top of the head could not help flying down.

The colorful clothes took advantage of the situation, like a female beast, and their eyes were full of hatred. "The rings on the snow-white jade arms" were about to fly out, with a gesture of killing the stone rock.

The stone rock that sensed the metamorphosis of the ancient tree "Coldly attacked Caiyi like this, and I only felt a sharp pain in the chest." The strange force in the muscles of the chest was naturally stimulated, and the petrified martial soul reached its peak. "The moment the skin of the violent attack in the colored clothes" became purple Come down.

The yellow and red powers that escaped into Shiyan's chest fell into his chest. It is entangled by the mysterious power in the muscle fibers. It can't really penetrate the muscle mass of the stone rock's chest, and then shatter the stone rock's heart and lungs.

The body shook. "Shi Yan suddenly woke up and turned around." His eyes glanced coldly at the colorful clothes. "Suddenly, he sneered. Regardless of the next attack of the colorful clothes, Yi Dian changed to move, and his body was like a long gun, hitting the colorful clothes fiercely.


Caiyi stood up and danced the snow arm, and the ring in his hand swayed. Before the next blow was launched, it was hit fiercely by the rock and directly knocked out of the lake from the cave.

Shi Yan sneered and rushed out rudely. The moment the nose clothes fell into the water, he instantly came to the side of the colorful clothes. He stretched out his left hand, clasped the snow-white neck of the colorful clothes, held the colorful clothes in one hand, and brought it back into the cave.

Shi Yan's counterattack was extremely fierce. His strong and violent explosive power all came from his muscles.

After the petrified martial soul reached its peak, his body was the most horrible weapon, and he didn't even need to run the essence. With this powerful physical explosive power alone, he was at a loss for colored clothes.

When Caiyi was in the lake, she was hit hard by the demonic power of the thousand-handed ink octopus. [body] The internal essence was disordered and had been injured. It was not easy to wake up and turn around, but her strength was greatly reduced. She was not good at close combat. It was definitely her mistake to attack the

Her left hand clasped the snow-white neck of the colorful clothes, and the beautiful eyes of the colorful clothes were full of fear. She wanted to shout, but she found that her throat was blocked by strange force, and she couldn't even shout out.

In this way, Shi Yan's neck was clasped with one hand, and the heart of Caiyi quickly sank to the bottom of the valley. The terrible explosive power from Shi Yan's left hand shocked Cai Yi's heart. She understood that as long as she had any abnormal movements, Shi Yan could directly crush her snow-white slender neck as long

Therefore, the colorful clothes just looked at the stone rock in fear and did not dare to move. The trembling ring on the snow-white jade arm also slowly calmed down and did not dare to mess around.

Shi Yan carried her and sat down in the cave again. A pair of hot eyes lingered on her beautiful and charming **. The corners of her mouth were surprised, and the expression was quite evil.

Colored clothes were panicked, and his beautiful eyes looked closely at Shi Yan, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Shi Yan didn't say a word. He put one hand around the neck of the colorful clothes, carried her in the air, and looked at her coldly." He thought to himself.

Originally, he wanted to destroy huā with hot hands, kill the colorful clothes and seize the demon crystals in her fantasy ring, and then leave the lake and get together with Aiya, Borg and others above, but on second thought about it, now he has recovered to the peak with a refined element. Now he kills the colorful clothes, and may be able to There is more power to supplement, so it seems that it is a little wasteful.

In addition, if the colorful clothes die in the lake, he will come out alive. Aiya and others outside will definitely guess his real strength and then take him as a big enemy to defend himself.

A demon crystal of a seven-level monster is naturally precious in the eyes of Aya, Borg, Laurie and Lauren. When the colorful clothes die, Aya and others will target him and may join hands to deal with him. If Aya, Borg, Laurie and Lauren join hands, he is not sure to win.

The most important thing is that he is not familiar with this dark fog miasma. He also wants to use these people to know more secrets about the dark magnetic fog miasma. Before he really figure out the secret of the dark magnetic fog miasma, he doesn't want to turn against these four people immediately.

