Kill God

Chapter 522 Self-reliance

Ning Duquan fled in such a hurry. The city lord's mansion was quiet again. Shi Yan sat on the ground with a twisted face, his eyes were ferocious red, and his breathing became heavier and heavier. The body trembled greatly. Positive force suppresses the surge of power in the acupuncture point. There can be no more fighting.

Although Basten has the power of a warrior comparable to the realm of heaven with the help of the power of divine blood, it is difficult to catch up with Ning Duquan. He can only watch him escape. There is no way at all.

He was concerned about Ba Yi's condition. When he left Ning Du Quan, he calmed down a little. He looked down at his sister's situation. Basten landed from the sky, reached out to explore Ba Yi's nose, and found that her whole body was frozen, so he felt a little relieved and knew that it should be Shi Yan.

The four daughters of Bing Qingtong, who found that Ning Duquan had left, were also relieved and stood up from the ground one by one. Go to the side of Shiyan.

, "What's wrong with him?" Han Cui glanced from afar and exclaimed, "He seems to be in a bad situation, as if he is in a difficult situation. What should I do?"

Bing Qingtong, Shuang Yuzhu and Leng Danqing looked worried and wanted to go and have a closer look, but they approached. The king of ghosts, war demons and demons and insects all showed fierce eyes, and a vicious breath was released from the bodies of ghosts, war demons and golden silkworms, as if to warn them not to act rashly.

These women have also seen the ability of ghosts, war demons, and the king of demons and insects. Under their bad gaze, they are anxious one by one. But there is nothing we can do, so we can only look at it from afar. I dare not rush to get too close to Shiyan, so as not to usher in the crazy attack of ghosts and war demons.

, "I don't know what happened. Look at him. There should be a lot of trouble... Bing Qingtong is very eager. He said in a panic, "Bastern, you know him. Do you know what happened to him?" She had known Basten and Shiyan for a long time.

Basten smiled bitterly, "I don't know what's going on, actually. I haven't known him for a long time. Well, I don't know anything about his situation, otherwise I would definitely help him, but now I can't help it...

As soon as the words came out, "Bing Qingtong and others showed a look of panic, and they became more and more godless.

At this moment, three extremely strong breaths suddenly came from the top of the Ice Emperor City. The three breaths flew all the way, getting closer and closer to the city lord's house.

Bing Qingtong's face changed, and she immediately became nervous." She exclaimed, "There are masters coming."

Frost Rain Bamboo, Han Cui, Leng Danqing and Basten suddenly stared at the sky, condensed their strength again, and were ready to fight against the enemy at any time.

Now the stone rock is not in good condition, and the king of demons, ghosts and demons and insects need to protect him. At this time, if the people come with bad intentions. They want to deal with it. It will be extremely difficult.

Bing Qingtong was nervous.

A dazzling beam of dazzling light, like a falling meteor, flew down from the void of the Ice Emperor City and fell into the city's mansion at the same time.

, "Bergson! Betty, Beth!... Bing Qingtong couldn't help whispering. He said solemnly, "Everyone. I don't know why I came to the Ice Emperor City?

It was Bergson of the Oak family, and the Beth and Bedi brothers of the Banner family who came down from the sky. With them, there are also colorful clothes and the Laurie and Lauren brothers.

As soon as the colorful clothes, Laurie and Lauren brothers landed, they immediately came to Shiyan in surprise. Raise your voice and shout.

, "Shi Yan, you really came to our land of China. You guys, don't come to our Baidi City, really... The colorful clothes smiled delicately, and the sleeves flew. Beautiful eyes are shining.

, "Stonestone boss, haha, I finally see you again! That's great. It will take you ten or eight years to come, but I didn't expect it to come so soon." Laurie laughed and looked excited. "We come to the land of China, and our brothers will definitely treat you well. Huh, are you?

Not yet approached. There is a smell of destruction on the war demon. It burst out suddenly.

Caiyi, Laurie and Lauren all changed their faces. The next moment, Bergson, Beddy and Beth also came up and stood in front of Caiyi, Laurie and Laurie with a solemn expression, asking them not to approach at this time.

Bergson, Beddy and Bass are all extremely exquisite. At a glance, they can see that the state of the stone rock is not good, and the breath of the war demon is quite bad. They were worried that the younger generation would be impulsive and suffered a reckless disaster, so they hurriedly stopped it in advance.

, "You?,. Bing Qingtong was surprised and looked at the people coming in a stun. "You come to my Ice Emperor City. Is it because of the stone rock?

Bergson, Bedi and Beth nodded together and smiled, in which Bedi explained, "In the dark magnetic fog miasma, Shi Yan saved the lives of Laurie and Lauren. I knew that he seemed to have a feud with the Ning family and was worried that he had something to do, so come and see what happened here?

The city's mansion is extremely cold, and many buildings made of ice rocks have collapsed directly. At a glance, you can see that there has just been a war here.

