Kill God

Chapter 586 Endgame

Zhu Yi and Yue Qian went thousands of miles away, but they were still within the scope of the underground tomb of the ancient tomb of Tianyin, and could not escape to the surface.

In the middle of the strange ghost phosphorus mushroom, Zhu Yi's face was as pale as paper, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the elixir. While quickly adjusting his breath, he came to take out the sound stone and tried to contact Yue Qian and others.

Zhu Yi can only be transferred instantly with the help of the same secret treasure. If this secret treasure wants to be urged, it must be squeezed out of his essence. When the power in his body is not at all, he can leave through the secret treasure.

At this moment, Zhuyi's strength is exhausted, which is extremely dangerous. He has to take out more secret treasures, firmly protect his side, quickly recover his strength through the elixir, and seek assistance.

He did not know the two sages of the ghost clan, and he did not pursue them reluctantly, so he was doing everything he could to restore himself.

The sound stone in his hand flashed with a strange light, and a wisp of soul thought flowed out of Zhu Yi, shouting with divine consciousness: "Where are you?"

"My location is not far from you. How are you now?" Yue Qian's response came from the horse, and the voice was also very weak and tired, which should have been hit hard.

Generally speaking, the escape method that can move thousands of miles in an instant will have different degrees of damage to the body. Zhu Yi is like this, and so is Yue Qian.

"Don't worry, contact Elder Yunxiu so that she can't turn around." Zhu Yi's eyes were crimson, and he hurriedly warned.

"I can't find her for the time being. I don't know where she went. She is too far away from us to hear the soul of Yinshi."

"Is there any news about the rock on your side?"


Zhu Yi's face was gloomy, secretly regretful, and his heart was full of grief and gloom, half speechless.

Before Shi Yan left, although he used words to seduce Epper and Raymer and let these guys fight to the death with the ghost clan, he secretly took care of them and asked them to leave quickly and not stay there.

Zhu Yi and Ye Xiong did not pay attention to his statement. They hesitated for a moment and finally chose to stay and fight.

The result is a painful fiasco.

Raymer and Aiper died one after another, and Ye Xiong also burned his soul, and the same soul was destroyed. Under the suppression of the high-level souls of the two ghost-sages, they could only choose to escape with heavy blows.

Now Zhu Yi and Yue Qian have regretted that they didn't listen to Shi Yan's advice. They insisted on the magic of the Yin Fu Jing and the destruction of the world, which ended up now.

After a loss, they remembered the foresight of Shiyan and couldn't help but want to get in touch with Shiyan.

Unfortunately, the sound stone of the stone rock seemed to be broken, and there was no signal at all, which made the two of them very anxious and helpless.


Zhu Yi was holding the sound stone. When he was regretting, he suddenly heard the exclamation of the moon from the sound stone.

Zhu Yi was shocked and immediately asked, "What's the matter? What did you find?"

"The soul stone you gave me suddenly lit up..." Yue Qian over there was a little uncertain, "Let me see who it is. Wait a moment."


"Stone rock! He's near me!"

Zhu Yi's eyes lit up, his thoughts turned around, and suddenly said, "You look for him immediately. I will recover a little strength, and I will pass!"



In the gray clouds, there are many cold plants, broken tombstones, and ancient corpses.

Yue Qian took a deep breath and flowed away the power of the moon that had absorbed countless years, holding a silver moon-shaped disk slowly approaching in one direction.

At this moment, Yue Qian had no contempt for Shi Yan, but had a sense of admiration for him in vain.

At the critical moment, the decisive evacuation, not greedy for the secret treasure **, such a wise approach comes from a younger generation, which makes Yue Yu a little ashamed.

She didn't know that the reason why Shi Yan had an accurate understanding of the situation was entirely due to the nine ghost-eating soul flames. When Shi Yan was extremely intelligent, she could identify the future form evolution from the subtle details, and she secretly paid tribute in her heart.

As he walked slowly in the direction of the stone rock, Yue Qian's face slowly cherished and weighed how to open his mouth when he saw the stone rock for a while.

She was a little embarrassed and a little worried that Shi Yan would make fun of them.

Every young and promising young man like Shi Yan has a very unruly temper, and there is often no room to speak. This time, they are also frustrated. Because they don't listen to persuasion, they end up in such a miserable situation. As long as she thinks that Shi Yan will be sneered, her steps forward will become heavy.

However, she had to go there again.

At this time, she is in a very poor state. Because of her reckless use of the escape method, she consumes too much power and greatly loses her consciousness.

If she suddenly meets a stranger with a profound realm, or is targeted by the people of the ghost clan, it is difficult for her to use the escape method again, and she can only slap in one way.

Yue Yan did not have a good impression of Shi Yan, but in this state, she had no choice.

Gradually, the moon with a complex expression, after a transition of cold plants, finally saw the stone rock.

War demons, the king of demons and insects, gold-eating silkworms, Holy Spirit gods, ghosts, and two groups of heavenly fires, such as the most powerful creatures, like the most loyal guards, firmly surrounding the stone rock in the center.

