Kill God

Chapter 473 Xiongfeng

Black Water Sea, Shenshui Island.

This island is the holy place of Tianchi Holy Land. Legend has it that there is a Tianchi on Shenshui Island, including Shenshui.

Every newborn child is immersed in the Tianchi for seven or forty-nine days, which can wash the filth qi on the body, strengthen the tendons and veins, wash the marrow and cut the hair, so that a baby with average qualifications can have excellent cultivation talent in the future.

Shenshui Island, on the holy mountain of Tianchi Holy Land... Dozens of strong men sat on the stone bench with dark faces.

Qing Ming, Tianhou, Gu Xiao, Di Huang, Wu Qin, Qiu Xun, the spiritual medium of the Holy Spirit, these lords of the endless sea forces gathered together, and their hearts seemed to be crushed by boulders, which was very heavy and abnormal.

"Is he really that terrible?"

After a long silence, the cave owner of Lingbao Dongtian suddenly sighed and looked at Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said helplessly, "He is terrible enough, but now it's not just that. He brought out a black iron puppet from the cemetery of the ancient barren dragon, which was even more horrible. To be honest, I can never believe that a simple black iron puppet can have such a terrible evil power. Gang Yuefeng and Situ Xu, in the hands of the black iron puppet, are like tofu pieces, which are not vulnerable at all.

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent again.

Department Yuefeng and Situ Xu are both famous strong men in the endless sea, and their cultivation in the realm of gods is the same as their friends here.

When these two people were easily killed in the face of the black iron puppet, doesn't this mean that if everyone encounters a stone rock, they will also die?

"How long has it been..."

Wuqin's face was full of bitterness and sighed, "I really shouldn't have provoked him. It's a big trouble now. According to what you said, even the owner of the Yang Hall can't do anything about him. It's such a big endless sea. Who else can control him?"

"I think, with my personal strength alone, there is really no one who can take him down." Tianhou Fan Xiangyun hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to admit that today's Shiyan is indeed the biggest alien in the endless sea, which can hardly be described as genius.

Everyone was silent again.

"The master of Yang didn't say anything?" The spiritual medium of the Holy Spirit has a dark and shiny short hair, and every hair is energetic and stands fiercely. He looks very young and handsome, with an evil temperament, and his expression is the most calm among the people.

"Xia Qinghou was wholehearted to protect him, and the angry waves and Yinhui were also beside him. There were nine ghost-eating soul flames on his body. The owner of Yang could not kill him in an instant with soul skills, and naturally there was nothing he could do."

Gu Xiao had no choice but to explain.

Everyone sighed.

"It seems that the most uncertain factor of the endless sea in the future is this person." The psychic took a deep breath and meditated for a long time before he said, "He is younger than anyone else. At this age, he has reached such a terrible level and has such a terrible power. I think everyone can really be more cautious."

Jing Yanqing sat upright and listened carefully. He couldn't insert words, but his beautiful eyes were full of mystery.

Through the description of Gu Xiao and others, she did not witness the war with her own eyes. You can imagine how impressive Shi Yan was to Gu Xiao and others.

In those years, it was amazing enough for Shiyan to fight alone. It has only been more than a year, and he has dared to challenge Yang Yitian. What an amazing progress?

I don't know why, looking at so many hegemons in the endless sea sighed, she was very comfortable and gloating in her heart.

The strength of Shiyan made her very excited...

"Does Cao Qiudao have a reaction?" Wuqin asked again.

"No for the time being." Tianhou Fan Xiangyun thought for a moment and then said, "Xiaolan should not have returned to the Muta sea area, but the owner of the Cao family should have received the news. He can communicate directly with the owner of Yang. I think if there is anything, he should agree with the owner of Yang first.

"Let's wait and see. Zou Yuefeng and Situ Xu are both of them. According to the personality of these two people, they should not be silent all the time." Gu Xiao nodded.

"But now the endless sea situation is very bad." Wuqin shook his head, "The demon and the underworld are pressing step by step. If you spend too much energy for a stone rock, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist when the demon and the underworld are big."

"If the sea people are willing to take action, all the problems will be solved." Fan Xiangyun frowned and said, "Unfortunately, Nulang, Yinhui and others kept their mouths shut, and did not even reveal the style of joining hands with us. I think these two guys are not friendly. If the sea people also intervene, this endless sea is really fun to watch.

"Where are the Three Gods?" Wuqin looked at Gu Xiao.

"It's still shrinking in the forbidden land in their sea." Gu Xiao snorted coldly... "Tang Yuannan doesn't seem to want to contribute at all. He just wants to preserve the strength of their Three Gods. Before the most difficult time, Ouyang Luoshuang is never willing to take action. He has been staying in the forbidden place of the Three Gods. He must have hidden evil intentions and can't

"The Three Gods are optimistic about Shiyan. It's natural for us not to deal with Shiyan." Wuqin shook his head feebly. If the Three Gods also knew that Shi Yan was so strong and joined hands with Shi Yan, the endless sea would have a new force that no one dared to underestimate.

