Kill God

Chapter 446 Snake Man Chief

As soon as Yin Hui left, the two brothers, Bao Nv and Bao Yan of the Water Scorpion, did not continue to stay longer. They informed Shi Yan and left together.

Many martial artists gathered in Yang's house, seeing the changes in today's deserted city, knew that there was no more excitement to see in the Yang family, and they also left one after another.

In a short time, the sea and human masters of the Yang family quietly retreated.

Shi Yan came back to Yang Mu and other people. He looked at the departing crowd from the stands, smiled and said to Yang Zhuo, "Uncle, should you be satisfied now? All the four people who invaded today have been killed. As for their followers, I don't think it's necessary to kill them all. After all, the future of the barren city still needs to rely on these guys.

Yang Zhuo was satisfied and nodded with a continuous smile, "You boy, you are really extraordinary. I didn't expect that you really had a way to force the two brothers Bao Yan and Bao Wen to nod. Haha, it seems that your grandpa is really not missing. With you in Yang's house, there should be no more trouble in the barren city.

Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and other children of the Yang family also smiled one after another, praising his extraordinary means.

"The black dragonfly?" Shi Yan frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "It is said that the black dragonfly is the most powerful race of the sea clan, which is much more powerful than the silver shark clan, the snake race and the water scorpion clan. The chief of the black dragonfly clan seems to have the cultivation of the three heavens, known as the strongest person

When Yang Zhuo heard him mention the Black Jiao clan, his face couldn't help but change. He nodded and sighed, "That's good."

"Has the Heijiao people always been very unfriendly to our Yang family?"

"That's true."


"At that time, your grandfather came to the bottom of the sea and wanted to have the dominance of the barren city. At that time, the silver sharks, water scorpions and snakes all agreed, and only the anger of the black dragons did not agree. If Nulang didn't agree, it's useless for Yinhui and Lisa to make a statement. In order to make Nu Lang nod and agree to this matter, your grandpa once visited the black Jiao clan in person. It is said that he was very unhappy with Nu Lang. I don't know why, in the end, Nu Lang agreed, but he has not been The place.

Shi Yan looked stunned.

"Nu Lang said at that time that he gave our Yang family time to prove that if our Yang family was in charge of the barren city, it was really beneficial to the sea people, he would recognize the status of our Yang family in the barren city. Although your grandfather's methods were a little sharper, he did take care of the barren city in an orderly manner afterwards. After our Yang family took charge of the barren city, they sent a large number of cultivation materials to the barren city, benefiting all the sea people. Then Nu Lang reluctantly agreed and admitted the hegemony of our Yang family in the barren city.

"The angry wave doesn't seem to be satisfied now?"

"Well, after your grandfather was imprisoned in the demon realm, we lost control of the Galo Sea. Since then, our Yang family has been unable to continue to provide enough cultivation materials for the barren city, which makes Nu Lang very dissatisfied. Perhaps it is also because of this that we want our Yang family to lose control of the barren city.

Yang Zhuo thought for a moment with a calm face and said, "If the angry wave hadn't expressed this attitude, I don't think Minghai, Yan Feng and Fu Hao would have dared not think of our Yang family. Although Nu Lang did not appear in person, as long as he made a statement, it was enough to make Minghai and others presumptuous.

"It's no wonder..."

Shi Yan is also easy to understand. Nu Lang recognized the hegemony of the Yang family in those years, which was purely based on interests.

Now Nu Lang has seen that the Hai people of the Yang family have gained more convenience after taking power in the barren city. Even if he doesn't recognize it in his heart, in the face of those huge interests, as the patriarch of the clan, he knows how to decide.

The situation has changed so much, and the Yang family has shown signs of decline. In three or five years, it has not continued to deliver a large number of cultivation materials for the barren city. It is natural that the angry waves will make such a decision.

Put yourself in the other's shoes. If he stood in the perspective of the wave of anger, he would have made such a decision if he found that the Yang family could not continue to bring benefits to him.

"It seems that he still has to find a way to deal with the angry wave. As the strongest man of the sea clan, he didn't say anything. I'm afraid some people will take a wait-and-see attitude."

After meditated for a moment, Shi Yan frowned deeply and was also a little worried. "As long as our Yang family shows the same strength as before and continues to provide pillars for the cultivation materials of the sea people, I don't think even if the angry waves are dissatisfied, they won't say much. It's just..."

The endless sea is in a special situation now. The demons and the underworld are rampant, occupying the Galo sea area and the Yuanluo sea area. There is endless battles on the sea above, and they want to maintain it in this situation! This kind of trade is obviously much more difficult.

