Kill God

Chapter 495 Ice Emperor City

Shi Yan knew that the two sisters Bing Qiang and Bing Wei were behind him, but he didn't care and didn't bother to pay attention to them.

He was still speeding above the continuous snowy mountains in the cold land. Three days later, the snowy mountains were left behind him, and a majestic ice rock city suddenly appeared in front of him.

The city is all made of thick hard ice, which is magnificent and magnificent. Under the sunlight, the whole city is blooming with bright ice, like a crystal city, like a dream, beautiful and dazzling.

Ice Emperor City, one of the seven main cities of the War League.

When approaching the Ice Emperor City, he obviously found that the number of martial artists around him increased. There were many martial artists in Nirvana and celestial realms coming and going outside the city. Many martial artists rode ice crystal monsters, or sitting on flying tools made of ice, flying wheels and sledsleds, all of which were beautifully, The speeding energy.

The divine consciousness let go and sensed outside the city. He found that in the ice rock wall of the Ice Emperor City, there was a strange cold air. Those cold air formed a cold air barrier, which made the Ice Emperor City cold, and there was a foggy cold air in the air.

A large ice emperor city is surrounded by the cold air in the hard ice, so that the temperature in the city is not much higher than the snowy mountains.

is not a martial artist who practices cold attribute skills. If you enter the Ice Emperor City, you will feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

The martial artist who specializes in Yan's power is the most unbearable when he arrives at the Ice Emperor City. He stays for too long, which will even make the skills stagnate and the realm cannot be broken through.

As soon as the two sisters Bing Qiang and Bing Wei saw the Ice Emperor City, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tense were also quietly relaxed.

The two sisters ignored a glance, and the slow speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

Soon, the two came to Shi Yan. His sister Bing Qiang frowned and looked at him. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm about to enter the city. If you don't mind, I can be a host and take you to visit some scenic spots in the city. How about that?"

"No, I will go through the city quickly, and I won't stay for a long time." Shi Yan politely refused, looked cold, and nodded to her. He was a little faster and took the lead in flying to the city gate.

"I don't know how to praise." Bingwei snorted and stared at his back angrily, "My sister seldom talks to strangers. This guy is so ignorant that he doesn't give any face at all. I think a weirdo like him, even if he is a little brute, it is difficult to gain a foothold in our Shenzhou."

"This man is extraordinary." Bing Qiang looked solemn, and his bright eyes flashed with surprise. "If he really comes from the endless sea, he must not underestimate it. A year ago, the time of the dark magnetic fog miasma was over. As you know, after the end of the dark magnetic fog miasma, the danger of the fierce ground there will more than five times. Not to mention that he only has the realm of heaven, even the martial artist of the divine realm, if he is not familiar with the situation of the dark In addition, he has the golden silkworm of the Ning family in his hand. You should have heard that the realm of Ning Ze and others entered by the Ning family is not low, but none of them came out of the dark magnetic fog alive. The golden silkworm is in his hands. What does this mean? You should be clear.

After saying this to Bing Qiang, Bingwei was also a little surprised, "But his realm is not high. How can he safely pass through the dark magnetic mist after opening, and how can he take the golden silkworm from the Ning family?"

"So I said this man was very mysterious." Bing Qiang frowned and snorted, "Do you think I invited him because I really appreciate his action? I want to explore his bottom, see what he comes from, and find out what hidden means he has.

"Well..." Bing Wei understood and immediately shouted helplessly, "It's a pity that this guy doesn't want to talk to us at all. It seems that my sister's painstaking efforts will be in vain."

"Well, no matter what happened to him, let's go back to the city first and explain what happened to our adoptive mother."

As Bing Qiang said, he and his sister Bing Wei merged into Baidi City. The bodyguards at the gate of the city greeted each other respectfully when they saw the two sisters.

paid a Chinese yuan crystal, and Shi Yan also entered the Ice Emperor City. Looking at the ice crystal blocks and ice buildings on the street, he seemed to be in a dreamy crystal country. This beautiful scenery in the ice and snow was very appreciated by him.

Breathing the slightly cold air and swaying on the street in a hurry, his eyes kept flashing and secretly observing the situation of the Ice Emperor City.

There are many martial artists in the Ice Emperor City, and most of them practice cold attributes, which can be clearly distinguished from their expression and breath.

The realm of warriors in the city varies from high to low. Hundreds of disasters, status, nirvana, and heavenly thrones are everywhere. From time to time, you can also feel wisps of secret cold breath, hidden in the corner of the city. The breath seems to be integrated with the Ice Emperor City, and the cold air is cold.

That's the warrior who entered the divine realm.

