Kill God

Chapter 409 Devour the Virtual Spirit

Shi Yan and Cai Yi shouldered side by side. It took ten minutes to finally get to the underground.

There is a hole in the bottom of the ground, and it is like a hollow, with a huge swamp area.

In the swamp, there are strange trees with many rattans. Those trees are in human shape, each of which is ten meters high, and they move slowly in the swamp. Ghosts wander around in the swamp, emitting cold evil thoughts, which can affect people's knowledge.

Those ghosts, with oil-green light, the water of the swamp is also green and secluded, illuminating the swamp strangely and gloomy, like a ghost world.

Dozens of warriors in Nirvana and the realm of heaven, scattered in all directions of the swamp, one by one, are fighting with those human-shaped strange trees and ghosts.

As soon as the warrior dies, the blood will be drained, the soul will not die, and it will be quickly assimilated by those ghosts, and it will also become a ghost, staring at the martial artist with human life to release terrible soul fluctuations.

In the swamp, the warriors from all sides gathered together and were fighting. Among them, Zhao Feng and Li You and his party were also dealing with the vines and ghosts, ten meters to the left of the stone rock, with a rather solemn expression.

After Shi Yan and Cai Yi came down, they did not stay much and immediately came to the position of Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and others.

"Be careful of Shiyan, these rattan demons and virtual spirits are very difficult to deal with. Swords and various force attacks are ineffective against the virtual spirit. Only the attack of souls with artistic conception can destroy the virtual spirit. And those vine demons, which are foreign objects between organisms and plants, can suck human blood and strengthen themselves with human blood. Don't be entangled by those vines.

As soon as Zhao Feng saw him coming, he immediately shouted loudly to remind him to pay attention to those vine demons and virtual spirits.

"The vine demon can bombard this kind of thing with power. Those vines have edges. Once they pierce a person's body, they will pierce into the blood vessels and suck the blood of the warrior. Don't be entangled by those rattans and the virtual spirit has a very terrible soul corrosive power. Once the virtual spirit is drilled into the sea of knowledge, it will be controlled by the virtual spirit.

The red sky is like a big enemy dealing with the rattan of a rattan demon, surrounded by thick smoke. His whole body is looming in the smoke. Once a rattan comes, he will hide in the depths of the smoke, making it difficult for those vines to find his position.

The brothers Li Yue and Laurie only focused on dealing with the virtual spirit and had no spare time to remind Shi Yan. When they found that he had come, they took time to explain the power of the vine demon and the virtual spirit.

Three rattan demons, rooted in the swamp, can move deftly, as if they had feet and moved very quickly.

More than a dozen virtual spirits, wrapped around Zhao Feng, Li Yue and other people, seemed to know the rules, and each time they hit together, and at the same time released fierce spiritual fluctuations to attack the Light God Religion, Chixiao and others.

Under those mental fluctuations, Zhao Feng and Li Yue are still able to cope with it, but the Laurie brothers are a little miserable. Their ugly faces are constantly retreating under those mental fluctuations, firmly guarding the sea of knowledge, and they are afraid that they will be occupied by those virtual spirits.

Shi Yan observed it closely and found that many warriors' eyes were empty, and their pupils were green. Together with those virtual spirit vine demons, they were also attacking the entering warriors.

Those people are obviously also martial artists, but they seem to have been occupied by the virtual spirit. They have lost their own consciousness, completely controlled by the virtual spirit, and only know how to attack other martial artists mechanically.

After Shiyan and Caiyi came to this area, they also immediately joined the war circle and attacked those rattan demons together with Chixiao, Zhao Feng and others.

Shi Yan just glanced and found that there were many warriors in the swamp, just because everyone was fighting with the vine demon and the virtual spirit. In the angry rock, he could not see the faces of those people clearly. After a rough calculation, he knew that there were at least seven or eight warrior teams here.

It seems that there are also fights in farther directions, but because they are too far apart, it is difficult for him to see clearly that before he came to the island, his essence has recovered through the demon crystal, and the mysterious ice cold flame and the earth fire have recovered 70% or 80% of their strength. Now they are dormant in the blood pattern ring, and

With so much evidence, he was not worried. He had a good time to deal with the entanglement of those rattans and quietly paid attention to the situation around him.


Cai Songjiao shouted and shouted at Shiyan, "Being you!"

An oil-green virtual spirit turned into a beam of green light, bypassed Laurie, and rushed to him.

The virtual spirit is the evolution of the soul, without a body, but with extremely strong soul fluctuations. The evil thoughts suddenly pierced his mind first, and the virtual spirit immediately caught up and rushed directly towards his sea of knowledge.

Before the stone rock turned around, he immediately noticed the tingling pain in his mind, such as being stabbed in the head by countless steel needles, which was extremely painful.

In the severe pain, he had a moment of negligence, and such a moment of negligence gave the virtual spirit a chance to take advantage of it.

A green light suddenly disappeared in his mind.

Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and others' faces changed greatly, and the colorful clothes were also anxious with beautiful eyes. They shouted delicately, "Shi Yan, calm your mind and don't be controlled by the virtual spirit!"

