Kill God

Chapter 453 The Strong One!

In the depths of the bottom of the black sea, there is a group of black dead volcanoes. The dead volcanoes stand on the bottom of the sea, towering and magnificent, like a black sword pointing straight to the sea.

This is the residence of the Hei Jiao people.

The black extinct volcano group, for some unknown reason, sank into the depths of the ground, and each extinct volcano is thousands of meters high.

On the mountainside and top of the extinct volcano, there are ancient buildings with stone structures, dark black, looking as strong as black iron, all pointed and distinctive.

"It is said that the ancestor of the black dragonfly clan is a ten-level black dragon monster, with all his magic power and is extremely horrible. The ten-level monster black dragon, combined with human women, gave birth to many demon hybrids, which is the black dragon at this time. The black dragonfly clan has the bloodline of the black dragonfly and human bloodline. The head has black sharp horns, and has the ability to transform into a half demon.

In the sea, Li Fenger pointed forward, explaining the stone rock in detail.

"Although the black dragonfly is not a black dragonfly, it is not as strong as the black dragon, but it has the wisdom that the black dragon lacks.

The people of the black dragonfly have been living in harmony with the black dragonfly and regard the black dragonfly as their best partner. Among the dead volcanoes you see, there are monsters black dragons. "Oh?"

"Well, the black dragonfly and the black dragonfly have always been very harmonious because of their bloodline. The level of the black dragonfly is generally at level six. Although the number is very small, it is the overlord of the monsters on the bottom of the sea. In the sea, it has always been rampant. In the middle of the extinct volcano, there should be an eight-level black dragon. "The eight-level black dragonfly is the same as the strength Hei Jiao, who is more powerful?

"Wrath waves. The eight-level black dragonfly is said to be the companion monster of the angry wave. Since the birth of the angry wave, it has been connected to the bloodline of the angry wave. Li Fenger frowned slightly and explained softly: "Some of the people of the black dragonfly clan will communicate with the black dragonfly when they are born. Once the connection of the blood The owner of the dragonfly grew up with the black dragonfly. The so-called companionship is to live together from birth. Life is connected, and there is an extremely mysterious connection, which is difficult for us to understand.

"What's the difference between us taming monsters?"

"Of course there is a difference. That kind of companionship is connected with life. If the black dragonfly dies, the black dragonfly clan, who is the master, will also die together. Correspondingly, if the black Jiao people who are the masters die, their companion black Jiao monsters will also die. Li Fenger's expression is solemn, "This kind of companionship is very strange. It is said that it can make the master and the black Jiao really fit together and give full play to their maximum strength. There are not many people of the black Jiao people who can have the companions of the black Jiao people, but each of them is the pillar of the black Jiao people. "The number of the black Jiao people in the seabed is very small. It is said that there are only about 3,000 people of the black Jiao people in the endless sea. But every black dragonfly is much more powerful than other sea dragons in the same realm. Those who have the accompanying monster black dragon are even more terrible!"

Shi Yan was stunned and stunned for a moment. He said, "So, don't the black dragons, who have the black dragon monsters, have the strength to challenge other warriors?"

"It's like this. Li Fenger nodded solemnly, "So think about it, the angry wave has the cultivation of the three heavens, and there is an eight-level companion black dragon monster. How terrible his real strength is, can you imagine it?"

Shi Yan's body shook three times and said in surprise, "Isn't that angry wave more terrible than Chi Yan and Bo Xun?"

"It's hard to say that he hasn't had a fight. Li Fenger looked solemn and thought for a while before saying, "In my opinion, if the angry wave really fights with Chi Yan and Bo Xun, he should be more likely to win. Even Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian did not dare to trouble the sea people in their heyday, just because there were angry waves at the bottom of the sea. "In your opinion, aren't angry waves really the first masters on the bottom and sea surface of the endless sea?"

"People at the bottom of the sea all think so. Whether it is the sea people at the bottom of the sea or the human beings who come to live in the desert city, they all believe that the angry wave is the first master of the name. He thinks that Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian are not his opponents. Fortunately, the sea people have no secret treasure to take advantage of. If the angry wave has a real holy secret treasure, I think even the people on the sea will regard him as the strongest in the endless sea. Li Fenger took it for granted.

Shiyan's face changed slightly.

"Grandpa was really bold in those years. After half a sound, he sighed, "I dare to make such an unpleasant quarrel with this kind of person. I think Grandpa's courage is the first in the endless sea. Ha ha, the real strength may be in the real divine realm. This angry wave is really terrible enough. No wonder even the unruly silver glory will be willing to bow down. "Of course, if the angry wave speaks, the silver sharks, snakes, and water scorpions will also be obedient. All sea people know the existence of the waves. Yes, it is the guarantee of the peace of the sea people. I know that as long as the angry waves are healthy for a day, there will be no warriors in the endless sea, and they dare to fight against the sea people.