The martial artists in this realm can be perfectly agreed on the unity of heaven and man, and the breath and the surrounding environment. With one thought, the spirit of heaven and earth will change accordingly. They are good at using the power of heaven and earth, knowing the sea, and can even reflect every move of the surrounding scene, such as the divine eye in the sky.

There are a variety of martial arts shops in the Ice Emperor City, selling all kinds of cultivation materials, including jade crystals, strange spiritual grass, spiritual fruits, extremely hard gold and iron ore, all kinds of special sand, all kinds of cold elixirs, all kinds of elixirs.

In addition to all kinds of trading shops, Ice Emperor City also has many strange training grounds, with ten times the gravity space, a cold ice cellar, a fire room, and a wall of martial arts...

These so-called training fields are built with special structures, which are suitable for those martial artists who practice special skills.

For example, in the ice cellar, the cold temperature is divided into several levels. Those martial artists who practice cold attributes can choose what their bodies can adapt to, and practice the cold magic in it. In this way, they can get twice the result with half the effort, easily condense the pure cold power essence, and absorb the cold air for their own use.

The gravitational field is also divided into various levels, with ten times the gravity, twenty times the gravity, and even a hundred times the gravity field. People practice in it. Under extreme gravity, the load of the body will be multiplied. The heavier the weight of the warrior, the more difficult it is to practice in the gravitational field, and

There are more training grounds than the martial arts shops in the Ice Emperor City. Of course, if you want to practice in it, you must pay enough Yuanjing. Only in this way can you be allowed to enter.

After a little walk around the city, he found that in front of all the training fields, there was an ice crystal pattern of a diamond-shaped trihedron. This pattern is the symbol of the Ice Emperor City, which means that those training fields all belong to the Ice Emperor City and are the property of the city owner.

Shi Yan stayed in the land of clouds and the endless sea for a period of time. In the gathering place of these two warriors, there were many places for martial artists to trade, but it was rare to see training grounds set up like Ice Emperor City for martial artists with different attributes. Therefore, he was quite surprised to walk around the city.

When he came to a training ground that also had a special symbol of the Ice Emperor City industry, with gravity as the starting point, and looked at the pointed conical rock ice rooms, he suddenly wanted to try the gravity room here.

Since the mutation of his petrified martial soul and his body weight soared, he has paid little attention to the changes of the petrified martial soul, and later he rarely focused on the petrified martial soul. In his heart, this petrified martial soul may have reached its peak, and it may be difficult to make any breakthrough.

However, when he saw the gravity room with ten times or dozens of times the gravity, he suddenly had an idea.

Perhaps, the gravity chamber here can test the abnormality of his body.

"You are a foreign martial artist, aren't you? You look very face-to-face, what's wrong? Do you want to practice in the gravity room for a while? Entering the door, I saw a dark-skinned man nearly two meters tall, standing in front of the door of a thirtie gravity room, turned his head and smiled at him, asking him kindly.

The big man has the cultivation of Nirvana. He is rough-looking, with a three-meter-long bright silver double-edged axe in his back, with a naive face.

Beside the big man, a female dancer who is also in the nirvana. She looks 30 years old, with wheat-colored skin, silver leather armor, and is nearly 1.8 meters tall. Her face does not look exquisite, but only the upper-middle posture, but her body shape is quite toned. The twins are in the exquisite chest armor There is no fat in the lower abdomen, the legs are long and the waist is thin, and the figure is hot.

Both of them seemed to come to the gravity field to hone, and their bodies naturally showed a strong breath, obviously living the life of blood-stained knives.

"Well, I'm new to the Ice Emperor City, and I'm in the gravity room to sharpen it." Shi Yan nodded to the two, and his attitude was not indifferent, nor was it hot.

The gravity chamber is divided into ten large rooms, each of which has about 1,000 square meters. From left to right, the door of each gravity chamber is carved with a pattern of one to ten hills.

At the door of the gravity room on the far left, there is a hill carved, which means ten times the gravity, which means to enter this gravity room, as if carrying a hill on the body, it will be difficult to walk and withstand ten times the gravity.

The gravity chamber on the far right is a carved sign of ten hills, which means that entering this gravity chamber will withstand gravity similar to being suppressed by ten hills. Once you enter, it will be difficult to breathe, and even the leg bone will burst directly pressed by gravity.

At the entrance of each gravity room, there is a martial artist from the Ice Emperor City to take care of Yuanjing and judge the level of the martial artist.

For example, those gravity-chambers of 70 or 80 times, they will not allow warriors below Baijie to enter. Even if there are too many Yuanjing, they will stop them.

Wels in the world can only practice hard in the room of gravity of 60 times at most, which is the limit. If you really enter the gravity room of 70 times, I'm afraid that it won't last long, and you will have a worry about your life. For the sake of the life of the warrior, there are clear