Kill God

Chapter 503 Inducing the Wolf into the Room

The old man is sitting in the body of the toad... He is very thin. Like the toad, he is also full of pimples on his face. Several pimples also have sticky poison flowing out, which looks disgusting and just wants to stay away from him.

Han Cui agreed to come over. As soon as she saw the appearance of the arrival, she almost fainted directly. Well, when she has to serve this kind of person for one night, she wants to vomit now, and she has the heart to die.

What's wrong with me? It's better to serve a pig than to serve such a person...

Han Cui's intestines were regretful. She gritted her teeth. She suddenly stood up and said, "Forget it, when I didn't say it, we'll go."

"You have promised, are you going to go back on your word?" The old man snorted coldly, and his face suddenly became ferocious, "Do you think I'm ugly? Hey hey, you have to agree this time. If you don't agree, don't come up with this miasma swamp. The old man hates you coquettish women who judge people by their appearance the most!"

Han Cui and Leng Danqing changed their colors at the same time. "Although Mr. You is not handsome, he is actually a good person. Elder Han will do it. If you get Xuanbing Hanyan, it will be good for you. Just agree?" Ning Luohan persuaded.

I'd rather stay with that boy for a month than get dirty, and rely on such a disgusting person...

Han Cui suddenly thought of Shi Yan. Compared with the two, she suddenly found that Shi Yan was simply magnificent. However, in the face of the threat of the old man, she really had no way at this time.

The other party has the cultivation of the realm of the three heavens, and the miasma swamp is rich in poisonous gas. If you fight with the other party in such a place, you can't even escape.

Looking at Ning Luohan's attitude, he was obviously inclined to the old man, which made Han Cui angry, but there was nothing she could do.

"Second sister......"

Leng Danqing cried and winking at her repeatedly, asking her not to be impulsive.

"I......" Han Cui couldn't wait to come and secretly made up her mind that after this incident, she would never have contact with the Ning family in the future.

She saw that Ning Luohan must have known the old man's temper for a long time and deliberately tricked her. The purpose should be to please the old man with this poisonous merit.

"Think about it yourself. If you don't follow, this miasma swamp is your burial place." You Liming smiled gruily, "Kill you, your bodies are also clean. Although you don't have much fun when you die, it's okay to play. It's better to talk than nothing."

As soon as he said this, Han Cui and Leng Danqing's delicate body trembled suddenly.

This old man is so **!

Thinking of being killed by this man for a while, Han Cui and Leng Danqing really wanted to cry without tears, and then they knew that they had entered the wolf's nest.

"Elder Han and Elder Leng, don't be distracted. You Lao is actually very gentle and easy to get along with. As long as you get the favor of You Lao, the position of the ice and sunny city lord will definitely belong to you. With You Lao, your Ice Emperor City also has a backer. Think about it.

Ning Luohan's painstaking persuasion.

He and You Liming sang a black face... He sang a white face and coerced and seduced them, which was to defeat the psychological defense line of these two beautiful women, so that they were obedient and sinister.

"Second sister......" Leng Danqing looked at her pitifully.

Han Cui's face was pale and terrible. She gritted her teeth, her delicate body trembled slightly, and the color of despair, grief and indignation flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Half a sound, Han Cui's voice trembled and said, "Okay! I promised you!"

"That's right, hey hey!, You Liming smiled gloomily and said happily, "Let's go, I'll go to the Ice Emperor City with you. That boy has given it to me, and you don't have to bother you to do it. Oh, by the way, I heard that Bing Qingtong and the frosty rain bamboo are also extremely beautiful people. Anyway, I want to help you seize the position of city lord. Those two little women will accept it together. Haha, after holding back for so long, this time it can always be released.

Han Cui and Leng Danqing floated into the bottom of the valley.

led the wolf into the room.

The two women were remorseful and couldn't cry. They wanted to use the power of the Ning family to seize the position of Xuanbing Hanyan and the lord of the city, but they didn't expect to provoke such an ugly monster. Thinking of their future fate, the two women almost wanted to give up.

"I'll make a deal first. This matter has nothing to do with our Ning family." Ning Luohan looked straight and said to Han Cui and You Liming, "This is your deal. My Ning family did not participate in it. Even if you don't clean it up, if any old monsters will come up in the future, it's your business. Don't involve our Ning family..."

Ning Luohan is going to get out of the matter.

Although he believed that You Liming should deal with it properly, he explained it in advance just in case and in order not to let the Ning family get into trouble.

If you really mess with that kind of unworldly old monster, the Ning family can't stand it, and Ning Luohan is also afraid, so that's why he said so.

"Don't worry, hey hey, since I dare to take this matter, there is naturally a perfect solution." You Liming smiled and glanced at Han Cui and Leng Danqing, "Let's go."