If the colored clothes do not die, or control the colored clothes, he can continue to hide his strength, count the cause of death of the thousand-handed ink octopus on the head of the colored clothes, and let the colored clothes contain Aiya. He can also know the secret of the dark magnetic fog miasma through the color

Thinking of this, Shi Yan had a plan in his heart.

The cold eyes looked at each other with the slightly frightened beautiful eyes in colorful clothes. Shi Yan shouted, and the third eye of the main soul in the sea of knowledge opened. "A beam of strange light flashed out, carefully pulling this strange light and pouring the divine consciousness into it." Slowly invaded the mind of the colorful clothes.

"Put the sea of knowledge, or I'll kill you immediately!" Shi Yan looked at the colorful clothes coldly and threatened coldly.

Caiyi was appalled in his heart. His beautiful eyes were full of fear, and he kept shaking his head and wanted to refuse.

"If you refuse, go to hell now! But if you accept it, I will only leave a mark in your main soul. As long as you are obedient in the future, until the end of the dark magnetic fog miasma, I promise to lift the soul ban for you. Shiyan is like a demon, inducing and inducing.

At this moment, Caiyi looked at Shiyan again, and there was also a deep fear in her heart. She finally understood that "This Shiyan, which had not been seen by him before, is the most gloomy person in their team. He has been hiding his strength, but the wolf's ambition is vicious and fierce" has no humane.

At this time, she only saw the ferocious side of the stone rock, but she didn't think that she had been calculating the stone rock from beginning to end. In that lake, she couldn't wait for the stone rock to be bitten to death by a thousand-handed ink octopus. Just now, she suddenly took action to take the

I only remember the fierceness of others, but I can't see my own insidiousness. This is human's normal, and colorful clothes are no exception.

"I count to three, one, two..." Shi Yan looked cold, and his face gradually became impatient. Without waiting for the colored clothes to agree, he began to count.

Caiyi's beautiful eyes looked at Shi Yan for a moment, and found that Shi Yan was definitely the kind of person who was cruel and would never be soft-hearted. Therefore, before Shi Yan finished counting, Cai Yi hurriedly nodded and finally let go of the sea of knowledge and let Shi Yan's divine consciousness come in.

In terms of the cultivation of divine consciousness and soul, only the stone rocks in the Nirvanad realm are more proficient than those who are strong in the general celestial realm.

The various soul mysteries of the Yinmei clan are extensive and profound, and contain the profound magical meaning of essence. When he was abandoned, he once used Pan Zhe and others to do soul experiments. This time, the main soul and the nine ghost-eating flames were temporarily combined together, and then it was a familiar road.

After the divine consciousness fell into the mind of the colorful clothes, and took advantage of the mystery of the Yin Mei clan he understood, and left a soul seed in the main soul of the colorful clothes, Shi Yan secretly investigated and found that everything was normal, so he collected the divine consciousness that invaded the mind of the colorful clothes under the frightened eyes of the colored clothes , fiercely kissed the rosy lips of the colorful clothes.


The beautiful eyes in colorful clothes were ashamed and desperately wanted to struggle, but they were tightly clasped by Shi Yan, and they couldn't move.

He kissed a few times fiercely and rubbed it in the fragrance of the colorful clothes. Before Shi Yan's tongue faded away, he suddenly bit the fresh and tender lips of the colorful clothes, and actually bit the lips of the colorful clothes and the blood overflowed.

Finally, he pulled away the left hand that tightened the neck of the colorful clothes, and Shi Yan also left the colorful clothes. Looking at the beauty whose lips were bleeding and his eyes were full of hatred and shame in his eyes, he grinned and sneered, "In that lake, you want to die. I will save you from the lake, and The broken lips are the punishment.

"You are more despicable than Aya!" Cai Yi's face was full of hatred, and he stared at Shi Yan resentfully and scolded.

Shi Yan laughed wildly, "Each other."