Yue Qian just took a look, and his straight posture trembled suddenly, and his eyes burst into unbelievable brilliance.

Her eyes were burning, staring at the stone rock in front of her, opening her mouth and exhaling violently.

It's terrible!

At this moment, the power shown beside the stone rock can kill any strong man in the realm of the three heavens!

She only knew that there were war demons in Shiyan, but she felt it silently, only to find that the breath of the ghosts and the king of demons and insects was no weaker than her who reached the realm of the three heavens of the gods. As for the Holy Spirit and the two groups of heavenly fires, she did not dare to measure such strange

But she is sure that these three kinds of aliens, together with the devils of war, ghosts and the king of demons and insects, are absolutely horrible.

Especially the mysterious ice flame, that kind of cold fire, extremely cold breath, is clearly explaining to her that this is the eighth-ranked mysterious ice flame, the mysterious sky fire!

Yue Qian was really shocked, with an unimaginable light in his eyes, and he smacked his tongue secretly.

She finally understood why the Master of Light, Yu Hao, attached so much importance to this young man. In order to join the religion, he called their elders in advance to carry out the initiation ceremony for this guy.

At that time, she was extremely disdainful. Like other elders, she thought that Yu Hao was making a fuss and felt that Yu Hao loved this guy too much.

But now she doesn't think so. She sincerely admires Yu Hao, and there is no trace of suspicion and dissatisfaction.

Once the power shown by the stone rock is stimulated, it may be able to fight against their seven elders head-on!

What kind of concept is this?

Yue Qian's heart is bright, so he is convinced.

A pair of violent and vicious animal pupils suddenly turned to her, and a strong and fierce spirit rushed to her face.

Yue was stunned, his eyes changed dramatically, and he stood there and dared not move.

Gui Dan came out slowly from that side alone, a little light-handed, as if he was afraid of disturbing the stone rock. However, after Gui Dan left the stone rock for 100 meters, the speed suddenly increased and rushed straight to the moon.

Yue's face was full of sadness ** crying without tears.

She was really powerless at this time. She wanted to come to ask for Shi Yan's help, but she expected to see someone, but she was targeted by a strange humanoid monster, and the monster was so ferocious and powerful. In her current state, she is not an opponent at all.

The ghost doesn't care about her. Aya's escape has made the ghost extremely unhappy. Seeing another woman sneaking, she was ready to take the moon to vent her anger in her heart, and then she attacked.

"Stone Rock!"

Yue Qian's eyes were going to be unlucky, so he had to shout loudly, and his voice was as sharp as a thorn.

The stone rock, which was addicted to a certain state, heard this miserable call, his eyebrows suddenly moved, and a wisp of thought was released.

The fierce god and evil spirit hit the ghost beside Yue Qian, and the underworld and magic spirit surged all over his body, shaking the magic bell, and he was going to kill him in pain.

The change of the energy of heaven and earth may not be a good thing for human beings, but the ghost has benefited from it. Obviously, he feels that the power is increasing little by little, and the speed of magic gas and underworld qi is more and more pure, and even its soul fluctuates and becomes flowing.

Yue Qian looked miserable. Seeing the ghost coming, he was ready to push the remaining energy to resist it.

At this time, the ghost who rushed to her suddenly stagnated in the void, as if it had been fixed and remained motionless.

The ghost's double pupils were humanized and expressed their doubts secretly with the idea of the soul. After receiving the response from Shi Yan, he reluctantly flew back and stood next to the war demon again.

"Wait a minute. He needs some time."

The mysterious ice cold flame jumped and released the soul fluctuation towards the moon, and the idea was clear.

Yue Qian was stunned and looked at Xuanbing Hanyan in a stunned way, "You, are you explaining to me?"

"Well, he is understanding the mystery of power and can't communicate with you for the time being." Xuanbing Hanyan continued to reply, "You can wait for a while. If you can't wait, just leave first."

Xuanbing Hanyan is connected with the spirit of Shiyan. It knows the relationship between Yueyan and Shiyan. Since Shiyan asked Guiyi not to kill the killer, it took the initiative to explain the situation.

Yue Yan received the summons of Xuan Bing Han Yan again, and finally made sure that it was Tianhuo that sent a soul message to her.

She was full of surprise and wanted to continue to ask, but the Xuanbing Hanyan seemed unwilling to pay attention to it, so she could only shut up wisely and wait silently, hoping that Shi Yan could wake up as soon as possible.

She has too many doubts in her heart.

"Elder Moon, what's going on over there? I'll be there in a minute!"

At this moment, the sound stone in her hand fluctuated Zhu Yi's thoughts, which sounded extremely exciting.

"You, slow down a little later, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Yue Qian was stunned for a moment and hurried over, "It's a little strange on my side. Don't be too anxious when you come over, take it lightly..."

"What's going on? Is that boy Shi Yan going to attack you?

"No, I'll know when you come over." Yue Qian smiled bitterly.