, "It turns out that you are here to repay others... Bing Qingtong breathed a sigh of relief and explained with a smile, "Ning Duquan has just left. If you can come a little earlier, maybe Ning Duquan can't leave." "Ah!" Bergson shouted softly and looked strange. He hesitated for a moment before he asked tentatively, "Lord of the Ice City, did you drive Ning Duquan out of the Ice Emperor City? I didn't expect that the Ice Emperor City had such a means. It seems that we all underestimated the ability of the owner of the Ice City...

, "It's not me... Bing Qingtong shook her head, nodded to Shi Yan with her bare hands, and said softly, "I'm afraid our Ice Emperor City would have been ruined without him." Bergson's eyes were even more surprised, and the light in his eyes flashed away, "..., you mean. It's all because of the stone rock?", "Uh-huh... Bing Qingtong nodded.

Now even Beddy was shocked. He shook his head in surprise and sighed, "The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed forward. I didn't expect this boy to be so good. It seems that we have done so much. Ha ha, Ning Duquan's strength in the heavenly palace is also ranked high, but this time he suffered losses in your Ice Emperor City. It's so surprising...

, "Brother, I've already said that this boy's tricks are strange and inexplicable, and he is by no means comparable to ordinary little guy. Now you believe it, don't you?" Bass said with a smile.

Beddy nodded slowly, "I really believe it now...

, "Thank you for coming. Although the matter has come to an end for the time being, I still want to thank you." Bing Qingtong hesitated for a moment and thanked him softly.

Bergson was slightly embarrassed and waved his hand. He said with a dry smile, "The owner of the Ice City is polite. We came to the Ice Emperor City only because of Shi Yan. That, I didn't receive a summons from the General League, so...

Bing Qingtong was thoughtful and naturally understood the meaning of his words. Hearing the words, he still said, "It's the same for Shiyan. I thank you for him."

Bergson, Betty and Beth were stunned and looked strange.

What does this mean? What does the matter of Shi Yan have to do with her? We help Shi Yan, not to help her in the Ice Emperor City. Why did she say this instead of Shi Yan?

Bergson's three people are confused.

Bing Qingtong smiled indifferently without explanation. Suddenly, Dai frowned slightly and said with a little worry, "Look at the state of the rock and see if there is any danger? After he just killed You Liming, he destroyed You Liming's soul, and then it became like this. We are worried...

, "Kill, kill You Liming? Are you old and strange?" Bergson was dumbfounded and said again in disbelievency: "You Liming, who is in the realm of the three heavens? Is it him?"

Bing Qingtong nodded.

Bergson was silent, his eyes were shining, and he stared deeply at the rock.

Beddy and Beth opened their mouths. He looked at him with a frightened face and couldn't believe it.

, "Is the boss of Shiyan so horrible?" Laurie couldn't help moaning, with an expression of being bombarded by the thunder, and his expression was extremely wonderful. He screamed, "Isn't this crazy? Although I also know that the boss of Shiyan is extremely extraordinary, when he was in the dark magnetic fog, he took the cultivation of Nirvana. The heavenly warrior who killed can only escape. It can kill the warriors who are in the realm of the three heavens, isn't it too scary?

The three girls, Bing Qingtong, Shuang Yuzhu and Leng Danqing, looked at the expression of their eyes falling off. Somehow, there was a stream of oil in their hearts.

This is the man we chose, it's so extraordinary!

The three women secretly thought that they were all honored and felt proud as a matter of course, as if as long as Shi Yan did something, no matter how incredible it was, it would be normal.

, "Is he poisoned? Bergson was shocked. Reacting, he frowned and said, "Ning Duquan is full of poison, and so is Wu Liming. Both of them are extremely good at using poison and can fight. God unconsciously penetrated the toxin into the opponent [body], if Shi Yan had fought with You Liming. He will inevitably be attacked by toxins. Will his current state be a toxin attack?

When he said this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all agreed with his statement and nodded one after another.

, "What should I do if I'm really poisoned?" Laurie scratched his head, "There are so many fierce foreign objects staring at Boss Shi Yan beside him now. Even if we want to help him, I'm afraid we can't achieve it? In addition, You Liming and Ning Duquan are both masters of poison, and they release toxins. Well, it's not that easy to lift...

, "Not bad." Bergson pondered for a moment, "I have a pure elixir here, which is said to solve all kinds of toxins. Maybe I can try it, but I need to get close to him first..."

, "But the pure elixir refined by Lingbao Sect?,. Bing Qingtong's beautiful eyes lit up.

, "It is the sacred elixir refined by Lingbao Sect, the pure elixir. Bergson smiled indifferently, "My little colorful clothes owe this boy a big favor. Although this elixir is precious, I am willing to give it to this boy, but I don't know how to get close to him now...

Even Bergson was extremely afraid of the breath from the war demons and ghosts. Under the gaze of these two foreign objects, he did not dare to act rashly.

Just when everyone was deadlocked, the red stone rock in his eyes woke up for a short time and shouted, "I'm sorry to give the Jingling elixir to Ba* first. I'm not poisoned. You don't need to worry about me, and don't worry about me. I still need to solve the abnormality on my