Kill God

Chapter 510 Heaven's Position Triple Heaven!

When Leng Danqing said this, Han Cuifan suddenly changed his color, and his heart was full of panic.

Bass was hit by the heart smoke and realized that something was wrong. He immediately returned to Banner's house as soon as possible. He did not dare to stay here, just to go to Banner's house to release the poison of heart smoke.

The stone rock, which is also highly poisonous, is still here. It seems that it should have fallen into an important level of realization.

With the passage of time, the role of the heart smoke will gradually increase. At that time, Shi Yan will certainly not be able to suppress the desire of the soul and will do evil things that ordinary reason does not allow.

What frightened the two women even more was that they were poisoned at this time. Although they were not intoxicated, they were also very deadly, so that they could not exert their strength. Like ordinary people, even if they ran away, at the speed of their state, I'm afraid they could not escape much.

The three evil things, the ghost, the golden silkworm, and the king of demons and insects, are firmly guarded by the stone rock. Even if they want to tie up the stone rock, they can't do it. They can only worry about it. There is nothing they can do.

"Retribution is also..."

The cold and beautiful eyes showed a sad look, and they wanted to cry, and sighed helplessly there.

Leng Danqing is the same. He is very eager, but he can't find a way to decide, so he can only watch Shi Yanxin panic.

Shi Yan did not know the eagerness of these two mature and plump beautiful women, but still swam in the artistic conception of death and understood the true meaning of death.

After Ning Qishan's death, his essence has all penetrated into his body. When he realized the power of death, the mysterious martial soul in his body had already played a role, carrying out magical purification. On the way to evolution, wisps of negative emotions couldn't help breeding from the bottom of his heart, affecting his mind.

The smoke of his heart is urging the desire in his heart. This kind of ** from the depths of the soul is enough to make normal people crazy. Coupled with the seducing of negative emotions, it is simply comparable to the thunder meeting the earth fire, which is out of control.

Gradually, Shi Yan's eyes became hot, and his breathing became short, and he was ready to move.

Han Cui and Leng Danqing were even more afraid. They subconsciously began to dodge and moved to the depths of the dense forest in the rear. They wanted to be far away from the stone rock. They hoped that he would wake up from the realization for a while and would not do what they were most afraid of.

The martial artist who practices ice jade kung fu, once **, it is difficult for the ice jade kung fu to break through to the peak. Han Cui and Leng Danqing's heart is bright.

It is also because they know the characteristics of Bingyugong. Although these two beautiful women are not young, they seem to be very indiscrece in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, they are still the virgins of ice and jade.

Men, they really haven't experienced it. In the past, the provocation was just posing. When it came to the end, they were afraid.

Bing Qingtong and Frost Rain Bamboo still did not appear. They continued to follow You Liming, and there was no sign of returning in a short time, which made the two women more and more uneasy and tried their best to avoid the dense forest behind them.

Time continues to pass in a strange atmosphere.

Shiyan, who indulged in the artistic conception of death, after a long period of understanding, suddenly realized something like an enlightenment. The majestic body shook, and his eyes burst out a dazzling light.

A warm current rippled from the sea of knowledge and swam all over the body in an instant..." The Jingyuan light group in the lower abdomen was urged to grow, and the Jingyuan ancient tree inside began to get a new growth.

The third heaven!

Once the realm is broken through, the most intuitive performance is the expansion of the Jingyuan ancient tree, which can accommodate more Jingyuan and can greatly improve the power again!

The change of the ancient tree means that he has once again obtained a step in the realm and stepped into the most difficult and mysterious realm of heaven.

When the body changes, the sea of knowledge also fluctuates frequently... The wisps of divine consciousness are rapidly condensing, and the nearby aura of heaven and earth seems to be attracted by a mysterious force, rushing crazily into his body, penetrating his sea of knowledge, and helping him wash and condensing the sea of knowledge in

The area of the sea of knowledge has also expanded little by little, and every wisp of divine knowledge has become more pure. In the sea of knowledge, like crystal light, shining brightly, releasing some kind of divine light, directly to people and hearts.

The main soul in the sea of his knowledge was entangled by countless pure divine consciousness and infused by the power of divine consciousness. Some defects in the main soul were repaired by the re-condensed divine consciousness, and the perception of the main soul began to improve.

All-round growth!

When entering a new realm, the martial artist's body, sea of knowledge and main soul will improve with the acquisition, and even the martial soul may get a breakthrough.

In the new world, there will be new opportunities and new power, which is also a place that countless martial artists are addicted to.

Feeling the change of the body, Shi Yan's shining eyes were gradually affected by negative desires. A ** voice in his heart called him incessantly, allowing him to release restrained lust to his heart's content. Those negative desires easily defeated his reason.

