Kill God

Chapter 574 Artifact!

The ghost tattoo clan emerging from the ancient cave is very similar to the Yinmei clan in physique. The body is slightly weak, and the soul power is strong and refined.

The only difference from the Yin Meizu is that they have ghost patterns on their bodies. The ghost patterns are exquisite and delicate, and they are natural. The colors are different, but they are all tedious and mysterious, with different characteristics.

Shiyan dark sensing found that in the people of the ghost pattern clan, different ghost patterns have different characteristics.

Some ghost lines can condense aura, some ghost lines have an obvious five-emotion atmosphere, and some ghost lines are like tricks, with mysterious power to stimulate.

From afar, the ghost lines on the ghost line clan, such as the martial artist's tendons and veins, are slightly strange.

Each kind of ghost tattoo seems to be a naturally formed martial soul with different powers. For every clan of the ghost tattoo clan, it is a God-given magic power.

The stone rock is a little shocked.

The people of the ghost tattoo clan were originally slightly weak. However, as soon as many people with special ghost patterns came out of the ancient cave, the ghost lines on their bodies began to change, as if they were condensing the power of heaven and earth to refine their bodies, and their thin and dry bodies were gradually refined.

This is a gifted magic power, a unique martial soul!

Almost all of the ghost tattoos have ghost tattoos. Although these people consume a lot of energy, once they get out of the wild, they will immediately grow up like an inflatable ball.

Especially the elders of the two ghost clans.

They opened their mouths and breathed for a long time, and the aura of heaven and earth was like a fog, pouring into their mouths and noses, making them almost exhausted and gradually radiating new vitality.

Shi Yan's eyes stared at the two ghost-striped elders and couldn't help but change color in a dark way.

The strong man in the true divine realm!

He can be sure that the old men of these two ghost clans are the breath given to him by the two people at the highest level of the land of China, such as the vastness of the sea.

I'm afraid that the power of the two people will only recover sporadicly at this time, but the shock from the depths of the heart made Shi Yan extremely shocked.

More ghost people came out of the ancient cave, howling and crying, kissing the wet land, scooping up the dust, and looked inexplicably excited.

The ghosts who have been imprisoned for countless years can't hold back the excitement of their hearts.

Like Shi Yan, Zhu Yi and Ye Xiong were also full of horror. They looked at the ghost clan with fear and did not dare to act rashly.

I don't know when the ancient prohibition derived from the Yin Fu quietly disappeared.

The strong men, including Raymer, Aiper, Gongsun Tao and Zhuo Hui, were in a hurry to distance themselves from the ghost tattoos, and hurriedly distanced themselves from the fierce ghosts.

As for the cluster of blue thunder flames, it disappeared strangely, and there was no breath in the prohibition.

The corpse of the thunder beast fell within the ancient prohibition. A group of strong people around the corpse of the thunder beast, they let go of their consciousness one after another to gain insight into the breath of thunder.

I got nothing.

Lei Wu and Aiya, standing not far from the ancient prohibition, were also shocked and inexplicably. Looking at the sudden appearance of the ghost tattoo clan... Time was speechless.

The people of the ghost clan did not pay attention to the strangers who appeared. The two old people who are this year are sparing no effort to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

All the ghosts are gathering strength at this time, and they are recovering excitedly.

I don't know how many years they have been imprisoned. The power in their bodies has been consumed to the point of almost running out of oil. If it hadn't been for the two sages who kept coming to urge energy protection, they might have dried up their souls long ago.

"Escape, you are not opponents, and the ghost clan will never give up." At this time, from the main soul of the stone rock, the urge idea of the nine ghost-eating soul flame came out, "They are recovering their strength, and it is possible to escape if they leave immediately now. If it is too late, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"The ghost clan has been imprisoned by the human race for so many years, and it will definitely hate human beings. You can't stay here for a long time." Xuanbing Hanyan also agreed.

Shi Yan was silent and looked forward with burning eyes. He had secretly condensed his power, and even the negative power began to stimulate it.

"Guys, why are you imprisoned?" After failing to find Lei Yan in Lei Di City, he couldn't help staring at the people of the ghost clan and frowned and asked.

The two sages of the ghost clan watched indifferently, continued to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and turned a blind eye to Ray's questioning.

All the people of the ghost clan were silent, as if they couldn't understand Raymer's words. They hung their heads one by one and looked strange.

Ai Po, Gongsun Tao and Zhuo Hui looked at each other and looked at the ghost clan for a moment and didn't know what to do.

"The extinction thunderstorm has been consumed for countless years and seriously damaged. It will definitely dormant and prepare to recover with the power of nine days of thunder and lightning when the void of thunder and lightning gathers. The thunder will not be active for the time being. However, once it is given the opportunity, after the refinement of the void thunder and lightning, the land of China will definitely fall into its panic.

Nine ghost-eating soul flames warn in the stone rock's mind.

Shi Yan's eyes were like electricity. He stared coldly at the front, quietly moved to Luo Xiao and Luo Meng, and said to Zhu Yi, "We should be awesome."

"Leave?" Zhu Yi was surprised, "Why are you leaving now? We got nothing, didn't we?"