Li Fenger looked at him with a smile... Now you know that the angry wave front is powerful, right? If you really see the angry waves later, you should be careful. He is not Bowen and Bao Yan. Even if you use other forces to achieve the cultivation of the divine realm, you can never be his opponent. "Well, I will be careful. Touching my nose, Shi Yan nodded helplessly.

Before he came over, he really didn't take the angry wave too high. He thought that the angry wave was at most the level of Chi Yan and Bo Xun, but now after listening to Li Fenger's explanation, he knew that the angry wave might be more powerful than Chi Yan and Bo Xun, which made him a little cautious.

Since his debut, the strongest warrior he has ever seen is the Red Devil Emperor.

At the beginning in the sea area of Yuanluo, the strong power shown by Chi Yan's action has always impressed him.

Even recalling the shocking means of Chi Yan now, he is a little cold in his heart, knowing that even with all his hidden power, it may be difficult to get benefits from Chi Yan.

Because he had a clear understanding of this matter, he entered the heavenly realm. After the mysterious ice and cold flame, the earth fire, and the Holy Spirit God all recovered their strength, he did not rashly go to the Huanluo Sea to find Red Yan for revenge.

He is not a reckless person.

I'm not sure. He won't mess around. Compared with those top strong people, he still lacks a lot at this time, but he also has an advantage.

Delete the mysterious martial soul!

The martial soul obtained from this strange world for the first time has infinite possibilities, which can greatly improve the breakthrough speed of his realm. He knows that all he lacks now is time and grinding.

As long as he is given time, it won't be long before he can enter a new world.

One day, he can definitely defeat Chi Yan and understand that period of hatred.

He has this self-confidence!

"Oh, the angry wave is terrible enough. If you can really help him this time and help him refine such a secret treasure, he is afraid that he is really invincible in the world. Li Fenger smiled helplessly, "At that time, I don't know if the angry wave will still be willing to stay at the bottom of the sea. Now the situation of the Endless Sea is so complicated. If he wants to go to the Endless Sea, I'm afraid there are not many people who can block his sharpness. Shi Yan frowned.

This is indeed a problem.

The black Jiao people do not have to live on the bottom of the sea. If there is a suitable habitat on the sea, the black Jiao people can also live on the sea.

Nulang has an absolute dominant position in the sea people. If he has a heart for the endless sea, he can lead the masters of the sea people to directly enter the endless sea and take advantage of the chaos of the endless sea to seek the greatest benefits for the sea people.

This is not unprecedented.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the sea clans once joined hands to fight against the endless sea warriors, trying to seize a sea in the endless sea.

Although the war was resolved by the unity of the human warriors, it also caused the endless sea warriors to lose a lot of elites.

After the war, the sea people were defeated, so they indulged on the bottom of the sea for thousands of years and never tossed the sea again.

Nowadays, there is such a shocking figure as Fury Wave, which can convince all the Hai clans. If he shakes his arms and starts with the interests of the whole race of the Hai clan, and takes advantage of the endless chaos of the sea, Yinhui, Lisa, Bao Yan and others should be willing to take action.

"Forget it, the endless sea is chaotic enough. In addition, the sea clan is not necessarily harmful to us human beings. After meditating for a moment, Shi Yan comforted himself: "There are Chi Yan, Bo Xun on the sea, as well as Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian. Grandpa may return soon. With so many masters here, even if the angry wave comes to the sea, it is difficult to suppress the situation. At most, he makes the endless sea more chaotic. Hearing what Shi Yan said, Li Fenger can only recognize her ears.

The two talked and walked, and soon appeared in front of the extinct volcano group.

"The Yang family in the barren city, begged to see the patriarch of Nulang. Li Fenger bent down slightly and suddenly shouted.

At the pass of an extinct volcano in front of me, a black dragonfly with a length of 30 meters suddenly appeared, with scales like black iron, with huge horns on its head, and its pupils like fists, which was fierce.

The black dragonfly is a seven-level monster. After emerging from the extinct volcano, the huge red pupils looked at Shi Yan and Li Fenger brutally.

On the head of the black dragonfly, there is a black dragonfly in the sky.

He is the same size as a human, but he has a half-meter-long black pointed horn on his head. This man's skin is dark. He looks at Shiyan coldly and said faintly, "Younger of the Yang family, how do you have the right to meet our patriarch? Even if Emperor Yang Qing comes in person, our patriarch may not see him. Why do you?

"Just because of me, Shi Yan grinned and calmly spread out his palms. The earth's fire suddenly came out, swaying out of the strange fire in the sea water. The sea water kept evaporating into water gas, but the sky fire was burning more and more vigorously, not affected at all.