It is difficult for others to save this kind of soul invasion. Zhao Feng, Chixiao and others watched the virtual spirit rush into his sea of knowledge, and there was nothing they could do.

Every martial artist's sea of knowledge is a mysterious place to accommodate the living soul. If other people's consciousness rushes into the sea of knowledge, it will only make the sea of knowledge more chaotic. Maybe it will make the sea of knowledge become violent and accelerate the control of the virtual spirit.

Therefore, seeing that Shi Yan was washed into the sea of knowledge by the virtual spirit, Zhao Feng and others did not dare to rush into the divine consciousness. They knew that once they did this, it would only make Shiyan more chaotic.

The battle with the virtual spirit can only rely on your own soul cultivation and strong willpower. If you can't resist the control of the virtual spirit, you will become its slave and completely sink.

Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and others were shocked. When Yingzhu was wearing the vine demon, they were still distracted to look at him. I don't know if he could go there.

Stone rock knows the sea.

The virtual spirit that went deep into it caused the mutation of his sea of knowledge. The countless wisps of divine knowledge of the whole sea of knowledge seemed to suddenly become powerless in an instant. A terrible spiritual fluctuation rippled from the virtual spirit and filled his whole sea of knowledge.

His eyes suddenly became confused and empty.

When Chixiao and others saw that Shiyan's eyes were empty, they all felt a chill in their hearts and shouted that it was not good.

The beautiful face in colorful clothes changed slightly, showing a worried look, and shouted again, "Hear your mind!" At this moment, Shi Yan suddenly grinned and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

The five demons lurking in the sea of knowledge suddenly turned into five huge virtual shadows, and suddenly rushed to the virtual spirit in the sea of knowledge. The virtual spirit showed an extremely flustered look in his sea of knowledge. Unexpectedly, he did not dare to continue to stay, as if he had found something terrible and hurriedly fled to the outside.

The five demons rushed up and entangled the virtual spirit together. They opened their huge mouths with dense fangs one after another and directly divided the virtual spirit.

In the sea of knowledge, his main soul also opened his third eye, and the evil breath of the nine ghost-eating soul flame also quietly spread.

Just in such a moment, he regained his senses his senses again. Unexpectedly, he was not affected by the virtual spirit at all. Such a change shocked Zhao Feng and others.

"Give me these virtual spirits."

When everyone was shocked, Shi Yan was stunned and slightly excited and said, "Don't deal with the virtual spirit. I'm enough alone."

Just after the five demons encroached on the virtual spirit... He obviously sensed that the five demons had grown a point, and they were still a little unsatisfied. In the eyes of the five demons, the virtual spirit seemed to be a great tonic potion that could enhance their power.

With this discovery, Shi Yan directly let go of the defense of the soul and stood there, waiting for the virtual spirit to throw himself into the net.

The virtual spirit's wisdom is not high, and it can't absorb the jade at all. After discovering that the stone rock is undefended, those virtual spirits turned into a beam of green light one after another and directly drilled into the sea. Whenever a virtual spirit falls into the sea of knowledge, he finds the five demons floating above the sea of knowledge, and the breath of natural enemies that destroy all souls released from the soul of his princess, he wants to escape desperately.

At this time, the five demons will be scattered separately, searching for those virtual spirits in the sea of his knowledge... Dan virtual spirits were touched by the five demons, as if they were glued and could no longer move.

The five demons were extremely excited. They grabbed those virtual spirits and ate happily in his sea of knowledge, absorbing them happily.

A virtual spirit that was about to escape from his sea of knowledge was illuminated by the evil light of the ninth ghost flame in the third eye of his main soul, and the soul was immediately annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

The nine ghost soul flame has the evil ability to destroy all souls. Those virtual spirits enter his sea of knowledge, which is simply death. No virtual spirit can escape the evil light of the nine ghost soul flame.

Zhao Feng and others saw a virtual spirit and drilled into his sea of knowledge one after another, but he smiled and looked around in his spare time, as if he was looking for more virtual spirits, which made Zhao Feng and others speechless. They secretly shook their heads and sighed, shocked by the strange ability shown by Shi Yan.

Soon, the virtual spirits wrapped around Zhao Feng and others were eaten up by the five demons of Shiyan Zhihai.

After the five demons absorbed the virtual spirits, they grew one by one, the image became clearer and clearer, and even the faces became lifelike.

Shi Kan suddenly no longer satisfies this piece of virtual spirit.

It's so delicious in front of you. Isn't it too wasteful if you don't enjoy it?

"I'm going to find other spirits. Be careful of those vine demons and leave."

After noticing the colorful clothes, Shi Yan laughed and left Zhao Feng. He usually swam in the swamp.

After those virtual spirits who had rushed to other martial artists and found that he was completely defenseless... they rushed to him like chicken blood, and flew into his sea of knowledge one after another.

All the virtual spirits that fell into his sea of knowledge, but only went in and out, became the nutrients for the five demons to supplement the soul energy, and were encroached up by the five demons one by one in his sea of knowledge.

The martial arts team next to

soon found this abnormality, showed a frightened expression one by one, and secretly observed the stone rock.

"Shi Yan, I'm Ye Changfeng. Come to my side and help me!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from a group of vine demons on the left, and the voice seemed to be quite anxious.