Kill God

Chapter 481 Yang Qingdi

Shi Yan did not dare to be distracted at all, and was absorbed in guarding around, for fear that Cao Qiudao would suddenly take action.

The way of shadowless can't be prevented. If you can't feel it at the moment when Cao Qiudao took action, you will be killed by him.

Although Cao Qiudao seems to be aimed at Bo Xun, no one can guess his character. I don't know if he will make a cover, but he wants to take the opportunity to kill Shiyan.

Moon God and Tang Yuannan, one left and one right, stood beside the stone rock and waited silently.

Bo Xun was also quite nervous. Under the attack of the angry waves and the two corpse kings, he was already at a disadvantage. If Cao Qiudao suddenly took action, he was afraid that he would be injured in an instant.

Chi Yan was entangled by the war demon. At this time, he had no time to take care of himself and it was difficult to extend a helping hand to Bo Xun.


A snow-white luster emerged from the east, a white bone-covered skeleton, and flew at a high speed.

Bo Xun's white bone magic body!

After receiving the call of the wave sentence, this white bone body finally flew from Xuelong Island in time to help him cope with this difficult situation.

Bo Xun has a total of three white bone body, and each white bone body is refined in an extremely mysterious way. He has some of Bo Xun's magical ability, and there are some strange means.

When Xiao Hanyi first entered the endless sea, he was grabbed by a white bone body of Bo Xun. He was dragged into the demon realm.

The horror scenes of those years are still fresh in Shiyan's memory.

At that time, in his eyes, the white bone magic body was the most terrible existence in the world, with unimaginable power. Even the barrier of the demon realm can be directly torn, which is as horrible as a god.

At that time, he couldn't even imagine the power of Bo Xun. Xia Xinyan once said that Bo Xun was the most powerful demon.

At that moment, he once showed a strong fighting spirit, and he had always dreamed that one day he could fight with Bo Xun and stand in front of Bo Xun.

Today, he did it!

, "Shh".

The amethyst sword hidden in the purple smoke finally shot out at this moment.

At the same time, a brand-bodied light suddenly appeared beside the white bone body.

At the moment when he appeared, Bo Xun's white bone magic body was fiercely poked by the sharpest weapon, and the white bone magic body trembled all over. It's like falling apart.

Cao Qiudao is in shape!

The amethyst sword returned to the palm of his hand, and countless crystal sword lights swirling, like thousands of purple light needles, and dense raindrops covered the white bone body.

The white bone method burst out with a dazzling luster, and the sound of firecrackers in the eyes of the stinging people's eyes faintly, which shook out, making the sea water around the island boil and uneasy.

When countless globaden, everyone stared at it and found that Cao Qiudao was hidden again, and the white bone magic body summoned by Bo Xun was colorful, as if it had been smeared with ink, which was extremely strange.

, "Boom!"

Bo Xun's body trembled, and his back was like a heavy blow, and he rolled and gushed out of the magic in the void.

Cao Qiudao appeared again, just in the direction that Bo Xun was hit hard, and he once again hit the heart of Bo Xun.

The angry wave looked at the opportunity, he laughed ferociously and the trident in his hand came out, hit the magic bell fiercely, turning the magic bell into a beam of black light, and I don't know where it fell.

Cao Qiudao disappeared again.

Bo Xun's face was gloomy, and the evil and gloomy luster in his eyes became more and more obvious, as if he was really angry.

However, without waiting for him to take action, he suddenly couldn't help spewing out a mouthful of blood, and his expression showed panic for the first time.

He did not look at the angry waves, not at the corpse king, but looked at the endless void with a complicated expression, looking at the magic gas surging in the sky, which was deep and pure in the middle of the magic gas. A strong force exploded out, and he saw a fierce and crystal bone. Shoot out of the magic gas. "excited" out.

, "Oak Green Emperor!...

Bo Xun roared fiercely and looked crazy.

Shi Yan, Tang Yuannan, Ouyang Luoshuang and others were stunned and looked at the sky doubtfully one by one.

In the middle of the magic gas, the void suddenly tore open. Within the space current, a slightly blurred majestic figure, bare-handed, smashed a faintly revealed white bone magic body into pieces.

This is another white bone body summoned by Bo Xun from the Fourth Demon Realm.

Unfortunately, before entering the endless sea from the demon realm, he was subdued in the gap of the space and was suddenly attacked by someone. With the help of the chaotic power in the void turbulence, the white bone magic body was smashed.

The snow-white bones shot out before. It's the wreckage of the white bone.

Space current [middle] In the center, the majestic fuzzy figure laughed wildly, "Bo Xun, your other white bone body has been imprisoned by me in extraterritorial space and can no longer be summoned by you... With this, the figure pulled his hands and abruptly cracked the gap in the void and drilled out of his head.

The Lord of the Yang family, Emperor Yang Qing!

This peak strongman who has been famous for many years. After going through hardships in the demon realm, but now it suddenly emerges. One is a uniform with two white bones.

It seemed that there was a tacit understanding. At the moment when Emperor Yang Qing came out of the cracks in the void, Cao Qiudao took action again.

, "shhhhhhhh".

The amethyst sword suddenly took shape, [excited] and shot out countless purple glows. Like a curtain of light, it covers the whole body of Bo Xun.

The angry wave and the corpse king ignored a glance and also took action one after another to attack Bo Xun with all their strength.