Shi Yan winzed, "If you don't leave, be ready to bear the anger of others. We are not enough."

After saying that, he looked at Ye Xiong, Yue Li and Yunxiu again... "I'll go first. If you insist, you can ask for more blessings."

Ye Xiong, Yue Jian and Yun Xiu's faces changed.

"You!" Ye Xiong drank gently with an angry face, "What are you worried about?"

"The two martial artists in the true divine realm are gradually recovering..." Shi Yan reminded him in a low voice.

Ye Xiong and Zhu Yi were shocked.

The sages of the two ghost clan consumed too much power and spirit. After coming out of the ancient cave, it didn't seem to be too special. Even Ye Xiong and Zhu Yi could not see the realm cultivation of these two people.

Shiyan is different. He has nine ghost-eating soul flames. He has more space power in his divine consciousness, and has a little understanding of the soul secrets of the Yin Mei clan. Naturally, he can see the unusualness of the two sages.

The sages of the two ghost clans who are silently recovering, their slightly squinting eyes suddenly flashed.

The two sages focused their eyes on the stone rock at the same time.

The stone rock is terrred.

Ye Xiong and Zhu Yi were also shocked. They immediately realized that it was inappropriate and vaguely felt that Shi Yan's guess should be true.

The two sages had deep eyes, glanced at the stone rock, and showed a strange smile, which made people tremble.

"I'm so angry that I can't accompany you." Shi Yan's heart tightened and nodded to Ye Xiong and others. Suddenly, his mind moved, and his body was like a long rainbow, rushing out quickly.


Ye Xiong and Zhu screamed at the same time and did not hesitate to cover Luo Xiao, Luo Meng and Lin Zhi and leave together.

The moon meal and Yunxiu also started in an instant.

The sages of the two ghost clan, the strange smiles on their faces became more and more obvious, and their eyes were gloomy.


Shi Yan trembled all over, dizzy, and suddenly fell from the void.

God's bombardment!

A soul net woven from wisps of divine consciousness, I don't know when it appeared in his knowledge to bind his main soul from afar. At the same time, a heavy will like a mountain also stirred up in his sea of knowledge.

Under the sudden attack of the soul, he didn't even have time to dodge and fell directly into the void.

Ye Xiong, Zhu Yi, Yun Xiu and Yue Jian, the four strong people who reacted, were also not easy. All the gods trembled greatly. As soon as they started, all the forces got out of control, and their extremely ugly faces stopped.

This is the soul impact that the ghost tattoo clan is best at, which is the same as the Yin Mei clan.

Shi Yan covered his head, gritted his teeth, stood up from the ground, and looked at the ghost clan over there with a gloomy face.

The two sages of the ghost tattoo clan, with a strange smile on their faces, looked at him, showing a very interested look of Lei Mo, Ai Po, Gongsun Tao, Zhuo and Zhuo Hui. At this time, they also saw the badness of the ghost tattoo clan, and their expressions became solemn.

Among the younger generation, Lei Yun's eyes were out of brilliance, and his face was blank. He seemed to be stupid and seemed to be embarrassed.

"Brother Lei! Brother Lei!" Aiya saw the strange place and drank it gently, but Lei Yun knew nothing about it. She didn't move there and lost her soul.

"Come here for a moment." A sage of the ghost clan stretched out his finger to the stone rock and ordered it lightly.

His voice is extremely old, and his language is difficult, as if he is not familiar with the words of the human race, which is not coherent.

Shi Yan was stunned and pointed to himself, "I?"

"It's just micro..."

"Why me? There are so many people here. Why are you staring at me?

"You are different from them."

The sage of the ghost tattoo clan showed a gloomy smile, a pair of small eyes like poisonous snakes, shining with poisonous light.

Shi Yan nodded gently, and the negative force stimulated it, which stimulated all his strength, and called out the sword of the god with his mind.


As soon as the sky fell into the hand, the blood-red light quietly overflowed from the tip of the sword, and the terrible evil spirit permeated in an instant.

The ghost tattoo people, within the ancient prohibition, suddenly found the ghost pattern characters in the prohibition, which suddenly shone.

The sage of the ghost clan suddenly brightened his little eyes and couldn't help shouting, "Artifact!"

He scorchingly looked at the destruction of the sky in Shiyan's hand.


Within the ancient prohibition where the ghost tattoo clan is located, there is a crisp sound of gear rolling, and those ghost tattoo characters are constantly changing and squirming, slowly shrinking.

Soon, the ancient prohibition was covered with a colorful halo, flashing uncertainly.

When the ancient prohibition contracted to a certain extent, the sage of the ghost clan reached out and grabbed an ancient scripture book into the cuffs.

The sacred yin talisman of the ghost clan, which has its own world, can convert the qi of Xuanyin, and is also an artifact.

The magic sword in Shiyan's hand is buzzing, and the sword spirit is also quite excited.

The secret treasure that has reached the god level, and the wisdom is opened, which is extremely magical. There are not many left in this kind of secret treasure in the world. When you encounter the Yin Fujing in the sky, you can't help but get excited and have a rhyme of resonance.

These, Ye Xiong and all the strong men in the land of Shenzhou looked at him incredulously as if they were ghosts.

This boy actually has an artifact!