The most important thing is that the Yang family has lost the dominance of the Galo sea area and cannot act boldly on the sea. At this time, it is much more difficult than before to collect enough cultivation materials on the sea.

As long as this problem can be solved, I won't agree with the anger wave, but if I want to solve this problem, it is really not easy at present.

"It's because the situation is too complicated to transport the cultivation materials urgently needed by the sea people to the barren city as before, which makes the sea people complain and make this big move. Yang Zhuo sighed softly and said helplessly: ... I also know what the problem is, but what can I do if I know? Your grandfather is still in the demon realm, and he should not return to the endless sea in a short time. On it, all forces are too wary of our Yang family. It's not good to chase the bottom of the way. It's impossible to establish a trade mechanism with them.

Yang Mu, Yang Xue, Li Fenger and others also shook their heads repeatedly and looked helpless.


Shi Yan shouted softly, looked at the line of snakes and human warriors below in the stands, and said in surprise, "They haven't left yet?"

Yang Mu and others also showed a look of attention and looked down one after another.

I saw Nafia waiting for the snake man. At this time, after the crowd dispersed, instead of leaving, he went this way.

Lisa, the snake man patriarch wearing a bamboo hat, wore a black loose robe, with extraordinary manners and twisted the long snake tail. She came to the front of the Yang family's main building and looked up at Yang Zhuo's direction. Suddenly, she said softly, "I don't know if you can come up for a story?"

Yang Zhuo was stunned for a moment. After a sound, he nodded a little and said in awe, "Presenior Lisa is willing to condescence. It's an honor for our Yang family. Please!"

A guard under him, when he heard his command, hurriedly opened the stone door and stood with his hand on his hand.

Lisa smiled softly and said to Fiya, "Go up with me."

Fia showed a flattered expression, nodded repeatedly, and her beautiful eyes were surprised.

Two snake women, walking from the ladder below, came to the position of Yang Zhuo and others in a short time.

After Lisa came over, she casually took off the hat on her head, and the green silk that fell on her waist like a waterfall appeared suddenly, soft and silky, shining with a charming luster.

A charming and sexy face, scarlet lips, bright and beautiful eyes, jade-like white skin color.

Lisa is worthy of being the most famous beauty of the sea people. She is sexy and plump, and naturally exudes a charming charm, such as a ripe peach, which makes people can't wait to take a bite, which is extremely beautiful.

As soon as she removed the bamboo hat, the whole stand seemed to suddenly light up. All the Yang men, including Yang Zhuo, looked shocked, and their eyes couldn't help showing admiration.

Shi Yan also praised in his heart, marveling at the amazing charm of this woman.

She is a mature and beautiful woman at the level of white-winged Yurou. She exudes amazing sexiness all over her body. She is simply the nemesis of all men, which makes people intoxicated and gives birth to a strange emotion that wants to knead him hard.

"Lisa patriarch."

Yang Zhuo bowed, bent down to salute, and looked solemn.

"Senior Lisa."

Yang Mu, Yang Zhou and others, one by one, held their breath and did not squint, all showed due respect.

Legend has it that Lisa and Yang Qingdi had an affair. Although Yang Qingdi never admitted it, the Yang family still did not dare to neglect this woman and was very cautious.

Lisa just glanced at Yang Zhuo, then withdrew her eyes, and then looked at Shi Yan, smiled and said softly, "The hero is a teenager. When Emperor Yang Qing was as old as you, he was not as powerful as you. The Yang family is still the Yang family. Generation is better than generation. I knew that.

Shi Yan was not surprised and smiled indifferently, "Thank you for your appreciation."

Lisa nodded with a smile, pointed to Fia beside her, and whispered, "Thank you for helping them. If it weren't for you, maybe Fia would have been electrocuted by the silver-horned eel."

"The Yang family and the snake people have always been friendly. It's natural for me to help. Elder Lisa, you don't have to be polite.

" Shi Yan smiled and nodded his black head at Nafia.

Fiya's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange luster, squeezed her lips and smiled, and said, "You guy, it's really surprising. I apologize for the previous contempt for your contempt. I underestimated you. Well, I didn't believe it before that you could solve the crisis of the barren city. I didn't expect that you not only killed Minghai, Fu Hao, Yanfeng and Jiu Lanxin, but also made Bao Yan and Bao Wen admit the dominance of your Yang family. I underestimated you.

Shi Yan laughed hoarsely and shook his head and said, "You don't have to apologize. I should thank you. Along the way, if you hadn't told me the information about Minghai and others, I wouldn't have been so sure. Well, it's also because you told Jiu Lanxin and the water scorpion clan, and then I know how to decide. I want to thank you.