Among the three forces, there are three most powerful figures, Ouyang Luoshuang, Shi Yan and Xia Qinghou. These three people have now mastered the power to fight with any peak strong man. Once the three join hands, the situation in the endless sea will change dramatically.

They haven't thought of the sea people yet...

If you know that even Nulang, Yinhui and others have reached an agreement with Shiyan at this time, I don't know how scared they will be.

"Well, it would be great if Shi Yan was with us all the way." Wuqin was extremely upset... "If it hadn't been for that pursuit, Shi Yan might not have been so nervous with us. If there was more of him, we wouldn't have to have such a headache at this time."

Qing Ming and Tianhou's face suddenly became gloomy.

At the beginning, it was precisely because they advocated the bamboo rock that finally let everyone and the stone rock go to the opposite side. After a series of actions, everyone couldn't help but be trapped in it.

After a year, the stone rock re-empted the endless sea and showed such a terrible power, which deeply shocked everyone and made them regret it in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"There is no regret medicine to buy." Gu Xiao pondered for a moment and said, "Wait. I don't think it will be long before the owner of the Cao family and the owner of the Yang Hall will be arranged."

Everyone can only nod.

In the area of Yuanluo, under the sea of the sun, moon, stars and three islands, a strange place shrouded in mysterious light.

In a pool full of moonlight and water waves, a touching shadow in the moonlight bathed and swam in the pool. Countless essences of moonlight gathered one after another, leaving moonlight spots on her jade-like white body.

She in the pool, like a fairy in the moon, has a unique temperament that is free from vulgarity and ethereal.

Moon God, Ouyang Luoshuang.

In the Moon Lake, she didn't seem to know the troubles of the outside world, the waves of the endless sea, enjoying the beauty of the moon in peace of mind, and continued to move forward cautiously on the martial arts road.

The fiery fire unicorn quietly appeared from a distance. Tang Yuannan sat on the fire unicorn, controlled the speed, and flew to the moon pool in a hurry.

The beautiful woman in the moon pool frowned, and the moonlight filled her whole body, like a wonderful moon mask, covering her whole body.

like Luo Shen, the beautiful woman slowly rose from the moon pool, covered with hazy moonlight, and looked forward indifferently, "What's wrong?"

Tang Yuannan smiled gently and bowed slightly. Then he smiled and said, "I heard an interesting news, hehe, and I don't know whether it's true or not."

Ouyang Luoshuang raised his eyebrows, his beautiful eyes were as bright as stars, and his voice said coldly, "What's the news?"

"Rumor has it that Shi Yan has returned to the endless sea."

"So what?"

"I heard that he was at the bottom of the sea, that seems to have killed Gang Yuefeng and Situ Xu, and Zhong Liban..." Tang Yuannan grinned and said.

Ouyang Luoshuang's beautiful eyes showed a strange light. He was stunned for a moment and then shook his head, "It's not realistic."

"I also think so, but there is no wind and no waves. My source is Shenshui Island in the Blackwater Sea." Tang Yuannan was not in a hurry and explained in detail, "I heard that Gu Xiao, Qing Ming and Wu Qin were all anxious at this time, because Shi Yan had a series of gatherings, but they could not discuss a result. I also heard that after he killed Situ Sui and Zhong Li blunt, Yang Yitian also found it, but Yang Yitian finally returned in vain and did nothing.


The beautiful woman finally couldn't help shouting softly, showing her surprise, "He killed Situ Xu and Zhong Li blunt, and Yang Yitian actually let him go?"

"It seems that Yang Yitian can't do anything about him..." Tang Yuannan explained.

"Yangyi Tian is the strongest man in the endless sea. How can he do anything about him?" Ouyang Luoshuang obviously didn't believe it. He shook his head and laughed and said, "It seems that your disappearance is wrong. This is too ridiculous. No matter how powerful that guy is, he can't make Yang Yitian soft. Well, don't waste your time. Most of the news is not true.

"I think it may be true." Tang Yuannan looked straight, "Who told me the news, guess who it is?"


"The saint of Tianchi Holy Land."

"She? How come?"

"I don't know. I have never had an intersection with her. She must have done this with Wuqin on her back. I can't figure it either."

"Is it a strategy in the Black Sea?" Ouyang Luoshuang pondered for a moment and shook his head slowly. "It's impossible. They won't help the boy's prestige like this."

"So I'm also puzzled."

At this moment.

The transmission array in the center of the Holy Land of the Three Gods suddenly lit up. Not long after... The man appeared in the transmission array with a black iron puppet, and immediately shouted, "Senior Tang, I'm Shi Yan. Can you meet me?"

Tang Yuannan's body shook.