Yang Qingdi, who just appeared from the gap in the space, did not hesitate at all and directly joined the war.

Emperor Yang Qing was like a broken bamboo. Regardless of the layers of defensive magic walls condensed by Bo Xun, he smashed countless defensive magic walls all the way, went straight to the front of Bo Xun's body, and raised his head with a punch.

A fist containing the consciousness of smashing living creatures, heavy and domineering, blocking the gap in the space, immediately fell to the head of Bo Xun.

Bo Xun was attacked by the enemy, so he wanted to take action. I suddenly felt that the purple light behind me was like a needle, and I had entered the body one step ahead.

Under the severe pain, it was difficult to condense all the internal strength of Bo Xun [body], so he could only try his best to take action. The dragon horns on his head were bright, bursting out a wave of fierce air, and met the heavy punch of Emperor Yang Qing.

, "Boom!"

Like a landslide and cracking, the sound of vibration resounded through the whole Yuanluo sea area. Everyone's eardrums were faintly painful.

The body of Bo Xun Qiangjing. Under this punch, there were cracks of flesh and blood, and the body was like broken glass. It has become extremely weird.

Cao Qiudao, the angry waves, and the corpse king looked at the opportunity and surged up. They each injected the power of the peak into their whole body and bombarded the Bo Xun one after another.

Bo Xun's body, in this fierce bombardment beyond the load, was bloody and cracked countless wounds. 〖 The internal bones of the body began to smash.

Shi Yan frowned and suddenly sighed softly, "Bo Xun is over...

Tang Yuannan's key point is "Cao Qiudao, Nu Lang, and the two corpse kings all have the power to fight with him. The three parties work together, and he is already in a situation where he must lose" was disturbed by Emperor Yang Qing in the middle, which is really difficult to survive...

When the two spoke, Bo Xun's body splashed out a rain of blood. He looked up to the sky and screamed wildly, and his body split inch by inch under all kinds of intertwined energy.

Even if the demon's body is strong, under so many violent attacks, he is still overwhelmed.

Bo Xun's body was completely destroyed!

A black prism crystal light. At the moment when Bo Xun's body was destroyed. Suddenly shrinks into a point in the void. He suddenly shot into the gap between Tangkong. Turn around and don't see.

, "Soul force!...

Tang Yuannan couldn't help exclaiming.

Shiyan also looked surprised.

At the moment when the body burst, Bo Xun decisively condensed the soul into a point and gave up the body. Instantly escape into the gap in the space. Preserve the soul.

Although the gap in the space is full of countless dangers, it may make his soul lost forever, but it can also prevent everyone from chasing him.

Everyone knows the instability of the space gap. If it goes deep, it may be destroyed. The passing of the soul alone may not be immediately affected by the power of chaos in the space gap.

However, if the body goes deep together. Then the risk factor will increase tenfold!

Therefore. Seeing that Bo Xun had emption his soul into the gap in the space at the last moment, Emperor Yang Qing and Cao Qiudao did not continue to chase, but calmly looked at the gap in the space and quietly let go of the consciousness.

, "I can't find it...

Cao Qiudao closed his eyes and explored for a moment, and couldn't help shaking his head with regret. "The power of space gap chaos is frequent, and it naturally has the power to block the exploration of divine consciousness. The divine consciousness is too far away. I'm afraid it will be difficult to take back, or don't take risks...

, "Don't worry about him... Emperor Yang Qing laughed and said, "Bo Xun only lost his soul. Even if he is powerful, it will take at least hundreds of years to recover to find a living area in the gap in space. At that time. I'm afraid that you and I already have the cultivation of the realm of the true god, and he will return to the peak. It's not enough to be afraid.

Cao Qiudao nodded.

, "There is another one." Yang Qingdi looked at Chi Yan again and suddenly shouted, "Where did this black iron puppet come from?" Unexpectedly, with such a terrible power, even Chi Yan can be involved...

, "Hmm!... Cao Qiudao frowned and said angrily, "You are lucky in the Yang family!" As soon as he said this, Emperor Yang Qing was just a little stunned and looked at Shi Yan. The corners of his mouth immediately filled with a bright smile. He laughed and said, "Good boy! I didn't expect that after I left the Endless Sea, you could still keep the lights of the Yang family. Always shining on the surface of the endless sea...

The stone rock raised its head. He smiled and bowed, but he didn't say much nonsense. He said neatly, "Kill Chi Yan first, and then talk about the past...

, "Okay."

Emperor Yang Qing nodded happily, turned into a rainbow light, and shot directly at the red Yan.

Cao Qiudao immediately took action.

The angry wave and the corpse king did not act.

, "Kid, do you still need me to do it? Nu Lang snorted, a little unhappy, "Your Yang family is so calculating! I have been hiding the magic field and waiting for the best time. As soon as I take action, Bo Xun has only one soul left. I think what happens here doesn't seem to have much to do with me, right?

, "If you want something, stretch out your hand and kill Chi Yan by the way. Shi Yan grinned and said with a smile, "Red Yan will not die. Sooner or later, he will come to your sea people for revenge. Hmm. I think you are even for the sake of the sea people. You can't let him leave alive, can you?"

The angry wave was hoarse. After thinking about it, he couldn't help nodding helplessly.

, "You can also help me do it... Shi Yan looked at the sea of corpses.

After receiving Shi Yan's plea, the two ten-thousand-year-old corpse kings from the corpse god religion flew again and rushed to Chi Yan.