Han Cui got goose bumps all over her body. She stiffened her head and nodded.

Leng Danqing kept telling himself to put up with it and not to panic. He quietly turned out a sound stone from the cuff and injected a wisp of consciousness into it when You Liming was proud.

Ice Emperor City.

Bing Qingtong whispered to Shuang Yuzhu. Suddenly, she frowned quietly, took out the same soundstone from the cuff, and said with a little surprise, "It's strange that the third sister actually sent a message to me. After her adoptive mother refined the four sound stones for us, the third sister never gave me any message. This time suddenly Turned into sex?

"The third sister is good at calculating. I guess she must have calculated something. Otherwise, with her nature, she will never show kindness to us." The frost rain and bamboo scorned.

Bing Qingtong nodded and knew that she was telling the truth, but she still took out the sound stone and felt it secretly.

The face suddenly changed.

"Sister, what's wrong?" The frost rain bamboo drank lightly in surprise.

"The third sister is a divine message, let the boy leave the Ice Emperor City quickly, and she asked me to summon the General League, saying that there was a great danger to come to the Ice Emperor City!" Bing Qingtong stood up suddenly, with a solemn face. "The third sister asked us to leave the Ice Emperor City immediately, saying that we should take all our adopted daughters away, and not one of them."


The frost rain bamboo flowers lost their color and looked incredible.

"She swore in the name of her adoptIVE mother that what she said was true. Let's believe her." Bing Qingtong said with a calm face, "Although the third sister has never been with us, she will not joke in the name of her adoptermother. It seems that they must encounter unimaginable trouble."

"What should I do?"

"I will summon the General League immediately! However, the General League is too far away from here, and we can't wait for support. Bing Qingtong made a quick decision, "You order to go down, summon those juniors and leave the Ice Emperor City immediately, as soon as possible! Oh, by the way, you can go there in person and talk to the boy and let him leave the city quickly! He is the source of this incident.


After half an hour.

Outside the inn, a long and graceful white figure suddenly came like electricity and stopped in an instant.

Shi Yan immediately noticed, frowned and opened the window, and leaned over to look at the cold and beautiful woman below. "The two little girls have been here. Let me be careful. Do you want to repeat the warning?"

"No." Frost rain bamboo responded coldly, and then turned into a beam of cold light and entered through the window.

After she came in, she suddenly found Butters and Ba's brother and sister, and was obviously stunned for a moment, 'Your friend?'


"You leave the Ice Emperor City immediately. Go as far as you can. Let's go now and go from the gate in the north of the city." Shuang Yuzhu simply shouted coldly, "There is a strong man who is about to enter the Ice Emperor City. He is here for you. Once he comes, if you haven't left the city, you will definitely die!"

"The strong?" Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he asked with a smile, "How strong is it?"

"The three realms of heaven!" Shuang Yuzhu snorted, "Don't know whether you are alive or die. If the other party dares to do it, there must be a perfect solution. Even the mark of the teacher in your soul can't escape. If he dares to do it, he must have this self-confidence and break the mark of your soul."

"·...... The martial artist of the three heavens is really very strong." Shi Yan nodded and still smiled unknowingly, "Ok, I know. What should you do? I'll think about it and leave the city in a while."

"If you don't walk for a while, you have to go now. My elder sister is waiting in the north of the city. Come with me immediately!" Shuang Yuzhu squinted slightly, and her heart was full of fire. She was very dissatisfied with Shi Yan's attitude. Her words were so serious that the boy was still so dabbling. In case the other party was too fast and entered the city early, wouldn't they all suffer?

"What?" Shi Yan was finally slightly surprised, "Are you leaving too?"

Shuang Yuzhu looked ugly and gritted his teeth. "The other party is too strong. The main goal is you, but it is also malicious to us. The support of our general alliance cannot come immediately. We plan to go to Baidi City to avoid it first. You are with us. Don't talk nonsense and go now!"

Seeing what she said, she looked impatient and impatient. Shi Yan felt funny in his heart, but because of his calculation, he didn't want to make too much trouble with the other party for the time being. He pondered for a moment and said to Basten and Ba Zhen, "You are still here. When the matter is over, I will come to

"Small, heart."

Basten and Ba Jie said at the same time.

After this in-depth discussion, they knew the connection between the three god kings of immortality, Dali and thunder. When they looked at Shiyan, they were not only as a trading party, but also really worried about him.

"Well, don't worry, I'll be fine." With a smile, Shi Yan said calmly, "I will be back soon. What I promised you will definitely be done for you."

"Don't dawry!"

"All right, you are really nagled. Why are you in a hurry?" Shi Yan rolled his eyes, and then went out with her in a hurry, galloped up in the Ice Emperor City together, and swept towards the north of the city.