The desire formed by the superposition of mental smoke and negative emotions has reached an extremely terrible height. Even his self-defense tenacious nerves are suppressed, and his reason has been separated...

The eye sleep gradually became hot, wisps of consciousness spread out, and quickly searched for the direction of Han Cui and Leng Danqing.

Without any hesitation, he turned into a flash of lightning, crossed the ancient trees, and accurately found the direction of Han Cui and Leng Danqing. **'s eyes and desire were burning, looking directly at the beautiful ketone body of Han Cui and Leng Danqing.


Han Cui couldn't help screaming, retreating in panic, and her face was extremely embarrassed.

Leng Danqing covered the plump **, and her delicate body trembled.

Under Shiyan's eyes, she felt as if she had been recorded and exposed to Shiyan without a wisp. Under this uneasy spiritual perception, she subconsciously protected the direction of being stared by Shiyan's fiery eyes, and her heart was full of fear.

Once **, it will be difficult for Bingyugong to break through, and the hope of entering the true divine realm in the future will be very slim.

She has painstakingly pursued her lifelong dream and has a vital connection with her clean body. If she is stained by Shi Yan this time, she will have no hope to surpass Bing Qingtong in her life and can only become the elder of the Ice Emperor City.

Although she has a good relationship with Han Cui, she also has her own plan in her heart. She also wants to get the position of the lord of the Ice Emperor City...


With a wild voice like a beast, Shi Yan rushed forward and came to Leng Dan Qing Miaoman's ketone body rabbit in an instant.

The sound of the brocade being torn immediately sounded. Under the tear of the stone rock, Leng Danqing's defense and resistance seemed so weak. In just five seconds, she was recorded as a big white sheep, a wonderful ketone body as snow-white as jade, with a porcelain-like luster, which was beautiful and dazzling.

The breasts are plump and plump, the willow waist is slender, and the beautiful legs are slender and straight...

Especially the plump and huge **, heavy, which can't be covered with one hand, exuding a life-threatening **, which can make any man lose his mind in an instant.

She covered her left breast with one hand and her lower abdomen with the other. Her face was sad and pitiful. Step by step...

In front of her, there is a stone rock that has long lost its mind.

The situation is self-evident.

Shiyan rushed up like a beast, pressed her hard on an ancient tree, and rudely climbed up her right breast exposed to the air. The red dot had charming wrinkles. Shi Yan couldn't put it down, and the other hand was pressed on her upturned ** and rubbed it skillfully.

Han Cui blushed and screamed on the side, trying to arouse the reason of the stone rock.

Unfortunately, the stone rock and the beast at this time undoubtedly turned a deaf ear to her screams, still ** the cold Danqing snow-white body.

In front of Han Cui, Shi Yan's clothes burst into leaves and scattered all over the ground. His majestic body and Leng Danqing were combined into a snow-white body.

There was no suppressed roar, and the cry of pain and sadness sounded in the forest at the same time.


The black iron armor of the war demon bloomed out an evil force that soared to the sky, and the dark beams of light as thick as arms rushed out like hell snakes, bombarding You Liming in mid-air with blood all the way.

A fierce and sharp ice thorn formed an ice thorn, which condensed in the space where You Liming was, and the Sensen ice thorn directly stabbed him.

You Liming was sprayed with blood bombarded by war demons, and was hit by those ice edges and ice thorns. His body was seriously damaged, his face was pale, and he no longer dared to stay. He shouted ferociously, "Two cheap maidservantes, I will make your life worse than death sooner or later!"

A mass of purple and green smoke suddenly gushed out of You Liming's body, and a strong explosion formed by energy rushing to each other suddenly rippled in the smoke.

In a wisp of blood splash, You Liming suddenly disappeared, and his breath was gone.

The war demon suddenly stopped, stagnated there, and strode in the direction of the rock.

Bing Qingtong and the frost rain bamboo looked anxious. They explored the direction of You Liming's disappearance and knew that with their realm of cultivation, it was impossible to search for You Liming.

In desperation, the two women could only return to the original road dejectedly and fly in the direction of the rock with the war demon.


Not yet approaching that area, for a while, the gentle and delicate voice that made people blush for a while suddenly came out, like crying, which made people itchy and uncomfortable.

"This, this is..."

Bing Qingtong was stunned for a moment, looked in that direction inexplicably, frowned and flew over.

The frost rain bamboo immediately followed and came to the direction of the sound with her.

As soon as they arrived there, the two cold and arrogant beautiful women just took a look, and their snow-white faces immediately turned ciced and stunned on the spot.

In the forest, a living picture of the Spring Palace is being staged fiercely, and there is an audience next to it, screaming constantly.